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But actually, this is simply what they are like on the surface. The truth is, they fight crime. Nineveh and Nimrod seem to have an unmatched ability to sniff out the conspiracies and coverups of their fellow Exalted, from minor financial scams of Terrestrial prefects to the secret doings behind the Deliberative itself. Only the fact that they have befriended Queen Merela (and been quietly placed under her protection, For Special Services to the Crown) has protected them from retaliation, thus far. But their enemies are many and growing...
But actually, this is simply what they are like on the surface. The truth is, they fight crime. Nineveh and Nimrod seem to have an unmatched ability to sniff out the conspiracies and coverups of their fellow Exalted, from minor financial scams of Terrestrial prefects to the secret doings behind the Deliberative itself. Only the fact that they have befriended Queen Merela (and been quietly placed under her protection, For Special Services to the Crown) has protected them from retaliation, thus far. But their enemies are many and growing...
NOTES: Established Night and Half Moon (Mink Spirit Shape, Solar Bond 5). Essence, Investigation, Socialize of 5. They wear a pair of Orichalcum and Moonsilver Artifact wedding rings, that give them the benefits of the Sidereal Charm Lover's Oath. Ally 3 (Sidereal Mentor/Sifu), Legendary Ally (Queen Merela). Having seen what most Exalted get up to without any authority to rein them in, they tend to support the Unionists Party.  
NOTES: Established Night and Half Moon (Mink Spirit Shape, Solar Bond 5). Essence, Investigation, Socialize of 5. They wear a pair of Orichalcum and Moonsilver Artifact wedding rings, that give them the benefits of the Sidereal Charm Lover's Oath. Ally 3 (Sidereal [[MentorThe_Book_Of_Fire/Sifu]]), Legendary Ally (Queen Merela). Having seen what most Exalted get up to without any authority to rein them in, they tend to support the Unionists Party.  
== LUNARS ==
== LUNARS ==

Latest revision as of 03:10, 9 June 2010


GENERAL MIN: The General, as he is often called, is one of the Golden Hero Vassals, survivors of the Primordial War, and like most who weathered that dread conflict, he refuses to speak of it. Until recently, he was in a very dark place: The long eras of peace and plenty held little purpose for a dedicated war marshal like himself, and teaching his craft to the newly Exalted felt as hollow as the entertainments of his estate on Saigoth. To make matters worse, the General was the sole survivor of the loss of his Circle, while fighting in the Aftershock War. All of them have reincarnated, but now Min has virtually nothing in common with those who have inherited the Essences of his boon companions for thousands of years. Just as they don't know how to deal with him, only inviting him along on their escapades to learn their new powers out of politeness. He always declines, both from knowing that they don't really want him around, and from the pain of seeing his old, lost friends occasionally reflected in one of their gestures or phrases...

Min endured this period of despair, until Operation: Wyldhand. At first, he only signed on for a lark, half intending to throw his life away in one last blaze of glory. But to his surprise, the Wyld-twisted hell the Deliberative made of the Northeast actually felt like the old warzones...like his time had come again. New life and purpose flooded the General, as he rallied the Deliberative forces and strode against its enemies like a wrathful god. Even his Circlemates, viewing him in his full splendor for the first time, were overcome with awe and admiration!

Now, Wyldhand is over and peace has once again returned, more painfully than ever. Almost without realizing that he is doing so, the General has quietly begun to loan his considerable aid to those who want to repeat the experiment. Perhaps Min knows that it's wrong, but on some level, he'll do anything to feel that rush of true war and meaningfulness again...

NOTES: Legendary Dawn. Essence and Willpower of 10. War and Integrity maxed out. Possesses many Artifacts dealing with warfare, including an Indomitable Conquest Platform, a Daiklave of Conquest and an Atlas of the Unconquered General. As one of the highest ranking members of the Deliberative's armed forces, has Legendary Command and Legendary Arsenal. Has mastered Scarlet-Patterned Battlefield Style Martial Arts up to the Form Charm. One of the defacto heads of the Militant Party (Backing 5).

