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And here be Session Six for this crew of pirates.
And here be Session Six for this crew of pirates.
[[Shorlixa/WesternPirates | Back to Western Pirates]]
[[Shorlixa/WesternPirates|Back to Western Pirates]]
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[[Shorlixa/WPSessionFive|Back to Session Five]]
== Session Six ==
== Session Six ==
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And each Solar has their own things to ponder, as a period of convalescence at Storm Isle begins.
And each Solar has their own things to ponder, as a period of convalescence at Storm Isle begins.
[[Shorlixa/WPSessionSeven | On to Session Seven]]
[[Shorlixa/WPSessionSeven|On to Session Seven]]

Latest revision as of 01:57, 9 June 2010

And here be Session Six for this crew of pirates.

Back to Western Pirates

Back to Session Five

Session Six

The persistent rain of Storm Isle falls gently around them as the Solars continue to face off against the powerful Chimerae. The light mists do little to obscure the battle raging around them, as the crew of the Hurricane pits their skills against the might of the twisted creatures. Orillian remains inside the Chimerae, unable to move, wondering how he might extricate himself from the situation.

Ryoujal pulls a bit away from Red seeing that Orillian is still stuck in there, simply wanting to help, but stops as his legs doesn't exactly work in the way he wants them to.

Orillian struggles against the Chimera's innards, frustratedly trying to kick or punch his way out, and tries to use the heat of his gloves as a focus for his efforts.

Ryoujal snarls at feeling so helpless and tries again to stand, but the pain is so great, he has to physically will himself to stay down.

Big Red takes a stand in front of Ryoujal to protect him from cheap shots "Well lets try this again." Reds anima banner burst up around him looking like a giant swirling sand storm. The sands start to collect in front of the repeater and he launches another plasma heated tunnel toward the beast.

The bullets seem to hit...only to bounce off again. Orillian continues to suffer inside the Chimerae, and one of his arms has gone completely numb.

The crew of the Hurricane continue to rally and push back against the vile crew of creatures, who don't seem to make much headway against such brave men. Megumi begins to approach the squid, slowly at first. Then she starts into a dead run and leaps over him, arrow manifesting and pulling back to launch at the squid's head.

As Megumi fires off the arrows, they strike against the silver flesh. Then something interesting occurs. The Chimerae loses its moonsilver sheen. "Pathetic." He spits and the silver flesh rises up, tentacles waving, then bursts into a flurry of motion.

Lady Syn brings her blade back around along the ground tossing mud and water around to try to obscure her form as well as slap away the naughty tentacles.

Big Red holds his ground just long enough for the tentacles in close and then takes a quick dive into the dirt trying to get under the attack.

Megumi twists impossibly quickly as the tentacles lunge for her, bouncing off one and past another to try to foul them against each other. She's just too slippery to hit.

Lady Syn glares at the lunar. "Well, if you won't give him back nicely. I'll just have to cut you off him." She draws her blade back as essence begins swirling around her forming up a great shark diving towards the lunar to devour him. Syn's blade moves along with the sharks teeth and cuts into the Lunar.

Ryoujal sees that the beast has let down his defenses, he says, "I can't walk over to punch you in the face... So I'll just have to have my fist go to you!" He shouts bringing his fist towards the monstrosity, putting all he has into his fists before they shoot out to slash into him.

Orillian struggles against the apparently-weakening Lunar, but is also keenly aware that the blows weakening the Lunar are, essentially, targeting him too. Wonderful. Focusing his gloves on a thin moonsilvery trace through which he can almost see light, he struggles through again.

Syn and Ryoujal take full advantage of the Chimerae's sudden confidence and strike at the same time, both blades slashing at the fluid silver flesh, hopeful to cut Orillian free. Orillian reacts at the same time on seeing that small hope of freedom, swimming through the viscous flesh to the surface and with any luck burning many things at the same time. Then he's spat out, and just to prove a point, his hammer is spat out on top of him. One arm hangs uselessly by his side, but for now, he is free.

