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Nexus, City of a Million Lice

Also called the City of Black Snow, or the River Harlot’s Legs, Nexus is one of the key cities of Confederation of Rivers and very important to the mood and feel of the Scavenger Lands. In short, a Storyteller would be very remiss if he didn’t include it among the potential settings for a game set in the Scavenger Lands.

Nexus is one of the crossroads of the world, and a city of wonders, riches, mystery, danger, crime, and vice. Anything is available to the visitor to Nexus, providing he can provide the proper funds to pay for his wish. The diversity of the city is astounding, and people of every skin color, culture and appearance imaginable fill the cities streets and byways. Nexus is known as a place where anyone can rise to fame and fortune, and the folk of the Threshold flock to its streets chasing that impossible dream. Yet, Nexus is not a peaceful quiet town. If anything, it’s great diversity of peoples and dreams leads to violent surroundings – yet more different faces for people to distrust and hate. Interplay between cultures can often be violent, and though long-term residents joke about such things it is with a dark humor -- not a single day passes that someone doesn't get gutted over some innocent remark and gesture.

Even more so than the clash of cultures and races, however, Nexus is home to the twin evils of crime and status. The street criers and news-sellers never lack for scandal – a Mercenary Company hangs the bodies of those who trespass on their compound from their outer wall, a poor urchin steals into some families house and slays all within to make it easier to rob them, all the while greedy merchants sell drugs cut with anything on hand and substandard wares of all kinds. While the most dangerous and wanton crimes of violence are outlawed, the only protection offered against lesser crimes is whatever the unfortunate can afford or provide on his own – the rich are no worse off, while the poor are forced to huddle together.

Yet life in Nexus is not merely a long exercise in pain and suffering; along with it's downsides, there exists in Nexus a great capacity for pleasure and even a comfortable existance. Wealthy residents reach for the heavens themselves with mind-expanding drugs, or simply glut themselves in pleasure afforded by a mixture of concubines and drugs. Even the poorest gutter sweeper can find some relief between the legs of a whore or in the arms of some cheap drug offered on a street corner. The Guild holds frequent public festivals for those who can afford to spend time at such things, and the city throngs with street performers and starving artists for those who cannot spare time for such luxuries. Indeed, some form of luxury is available everywhere in Nexus, merely awaiting those with the means to take it – and available at discount prices for those who cannot afford the best.

Yet, for all that, Nexus is a truly a city that knows no barriers. The Realm is a place where a small core owns everything (the Dynasty), and everyone else owns nearly nothing. Meanwhile, Nexus is a place caught in the middle. While both extremes of wealth and poor exist within the city, Nexus is a city of opportunity, filled with a prosperous middle class with every hope of improving their already comfortable lot. Indeed, to the average dweller in Nexus there are only two kinds of people: Those who live in Nexus, and those Poor Unfortunates who do not.

For these proud inhabitants, Nexus is truly the center of Creation. Some even place their beloved city above the natural order – the day begins not with sunrise, but when the Emissary wakes in the morning and passes his waste into the Yellow River. This is just one example of the importance that those from Nexus can place on their home.

Thus is life in the City of a Million Lice. Thus is life in Nexus.

The Council of Entities

The exact nature of the Council that controls the City of Nexus is unknown to most of the inhabitants, who merely know that they are the rulers of the city and whisper legends that have passed down about the various Councilors since the time of the Emissaries rise. What most do know is that there are numerous Councilors, all of whom are only a distinct second to the figure known as the Emissary – whose origins mirror that of the city itself, and who is rumored to be over 800 years old, or even older! The exact nature of the Emissary, or most of the Council for that matter, is unknown – their power is both great, and uncontested. While the Council actively resists acting like a true government, it nonetheless passes decrees and keeps a record of those decrees – the vast ‘law books’ known as the Incunabulum.

The Dogma are among the most important of the rules, but the ‘Civilities’ – a much larger and often times self-contradictory body of lesser laws created by the Council – are much more vague and transitory. Indeed, many foreigners never get used to the constant hum and change of the cities ‘laws’; while Nexus born seem to have an innate feel for the “pulse of the city” and almost innately understand the bounds of acceptable behavior. Indeed, for those unused to her, Nexus can be a terrifying place.

Such was the case during the Second Realm Invasion, when the Emissary decreed that the occupation of the city by the Realms Legions should end – due to the third item of the Dogma, which was then declared, stating that none may keep an army within the walls of the city except the Council itself. Following this statement, two members of the Council were slain by the Legionnaires present in the city. The Emissary then hunted and killed every last Officer in the Legions of the rank of Talonlord and higher, slaying them all over the next five days. Those remaining wisely choose to vacate the city, and accept Exile.

