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Garret's family started out as high ranking nobles in a kingdom located on the eastern end of the River Province. It was a life full of excess, where their every want and need was provided by the riches stemming from the jewels they sold, and the powers they backed. All was well in their lives. This is the time that Garret (then called Enlightened Smile, a name Garret no longer remembers) was born. By the time Garret was learning to talk, his family's fortune and reputation had grown immensely...and this was the beginning of the end for his family. A rival family, both jealous of Garret's family's power, and covetous of the throne, concocted a plot to disgrace them, seize their holdings, and have them executed for treason. Not wanting to stop there, they further planned to use their stolen resources as the final stepping point in seizing the throne. Unfortunately, all their plans succeeded, except one. Garret's family was indeed stripped of their lands, titles, and wealth, but 2 members of the family (and their young child) managed to escape execution.

Garret spent much of his childhood in a small city a few week's travel from Thorns. Not having any money, they were forced to live in the various streets, alleys, and gutters of their new 'homeland', while at the same time ever fearful of the enemies of their past. So was it when Garret learned enough to speak, he heard a name that, to his child ears, sounded like a great name. The name of Garret, a name which he parents tolerated only because they had worse things to deal with, one of which being starvation. Garret's parents, having lived in the lap of luxury their entire lives, were not equipped to deal with such a drastic change in their lifestyle. About a year after 'settling' in their new home, Garret woke one day to find his parents had died...but instead of joining them, Garret persevered.

The rest of Garret's youth was spent in the hands of other people's pockets, wallets, and change purses. Stealing to survive was his goal, and he was good at it too. Regardless, he eventually got caught, and by one Chosen by the Maiden of Secrets no less. The Chosen was surprised and impressed at the boy’s skill, and after questioning him, a bit saddened that a boy with so much potential had to live on the street. She offered to teach the boy more about the world and his natural talents so that he could one day be great. Garret, already exhibiting his penchant for deception, agreed to journey with her to her "Historical Society" to be schooled so he could steal himself enough money for a home.

To Garret’s surprise, his education was not what he expected. Theft, deception, and guile were often the order of the day. Puzzled and intrigued by this, Garret held off on his plans of thievery for a while and learned. He (of course) pinched things here and there, (secretly) caused quite a stir with his 'teachers', and stepped on more then his share of toes. All and all Garret took to his learning eagerly, and the more he learned, the more he helped himself to his hosts' hospitality. He learned, used, and studied in this "Historical Society" until on day, on his 16th Birthday, Garret disappeared without a trace.

No longer feeling confined by the world of his hosts, Garret traveled to his new home in a town known as Manowar. Manowar was a fair-sized town, so it didn't take him long to set up shop. Stealing was a way of life to him, but the prospect of greater riches awaited him as a murderer-for-hire. One day, while traveling home (via rooftops of course) from a successful heist, Garret witnessed a deal being made for the head of a shopkeeper. Garret was surprised at the amount of money that was being offered, and decided he was better off with the money then the thug whom to the job was originally offered. Following the thug to his home, Garret surprised and murdered the thug, and proceeded to the shopkeeper’s residence to finish his new ‘job’. He then returned to the alleyway with 2 heads wrapped together and presented them, demanding his pay. After some negotiation, Garret received his compensation, and an offer of another job, and another, and another, etc. Eventually, word got out to the local assassin’s guild just who exactly was killed their ‘thug’, and who was taking away all their money. Since the guild was very small, this was not something they could stand for and they sent some of their own to pay Garret a visit. They came quickly and in a group, as is unusual for assassins, but they needed him out of the way. During the fight, Garret Exalted as a Chosen of the Unconquered Sun and dispatched his assailants. After that, Garret was puzzled at what he had become. He remembered the tales of the Anathema, and wondered if that's what he really was. Soon came the memories of the past, reminding him of his life in the First Age, the Dragon-Blooded's treachery, and most importantly to him, being abandoned by the Unconquered Sun. Remembering the histories he was taught by his ‘teacher’, he immediately sped to his former home to try to find some clue as to what he was. On the 5th night of his secret return, in the library (still searching for the books that he ignored during his stay), Garret was confronted by something he didn’t expect...the same woman who rescued him from the streets so long ago. She eventually revealed to him her true form, that of a Chosen of Secrets. She told him of her quest to restore the Solars to power, of the past, and how she saw in him the light of the Unconquered Sun in his future when she first took him. The more she spoke, the more Garret wanted to leave. She begged him to stay with her once again, for his lessons to continue so he could reach the great destiny awaiting him. Garret agreed to stay, and proceeded to the bedroom to sleep. When she went to greet him in the morning, he was once again no where to be found...the only evidence that he was there were the jade artifacts he stole from her, which he promptly tossed in the river out of spite. Upon return to his new home, Garret promptly returned to the life of the assassin, visiting kingdom after kingdom, village after village, and city after city taking clients, finding patsies, committing crimes, carefully learning about and using his powers (which at this point, worried him to the point that he believed they would become a crutch, and lessen his true skills), and making a comfortable living...but the Unconquered Sun’s voice from his Exaltation echoed in his ears...and for some reason Garret wondered what it would be like to go straight.