Orillian pokes at the arm after brushing his hammer aside. "Oh, bloody..." He's also very slightly naked, thanks to the acid, and looks pretty burned.

Big Red rolls up from the mud bringing the repeater to level as he dose. The sands from his anima swirling around the muzzle extend in yet another plasma sand tunnel

The Chimerae screams and thrashes, dripping silver liquid all over the place, but for all its injuries, it's still standing. The silvery light around him dims, then flashes bright again. "Curse you Solars! I will return!" He screams and begins to flow backwards. He moves a lot faster than expected for someone who's basically a big puddle of silver flesh. "Fall back!" He roars to his men. And they all flee back into the waters. Somehow, all of them are moving pretty fast too.

Orillian shouts after him, "Ye owe me a shirt, ye squiddy dog! And pants!"

Megumi is still floating down from having sprung away from a tentacle. She touches down on a branch of one of the nearby trees. Lightning seems to crackle around her as she pulls a twitching hand against the string of her bow. An arrow forms mid-pull, and she lines it up on the Chimarae. "Not if I can help it." TWANG!! A bright flare of essence..sunlight, flame, lightning...trails toward the squid.

Megumi's shot flies through and sinks deep into the Chimerae's flesh, eliciting another scream of rage and pain. But then the Chimerae sinks under the water into the safety of the ocean, followed rapidly by all his troops. If she really wants to know, she'll have to take a trip underwater, and that might not be so safe a place at the moment.

Lady Syn runs to waters edge. "And unless ye be wantin another helping of that, leave this area and never return." She spins her blade for added effect.

Megumi sinks down onto the branch exhaustedly. "Hate. This."

Big Red flips his repeater open and starts reloading

Orillian raises an eyebrow at Megumi. "Ye hate this, captain? _I_ be the one standin here naked, after all."

Ryoujal flops down on the sand breathing heavily, he says, "That was horrible. But we won... right?"

Megumi says, "Sort of."

As they watch and listen, there's a scream from across the ocean. "Listen well Solars! From now on I forsake all prey save for you! The day will come when I pull your still-beating hearts from your flesh!"

Lady Syn backs away from the water in case anyone decides to get uppity. She removes her bandana and tosses it to Ori. "Cover yourself up a bit."

Megumi says, "Well, at least we won't have to chase them past burning hulks now."

Orillian continues rattling off, "After, ye know, being glomped by a living ball of moonsilver... Oh stuff it in your cloaka, squiddy!"

Ryoujal says, "May your suckers become irritated and fall off from the battle today!!!!!"

Lady Syn says, "So I guess we fulfilled that deal now."

There's another flash of silver in the ocean, and all is normal again on Storm Isle with its light rain and mists.

Ryoujal lays back down to say, "Ow... I could sleep for a week..."

Megumi ponders. "True."

Megumi slowly and wearily climbs down from the branch, then goes to check on the crew. The officers are all obviously alive, and, being exalted, this means they'll probably continue to be so, at least until next battle.

Behind them, there's the sound of cheering. They have spectators. People who weren't involved in the fight, and people from the island, have all gathered in the forest, and now cheer the Solars on for chasing the big mean Chimerae away.

Megumi allows the bow to dissipate away.

Orillian stares at the bandana and struggles to wrap it around his waist. Of course, with the crafting skills of a Twilight, he succeeds.

Big Red close the repeater and holsters it. He walks over to the others and offers Orillian his duster. "Here take this."

Ryoujal leans up and sees the naives to give them a little wave.

Lady Syn checks her injuries and notes to add a new bandana to her shopping list. Around her the great shark slowly fades away.

Orillian puts the hat on his head, of course. "Ahh, thanks. It's pretty sunny out here." He looks up. "Oh, right." The clockwork man mirroring his movements slowly fades away as well.

Megumi sighs over the fallen. More dead.

Orillian quickly starts checking for survivors and getting to work, mostly oblivious to his own injuries.

