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!Sphere Rules
===== [[BookOfWood]] || [[BookOfFire]] || [[BookOfEarth]] || [[BookOfMetal]] || [[BookOfWater]] || [[BookOfChaos]] =====
A spirit can use sphere rules to make it easier for him to learn or perform a Charm; they are naturally more facile at performing narrow tasks related to their spheres than they are at the flexible, wide-application magics that characterise the Exalted. When he learns a Charm, the spirit defines the sphere rules that applies to it; unless some supernatural effect intervenes, or the Charm text explicitly permits it, this is the only version of the Charm he may learn.
There are a number of ways to apply Sphere rules. They can be used to reduce the Virtue, Essence, or Charm prerequisites of a Charm, and to reduce its mote and Willpower activation costs. Exceptional costs such as, but not limited to, Health Levels and experience points cannot be bypassed with sphere rules.
= Heartbeat Bloodstream Edge =
====== ''Signature:'' This fighting style is unmistakable for its extremely careless demeanor; its strikes and defences are often performed while the warrior's attention appears to be elsewhere. Further, each of its movements is accompanied by a pulse of sound like the plucking of a harp string or the beating of a heart. ======
:''by [[willows]]''
:''Uncommon Water Chi Style''
:''<nowiki>Artful/Ranged</nowiki>: Curved Blades Only''
:''Default Criticals:'' Downing, Blinding
A Charm may have any number of sphere rules that restrict it, but their efficiency is limited. Sphere rules cannot reduce the Trait minima of a Charm below 1, and they cannot eliminate the mote or Willpower component of a Charm's activation cost.
The secret kung fu of the barbarian Running Hawk Clan, it's said that this form is trained by blindfolding initiates and stopping their ears, so that they must fight by sensing the movement of chi and feeling the vibrations of beating hearts through the ground.  
The effects of sphere rules are divided into three general categories. Some rules can be used to obtain more than one effect. In general, the benefits granted by Scourge-based rules are lesser than those granted by Dominion-based counterpart rules, but this is not always the case. Some Charms also contain sphere-based effects that are distinct from sphere rules, such as (De)Materialise.
== Techniques ==
1. '''Making Red Cliff :: A Sword from the Sky (1 Silver):''' You add 2 bonus damage dice to your attack, and increase your weapon's rank by one level (a mortal weapon acts as a Class III God-weapon, &c.) for the purposes of damaging weaponry and armour.
!!Restriction Rules
2. '''Crumbling Walls Crush Invaders :: Knight of the Splintered Lance (2 Silver):''' You add your Silver Chi Modifier to your Strike for blocks this round, and when you successfully block attacks from minion groups, you may make a Reply!
The following rules represent the god's skill in manipulating his spheres. He can accomplish greater things within them than he can elsewhere. Applying one of these rules to a Charm reduces its mote cost by a varying amount, depending on the amount of rules applied, or simplifies a Charm prerequisite. Specifically, it turns the requisite generic; it does not reduce the number of Charms the spirit must learn prior to learning the new Charm, but they may be any Charms of the appropriate Virtue. Note that when a Charm has multiple Charm prerequisites, a single Restriction rule only makes one of those requisites generic. For instance, a god could learn Endowment without learning the three lesser blessings, but he must know at least three Compassion Charms to do so.
# You may only affect exemplars of a Sphere with this Charm. ''Example:'' Teodozjia can only Essence Bite sacred objects. Venus' Touch of Grace only functions on people who are coveted.
3. '''Heartbeat of Mountains :: Hot-Blooded Serpent (3 Silver):''' When Hot-Blooded Serpent, the monster of the fiery mountains, was slain, its twitching corpse brought the cities Western Altar and Place-of-Shameful-Activity to ruin, and the lava boiling from its wounds covered their fields with ash! You add your Silver Chi Modifier to your Strike and Damage for the round. Whenever you make a parry, also treat it as an attack which doubles its damage dice against a minion group. Such is the economy of your motion! '''Channel - 2 White:''' This form lasts another turn!
# Only beings that retain this Sphere as a Dominion or Scourge; i.e. spirits that are mystically aligned in relation to it, can be affected by this Charm. ''Example:'' The Unconquered Sun has a little-known variant of Materialise which he calls ''Pinioning of the Unrighteous in Glory,'' which he can use to cause spirits of darkness to take material shape.
# This non-instant Charm's effect is ignored when the affected being performs a specific Scourge action. If the affected ceases to perform this action, the effect resumes. ''Example:'' Myeyng Evaporating Pool, a god of light, has a form of Disguise that ceases to function when he steps into shadows.
# This non-instant Charm's effect only applies to a specific Dominion action. ''Example:'' Hanushkawayk, the patron diety of con artists, has a form of Principle of Motion whose extra actions only allow him to make Performance and Larceny rolls.
|| '''Mote Reduction''' ||||||