Such is an example of the power of the Council of Entities, and its Leader.

The Guild and the Mercenary Houses

The Guild exists in a somewhat tenuous role over the city of Nexus, wishing to keep the balance of decentralized and almost null government (to maximize profits) and the orderly running of the city (to minimize loss). Thus, while the Council of Entities provides the foundation of Law and Stability that empowers Nexus, the Guild governs the lifeblood of the city on a day-to-day basis and assists in the orderly running of the city.

As in all things, of course, nothing is free.

No city guards patrol the streets of Nexus. If a criminal commits too grievous an act, he will turn up dead in most horrific fashion at the hand of the Council of Entities. If he acts against the interests of the Guilds (even if not necessarily criminally), the result will be the same but will take somewhat more time to play out. Others desiring a measure of protection can order such through the auspices of the Guild, which has multiple tiers of protection on retainer. Most of these come in the form of various Mercenary Companies in the employ of the Guild, which are then rented out to careful wealthy folk as guards. Larger conglomerates of folk can, and indeed often do, see to arranging for protection amongst themselves as well – either doing it themselves, or pooling funds to hire ‘professional assistance’ from the Guild. Other such services are also available, and one with enough money at hand is perhaps even safer in Nexus than he would be in the heart of the Blessed Isle. While Nexus is individually much more dangerous, most of the wonders of the Dynasty are restricted for the Dragon-Blooded alone. In Nexus, the only limit is money and to a lesser extent connections.

Not all Mercenaries work for the Guild, however, and not all of them are connected with protection and guardian duty in the city. More than a few are private concern, hired by the Council or the Guild when Nexus needs to help defend the Confederation of Rivers. A few work strictly for the Council, an ‘army’ for the city in a way. The great bulk of Mercenaries, however, are just simple and oft-ignored organizations of warriors for hire with no real connection to the city at all for good or ill.

The Characters of Nexus

Characters Native to Nexus:

  • Saeris the Forsaken is, without a doubt, the greatest Gladiator ever to walk into the Nexus Area. Alternatively Hated and Beloved by the People of Nexus, no matter their feelings they all come to see Saeris when he appears in the Ring. Undefeated, Saeris strides the Arena like a colossus. He will not deign to fight mortals, unless they outnumber him at least 20 to 1. Lions, Tigers, Outcaste Dragon-Blooded, the Fair Folk. All these he has faced, all these he has defeated. Saeris, the Unbondable, who rose up from the Pens and slew his own Master in a fit of Divine Rage. Saeris, the Unconquerable, who dares the Wyld Hunt to come for him. Saeris, the Unbreakable, the King of the Nexus Arena.
  • Ameria was once simply yet another whore living in a highly paid House owned by the Guild, separated from all the other girls there only by her great beauty and her simple even naïve view of the world -- you didn't really think your position was all that bad. Just the occasional distraction, while the rest of your time was spent draped in comfort -- indulging in the past-times that interested you. You were beautiful and exotic enough that you were seldom misused as often as the other girls; the Mistress wouldn't allow it. No mere purse would buy a night with you, for you were held out as a Personal Favor. All that was ripped from her by the abuses of Ruaxes, a Guild Factor with more money than Compassion and with your Mistress in his pocket. You still bear the scars of his games; physically, and emotionally. Yet, even worse was the treatment you recieved when you tried to get justice -- scolded for not being submitting enough, your own pain ignored. You would not quiet though, nor meekly quiet. You put all of your considerable guile to work, to get what was owed you -- powerful men were pulled to your aide, and your sisters lent their words to your cause as well. Your Mistress no doubt thought she would break you, when she brought in the Slave Breaker. All the whip did was enrage you, and you heard a voice -- the voice of your Father. "You who yearns for Righteousness, I Exalt thee. You know not what you search for, why you quake so at what has been done to you. Yet, even so, you call out for the world to hear you and say 'nay!' I lend my voice to yours, and make you my Chosen Priest. Go out into the world and show all the power of a simple Whore, the power of all people." In the aftermath of her Exalted, two people were dead and she was the Mistress of her Household. Now she lives for her new Father, the Unconquered Sun, and finds herself faced with the greatest challenge of all in her life: bringing Righteousness not just to the Guild, but to Nexus.
  • Tithian Caernavos was born the child of a Slave in lands of Harbourhead, the free child of a slave laborer. Most of his time was spent absorbed in books, for his father was determined that he would be learned and wise. Tithian found most of this boring, until he ran across his first Occult Tome and began his experimentations with Mortal Sorcery – experimentations that eventually led to his Exaltation, and his fleeing Harbourhead with the assistance of one of the Sidereal Exalted. Many confusing months passed before he finally settled down in a small Air-aspected Manse just a ways outside of Nexus. Your errant savior has told you many things since your escape, lore that matches the visions your see in your minds eyes, but with more detail and knowledge. He speaks of ancient prophecy, that the return of the Solar Exalted was foretold, and that there exists a great Cult of those still loyal to the Rulers of Creation who need his guidance and knowledge. You never pictured yourself as a 'Cult' type of person, but this 'Cult of the Illuminated' is growing on you. Who are you to fight Destiny, after all?
  • Dagger grew up as a orphan on the streets of the Firewander District, adopted by a small group of thieves and cutthroats. She started off as most young children do, begging and learning a bit of pickpocketing. Once she got older, she began to learn more of the 'advanced lessons', becoming a burglar and all-around criminal; she had a distinct talent for the trade, and took to the criminal culture of Nexus almost instinctively. By the time of her 20th birthday, she was one of the most notorious criminals of Nexus with a large bounty on her head by the Guild and criminal contacts throughout the city. Few could spot her in the crowd, but everyone knew her reputation! Everything she ever knew in her life changed, though, when she heard the voice of the Unconquered Sun while hiding from the Emissary -- she'd pulled off Assassinations without getting in trouble before, and had gotten cocky, but this time the ruler of Nexus had decided to make an example. Until she heard the voice -- "Child of Blood and Shadows," the voice said, "I take you as my own, kissing you upon the brow and making you my daughter -- you shall be my dagger, taking out the foes of the Light that can only lurk in the Dark." You stood up straight then, and felt a strange burning on your brow; your revelry was broken as the Emissary stepped even closer, the eyes behind his mask staring at you. "You have been given a warning, and a second chance, Dagger. Heed it." Since then, your life has just gotten even more crazy!
  • Miyo Kane grew up surrounded by the Wonders of the First Age. Sure, most of them were rusted, cracked and in various states of disrepair; none the less it was quite a unique upbringing. Your Father was one of the foremost Scavenger Lords of the Confederation of Rivers, and you learned the trade at his knee -- not just how to avoid traps and signs of essence leakage, the workings of ancient First Age devices or how to read Old Realm either. You also learned how to deal with superstitious natives, hire help that wouldn't run away at the first sight of a God, and every little nuance of getting the drop on the competition. The blood of Scavengers ran in your veins, and so you took to the profession with a broad base of natural talent. Once he felt you ready, your father retired from 'active duty' and left you in charge of the expeditions -- you took the extra responcibility happily, helping to provide for your family. Your life took a drastic turn, though, during a bit of 'friendly' competition with one of the most fabled 'Archaelogists' of the Blessed Isle -- Ragara Kestrel. You doubted you'd be able to keep anything even if you won, but you were determined to put in a good show anyway -- just to prove that you could, and also because she was quite an attractive woman and you wanted to impress her. Sure enough, you managed to arrive at the ruined Manse before she did -- you had your camp half-way set up and your workers beginning explorations into the ruins by the time you realized that the area was rich was Fair Folk. Just once, you began to wish that you'd come in second or at least tied -- but you didn't let the fear control you, but were determined to get your way out of this the only way you could imagine; trade. Maybe you had some treasure with you that the Fae would take for your safe exit...
  • Berevan Alms-Seeker was once one of the most successful beggars in all of Firewander District, and not a greedy one either for he was always willing to spare some food or shelter with a friend in need -- or even just a stranger who needed it. Slowly, he began to grow into a figure of note and even maybe some power -- a thought that would have had the wealthy and powerful in Cinnibar District laughing, but none the less was true. A power among beggers, thieves and homeless outcasts...but a power none the less, and one that is growing. He's managed, thus far, to hide his Exaltation from most -- the only one who knows, to his knowledge, are his three closest friends and the Deathknight Child of Endless Dawns. You still remember the event, however. Children had gone missing throughout the District, with no word of where they'd gone. None of your friends had been afflicted, but you couldn't let the mystery go unsolved and so looked into it yourself. You would never have found them, either, except for the secrets that you lulled out of some of the children who had been left behind...they led you toward the Child of Endless Dawns. You were frightened beyond reason as you strided into the warehouse where the children were being held, but you couldn't ignore this even with the knowledge of what was behind these events. Yet, as you met the gaze of the darkchild, you felt a great confidence fill you...

A very nice Nexus summary, with some interesting characters. Ameria is my favorite, though Saeris is particularly amusing. Do you have some more mortal characters to add? They're the most useful to the rest of us STs for borrowing purposes. - Quendalon

Yeah, I've got some ideas for that too:) I mostly put this up for the benefit of my players; they won't be playing their normal scheduled game today, so I'm going to let them pick some Scenario characters and play in Nexus instead:) - CrownedSun