Ryoujal very slowly tries to get up and help the others but doesn't make it 5 feet before stumbling.

Lady Syn looks at the captain in her grief. There is always dead. Doesn't matter the stakes. Just the way the world works. She lets the others work. Healing isn't her forte. Instead she goes to get an ale from the village. Well, that’s her cover story. Alerting those who haven't come already is a simple enough task. Let them tend to the injured is probably smart. Her own wounds can wait for a time.

"Stonefall, Requiem, Corin, Keen Razor and Dandelion are dead." Gyar reports, face as emotionless as he can make it. Right now, everyone is simply tired, and so the mourning will come later. Orillian attempts to help where he can, but with one arm impaired, it's a little difficult to work. Still, the feeling comes back into his arm before long, and he gets to work.

Megumi calls to Wei to help with the medical care. She offers what comfort she can, mostly singing songs and offering drink and such to the wounded, but her own medical knowledge is...deeply lacking.

Big Red helps were he can even though he has no healing skills to speak of.

The Islanders stream out to help, carrying the wounded and the dead back to the populated part of the island. They also help the Solars along, bringing them to the big place that is usually used to house the crew of the Hurricane when they dock. They also help to drag what’s left of the Hurricane to the usual dock.

Ryoujal moves along towards the dock under his own power.

Drinks and food are offered freely to the crew, while the wounded are tended to by the island's own healers. Aside from those who fell in battle, no one else seems in danger of following after them, so that much is at least a relief.

Orillian finishes triage and keeps illuminating the island, every two hours almost on the hour, as he tends to the worst-off among the wounded as quickly as he can. His pace is, unfortunately, frustratingly slow.

Shore and Bubbles are unable to do their usual duty when they realise that their son is among the dead. They weep bitter tears over his body, while their remaining children do their best to comfort them, even while they too grieve.

Ryoujal sighs and keeps to bed rest, apologising that he couldn't do more.

Lady Syn drinks silently and pays a bit extra as she serves herself. It’s a bit silent and not just because of the mournings. After a time she heads to find the gunslinger.

Megumi looks at Shore and Bubbles, and then turns away and moves toward the docks. Even under the armor, she looks dejected.

Big Red feels sorry for the people and there loses but remains silent as he knows no one on the island

Megumi says, "Should've never let him join.."

Lady Syn steps up next to Red. "Fancy shooting out there. Guess this puts you into the innercircle of this little ship. Any other bits we should know?"

Orillian drags himself away from another patient and goes looking for the captain. Ophelia manages to find her way to Orillian, although given the current situation, she simply hovers in the background, looking at him worriedly.

Megumi is walking along the docks.

Big Red thinks it through "You really know everything. I'm a merchant by trade and good at getting a deal no matter what. And you've seen what I can do with my weapons. Every thing I can do you have either seen or heard about by now."

Lady Syn says, "So can you buy some happiness someplace?"

Big Red says, "Still looking for that myself. Kind of why I took a wandering salesmen job with the guild rather then a desk job."

Orillian notices Ophelia following him and turns around to give her a smile and a big hug, ignoring the lingering effects of his injuries. "Ahh, there you are! Sorry I forgot to come see ye, I've been elbow-deep in-oh, oops, sorry, lass." In his rush to greet her he's gotten various people's vital fluids on her dress.

Ophelia gives him a wide grin and returns the hug, ignoring the stains on her dress. He's lucky it's the Lunar that made the liquids acidic. "That's okay. I'm glad you're back safely Orillian."

Orillian is with the captain at the docks, and also with Ophelia. Did I miss anyone?"

Megumi does, after an appropriate recharge time, dismiss her armor Elsewhere. She looks pristine in her silken uniform, but very tired. Settling a hand on the pommel of her saber, she stalks back down the docks, closer to Orillian, should he seek to tag her.