Going Straight:
Deciding that maybe he was on the wrong path, Garret took a legitimate job as a hunter. The fellow at the office placed the bow in his hand, and told him where to bring the kills. 3 weeks, and a number of kills later, Garret realized how LITTLE money killing animals was compared to killing people. Going straight wasn’t profitable, and it wasn’t for him. He could hear the Unconquered Sun laughing at his failure in his dreams, who then turned into his Sidereal teacher, then the guild master who had put the hit out on him. Garret then decided that this was it, and went back to hunting humans for money...

The Other Exalted:
Garret’s skills were improving quickly. Even though he saw his gift as a crutch, Garret felt that ignoring them would be folly. He expanded his self-taught training regiment of acrobatics, larceny, and combat prowess to include the power of his Exaltation. Despite his hesitation in using charms, Garret excelled as an assassin and a conspirator. Using people became the order of the day, and that including using other Exalted. Garret became familiar with a number of other Sun-Chosen, and set up his array of contacts, most of them in other cities. After that was accomplished, he relocated his home to the forests outside of Lookshy and managed to use his influence to push into the secret assassin’s guild in the home of the Seventh Legion. With the connection to his former city severed, Garret commenced his plan to cement ties with the other Exalted whom he manipulated. Once again, Garret was successful in his plans...having a least one powerful sorcerer/artificer (his patsy) completely under his control, and a small circle of Solars to befuddle.

The Black Exaltation:
Once again, time passed. Garret had joined his ‘allies’ on a journey to retrieve the only mortal artificer to exist in the world of men...a trip that sent them into the underworld in avoidance of the Realm’s navy. It was there, on the dark reflection of the Blessed Isle, that Garret was confronted (and surrounded) by a horde of Abyssal Exalted seeking to recruit him into their deathly ranks. Not trusting them on their word, but knowing that he had no choice, Garret bartered with them before accepting their offer. Then came the Black Exaltation...the curse that freed him from the ‘oppression’ of the Unconquered Sun forever...the transformation from Solar to Abyssal. Invigorated by his new ‘freedom’, and the onrush of power and accomplishment that accompanied it, Garret reveled in his new gifts, even going so far as to make (at least for a time) blatant use of his new powers for all to see. He was drunk on his freedom, but unfortunately it was a freedom that would not last.

Upon return to the land of the living, Garret began enacting his plan to rid himself of some of the more problematic Exalted in his life, and take from them that which they quested. Plotting against his ‘allies’, he caused disarray in the circle as Exalt fought against Exalt...and upon returning to Nexus, he claimed his prize...the mortal artificer. At the same time, his new found Deathlord (The Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears) was planning what to do with her new minion. Eventually, she called all her Deathknights to her side. Garret, curious as to who was beckoning him, investigated. In doing so, he found that he had traded one tyrant for another...as The Lover had a hold on him that was once reserved for the Unconquered Sun. Not wanting to be controlled, Garret once again turned his back on those who claimed to be his master, and leaked her plans to the Realm and to Lookshy, whom he felt could deal with them easily. Next, he decided to seek out the prison that his Death-Aspected Essence was now linked too. Unfortunately, his progress has been stunted by the only person to have been able to rival him since his Exaltation, his Deathlord herself. Although Garret continues his precedence of plots, training, theft, manipulation, and assassination; he searches for his Monstrance of Celestial Portion in his quest to be free from all powers that seek to control him so that his power, and his destiny, can truly be his own...

