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* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Flawless Cosplay Technique
* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Flawless Cosplay Technique
By tapping into the weak spark of Bishonen Moe hidden behind layers of angst in their souls, Gothic Lolitas can shift their anima to resemble that of a Chosen of the Broodingly Handsome Sun. While this Charm is in effect, the Gothic Lolita’s Caste Mark and anima banner manifests exactly as a Bishoujo of the appropriate type (Elegant Euthanizers become Amazons, Priestesses of the Night become Idols, etc.). She can also use the new Caste’s anima power if she desires. She can effectively shift between the new Caste Power and her true Caste Power at will. Any [[StalwartTheKawaiiEdition/LolitaLarceny/Idol]] [[BishonenTheKawaiiEdition/LolitaLarceny/Bishoujo]] with a Permanent Moe higher than the Lolita’s can see through the disguise.
By tapping into the weak spark of Bishonen Moe hidden behind layers of angst in their souls, Gothic Lolitas can shift their anima to resemble that of a Chosen of the Broodingly Handsome Sun. While this Charm is in effect, the Gothic Lolita’s Caste Mark and anima banner manifests exactly as a Bishoujo of the appropriate type (Elegant Euthanizers become Amazons, Priestesses of the Night become Idols, etc.). She can also use the new Caste’s anima power if she desires. She can effectively shift between the new Caste Power and her true Caste Power at will. Any [[StalwartTheKawaiiEdition/Idol]] [[BishonenTheKawaiiEdition/Bishoujo]] with a Permanent Moe higher than the Lolita’s can see through the disguise.
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* <b>Cost: </b>  3 motes
* <b>Cost: </b>  3 motes
* <b>Duration: </b>  Instant
* <b>Duration: </b>  Instant
* <b>Type: </b> [[SubtleTheKawaiiEdition/LolitaLarceny/Mental]]
* <b>Type: </b> Subtle/Mental
* <b>Minimum Larceny: </b>  2
* <b>Minimum Larceny: </b>  2
* <b>Minimum Moe:</b>  1
* <b>Minimum Moe:</b>  1
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The Lolita reaches out with her Moe, shaped in the form of a ghostly hand, invisible to the naked eye, to steal an object in her direct line of sight. The object, when clutched by the phantom hands, flickers and vanishes to Mallet Space, rematerializing in the Gothic Lolita’s possession.
The Lolita reaches out with her Moe, shaped in the form of a ghostly hand, invisible to the naked eye, to steal an object in her direct line of sight. The object, when clutched by the phantom hands, flickers and vanishes to Mallet Space, rematerializing in the Gothic Lolita’s possession.
This Charm is an attempt to steal something in plain sight, within (10*her permanent Moe) yards. The character can only grab objects small enough to comfortably hold with one hand, and the character cannot steal things in active use (this includes attuned artifacts) unless she is stealing from an extra’s person. Possessions on a person’s body can be swiped but not if they are securely fastened. A money pouch could be grabbed but not the belt it was affixed to, for example. The character automatically succeeds in stealing the item. If another Charm contests this effect, add the character’s Moe in automatic successes to the [[DexterityTheKawaiiEdition/LolitaLarceny/Wits]] + Larceny roll to oppose the other Charm.  
This Charm is an attempt to steal something in plain sight, within (10*her permanent Moe) yards. The character can only grab objects small enough to comfortably hold with one hand, and the character cannot steal things in active use (this includes attuned artifacts) unless she is stealing from an extra’s person. Possessions on a person’s body can be swiped but not if they are securely fastened. A money pouch could be grabbed but not the belt it was affixed to, for example. The character automatically succeeds in stealing the item. If another Charm contests this effect, add the character’s Moe in automatic successes to the [[DexterityTheKawaiiEdition/Wits]] + Larceny roll to oppose the other Charm.  
Characters using ordinary sense cannot spot the theft with Awareness. Nor may they notice the theft afterward until a number of turns equal to the Lolita’s Moe have passed, barring unusual circumstances such as an attempt to use the item or the collapse of an arch after the Lolita steals its keystone. Even players of characters with inhuman sensory acuity have a +4 difficulty on the opposed roll to notice the theft and a +8 difficulty on the unopposed roll to notice the item’s absence.
Characters using ordinary sense cannot spot the theft with Awareness. Nor may they notice the theft afterward until a number of turns equal to the Lolita’s Moe have passed, barring unusual circumstances such as an attempt to use the item or the collapse of an arch after the Lolita steals its keystone. Even players of characters with inhuman sensory acuity have a +4 difficulty on the opposed roll to notice the theft and a +8 difficulty on the unopposed roll to notice the item’s absence.