Lady Syn says, "The Guild? You actually thought you'd find happiness with the Guild?" Syn gave a slight laugh. "Oh, that is rich. I wonder if perhaps raiding one of their ships would make our dear captain feel better?"

Orillian scratches the back of his neck embarrassedly. "Ahh well, it could be better circumstances, seeing as I kind of scattered the Hurricane all over Stormlee Cove... though I think the captain's fixin to call it Dandelion Beach now."

Big Red gives a little laugh of his own. "I didn't seek out the Guild. I was an orphan that was taken into slavery. I eventually became an apprentice and got given a job. The Guild is what fate dealt me"

Lady Syn says, "Well, I don't much know about what we are but the way I see it, fate's been put into our hands now. If I'd have left the hand I'd been dealt, I'd still either be serving a Terrestrial or running along the streets of An-Teng."

Ophelia just nods. She's too happy to see him to be sad about other things. "Oh, there's Captain Megumi." She points.

Orillian nods. "Eheh. Yeah. There be the captain. And I even had to blow up the sub I built... I wanted to show ye that, see if it were anything like on that island."

You paged Ryoujal with 'Around Ryoujal, there's mainly a lot of activity. The healers haven't gotten round to him, but seeing how he's the hardiest among them, there's no real need either. Shark Tooth walks up to him, seeing how every other Solar is busy at the moment. "You got a minute?"'

"A sub?" Now Ophelia looks a little sad. "I would have wanted to see it. What happened to the Hurricane?"

From afar, Ryoujal leans up and says, "I have plenty of time, as long as it doesn't involve a lot of physical activity."

You paged Ryoujal with 'Shark Tooth nods. "So, what happened? I think this is the first time I've seen so many of your crew gone after just one trip away from the Storm Isle."'

Orillian sighs. "A great monster and an evil captain... linked, I be guessing."

Gyar walks up to Megumi after checking to ensure the crew is in good hands. He himself has a wound or two, but nothing serious. "I think we need to start recruitin again Cap'n. We're running out of men."

Big Red says, "I've been giving some thought to that whole making our own destiny thing recently. And its quickly becoming time I make a decision"

Megumi nods. "Aye. Not that we've a ship to sail right now. Mr Orillian!"

Lady Syn says, "Could do worse then here. Captain's good people. Cares a bit too much but good people. First place I've felt mostly comfortable in as long as I remember. And that’s saying something."

Ryoujal pages: Well it was a rather nasty trip. First attacked by a giant tentacle sea monster, just managed to limp into a port to refit, went out to battle that Chimera at sea which all but ruined our boat, managed to just get here before the beast found us, and then we had that great battle you saw just now... Nasty business....

Orillian pats Ophelia on the shoulder. "I think that's me cue... be safe now, little girl," he calls her, as he's been prone to do from the beginning.

Big Red nods in agreement "Aye. This seems like a good bunch of people."

Lady Syn says, "You should go offer your services to the captain. Make it official. Just don't be telling her I encouraged you."

You paged Ryoujal with 'Shark Tooth nods. "That's nasty business indeed. That thing sure took a chunk out of all of ye." He sighs, looking around. "The poor couple. They worried ever so much for Dandelion. But they were proud of him nonetheless. I suppose you all will be staying for a while?"'

Ophelia nods and gives Orillian one last hug before running off.

Megumi looks over Orillian as he approaches. "We have a keel left. Or something like it. We have plentiful wood on this island. While I've no intention of deforesting it, surely we can use a few timbers and put together some sort of ship. It may not be the combat sloop that the Hurricane was, but...how quickly do you think you can arrange something?"

Big Red starts rolling a cigarette from his pack and offers one to Syn. "I'll keep that in mind. Still wish to think it through a little. You know, sleep on it."

Lady Syn takes the smoke. "Aye. I'll leave you to your thoughts then after I get a light."

Orillian coughs and starts thinking. "Well, even the original Hurricane not be of _that_ extraordinary design..." he mumbles out loud.