4. '''Dividing the Heavens :: Lord Mirror Spider (4 Silver):''' The god Mirror Spider is said to have bisected the cosmic egg in order to hatch, and consequently he creates Earth-and-Heaven. Copying his act, you remove your opponent's armor on a successful attack, exposing his flesh! On a Critical Success, you destroy it. If your weapon is within your Favored Chi in yards, it leaps to your hand.
||''No. of rules used to decrease mote cost'' ||&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;||''Amount of reduction'' ||
|| 1||&nbsp;||1 ||
|| 2||&nbsp;||2 ||
|| 3||&nbsp;||5 ||
|| 4||&nbsp;||10 ||
|| 5||&nbsp;||14 ||
|| Each additional rule||&nbsp;||+3 ||
!!Confidence Rules
5. '''Leaping Sacred River :: Lady of Precious Iron (5 Silver):''' Your cut strikes deep into your victim's veins, opening a geyser of bright blood, just as Mirror Spider cut open Precious Iron's throat and hands to flood the seas and set the rivers and clouds in motion. Choose a direction. Whenever the victim spends his Favored Chi, the chi propels a spurt of gore from his wound! This hurls him in the selected direction, one round's distance per point spent. As a free action, he may use a Tactics roll at Moderate difficulty to choose the direction for a single chi expenditure; this Tactics roll suffers from the wound penalty for covering ground. The spurting chi loses its impetus when the victim suffers chi flow loss in that colour, or the wound is fully healed.
The following rules represent the god's comfort in his domain. He is compelled by some impulse of his sphere of influence, or draws power from his surroundings. Applying one of these rules to a Charm reduces its minimum Essence score or its Willpower activation cost by 1.
# Using this Charm in the absence of your Dominion raises the difficulty of any associated rolls by 2. If there is no roll required when using the Charms normally, then using the Charm in the absence of your Dominion requires a difficulty 3 Essence+Virtue roll. This rule may be chosen multiple times; each additional iteration increases the difficulty by 1. ''Example:'' Jorst, the Linowan forest god, finds it much more difficult to Track creatures once they have left the borders of Linowa.
== Comments ==
# You may only use this Charm in an area that's part of your Dominion. ''Example:'' The tiny god Melenggan of Three Hills Collapsed Village may only use Hurry Home successfully when he has not strayed too far away from it.
Jonathan: Huh, well the only thing I can say is that Tech 4 a rather nasty thing to do to someone with really expensive armor, like Dominion, perhaps instead you could ignore X armor for the attack or round and permanently damage the physical stuff on top of that?  It should be the nekkidizer. The 5th tech is also cool, sort of like in the finale of many kungfu battles where the exploding capsule with blood blows the wounded dude back. Probably could use some more stuff on top of that.
# You may not affect exemplars of a Sphere with this Charm. ''Example:'' Lytek, because of his Darkness Scourge, cannot affect creatures of darkness with Memory Mirror or any of its related Charms.
# You must use this Charm to generate Dominion-related effects. ''Example:'' Agatae may only use Uncanny Prowess in order to appear lofty and inscrutable.
# Restriction rules 1 &amp; 2 can be used as Confidence rules.
!!Limitation Rules
The following rules represent the reflection of a god's spheres in his behaviour. His nature encourages him to act in particular manners, reducing the Virtue minimum of the Charm by 1 per rule.
# You must use this Charm to support your Dominion.
# You must use this Charm to attack your Scourge.
# You may only use this Charm when you are in a situation regarding one of your Spheres that justifies the channelling of the Charm's associated Virtue. ''Example:'' Hu Dai Liang may use one version of Materialise only when the honour of one of her armies is called into question on the field. She calls this Charm ''The Scarlet General Turns the Tide of Battle.''
# Using this Charm in the presence of your Scourge raises the difficulty of any associated rolls by 2. If there is no roll required when using the Charms normally, then using the Charm in the presence of your Scourge requires a difficulty 3 Essence+Virtue roll. This rule may be chosen multiple times; each additional iteration increases the difficulty by 1. ''Example:'' Nearly all gilmynes are Scourged by the Saigoth Gates; in their presence, all their Charms are humbled.
# To use this Charm, you must first perform a Dominion-related action. ''Example:'' Wayang in his mediator aspect may only use the various blessings and curses upon mortals between whom he has just resolved a conflict.
# You cannot use this Charm to perform Scourge-related actions.
# You may not use this Charm in an area that's part of your Scourge. ''Example:'' Isune Kisarer, an elemental of the western salt breeze, finds enclosed spaces abhorrently grounding. She is unable to change her form with Details in a place where the air is still.
# This Charm's effect is accompanied by a side effect that makes one of your Spheres obvious to observers. ''Example:'' Bloody Hands exhibit their murderous aspect in all their Shapechanged forms because of the blood that constantly wells up from their claws.
# Restriction rules 3 &amp; 4 can be used as Limitation rules.
# Confidence rules 1 &amp; 2 can be used as Limitation rules.

