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RakshaBoy's Fair Folktastic Merits and Flaws


Creation-Learned (2-point Mental Merit; Raksha only)

Enough time and experience within Creation has allowed you to sift through the clashing mounds of information on the shaped lands, digging out only what matters. Purchase of this merit removes the normal penalty to Lore and Occult rolls regarding matters of Creation.

Spontaneous Birth (3-point Social Merit; Raksha only)

Oftimes, many raksha who are brought into the world are made, created by another of their kind to become their servant. Most others form themselves, building their own Graces at the moment of spiritual conception and then retaining the knowledge to do so again. A rare few raksha, through raw will, shape their Graces and become their own being, but soon lose the power and memory to do so again, their moment of glory fading away in seconds.

Purchase of this Merit allows a raksha with a Birth rating below 4 to have been born of their own desires, and not through the miracles of another Fair One. Commoners may not purchase this Merit, and Heroic Commoners are likewise barred if they do not have at least one dot in Birth.


Rarefied Tastes (3- or 6-point Supernatural Flaw, 1- or 2-points for non-Raksha)

For reasons only the afflicted faerie knows (or doesn't know, in some cases!), certain flavors of dream and passion sate the raksha's feeding maws far more than others. No matter which version is purchased, one particular emotional type (such as fear) or feeding group (such as the innocent of heart) is specified as the one that truly satisfies. The three-point flaw makes all other forms of feeding yield only half the normal motes of Essence, rounded up. The six-point flaw makes the non-favored 'tastes', no matter if the target is torn to shreds emotionally, yield a single mote. The lesser costs apply to the Creation-born with feeding capabilities, as such an aberration is not an intrinsic part of their sanity and survival.


All of these seem reasonable and useful. I've never actually played a raksha game yet, but I'd (try and) use them if I did.
-- Darloth