SWEETEST WHISPER: One of the original members of the Black Nadir Concordat, Sweetest Whisper is the First Age's greatest expert on the Underworld and Necromancy. She has traveled to the Underworld more than any other Celestial, and has even gone so far as to erect the first Manses on its nightmarish demenses. Dressed in funereal splendor, she is attended by ghostly and reanimated servants wherever she goes, which pushes the envelope of even the Deliberative's infamously jaded sensibilities. She has not yet confided to anyone about the strange whispering from which she took her newest name, however, although she suspects it's only a matter of time before her fellows discover her use of the remains of Celestial Exalted as exotic ingredients in some of the powerful Artifacts she has been experimenting with...

NOTES: Influential Twilight. Essence, Occult at 7; access to Shadowlands and Labyrinth Necromancy, of the Ajaian School, but with few spells, as many have not yet been created. Has pioneered an Infinite Resplendence Amulet based on Soulsteel, but is still finetuning it. Has closest ties with the Cauldronists, but is considering starting her own Party...

SHAMASH: Proof that, while you can take the Exalted out of the barbarian, you can't take the barbarian out of the Exalt. Hailing from a nomadic tribe in the distant East, Shamash takes pride in resisting the civilizing influences of the Solar Deliberative. His life has changed little in the centuries since, only now he can wrestle, drink and whore on a scale undreamed of before!

Although he is more likely to brag about having had more women than any of his Solar fellows, he has also had more brawls than any of them, from singlehandedly wiping out entire armies of hobgoblins with his bare hands (he considers using weapons and armor cheating) to wrestling gargantuan behemoths into submission (many of the exhibitions of Behemoth Expeditions were captured by him). He has thoroughly cast himself into the life of an Epic Hero of the sort his people always told tales about, and in the process, has become perhaps the foremost practitioner of Solar Hero Style in Creation.

The toughest fight he ever had was actually against his older Lunar mate, upon their first meeting. No one knows what started it, but the battle raged for days, demolishing a nearby RPC. The mortals wanted the Exalted to put an end to it, but they were only interested in placing bets, until a Chosen of Serenity intervened, settling the matter by distracting both combatants with an equally epic display of dance and sex that calmed both down. The Deliberative still keeps her on call, just in case the two get out of hand again...

NOTES: Established Dawn. Essence, MA of 7, has mastered all published Solar Hero Style Charms (with innumberable combos), as well as most Survival, Integrity, Resistance and Athletics Charms. While he normally disdains Artifacts, he will occasionally use an Orichalcum belt that gives him the benefits of the Spirit of Might spell (a gift from the Mountain Folk after he saved hundreds of them by holding up a mountainous cavern from collapsing for an entire day). Despises all Solar political Parties, but enjoys hanging out with Lunars, and is barely aware that the Sidereals exist.

KALEVALA: Exalting during a plague in the far North, Kalevala's instinctual medicinal prowess was likely all that saved her people. Upon being brought to the Deliberative, she was appalled at the callousness of her fellow Exalted toward the plights of the mortals they were supposed to be looking out for. In the centuries since, she has increased both her medicinal powers and her political capital, hoping to use both to alleviate the suffering of mortalkind.

She is currently the head director of the Total Rejuvenation Hospital in Meru and sponsors many missions to bring food and aid to places beyond Deliberative reach. She is also a constant advocate of reforming the policy of Tributaries, requiring them to submit to constant investigations to be sure they are treating mortals correctly. She is also spearheading an initiative to convince elder Solars to develop Solar Circle mass healing spells and to "bottle" their healing charms, so that there might be a surplus in case of some Creation-wide disaster that stretches Solar ranks too thin. Needless to say, most of her fellows dismiss her ideas and wait for her to grow out of them. Except for the Chosen and Gods of the Bureau of Serenity, particularly Uvanavu, with whom she enjoys an excellent working relationship.

NOTES: Influential Zenith. Essence, Medicine of 7. Always carries her Resplendent Satchel of Healing and has access to many Artifacts of health and healing, including a Dragon King Regeneration Sphere. She has mastered Citrine Poxes of Contagion Style up to the Form Charm, and fits her Orichalcum Wrackstaff with a Metasorcerous Phylactery. A staunch member of the Faithful Party.

