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This is my modern chronicle, it follows the adventures of three exalts and their escapades in Ann Arbor Michigan.

The Current State of the World

It is the year 2000, in specific January 12th.

At precisely new years PST the world suddenly changed rapidly and essence returned to creation, and with it the Exalted. when the world unfolded the satellites all fell from the sky and the world became flat like a map and much of the former globe began to experience severe earthquakes. The world is rearranging itself and the fair folk once again prowl the edges of creation.

Flash Forward a few days to January the 11th. Over the past few days the news has been flooded with reports of 'Supers': people with strange superhuman powers who are robbing banks and things, or stopping people from doing so. These people are appearing all across the globe and creating mass panic and confusion: many thousands of people have committed suicide or locked themselves in fallout shelters to wait out the 'End of Days'. Meanwhile gods and elementals from across the world are trying to force people to worship them, but no one speaks Old Realm any more.

Ann Arbor

The past eleven days have been very eventful in Ann Arbor: Mayor Ingrid B. Sheldon was assassinated on the 3rd, her murderer brought down by the police swat team on the 6th and Mayor John Hieftje elected in a special election on the 10th. Meanwhile over a dozen 'supers' have appeared in the city of various stripes, including 2 lunars, 3 solars, one of the Green Sun Princes, 4 abyssals and at least 10 dragon blooded. This does not include any of the several exalted who are A: PCs, or B: not yet known to the public. In most other respects Ann Arbor is much as it was known to the people of our world in 2000, with the exception that it has just suffered through a 3 foot accumulation blizzard.

Meet our Heroes

Into this scene of confusion and chaos step 3 heroes: a British Lunar Hit-Man, an Orichalcum Caste Alchemical Magitech Engineer from Kamak, and a Renegade Infernal with the ability to grant Wishes.

Battleworn Moon

So far we know relatively little about this character: we know he is from the UK, that he works as an Assassin for hire, but has a strong ethical code: he will only take contracts on those who are guilty of destroying the lives of others: Murderers, Rapists, Drug Dealers, Pimps, and the like. (And apparently people who sleep around while being infected with lethal diseases like AIDS or Syphilis: seems it counts as attempted murder in his eyes.)

Furthermore we know that he received his vision from Luna in her Twin Faced Bride aspect and that he did not exactly ask to become a Lunar.

Lastly we know that he has taken the Deadly Beastman Transformation knack, that his totem animal is the Arctic Fox, and his tell is Fox Ears and Tail, or for forms that don't have tails other than humans his hair is all white.

Brilliant Gears of Artifice

Thanks to some shenanigans with the powers of the Infernal member of the party this alchemical is the only member of his small strike force/diplomatic delegation who knows English. This fact means he is the only person who can interact with the people of Ann Arbor directly.

His original role was as an Artificer and he is planing to work to upgrade the tech base of creation to match that of Autochthonia.

Brilliant Gears of Artifice is a very new alchemical, literally having been born yesterday, but he is quick on the uptake and skilled at both combat and engineering. He has risen to the role of translator admirably and is doing well as a champion of Kamak.

Ami Chalot

Our resident infernal is a tool of the Yozi's, weather she want's to be or not. She has a very low intelligence score, giving her a childlike demeanor and forcing her to rely on her wits to survive. She is manipulative in the extreme but not unkind, and is motivated to help those less fortunate than herself.

Ami has just recently been hired by the Mayor's office to liaise with the Kamakie' delegation and serve as the city's diplomatic Attache'. This has not changed her relatively low income much but has improved her health benefits, including giving her a dental plan.

Ami has made it a personal mission to help one of the AAPD officers deal with some deep seated childhood fears: specifically fears of Ghosts, Spirits, Oni, and Demons. So far she is doing well, having eroded a three dot negative intimacy down to one dot, but she still must erode it twice more to break the intimacy, and that assumes that nothing happens to rebuild it in the mean while. (Which is nothing resembling a safe assumption, though assuming that it WILL get reinforced is not a safe assumption either... "Trust in the heart of the dice", so to speak...)

Major NPCs

Bellow is a list of the major NPCs that the PCs have encountered in the game and a bit of detail about each one as well as a link to their pages. They are organized by which sociopolitical group they belong too.

The Kamakie Delegation

Led by three elder Alchemicals and consisting of these three, four young Alchemicals including Brilliant Gears of Artifice, Sixty Kamakie special forces troopers, and Battleworn Moon (As of yesterday initiated into the process of naturalizing as a Kamakie citizen.) this group are the main focus of the campaign at the present time, but will gradually fade into the background as the campaign gains steam and more elements from creation and Autochthonia come to the fore.

They Currently have 4 Fasheni APCs which are functionally equivalent to aerial skiffs except with gun ports and higher soak and hardness: as well as just having acquired and repaired an abandoned factory building on the edge of the city which will be their base of operations for the first interval of the campaign.

Murukane: the door

Murukane: the door

Murukane is an elder alchemical of essence 7 and long time champion of Kamak's militia. This member of the starmettal caste has long planed to rise to the status of Matropolis but has agreed to delay her transformation in the service of Kamak. Her body is thoroughly restructured from the human norm into a long segmented slug like structure which incorporates an unusual charm allowing her to open gates between herself and specialty built portals, as well as an experimental charm that has allowed her to transport herself to creation. Murukane is not in charge of this mission, serving as an adjunct to the alchemical assembly and special forces troopers. Among the many charms which Murukane has installed are a half dozen repulsion/tractor beams as well as levitation apparatus and potent Dexterity, Manipulation, and Intelligence charms. She also has three essence cannons in hidden mounts one on each 'arm' and one concealed behind the fore head of her mask like face.

The Ann Arbor Government