Latest revision as of 13:59, 9 June 2010

Gothic Lolita Larceny Tree

  • Larceny Insight of the Lolita (1/1)
    • Confusing Lolita Larceny (2/2)
      • Absolute Gothic Lolita Larceny (3/3)
        • Persistent Loli Larceny Augmentation (4/4)
    • Twisted Cosplay Technique (3/2)
      • Impassionate Cosplay Technique (4/2)
        • Flawless Cosplay Technique (5/3)
          • Bishoujo Impersonation Style (5/4)
    • Mistress of Bandits (3/2)
      • Voice of the Ages Demands Entry (3/2)
        • Impassable Chastity Belt Technique (4/3)
        • Loli Knows no Barriers (5/4)
          • Reality Revision: Dawn of Sorrow (6/3/6, also requires Land Becomes the Loli)
      • Ghost Trail Technique (4/2)
    • The Hand That Reaches Everywhere (2/1)
      • Telekinetic Phantom Hands (5/2)
        • Little Lady Luck (5/3, also requires Absolute Gothic Lolita Larceny)
        • Reality Revision: The Universe in a Crystal Ball (7/7, also requires Reality Revision: Walking on the Palm of the Loli)

Twisted Cosplay Technique

  • Cost: 8 motes
  • Duration: One day
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Larceny: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Larceny Insight of the Lolita

Cosplay is normally an aberration to Gothic Lolitas. However, not even they deny its usefulness in the proper environment and situation. Of course, their cosplaying style is a lot more wicked than the usual. Gothic Lolitas have learned how to steal the visages of those Moe they have consumed.

The player of the Gothic Lolita makes an Intelligence + Larceny roll after her character consumes 1 or more motes of Moe from her target by any means. The difficulty is 6 minus the total number of motes taken. If a character utterly kills her target and takes a little sip of its blood, the difficulty is automatically 1. Successes on this roll count as a mundane impersonation attempt, except that the Lolita’s features actually shift to resemble the victim’s. Players of characters attempting to perceive the ruse may roll Perception + Awareness against a difficulty of the Gothic Lolita’s successes. Note that the Lolita only takes on the appearance of her target: the Charm does not bestow personality or mannerisms. Characters who know the target personally can quickly recognize the Lolita as an imposter simply by interacting with her. This Charm can only be used to impersonate humans.

Impassionate Cosplay Technique

  • Cost: 9 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: One day
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Larceny: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Twisted Cosplay Technique

This Charm duplicates the effects of Twisted Cosplay Technique with one exception: the Exalt also steals intuitive knowledge of her victim’s mannerisms and habits. Consequently, this ruse is much more effective and can easily fool casual associates of the target. Close family members can still recognize that something’s wrong, however, regardless of whether they actually suspect an imposter or attribute the odd behavior to illness.

Flawless Cosplay Technique

  • Cost: 15 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 experience point
  • Duration: Indefinite
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Larceny: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Impassionate Cosplay Technique

By destroying the flesh and consuming the spirit, the Lolita steals her victim’s very identity. The character must kill her target; take a sip of his blood and burn the corpse, showering herself with the ashes, meditating for an hour. At the conclusion of these preparations, the Exalt shifts into the perfect likeness of her victim. This is not an illusion, however, but a startling transformation. Every mark and scar is duplicated, every tic and mannerism compensated for.

If questioned, the Lolita can even draw on the stolen memories of her prey with an Intelligence + Larceny roll at a difficulty assigned by the Storyteller. No amount of physical scrutiny can discern that the Lolita is not who she pretends to be, although any display of a Gothic Lolita anima banner may spoil the effect. This Charm only permits impersonation of human victims of female gender. Although she may disguise herself as an Exalted victim and even duplicate Magical Girl fetishes or Cat Girl physical traits, the character cannot emulate the powers or anima of her stolen visage. Once the character voluntarily ends this Charm, she loses all memories and shifts back to her true form. Death also ends the ruse. Characters can only assume a given guise once before the memories are digested.

Bishoujo Impersonation Style

  • Cost: 15 motes, 2 Willpower
  • Duration: Indefinite
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Larceny: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 4
  • Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Cosplay Technique

By tapping into the weak spark of Bishonen Moe hidden behind layers of angst in their souls, Gothic Lolitas can shift their anima to resemble that of a Chosen of the Broodingly Handsome Sun. While this Charm is in effect, the Gothic Lolita’s Caste Mark and anima banner manifests exactly as a Bishoujo of the appropriate type (Elegant Euthanizers become Amazons, Priestesses of the Night become Idols, etc.). She can also use the new Caste’s anima power if she desires. She can effectively shift between the new Caste Power and her true Caste Power at will. Any StalwartTheKawaiiEdition/Idol BishonenTheKawaiiEdition/Bishoujo with a Permanent Moe higher than the Lolita’s can see through the disguise.