BLUE GARDA: Ruling a Tributary to the East, Blue Garda fancies herself as the Queen of Dreams. She decrees that her subjects must spend most of their time sleeping, while only a handful attend to the business of running her city, while most slumber, opening their minds to her curious and invasive powers...

Blue Garda has attracted the service of a large number of Dream Flies. As she allows them to feed their lusts under her rule instead of Heaven's, they have grown much more powerful than their fellows. Some are almost human-sized now...

NOTES: Established Eclipse. Essence 6, has mastered all Charms and Spells relating to dreams, including Dreaming Pearl Courtesan and Quicksilver Hand of Dreams MA (the latter up to the Form Charm). Possesses a 4-dot Dream Broadcaster, as well as other dream-related Artifacts. Doesn't favor any Parties. Followers 5 (Dream Flies).

NINEVEH AND NIMROD: Solar and Lunar bonded pairs have many kinds of relationships, from friends to rivals to lovers. Relatively few among the lovers actually formalize the relationship. A notable example are these two, who Exalted together after their previous lives died fighting together. Further adding to the irony, the pair were already married! Renewing their vows, this time in the sight of the Sun and Moon, they were bound together by a Chosen of Venus named Mox (who now acts as their Sidereal advisor and constant companion).

Nineveh and Nimrod have taken to their new lives with an ease that many newly Exalted envy. Only a few centuries old, they are everything the mortal populace expects of its godkings: Beautiful, cosmopolitan, and generous with their wealth. The pair seems to have an insatiable appetite for travel and parties, and even many elder Solars consider them the darlings of the social whirl.

But actually, this is simply what they are like on the surface. The truth is, they fight crime. Nineveh and Nimrod seem to have an unmatched ability to sniff out the conspiracies and coverups of their fellow Exalted, from minor financial scams of Terrestrial prefects to the secret doings behind the Deliberative itself. Only the fact that they have befriended Queen Merela (and been quietly placed under her protection, For Special Services to the Crown) has protected them from retaliation, thus far. But their enemies are many and growing...

NOTES: Established Night and Half Moon (Mink Spirit Shape, Solar Bond 5). Essence, Investigation, Socialize of 5. They wear a pair of Orichalcum and Moonsilver Artifact wedding rings, that give them the benefits of the Sidereal Charm Lover's Oath. Ally 3 (Sidereal MentorThe_Book_Of_Fire/Sifu), Legendary Ally (Queen Merela). Having seen what most Exalted get up to without any authority to rein them in, they tend to support the Unionists Party.


DOMINUS REX: If the Faction of the Silver Pact were to agree on a leader, it would assuredly be Dominus Rex. He disagrees, seeing himself as a simple man, trying to do an impossible job, one he'll happily give up to anyone with any better ideas about how to do it. Until then, he'll just do the best he can to keep Creation safe from the horrors beyond.

While he prefers Lunars, any Exalted is welcome to fight alongside Rex, so long as they all fight, and none quit. He gained some controversial notoriety recently for personally executing a fellow Lunar for cowardice, although none in the Silver Pact has yet challenged him on this.

Dominus would actually welcome the attention. Few in the Deliberative give any heed to his constant warnings of increased Raksha activity, nor will they until it is too late, he feels. He thinks that Operation: Wyldhand was not just a travesty, but an outright crime, practically inviting the full-scale invasion he believes is imminent to occur sooner rather than later. So, he redoubles the training and drilling of the troops who volunteer to serve under, and prays to the Lady that they will be enough...

NOTES: Influential Half-Moon. Essence, Charisma, Strength, War of 7. Tyrant Lizard Spirit Shape (Sharp Teeth Tell), often wears Many-Faced Mail Moonsilver armor, Moonsilver Tsunami Blade and Willstone of the Strategos. His flesh is a map of battle scars, and he is missing an eye. Reputation 5, Backing 5 (Swords of Luna).

