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Essence Missile Strike</i>
 Cost: 2m; Mins: Thrown 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: None

The Solar sends a pulse of her Essence into her missile, granting it a brief burst of power. Add the Solar’s Essence in damage dice to a single Thrown attack. In addition, when this Charm is purchased, the Solar may select one of the following special effects. Future special effects may be purchased for one bonus point or one experience point.

 <i>Burning Vengeance:  The Solar's missile sings out her holy nature.  The attack becomes Holy, and inflicts aggravated damage on creatures of darkness.  When this effect is used, the character's weapon temporarily becomes bright enough to be seen for (Essence) miles.
 Grasp of the Law: The Solar inundates her missile with the grasping, hungry desire of Creation to expand and consume the Wyld.  The attack gains the keyword Order, and inflicts aggravated damage on Wyld creatures as per that keyword.
 Nowhere To Hide: Hiding behind armor is no escape for the foes of a Lawgiver.  This variation makes a single Thrown attack Piercing; if it is done with a weapon that is already Piercing, half the target’s non-armor soak as well.
 Blasting Ray: The Solar surrounds her weapon with a brilliant corona of her Essence, charging it beyond a normal Essence Missile Strike.  Add one additional mote to the cost of the Charm (for a total of 3), to add 4 extra dice of damage.  This creates a very distinctive visual effect personal to the Solar.
 Precision of the Striking Raptor:  The Solar uses the increased force of her attack to make her aim strike true.  Add three dice to the attack roll for the Essence Missile Strike.  This counts against the usual charm dice-adder maximums.
 Ricochet Weapon Technique: The sheer power of the Solar’s hurled missile allows her to bank it off hard surfaces and strike her intended target without penalty.  Each ricochet past the first increases the cost of Essence Missile Strike by 1 mote.  If the character strikes at a target hidden from site, add a +1 difficulty External Penalty, or +2 if the target’s location is only known by intuition or sound.

Sun-Honed Point</i>
 Cost: 2m, 1 wp; Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -1)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Essence Missile Strike, Brilliant Calculus of Doom

The Solar wraps an incredibly sharp layer of essence around the point or edge of his weapon. Neither armor nor ordinary magic can stop it if it strikes home, digging deep into the Solar’s enemy.

This Charm creates a single Thrown attack which ignores hardness and has a minimum damage equal to the pre-attack roll damage rating of the weapon, plus strength.

<i>Sun-Blessed Strike</i>
 Cost: 5m, 1 wp; Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -1)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Sun-Honed Point

While the sun brings life, it must be remembered that the Unconquered Sun is a warrior first, and the harshness of his wrath can cut to the very soul. A Solar may take this aspect of her patron and energize a missile weapon with this incalculable heat. The Solar makes a thrown attack that causes aggravated damage.

<i>Winged Solar Wrath</i>
 Cost: 16m, 2 wp; Mins: Thrown 7, Essence 7; Type: Simple
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Inevitable as Morning, Sun-Blessed Strike

The awe-inspiring power of an Elder Solar can be put to many sophisticated uses of Essence. This is not one of them. By simply investing an overwhelming amount of Essence into his missile, the Lawgiver grants it an inevitability of doom. A radiance of light whirls and swirls about the missile, scorching the landscape. Only artifact weapons made with the same invulnerability as the Five Magical Materials can survive being so used; all others burst when they contact with their targets. Assuming the attack hits, the character’s soak, damage reduction, or any other effect is utterly worthless, as are any extra health levels. The terrific energy is simply too great; the target will be utterly destroyed, either disintegrating or in some cases exploding. Only a perfect damage negation/soak charm can stop this effect.

<i>Terrible Burning Wrath</i>
 Cost: 15m 2 wp; Mins: Thrown 6, Essence 6; Type: Simple
 Keywords: Combo-OK,  Obvious
 Duration: One Scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Sun-Blessed Strike

Sophisticated control of essence can allow the Solar Elder to inflict terrible, spirit-flaying punishment upon her foes. Her missile weapons become invested of a twisting, scything aspect that leaves terrible, deep wounds in the flesh and even mutilating spirits that it touches. For the rest of the scene, add the Solar's permanent Essence to her missile's damage. All damage dealt by that weapon is aggravated. Anything killed by the weapon during the scene has its spirit pared down to its barest core; reincarnations will remember nothing, no ghosts will rise in rage, and it may permanently slay spirits. It is said that extremely powerful medicine/occult/lore charms might be able to re-knit the damaged remnants of a such a reincarnated being, by dipping into the Akashic Record to reconstruct the totality. Anything less will fail.

<i>Ravenous Raptor Shot</i>
 Cost: 1m; Mins: Thrown 2, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Combo-OK
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Joint Wounding Technique

By endowing her missile with Solar essence, the Solar grants it extra force if it overcomes an enemy’s defenses. Double the Solar’s extra successes on a successful hit for the purposes of causing damage.

<i>Heaven-Burning Technique</i>
 Cost: 1m per die; Mins: Thrown 3, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Combo-OK
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Ravenous Raptor Shot

The heavens themselves alight with the passion of the Solars to destroy their foes. By investing some of this burning passion into his missile, a Solar can insure that a successful strike inflicts heavy damage on his foe. The Solar may spend up to his Strength in motes. For each mote spent, convert one post-soak damage die into an automatic success.

<i>Razor’s Justice</i>
 Cost: 7m, 1 wp; Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
 Keywords: Obvious
 Duration: One Scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Heaven-Burning Technique

Imbuing his weapon with the fury of Sol Invictus as he pursues the profane, the Lawgiver grants the missile terrible energies of destruction. The transient nature of thrown weapons is such that the Lawgiver’s own aura alights with sympathy to the weapon, and therefore any weapon of the same type used while the Charm abides will also have the same potency added to it. This is usually quite important, as weapons with less durability than those of the Five Magical Materials burst into fire and incinerate themselves when used with this Charm. Until the end of the scene, add the Solar’s Essence to the damage rating of thrown weapons of any one type (javelins, boomerangs, darts, etc.)

<i>Huntsman’s Mercy Method</i>
 Cost: 9m, 1 wp; Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
 Keywords: Combo-Ok
 Duration: One Scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Razor’s Justice

The Solar on the hunt may require or desire live prey, whether to bring back an escaped blasphemer for trial or to rescue someone controlled against their will. By enfolding her weapon with the merciful Essence of a benevolent Lawgiver, the Solar may bring down even the toughest prey without the possibility of slaying them—accidentally, anyway.

For the rest of the scene, the Solar’s weapon gains a damage bonus equal to her Essence to all attacks. However, all damage dealt by this weapon is bashing, and can never be converted to incapacitating. Additional strikes that would send a target below Incapacitated instead create additional "phantom" incapacitated levels that must be healed before any others.

<i>Joint-Crippling Judgment</i>
 Cost: --; Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Joint-Wounding Attack

Mighty foes may strive to resist the stern judgment of a Lawgiver, but the will of a Lawgiver cannot be denied. The punishment laid down by the Solar shall force even the most persistent recreant to kneel. When activating Joint-Wounding Attack, the Solar may spend 1 willpower point to increase the duration of the Crippling effect to one hour, or (Thrown) Scenes, whichever is longer. At Essence 5, the terrible scorn heaped by the Solar causes the radiant punishment to last for a full day. In all cases, healing the wounds caused will cause the Crippling damage to elapse as well.

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