Mistress of Bandits

  • Cost: 10 motes
  • Duration: One day
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Larceny: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Larceny Insight of the Lolita

The taints of the soul and the perversion of the mind are no secret to the Gothic Lolitas. In the dark world of crime and the law of the strongest and most cunning, Lolitas feel like home. With this Charm, she can intuitively pick out criminal establishments from honest businesses and discern those who actively sell or buy illegal merchandise. Just as easily, the Abyssal can spot the lines of power in the local crime scene and track them back to the true crime-lords of the area. While this Charm remains active, the Lolita is at home in any criminal subculture. This Charm cannot discern informers or undercover agents from ordinary criminals unless there are sufficient clues present to draw such a conclusion.

Voice of the Ages Demands Entry

  • Cost: 5 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Larceny: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Mistress of Bandits

With but a word, demanding entry to a place closed to her, the Gothic Lolita can instantly bypass any mundane lock. The lock rusts away in a puff of acrid smoke, causing the mechanism to fall open. The Charm must be used separately on each lock and may affect locked manacles as easily as the bolts of doors and safes. This Charm does not prevent the activation of any trap keyed to such an event, though. She may destroy locks from as far as (10*the Lolita’s Moe) yards away. Moving targets require a successful Dexterity + Thrown roll.

Impassable Chastity Belt Technique

  • Cost: 7 motes
  • Duration: (Moe) hours
  • Type: Re-Useless
  • Minimum Larceny: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Voice of the Ages Demands Entry

Gothic Lolitas have to protect their possessions. With a single touch, the Lolita can lock any object that can be locked (doors, chests, windows, cells, manacles, chastity belts…….). Regardless of whether the door previously had a lock or not, it is impossible to open for a number of hours equal to the Lolita’s Moe. This is a perfect effect. A key that would ordinarily open a existent lock modified by this Charm would not work until after the Charm’s effect has concluded. The doors, chests, and other locked objects can still be broken down, though.

Loli Knows no Barriers

  • Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Re-Useless
  • Minimum Larceny: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 4
  • Prerequisite Charms: Voice of the Ages Demands Entry

Only the plain stupid would lock a door to keep a Gothic Lolita out. This Charm enhances a movement action within the normal movement allowance, which bypasses a single closed portal. The character must be ale to move, and this Charm uses up the character’s permitted Move action for that turn. This Charm only allows movement through portals. This is, objects intentionally designed for people, animals or spirits to pass through them. The character cannot use this Charm to walk through walls, squeeze through arrow slits or fish around inside a sealed chest.

Reality Revision: Dawn of Sorrow

  • Cost: 20+ motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Re-Useless
  • Minimum Larceny: 6
  • Minimum Occult: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 6
  • Prerequisite Charms: Loli Knows no Barriers, Land Becomes the Loli

The most powerful Gothic Lolitas challenge the gods themselves, daring to steal from Creation itself. This Charm will create a shadowland centered around the Loli with a radius of 10 miles, plus 2 miles for every additional 5 motes spent in the invocation. A shadowland created by this Charm is rarely a perfect circle; the shape of the shadowland is determined by the local dragon lines as the Gothic Lolita taints them with her angsty Moe.

Ghost Trail Technique

  • Cost: 1 mote
  • Duration: One scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Larceny: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Mistress of Bandits

Like a ghost, a Gothic Lolita with this Charm leaves no evidence of her passing. She can be spotted just as easily as before, but she does not drop unintentional clues or leave physical evidence such as footprints, hair, etc. Obviously, if a Lolita wants to leave clues, she may do so, since the Charm only protects against unintentional evidence. Only supernatural tracking can find a character shrouded with this Charm.

The Hand That Reaches Everywhere

  • Cost: 3 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Subtle/Mental
  • Minimum Larceny: 2
  • Minimum Moe: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: Larceny Insight of the Lolita

In the Loli’s mind, everything belongs to her. Whatever she wants cannot be denied to her. This Charm enhances a valid pickpocketing roll: a roll to steal something the character can both reach and carry from another’s person. The character cannot steal things in active use, such as the sword in someone’s hand, the boots from the target’s feet or an artifact to which someone has committed motes to, unless the character is an extra.

This Charm guarantees success on the roll. If another Charm contests this effect, add the character’s Moe in automatic successes to the Dexterity + Larceny roll to oppose the other Charm. In addition, ordinary Awareness cannot spot the theft. Even players of characters with unnatural sensory acuity have a +4 difficulty penalty on the opposed roll to catch the character in the act.

On the other side, the Gothic Lolita can use this Charm to make outright impossible stunts, such as actually summoning a coin from a belt pouch without even reaching for it. This requires a successful Dexterity + Larceny roll. The Lolita can steal in this fashion from a range of up to (10*the Lolita’s permanent Moe) yards away. This can also be used to snatch unattended objects in the open.