MIDNIGHT RADIANCE: One of the few who remembers watching a dying Primordial slowly lose its life, Midnight Radiance also was ground-zero when the newly-dead Neverborn's death curse echoed in the souls of all the Exalted. And she has never forgotten the awful sense of Wrongness that has settled over her ever since...

Midnight Radiance has spent millenia closely observing her fellow Exalted and herself: She does not recall the increasing behavioral extremes among the Solars, or the beastial behavior of the Lunars, nor the Elemental extremes of the Terrestrials from before the Primordials. If they have all been somehow changed, then how was it done? And what can be done about it?

It was these questions that led her to join with the Black Nadir Concordat, and to dare the very tombs of the Neverborn themselves, in search of answers. But what she really needs is proof, both for her fellows in the Crossroads Society, and for the Solars. As far as she can tell, the Sidereals appear relatively unaffected by whatever plagues the other Exalted, perhaps she should bring her concerns to them...

NOTES: Legendary No Moon. Essence, Intelligence, Perception, Occult of 9. Black Cat Spirit Shape (Cat Ears Tell). Knows Shadowland Necromancy, uses Moonsilver Baneclaws. Reputation 5, Backing 4 (Crossroads Society).

TINY MOUNTAIN: While Solars are the preeminent social masters of the First Age, few came so close to rivaling them as Tiny. The defacto leader of the Winding Path faction, Tiny presented his criticism of the Lawgivers' policies in an unceasing flood of words, taking the form of popular songs, poems, pamphlets, and plays, ingeniously using the weapons of satire and penetrating insight to expose the flaws in the godkings' supposedly perfect plan.

His assassination didn't come as a shock to as many as it should have. The outraged Silver Pact found its demands for an investigation into Tiny's killing frustratingly stonewalled, given only cold leads that demons from Malfeas were probably behind it. Their resentment at this turn of events continues to stew...

Perhaps somewhat less than it normally would, for the Mountain actually survived. For obvious reasons, he believes he is safer letting those behind his attempted murder believe that he is dead while he and his friends conduct their own investigation. Deep down, the seemingly fearless Steward is quite frightened at what he may inevitably uncover. For if his suspicions are correct, then who will enforce the law upon the Lawgivers?

NOTES: Influential Waxing Moon. Essence, Charisma, Manipulation, Wits at 7. Yeddim Spirit Shape (Massive Body Tell). Carries a Moonsilver Thunderbolt Shield. Reputation 4, Backing 4 (Winding Path).

ZOE: When 18-year old Shar, newly Chosen of the Sun, was introduced to his Lunar mate, he was expecting someone huge and fierce. The giggling, cheerful child who never fails to catch her "big brother" in a pouncing hug was the last thing he expected!

Perhaps he'd be even more disturbed if he knew the truth. Zoe is actually far older than he imagines, by a few hundred years. His previous incarnation showed little interest in her; she almost wished he would abuse her, so that at least he'd be paying some sort of attention to her. She tried not to show how much his disregard hurt, then gave up trying when he was killed in action. Now, he has been reborn, only this time, she's the elder, and refuses to be ignored.

Of course, their mutual friends (who are going along with this out of appreciation for a good joke) think she's taking this a bit far, but are interested to see how long she can pull this off. The only thing that amuses her more than this charade is occasionally taking the forms of sultry, sexy women (or men) to seduce Shar with...His frenetic, embarrassed escapes keep her in stitches! She tells herself this is only temporary--after all, he'll be able to see through her disguises soon enough--but in the meanwhile, she just can't help herself...

NOTES: Established Waning Moon. Essence, Manipulation, Appearance of 5. Fox Spirit Shape (Fox Eyes Tell). Uses a Moonsilver Grand Goremaul in battle. Solar Bond 3.


BROTHER DHARMA: The senior ranking Chosen of Battles, the Sidereal now called Brother Dharma witnessed the ending of the Primordial War. During it, he provided among the best intelligence and tactical advice to his fellow soldiers, helping to end many of the Primordials. Unlike most who fought in that world shaking conflict, he often tried to discuss it, but failed due to the confusing nature of his memories thanks to She Who Lives In Her Name's wiping out of a large portion of the Reality that existed then...