Big Red pulls up some flint and steel and lights the smoke for the lady and dose one for himself

Megumi twitches. "Mr Orillian..." she growls in a low voice.

Ryoujal pages: Yes, the crew is in sorry shape, and we don't have a ship to sail in now. I just wish that I could have done more....

Ryoujal pages: Not to mention I can't do a heck of a lot at the moment than lay here and coagulate...

Lady Syn gives him a nod and heads off to see if Orillian's passed out from work yet. She can practically feel the anger in the air as she approaches and quickly hides while waiting for the sounds of a man screaming like a woman to begin.

You paged Ryoujal with 'Well...from what I've seen, if you weren't there to help, I doubt any of the crew would have returned." Shark Tooth replies. "You took blows that would have killed any of them five times over. And Ivory Whisper for one can return to his family safely." He nods towards where the man is happily hugging his wife and two kids. It's a stark contrast to the bitter tears of Shore and Bubbles.'

Megumi tries not to seethe too much, but she's feeling the urge to give a good swift kick to her engineer. "What. Would. It. Take?"

Orillian backs off and nods, then ponders some more. "Errrr, right. Well. It be clear, at least, that no mere planks of wood suffice against magic of that magnitude," he says, referring to the other ship almost eating the Hurricane. "However, if we turn our attentions to the ship on the map, I expect I could rig, not perhaps a greater vessel per se, but one more suited to combing the sea for something that be lying on the depths..."

Megumi nods. "Build purely for speed? To make the best time we can for this vessel from the map?"

You paged Big Red with 'As Red is smoking, he's approached by one of the islanders. "You're a new face." The woman comments. "What's your name?"'

From afar, Ryoujal looks at Ivory Whisper for a minute, a rough smile slowly forming on his face, "Yes though you always have to wonder what if things have turned out differently. That and thinking about the stories that will be told. I know quite a few epic poems and personally wish that this one did not make it, those things always turn out far too..."

Orillian nods. "Aye, I should be able to rig for great speed indeed."

Megumi nods. "Will it operate effectively with the crew we've got?"

You paged Ryoujal with 'Tragic?" Shark Tooth supplies. "That's the way of life. I knew the moment I saw the group of you that you would be doing great and heroic things. I imagine the people who followed you knew that too. And they also knew the risks. It would dishonour their memory, to be overly regretful of what occurred."'

Ryoujal pages: True, though one must be regretful unless your heart is made of pure ice, it's just how much is enough?

Orillian looks out to the village. "Less, by the grace of the Sun, as there'll be less need for rowing and rigging, at least if I have time to check my notes of the island and can bind some demons to it..."

You paged Ryoujal with 'Just enough to remember them, and honour their sacrifice." Shark Tooth replies. "But not enough to stop what you have been doing, for that is what they died for."'

Megumi nods. "We've some time. We'll need to recover anyway."

Big Red pages: Red tips his hat to the lady and says "My names Red. And you Miss?

Lady Syn emerges from around the corner. "And here I thought ye were gonna make him cry, Captain." She gives Ori a sideways glance. "If you need muscle to make sure you don't unleash some horror, get me a new bandana and I can help make sure it doesn't get far."

Ryoujal pages: Do not worry, I don't intend to let this stop me....

You paged Big Red with 'Good to meet you Red. My name is Lone Pearl." She replies politely. It's also clear that she's curious about him. "So where did you get picked up to join the Hurricane?"

Big Red pages: Didn't exactly get picked to join the Hurricane. They found me floating at sea and picked me up

You paged Ryoujal with 'Shark Tooth smiles. "I thought you might say that. Just remember the faces of those you've helped. Will the Captain be recruiting this time?"'

You paged Big Red with 'Found you at sea?" Lone Pearl sounds surprised. "Now how did that happen?"'

Orillian nods. "Ahh, right then. Well. All the studying and designing and of course raw materials need procured... we're probably talking two weeks, maybe a few more for re-crewing, of the more disposable variety."

Megumi raises an eyebrow. "Disposable?"