Latest revision as of 01:15, 6 April 2010

BookOfWood || BookOfFire || BookOfEarth || BookOfMetal || BookOfWater || BookOfChaos

Heartbeat Bloodstream Edge

Signature: This fighting style is unmistakable for its extremely careless demeanor; its strikes and defences are often performed while the warrior's attention appears to be elsewhere. Further, each of its movements is accompanied by a pulse of sound like the plucking of a harp string or the beating of a heart.
by willows
Uncommon Water Chi Style
Artful/Ranged: Curved Blades Only
Default Criticals: Downing, Blinding

The secret kung fu of the barbarian Running Hawk Clan, it's said that this form is trained by blindfolding initiates and stopping their ears, so that they must fight by sensing the movement of chi and feeling the vibrations of beating hearts through the ground.


1. Making Red Cliff :: A Sword from the Sky (1 Silver): You add 2 bonus damage dice to your attack, and increase your weapon's rank by one level (a mortal weapon acts as a Class III God-weapon, &c.) for the purposes of damaging weaponry and armour.

2. Crumbling Walls Crush Invaders :: Knight of the Splintered Lance (2 Silver): You add your Silver Chi Modifier to your Strike for blocks this round, and when you successfully block attacks from minion groups, you may make a Reply!

3. Heartbeat of Mountains :: Hot-Blooded Serpent (3 Silver): When Hot-Blooded Serpent, the monster of the fiery mountains, was slain, its twitching corpse brought the cities Western Altar and Place-of-Shameful-Activity to ruin, and the lava boiling from its wounds covered their fields with ash! You add your Silver Chi Modifier to your Strike and Damage for the round. Whenever you make a parry, also treat it as an attack which doubles its damage dice against a minion group. Such is the economy of your motion! Channel - 2 White: This form lasts another turn!

4. Dividing the Heavens :: Lord Mirror Spider (4 Silver): The god Mirror Spider is said to have bisected the cosmic egg in order to hatch, and consequently he creates Earth-and-Heaven. Copying his act, you remove your opponent's armor on a successful attack, exposing his flesh! On a Critical Success, you destroy it. If your weapon is within your Favored Chi in yards, it leaps to your hand.

5. Leaping Sacred River :: Lady of Precious Iron (5 Silver): Your cut strikes deep into your victim's veins, opening a geyser of bright blood, just as Mirror Spider cut open Precious Iron's throat and hands to flood the seas and set the rivers and clouds in motion. Choose a direction. Whenever the victim spends his Favored Chi, the chi propels a spurt of gore from his wound! This hurls him in the selected direction, one round's distance per point spent. As a free action, he may use a Tactics roll at Moderate difficulty to choose the direction for a single chi expenditure; this Tactics roll suffers from the wound penalty for covering ground. The spurting chi loses its impetus when the victim suffers chi flow loss in that colour, or the wound is fully healed.


Jonathan: Huh, well the only thing I can say is that Tech 4 a rather nasty thing to do to someone with really expensive armor, like Dominion, perhaps instead you could ignore X armor for the attack or round and permanently damage the physical stuff on top of that? It should be the nekkidizer. The 5th tech is also cool, sort of like in the finale of many kungfu battles where the exploding capsule with blood blows the wounded dude back. Probably could use some more stuff on top of that.