Frustrated, the old veteran retired his military commission, shaved his head, and created a monastery in the small forest in the lap of the Penitent, in which to develop his martial arts skills (Dharma was one of the first Sidereals to discover the true power of Sidereal Martial Arts). While most know the Monastery of the Lap as a place to view and learn Terrestrial Martial Arts, few Celestials know that those with sufficient dedication and humility may also learn Celestial or even Sidereal styles here. The elderly master of the monastery can often be found atop the broad head of the Penitent, performing his forms, chatting with Swan Dragon, sparring with Hadeon, or simply meditating by starlight.

The Deliberative tried to gain his support for Operation: Wyldhand, but Brother Dharma declined. He now sees certain forces, including his old friend and warmate General Min, moving towards a recurrence of that disaster, and contemplates how he may stop them before it's too late...

NOTES: Legendary Chosen of Battles. Essence and Martial Arts of 8. Rivals Hadeon in his knowledge of Supernatural Martial Arts. Is constantly surrounded by 8 birds of various sorts, which are really his shapechanged Spirit Familiars (normally they appear as alluring, feathered young ladies) who serve as his bodyguards and messengers. Silken Armor, Seven Leaping Dragons Hearthstone. Ally 4 (Censor of the South), Henchmen 4.

NAMELESS: Most Sidereals who lose their names as a consequence of failing the conditions of the One Direction Invocation Charm have themselves issued another. Not so, this one. The last thing he saw was his entire Circle captured and killed before his eyes were ripped out by a Demon of the Second Circle, before being rescued by a heavenly extraction team. He hears that the demon still wears his eyes as earrings...

For half a century, he simply got by, using Charms, hearthstones and learned skills to make up for his sightlessness. His lack of an actual name was more of an inconvenience. But a deadly encounter with another demon convinced him to allow an artificer friend of his to fit him with Starmetal eyes. Now, he sees better than ever, and in more ways than one...

Nameless walks Creation again. His left eye sees war. His right sees death. If he must have a name, then let that name be Vengence...

NOTES: Established Chosen of Endings. Essence, Archery, Martial Arts at 5. Has mastered both Golden Exhalation and Righteous Devil Style Martial Arts, and has comboed Charms from both styles, which he uses with twin Plasma Tongue Repeaters. His Artifact Eyes give him the constant effects of the Charms Auspicious Prospects for (Battles, Endings) as well as Essence Sight. Uses Discreet Essence Armor, stacked with "poncho" buff jacket, and a Starmetal Switchklave. When not attending to business in Heaven, his Simhata Spirit Familiar bears him to his destinations, often enhanced by his Ride Charms.

SIOBHAN CREE: Everyone knows that the Chosen of Journeys get around, but Siobhan takes it to a new level. She has probably set foot on most every road and path available (and many that are not) in the Age of Splendor, and is probably the most well-traveled Exalt in Creation. Furthermore, her knowledge of the broad cultures across the world is encyclopedic, and, even more astonishing, is all from first hand experience...

She discovered, during the Station of Humility while learning Sorcery, that she actually *liked* living as an average mortal laborer, and so never "outgrew" that stage, like most Exalts do. Her time off from heavenly duties is spent living out a down-to-earth, humdrum life in any given city or village, courtesy of the truly bewildering array of Resplendent Destinies she has worn.

As one of the Watchers, this also falls under her duty, to observe how the Exalted serve humanity. And her recent findings are...troubling. Siobhan cannot help but notice that incidents of undeniable mortal abuse are on the rise among the Lawgivers, and she worries how her increasingly long report will be received, both in Yu-Shan and in the Deliberative. She is considering asking her superiors in the Keepers of the Loom for advice first...

NOTES: Influential Chosen of Journeys. Essence, Survival and Ride at 6. She owns a pair of Starmetal Perfected Boots, which are formed from a god undergoing punishment via the Terminal Sanction Charm, and is quite skilled with her Starmetal Manthreshers. She has befriended a Lesser Elemental Dragon that she created with the Riding the Dragon Charm and often gets rides from it (Ally 3).