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Latest revision as of 19:21, 8 June 2010

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Essence 4 Charms

Elemental Mastery</b>

<b>Cost: 20 motes, 1 Willpower, Type: Simple 
Keywords: Elemental, Obvious
Duration: One Scene

The character unleashes the full power of elemental fury, marshalling and crafting the elements as needed. This is a collection of five Charms, each of which controls one element. For the duration of the scene, the character may shape, direct, create, or banish the selected element as needed, at a range of (Essence x20) yards. If shaped into an attack or to defend, Elemental Mastery is considered to have a Speed of 5, Accuracy +0, Damage (Essence)L, Defense +0, Rate 3. Shaped into armour, it grants (Essence -1) soak. Used to create conditions, it can apply a +3 die advantage or -3 die penalty to any action in which direct elemental control could have an effect (this will vary by element).

Enforce Behaviour</b>

<b>Cost: 20 motes, 2 Willpower, Type: Simple 
Keywords: Compulsion, Obvious
Duration: Instant

By focusing her Essence on the soul of a target, the character applies mystical enforcement to her words. This Charm may be activated in response to a spoken promise; the character must be physically present and must make it clear that the enforcement is taking place. If the target wishes to resist, they must roll their Willpower at a difficulty of the character's Essence. If they fail, or if they do not resist, they become prone to mystical compulsion; in order to act against their promise, they must spend 1 Willpower and then succeed on a Willpower roll at difficulty 3. This must be done per action. No more than three Willpower must be spent per scene, although the rolls must still be made. This effect lasts until the conditions of the promise are met, and remains a magical effect despite Essence not being committed to it.


<b>Cost: 15 motes, 1 Willpower, Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: (Essence) Actions

The character gestures, and a rip appears in the air itself. She may choose any location that she owns, or any location that she is familiar with that is within (Essence x5) miles of her current location. The portal itself may be from 4 feet to 10 feet tall, and equally wide. Anyone passing through in either location will be instantly transported to the other. Anyone who cannot fit into the portal cannot pass through; anyone standing in the portal when it closes will be forced out on whatever side is appropriate.


<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Indefinate

By focusing and transforming, the character takes on a new shape. This Charm must be purchased seperately for each alternate shape that the character wishes to have access to. The alternate shape may be a person, animal, strange beast, or similar. The character develops the new form's Physical Attributes and special capabilities while shifted, but otherwise uses her own statistics. Avatars who learn this Charm from a god or Primordial take on the shape that god or Primordial knows.

Unseen Strike</b>

<b>Cost: 6 motes, Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant

With a moment of focus, the character reaches across into the physical world. This Charm supplements any physical action, allowing a dematerialized being to affect the physical world with it. If used to attack a target, they must succeed on a Wits + Awareness roll, difficulty 3, or else be subject to an unexpected attack. The attack may be parried, but cannot be counter-attacked.


<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant

With a gesture, the character turns one object into another. The character must roll (Intelligence + Appropriate Crafts) for the object they are creating. Successes are divided between the Resources value of the object, the degree of change, and how much is being changed; every Resources dot added costs 2 successes. Changing raw materials into finished products costs 1 success, changing one thing into something similar (limestone into marble) costs 2, changing something into something fairly different costs 2 (rock into metal), and changing something into another element costs 3. Finally, the character may spend successes on amount - they may transform (successes spent) squared pounds. Living things may not be transformed.