Telekinetic Phantom Hand

  • Cost: 5 motes (plus 1 Willpower; see text)
  • Duration: (Moe) turns
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Larceny: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: The Hand That Reaches Everywhere

The Lolita reaches out with her Moe, shaped in the form of a ghostly hand, invisible to the naked eye, to steal an object in her direct line of sight. The object, when clutched by the phantom hands, flickers and vanishes to Mallet Space, rematerializing in the Gothic Lolita’s possession.

This Charm is an attempt to steal something in plain sight, within (10*her permanent Moe) yards. The character can only grab objects small enough to comfortably hold with one hand, and the character cannot steal things in active use (this includes attuned artifacts) unless she is stealing from an extra’s person. Possessions on a person’s body can be swiped but not if they are securely fastened. A money pouch could be grabbed but not the belt it was affixed to, for example. The character automatically succeeds in stealing the item. If another Charm contests this effect, add the character’s Moe in automatic successes to the DexterityTheKawaiiEdition/Wits + Larceny roll to oppose the other Charm.

Characters using ordinary sense cannot spot the theft with Awareness. Nor may they notice the theft afterward until a number of turns equal to the Lolita’s Moe have passed, barring unusual circumstances such as an attempt to use the item or the collapse of an arch after the Lolita steals its keystone. Even players of characters with inhuman sensory acuity have a +4 difficulty on the opposed roll to notice the theft and a +8 difficulty on the unopposed roll to notice the item’s absence.

This Charm normally costs 5 motes. To steal an item that the phantom hand could not normally reach (on the other side of a closed window, outside of a cell, at the bottom of a narrow crevice, etc.), the character must also spend 1 point of Willpower.

Finally, the Lolita can use the telekinetic phantom hand to make an unarmed attack or parry from a distance. The phantom hands deal lethal damage and can parry lethal attacks. The accuracy and defense bonuses of the hand equal the Gothic Lolita’s Moe, with a Speed bonus equal to twice this value. The hand deals a base damage equal to the Lolita’s Perception + Moe.

Little Lady Luck

  • Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: One scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Larceny: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Absolute Gothic Lolita Larceny, Telekinetic Phantom Hands

The Gothic Lolita with this Charm automatically wins whatever game she’s playing. Regardless of whatever game of chance she’s playing, she will win. The only exception is if another character uses the same Charm on the game. In such a case, the character with the highest permanent Moe wins.

On the other side, a Gothic Lolita can also use this Charm to determine if anyone is cheating on a game she is observing. The character can only observe one game at a time, but the Charm allows her to learn both who is cheating and how the cheating is being accomplished. This Charm works on any game or contest.

Reality Revision: The Universe in a Crystal Ball

  • Cost: 20 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Larceny: 7
  • Minimum Moe: 7
  • Prerequisite Charms: Telekinetic Phantom Hands, Reality Revision: Walking on the Palm of the Loli

Within a Dreamscape, true death is not likely to happen. When a character “dies” within the Dreamscape, the experience is usually painful and mentally traumatic, but far from lethal most of the time. Gothic Lolitas who have mastered this Charm have mastered the psychical structure of Dreamscapes beyond what can be accomplished with Walking on the Palm of the Loli. With this Charm, the Gothic Lolita can destroy entire Dreamscapes with but a crushing motion of her hand.

The Lolita must be within the targeted Dreamscape, which obviously requires the use of Dream Walker Style or its two following Charms. This is a perfect death effect on Alien Princesses and Oniboshi creatures with less Moe than the Gothic Lolita, as the character unravels their dream Moe from their chaotic nature. On any other creature, the Gothic Lolita must make an Intelligence + Larceny roll at a difficulty equal to the target’s Moe. If she succeeds, she literally rips apart her victim’s dream world, shattering her mind and sanity in the most terrifying of ways. The victim takes dice of aggravated damage equal to the Lolita’s (Perception + Charisma – Compassion), ignoring armor. The victim suffers a derangement for a number of days equal to the Lolita’s Intelligence + Manipulation, though she can overcome this effect for a scene with a successful Conviction roll. However, for the same period, the victim cannot regain Willpower and does not regenerate Moe naturally. If the target dies by the effect of this Charm, the Lolita immediately returns to the Material World and recovers all spent temporary Willpower points.

As an additional benefit of this Charm, the Gothic Lolita who learns this Charm gains the ability to use any of her Dream Charms without regard from her distance to the target, as long as she’s within the boundaries of her own Saintly Girl Territory and she knows her target’s exact location.


Twisted Cosplay Technique is vicious. Good, but vicious. And its descendent charms too. I would suggest a sequel charm to Mistress of Bandits which enables the Lolita to swiftly call a group of people prone to crime to her, to act as her flunkies in some planned crime.