Miscellaneous Info

Artemis is Garret’s former teacher, and a Chosen of the Maiden of Secrets. She shares the same birthday as Garret; born exactly 100 years earlier (which seems very auspicious to her). Artemis is a passionate, but quiet woman. She prefers silence, and is very selective about the information she gives to others. As a result she usually leaves out information that would seem pertinent to others (which infuriated Garret fairly often). Mysterious in both her actions and movements, Artemis does her part in defending Fate and Creation in secrecy. Although usually keeping her true emotions hidden, she commonly portrays herself as a very pleasant, kind, and friendly person. Still, having a soft spot for Garret causes her to attempt to look in on him whenever she can (sadly, given his skills and the current nature of his Exaltation, such visits aren’t possible very often). Openly, a noteworthy scholar of First Age lore, her true motivations are unknown to all but the most senior members of the Bureau of Destiny. Artemis makes her home in the River Province not far where she found Garret when he was a boy, and doesn’t travel to Yu-Shan very often.

Description & Personality

Description: Pale skin, brown eyes, dark brown hair. 5'8" 180lbs. Average appearance with a kind of rough look to him with a dark cloak (and hood).
Personality: Garret is very manipulative of his 'friends', preferring omission, misdirection, & flat out lying to the truth. Some would also describe him as paranoid (he would say cautious), as he has a tendency to act like the world will turn against him if he relaxes. Although an assassin, he rarely kills indescriminately; prefering to keep his trail clean unless a death will further his plans.


Name: Garret (due to a loophole, Garret has yet to give up his name to the Malfeans)
Deathlord: The Lover Clad in Rainment of Tears
Caste: Day
Original Caste: Night
Concept: Assassin/Renegade Abyssal
Nature: Rebel
Anima: Garret's anima manifests as a giantic half-man/bat.
Current Age: 26

Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4

Archery 2, Athletics 5 (Jumping +2, Acrobactics +1), Awareness 4, Dodge 4, Endurance 1, Investigation 1, Larceny 4 (Thieving +2), Linguistics (Riverspeak, Forest-tongue, Old Realm) 2, Lore 2, Medicine 4 (Poisons +1), Melee 4 (Assassin Weapons +3), Occult 3, Presence 1, Resistance 1, Socialize 2 (Intentions +1), Stealth 5, Survival 3

Backgrounds: Backing 4 (Asassin's Guild), Influence 5 (Assassin's Guild), Contacts 2, Resources 5 (Landowner, Assassin, thieving, savings), Manse 4 (Stone of Flowing Water)

Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Willpower: 7
Health: -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Essence: 3
Essence pool: 16/37/10(1)


Raiton's Nimble Perch
Spider Pouch Technique
Autumn Leaf's Descent
Soaring Raptor Prana


Garret Steals your Wallet (As the Solar Charm Flawless Pickpocket Technique)
Lock-Weathering Touch


Cunning Criminal Style
Crypt Bolt


Fleshing Mending Discipline
Touch of Gentle Repose
Blood Mastery Techniquie
Wound-Absorbing Method
Fivefold Wound-Absorbing Method


Furious Blade
Five Shadow Feint
Savage Shade Style
Falling Scythe Attack


Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (Spells: Stormwind Rider)


Enduring Huntsman Method


Concealing Distraction Discipline
Unseen Wisp Method

Death Strike: Furious Blade, Five Shadow Feint
Furious Assasin Attack: Furious Blade, Five Shadow Feint, Falling Scythe Attack
Secret Assassin Strike: Furious Blade, Falling Scythe Attack
Glorius Extermination Approach: Furious Blade, Savage Shade Style, Falling Scythe Attack

Equipment: "Hitslayer" Soulsteel Reaver Khatar (Sp +1, Acc +2, Dam +4Lp, Com 3), Stone of Flowing Water (Reflexive dodge against all attacks), Soulsteel Braces (-2 enemy soak), Soulsteel Breastplate (8/6, Com 2), Sleep Circlet (puts wearer to sleep), Orichalcum Pen (+1 to writing rolls), self bow, dagger, throwing dagger, blowgun (disguised as flute), rope, & a variety of poisons (including darts)

Base initiative: 8
Soak: 11B/9L/6A
Dodge: 9
Hitslayer: Sp 9, Acc 13, Dam 7Lp, Def 13
Self bow: Sp 8, Acc 6, Rat 2, Range 150 Dagger: Sp 8, Acc 11, Dam 5L, Def 9

Notes: Garret prefers surprise attacks to direct confrontation and will seek to escape if the battle is not going in his favor. Outside of combat, he prefers misdirection and misinformation to get others to do his bidding.