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[[FrivYeti/EnliThaum | Back to Thaumaturgy]]
[[FrivYeti/EnliThaum|Back to Thaumaturgy]]

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Back to Thaumaturgy

The Science of Divination

Roll: Perception + Lore

Divination is the science of discovering information. By following the threads of the Loom that connect people and events, the thaumaturge gains insight and information into events, people, and places.

Some divinations gain their knowledge from the future; however, as any heroic character is capable of altering the weave of fate, it is understood by diviners that their visions are less than perfect. Inaccuracies and even outright failures to predict events are common, and their warnings are taken as such by most people who solicit their services.

The Power of a Divination is noted in each individual ritual. In addition, characters may spend a full hour meditating and working rituals for +2 dice, or succeed on a Difficulty 2 Stamina + Resistance roll and spend a full day working for +4 dice on their roll. They may not do so on rituals that take under 10 minutes to cast.

Student Divinations


Essence Cost: 4
Difficulty Modifier: +1
Resources Cost: 1

This simple ritual is one that almost all Diviners are taught first. The character focuses on the course of action that she is planning on taking, and learns how likely it is to succeed ("Certain", "Almost Certain", "Likely", "Possible", "Unlikely", "Extremely Unlikely", "Impossible"). This omen takes the general power of any impediments to the task into account, and unless there is a factor that is warded against divination, will succeed. Power is unimportant; either this ritual succeeds or fails.


Essence Cost: 2
Difficulty Modifier: +1
Resources Cost: 1

The character studies two objects, in order to learn what bond they share. This ritual must be worked in the presence of both of the objects, beings, or places being studied. If it succeeds, the character gains a one-sentance understanding of how, if at all, the two things are previously connected. If the character beats the difficulty by 5 or more, she gains a complete understanding of the relations and the emotions behind them, if not always the reasons for them.

<b>Vision of the Unholy</b>

Essence Cost: 4
Difficulty Modifier: +0
Resources Cost: 1

By focusing and trailing Essence lines, using holy symbols and blessed items, the character senses if their are forces of darkness (demons, undead, or fae) in the vicinity. This ritual searches an area with a radius of (the character's Essence squared) x10 yards. It detects all creatures of darkness with an Essence score of (7 - successes rolled) or above. Creatures that are magically hidden by non-perfect effects apply their successes against the caster; perfect effects that mask a being's nature trump this effect.

<b>See Essence</b>

Essence Cost: 6
Difficulty Modifier: +0
Resources Cost: 1

The character puts herself and her target into a trance, searching her target for traces of magic and alterations from it. This ritual affects a single being, object, or location. The character immediately learns if the target is under the effects of a Charm or other Essence effect, and what type of being placed it. If the character can roll a number of successes equal to the placer's Essence, she learns the name of the effect's creator, and exactly what the effect does and if it can be countered.

<b>Ripples in Fate</b>

Essence Cost: 4
Difficulty Modifier: +0
Resources Cost: 1

By watching the strands of fate ripple, and using a geomantic map, the character senses the presence of those who can change their destinies. This ritual searches an area with a radius of (the character's Essence squared) x10 yards. It detects all beings with a Kismet score of (6 - successes rolled) or above. Beings that are magically hidden by non-perfect effects apply their successes against the caster; perfect effects that mask a being's nature trump this effect.

Adept Divinations

<b>Desire Calls to Need</b>

Essence Cost: 6
Difficulty Modifier: +2
Resources Cost: 2

By working a demanding ritual, the character determines what a target should be doing in order to accomplish their goals. The character names a single goal for the target, and works the ritual. This ritual takes twice as long as a normal divination, and requires the target to succeed at a Temperance roll. If the roll succeeds, the target will be given a single sentance answer that tells them what their next course of action should be. If they fail, the sentance will instead direct them to another course of action that they consciously or subconsciously wish to accomplish. Either way, the action suggested will be the easiest and most straightforwards, not necessarily the one the character would prefer - and other ways may exist.

<b>Gifts of the Child</b>

Essence Cost: 5
Difficulty Modifier: +2
Resources Cost: 2

This ritual is not uncommon in areas of the world where it is known, and the rich commonly employ it as a part of a coming-of-age ceremony. It targets a single person, who must be present for the entire ritual. If the ritual succeeds, the caster is aware of every Favoured Ability that that target possesses, as well as any Attributes that the target has a rating of 4 or above in. Used on children, this allows them to recommend a proper path towards adulthood; on adults, it is usually used as a way of determining skill.

<b>Mirror to the Soul</b>

Essence Cost: 4
Difficulty Modifier: +1
Resources Cost: 2

The character works a divination to discover someone's true nature. The target need not be present, but if they are not the character must have their true name - otherwise the ritual fails automatically. If the ritual succeeds, each success above the difficulty provides the caster with one of the following pieces of information: a single Intimacy, their Motivation, or their rating in a single Virtue. Information should be chosen by the Storyteller, based roughly on what the character is searching for most.

<b>Pasiap's Throne</b>

Essence Cost: 5
Difficulty Modifier: +1
Resources Cost: 2

By ritually cleansing an area, the thaumaturge ensures that no lies may enter it, and that the truth will always be found out. This ritual may affect a single room, or an area with a radius of up to double the character's Essence score. Anyone within the area gains a number of automatic successes equal to the Power of the ritual on all attempts to detect lies. In addition, these attempts are considered magically enhanced, which may allow them to pierce certain magics that do no allow normal detection.

<b>Simple Knowledge</b>

Essence Cost: 3
Difficulty Modifier: +2
Resources Cost: None

A sense of the tapestry allows a character to learn simple information without being asked. This ritual requires only 10 ticks to cast; it can be cast in 1 tick at +2 difficulty, and may be cast reflexively at +1 difficulty. It allows the character to learn a single fact about a target being, object, or place, provided that this fact is not being hidden. The character must name the fact. Power does not affect this ritual.

Master Divinations

<b>Hope Leads To Discovery</b>

Essence Cost: 6
Difficulty Modifier: +2
Resources Cost: 2

By focusing on the links between things, the character learns the location of someone or something. If searching for a person, this ritual must include someone who cares deeply for the person who is missing. If an object, the object's owner must be present, and must care about her possession. If the ritual succeeds, the character learns exactly where the subject is. If the subject is magically concealed, the character gains a vague image, and learns the full details only if the ritual's Power exceeds the Essence or Kismet rating of the concealer.

<b>Tearing The Mask</b>

Essence Cost: 6
Difficulty Modifier: +1
Resources Cost: 1

With simple ingredients, the character readies herself to see things as they are, not as they pretend to be. This ritual lasts for a full day after being cast; many diviners cast it each morning, if they can afford it. The character adds the Power of the ritual to any attempt to spot disguises or hidden objects. In addition, she may roll her Perception + Awareness against the Manipulation + Larceny of any Charm or magic-concealed character to see through it, provided the Power of the ritual is equal to or greater than the caster's Essence.

<b>Words Hidden Come To Light</b>

Essence Cost: 5
Difficulty Modifier: +1
Resources Cost: 2

The character finds a single written work, which may be either encoded or in another language. She must set aside ink and paper, in addition to any other ingrediants, as the ritual begins. If the ritual is successful, the work in question is automatically translated into the caster's native tongue. If the work is encoded, apply the Power of the effect x2 as successes to decode it, and translate it to that degree. If the work is encoded magically, apply the Power of the effect as successes to decode it.