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Revision as of 05:36, 1 March 2007

Name: Master Malkin
Nature: Caregiver
Caste: Artisan
Court: Lapis

Str: 4
Dex: 5
Sta: 4

Cha: 5
Man: 5
App: 6

Per: 6
Int: 7
Wit: 6

Martial Arts 3
Lore 3
Performance 5
Bureaucracy 3
Larceny 2
Craft (Glamour) 7
Socialize 3
Presence 3
Linguistics 3 (Old Realm; Riverspeak, Low Realm, Forrest)
Occult 2
Awareness 2
Dodge 2
Athletics 2

Willpower: 6
Compassion: 3
Conviction: 3
Temperance: 3
Valor: 1

Heart: 3
Cup: 3
Staff: 1
Ring: 3
Sword: 1

Artifact: 3
Birth: 3
Freehold: 2
Gossamer: 3

Ravaging the Created Form
Banquet of Crumbs
Assumption of Elemental Shape (Wood)
Essence-Forging Art
Awakening Dream Manufacture
Soul-Carving Artiface
Extruded Stomach Feeding
Oneiromantic Conjuration
Ordinary Object Conjuration
Gossamer-Forging Art
Assumption of Creation's Belongings (Found at FairFolkAssumptionCharms/DarkheartOne)
Emergency Relocation Scheme (Found at FairFolkAssumptionCharms/DarkheartOne)
Innermost Sanctuary (Found at FairFolkAssumptionCharms/DarkheartOne)

Essence: 3
Pool: 15/30
Committed: 15
HL: -0*1, -1*2, -2*2, -4*1, Incap
Soak: 4B/2L


Name: Bjorn (Found at Caelene/Bjorn)
Type: Behemoth
Level: 3
Commitment: 9

Oath: "I will never do harm to a Creation-born child."
Type: Adjuration
Level: 2
Commitment: 2
Charms: Gladdening Visage (1), Heaven Rains Wisdom (1), Worker's Gift (1)

Name: Ten-Thousand Bead Robe (Found at Artifacts/IkselamOneDot)
Level: 1
Commitment: 2

Name: Display Stone (Found at Artifacts/TelgarArtifact1)
Level: 1
Commitment: 2

Artifact 3 (1)
Craft (Glamour) 7 (2)
Essence 3 (10)
Performance 5 (2)