Lady Syn holds out her whip for Meg to use.

Ryoujal pages: Oh definitely. More help the better.

Big Red pages: Red thinks about it and decides to spare the details. "Well my ship came across some monster troubles and was sank. So I did what I could and held onto some drift wood for dear life"

Orillian shakes his head. "Demons! Ye know, evil creatures, dragon-blooded sorcerers summoning them left and right to do their bidding..."

Megumi gladly grabs the hilt and starts unravelling it. "I'll give you a 5 second head start." She pauses. "Oh."

Lady Syn says, "I say still give him a lashing. Builds character."

You paged Ryoujal with 'Shark Tooth nods. "Well, I'll have to see about that. I know some of the boys are pretty eager to join up. I hope they'll learn better after this. But I'm sure you can get some fine crew from here." He speaks with a simple pride, because he knows the men on the island.'

Megumi says, "I'm tempted."

Orillian rolls his eyes at Syn. "Hey! Eaten by moonsilver squid-thing! And giant tentacle beastie!"

Lady Syn says, "I know. I'm getting tired of having to save your acid scorched ass."

You paged Big Red with 'Aren't you the lucky one? So the Hurricane just happened to come along? You gotta thank your lucky stars for that." Lone Pearl replies. "You planning to join the crew? Or will you be sailing on back home?"'

Megumi sighs and hands the whip back. "I think we all need to go get some rest before continuing this discussion."

Lady Syn takes the whip and gives it a twirl around herself before putting it away.

Ryoujal pages: I know we wouldn't have gotten half as far as we have without the good men from this fine land.

Big Red pages: Yes very lucky they came by when they did. Though I have a feeling I would of survived a long time adrift out there. And I don't know about joining the crew. I've thought about asking but it would destroy my life I've built and make me a wanted man.

You paged Ryoujal with 'Shark Tooth smiles. "You have our gratitude. I'm sure most of the men are just happy that you're willing to take them on. They're honoured to be able to serve under such a fine captain and crew like yourself."'

You paged Big Red with 'I'm sure you would've." Lone Pearl replies, judging from the glow that still surrounds him. "Where are you from?"'

Big Red pages: Southeast. Well from Nexus really. But spent most of my time traveling the south

The three Solars return to the big building housing everyone. Red is standing outside and chatting with Lone Pearl. Ryoujal is still resting inside, along with all the other crew and most of the island that either have family with the crew or can help with the wounded.

You paged Big Red with 'Nexus huh?" From her tone, it's clear that she doesn't really know much about the place. And considering how isolated and far West this island is, it's not surprising. "So, what's it like?"'

Big Red pages: Red smiles and looks around "Nothing like this. Nexus is full of buildings and noise and crime. Everyone there is trying to get ahead of everyone else and anything can be bought for a price. Money runs the world there.

Megumi moves to slip past Red, perhaps to get a drink, and then pauses. "Oh, Red. If you want to stay on the Isle, you're welcome to. If you'd like passage off, it will be available as soon as we rebuild my ship."

Ryoujal sits up a bit and salute his capitan, as best he can. "Good to see you Capt'n Storm.."

Megumi cuts in just as Red finishes speaking, so Lone Pearl graciously allows the two to continue talking first.

Seeing how Megumi is returning, Shark Tooth nods to Ryoujal and moves on to tend to other business.

Big Red gives a quick apology to Lone Pearl and turns to Megumi "Well captain about that. I think I'd like to sleep on it. Let you know in the morning."

Lady Syn moves over to reside in a corner. While her wounds have been tended to, she awaits Ori's magic touch to tend to the Solars.

Megumi nods. "Understood. We have some time. I guess I'll talk to you about it later, then." She heads inside and greets Ryo and the rest of the crew.

Orillian continues going about healing, taking time in-between as he recharges to pores over a scroll of obtuse Old Realm sigils.

And each Solar has their own things to ponder, as a period of convalescence at Storm Isle begins.

On to Session Seven