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Infernal Performance

"Only in the music of the realm do the Yozis relent. They are both dancers and singers beyond mortal peer, and though their songs may destroy as easily as heal, there is no malice in them." - Games of Divinity, page 86.

Like their masters, the Infernal Exalted show their noblest emotions in the arts of song and dance: joy, mercy, and the wistful sorrow for beautiful things past or yet to come, and they are truly, deeply giften in these forms. To see an Infernal dance or hear her sing is to glimpse the joy of the Primordials when they first laid eyes on their new Creation.

The spiritual ancestor of these Charms is Adorjan by way of Zsofika, and also She Who Lives In Her Name by way of Stanewald. However, unlike those of other Abilities, the Charms of Performance draw upon the demons' virtue rather than their vice, and are resultantly indirect.

Charm Count: 9

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Heart-Wrenching Quaver
Cost: 3 motes
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Performance: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereq. Charms: None

The Infernal's eyes glitter with honest tears as she calls upon the mercy of her fellows. She can add her Limit in dice to a Performance, Presence, or Socialize roll made to garner support for a cause, but only if the cause is genuinely virtuous and the Infernal's desire to gather support for it pure of any malice, deception, or ill will.

Glorious Bolstering Presentation
Cost: 2 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Performance: 3
Min. Essence: 1
Prereq. Charms: Heart-Wrenching Quaver

The Infernal can inspire armies to the heights of courage with a few well-chosen words. The Infernal's player makes a Manipulation + Performance roll; for each success, those who can see or hear the Infernal are moved, and one of their Virtues raised a point. The Infernal cannot add more to any Virtue than her permanent Essence, and with this Charm she may add to Valor or Conviction. The effect persists as long as she continues to perform, and for minutes equal to the affected person's Willpower after she stops.

Outlook-Sweetening Serenade
Cost: 2 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Performance: 3
Min. Essence: 1
Prereq. Charms: Heart-Wrenching Quaver

This Charm is identical to Glorious Bolstering Presentation in every way, except that with it the Infernal may add to Compassion or Temperance.

Blossoming Joyful Aria
Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Min. Performance: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq. Charms: Glorious Bostering Presentation, Outlook-Sweetening Serenade

The Infernal bursts into exultant song, celebrating the joy of existence itself, All those who hear it are captivated, and those who have dots in the Performance Ability will attempt to spread the joy to the best of their capability, even activating applicable Charms. Meanwhile, the Infernal must continue to perform or the Charm ends. Mortals who percieve this song are always affected by it; it never affects supernatural beings with higher essence than the Infernal performing. Lesser supernaturals may make a reflexive opposed test of Willpower against the Infernal's Manipulation + Performance to resist the compulsion to celebrate for a single turn.

Lightening the Daunting Burden
Cost: 1 mote per success
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Performance: 2
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq. Charms: None

The Infernal can uplift the energies of others with this Charm, making their efforts seem less difficult. The Infernal's player rolls Charisma + Performance; or each success, the Infernal can spend a single mote to change a die into an automatic success for a Craft roll, Medicine roll, or a roll made to endure a heavy burden, as long as that roll is being made for some other character.

Weaving and Unweaving Canon
Cost: 10+ motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Indefinite
Min. Performance: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereq. Charms: Lightening the Daunting Burden

With this Charm, the Infernal can assist others in their work, with much greater effectiveness. She performs tirelessly for the duration of the Charm, and those benefiting from it have her Valor added to their dice pools for creating or destroying a thing through diligent labor (so a sorceror could benefit from this Charm if he were planning the layout of a Manse, but not if he were trying to disrupt the Essence flows by running through it smashing vases). As many individuals can benefit from this Charm as the Infernal's permanent Essence for the base cost; each additional beneficiary raises the Charm's cost by two motes.

Sudden City Cantiga
Cost: 20 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Min. Performance: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereq Charms: Weaving and Unweaving Canon

The Infernal can aid massive labors once she has learnt this trick. She can make an entire group working on a single task work with supernatural speed and surety by singing a composition designed to synchonize and inspire their labor, allowing them to do a day's taks in a single scene. Up to (10 * permanent Essence) individuals can benefit from an invocation of this Charm.

Song of Innocence and Experience</b>
<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Supplemental
Duration: One roll
Min. Performance: 4
Min. Essence: 4
Prereq Charms: Weaving and Unweaving Canon

With this song, the Infernal abbreviates her own movements to fearsome mystic effiency. She adds her Performance in automatic successes to any roll requiring lengthy labor; Craft rolls, Occult or Lore research, medical operations, and the like can all be affected by this Charm. If she works together with other individuals who are using this Charm, she may add a die to her roll for each other person present, up to her Compassion.

Pandaemonium of Voices
Cost: 10 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
Min. Performance: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereq. Charms: Blossoming Joyful Aria, Sudden City Cantiga, Song of Innocence and Experience

With this Charm, the Infernal divides her mind; one part dances and sings outside the world, while the other part is free to act. While under the effect of this Charm, a voice that resembles the Infernal's hangs sourcelessly in the air, singing the wordless cantatas of Malfeas, and her anima coalesces into a hazy silhouette which dances without her body's leadership. She has two independent actions each turn; one may only be used for Performance actions (including Performance Charms) and the other is unrestricted. She may also benefit from her own Performance Charms even if they normally only benefit others (she can also choose to be unaffected by them), and can reflexively dodge attacks with her Performance.
