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Infernal Presence

These Charms are a rather utilitarian set; Infernals tend to need the help retaining their buddies.

Charm Count: 14
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Fascinating Implication Style

Cost: 6 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Min. Presence: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereq Charms: None

A crowd, transfixed, amazed, or terrified at the implications of the Infernal's speech, listens in respectful silence. This has the same effect as Harmonious Presence Meditation.

Mutinous Whispers Preconception

Cost: 2 motes per die
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Min. Presence: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq Charms: Fascinating Implication Style

With this Charm, the Infernal changes the way an audience interprets a performance or oration of some kind. He cannot add information in this manner, but by shifting emphasis and falsifying intonation, he can do things like causing them to hear ridicule or sarcasm where it was not intended. This permits the Infernal to spread disinformation; he may subtract up to his Limit in dice from the Performance, Socialize, or Presence dicepool of anyone whose audience he is in.

He can also use this to control the reception of his own orations, or to embed subliminal messages in them. This usage permits the Infernal to add up to his Limit in dice to his own pools, and convey messages that cannot be deduced without witnessing the performance.

Cackling Ridicule Scheme

Cost: 7 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Min. Presence: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq Charms: Mutinous Whipers Preconception

With this technique an Infernal can amplify an audience's dislike of a speaker, causing them to harass and attack him. This not only destroys his presentation but can harm him socially or bodily. Count the number of failures the speaker had on any Presence or Performance roll. This Charm turns the audience against the speaker, treating those failures as a 'poisoning the waters' roll by the victim against himself. This does not necessarily exclude the victim's goal from being achieved, but it can make it much more difficult by undermining his reputation. In addition, twice that number of Militia-level Extras in the audience are so enraged that they attack the speaker for several minutes, until they can be restrained or calmed down.

Faces in the Flames

Cost: 2 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Presence: 3
Min. Essence: 1
Prereq Charms: Fascinating Implication Style

The Infernal can use this Charm in the instant that a person makes a promise or oath binding them together. This may be a promise of service, an oath of fealty, even a furious vow of vengeance. Until the oath is discharged, the victim hears every voice of authority as the Infernal's, and sees his face in every flame he sets eyes upon. This unsettling phenomenon gives a -1 die penalty to the victim whenever the ST feels it is appropriate.

Endless Corruption Oath

Cost: None
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Presence: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq Charms: Faces in the Flames

This Charm draws upon the binding of Faces in the Flames; when used, it permits the Infernal to tear away a piece of the oathbound's soul to fuel his own dark powers. The Infernal can use this Charm on anyone bound to him by Faces in the Flames; it burns away a point of one of their Virtues, and the Infernal gains motes equal to his own Conviction. Virtues can be reduced to 0 in this way, but the Infernal cannot reduce the total of an individual's Virtues to less than two. A point of a drained Virtue returns with a successful check of that Virtue; an individual can attempt regain a dot of Virtue each morning, at the same time as his Conviction check.

The highest Virtue of any being that suffers from the Great Curse cannot be reduced below 3 by means of this Charm.

Sword-Drawing Status

Cost: 10 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
Min. Presence: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereq Charms: None

With this Charm, an Infernal ingratiates herself with the populace of a town. Any member of the population so affected much make a Temperance check at a difficulty of half the Exalt's Essence to resist challenging to a duel, flying at violently, or otherwise offering violence to any that insult the Exalt or attempt to besmirsh her spotless reputation. This Charm automatically ends if the community learns that the Exalt has betrayed them.

Prince of Sheep

Cost: 5 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Min. Presence: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq Charms: Sword-Drawing Status

With this Charm, the Infernal can read his audience and manipulate them with this knowledge. Roll Perception + Presence and add the successes as a dice bonus to a roll to influence them; this bonus does not count as a Charm bonus for the purpose of other die-adders.

Written on the Moon

Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Presence: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq Charms: Faces in the Flames, Prince of Sheep

With this Charm, the Infernal shapes the sky in her image, inscribing a message in the heavens for others to read. It can express any simple sentiment, such as, "Help", "Chwen got caught", and so on. The message can only be read by demons, Infernal Exalts, and those sworn to serve them; it remains in the sky for nine days and nights, and if followed will lead one to she who broadcast it. Though its name suggests that the message appears inscribed across the moon's face, it can also appear in a swirl of clouds, a dance of moonbeams, patterns of leaves overhead, even the arangement of stars.

Spreading Brushfires Attitude

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Indefinite
Min. Presence: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereq Charms: Prince of Sheep

The Infernal crafts an infectious belief with this Charm; it spreads like a disease. Though the Infernal must convince the initial carriers of it himself, those carriers then sway everyone they come in contact with toward the belief. Treat the belief as a disease with a virulence equal to the Exalt's Presence.

Crashing Iceberg Entrance

Cost: 3 motes
Type: Simple (Supplemental)
Duration: Instant
Min. Presence: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereq Charms: None

With this Charm, the Infernal bends the world around him; as he enters upon a scene, thunder claps, or a glass shatters, or a maiden screams. Whatever the occurrence, the effect is that, for a moment, an entire audience's attention is focused on the Infernal and nothing else as he enters a scene. Alternatively, he may invoke this Charm Supplementally to add his Dexterity + Presence to an Archery roll. This Charm may explicitly be put in a Combo with Charms of other Abilities.

Auspicious Crossing of Paths

Cost: None
Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
Min. Presence: 3
Min. Essence: 1
Prereq Charms: Crashing Iceberg Entrance

This Charm expands the Infernal's perceptions; he always knows who he needs to avail upon to get things done. There is no cost to use this Charm; it merely expands the Exalt's awareness.

Sagacious Ambassador Etiquette

Cost: 6 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Min. Presence: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq Charms: Auspicious Crossing of Paths

With this Charm, the Infernal projects a feeling of authority; upon encountering the Infernal, they must make a Willpower check at a difficulty of the Exalt's Essence to resist the overwhelming temptation to bring him to an authority figure for a proper reception.

Innermost Doubts Approach

Cost: 5 motes
Type: Supplemental
Duration: One Scene
Min. Presence: 3
Min. Essence: 1
Prereq Charms: Crashing Iceberg Entrance

The Infernal's speech strikes a chord with each member of his audience's deepest and most secret fears. The effect is that they feel more intimate with him, as if his words were meant for them alone. The Infernal can treat entire crowds as a single person for the purpose of influencing them.

Unanimous Conclusion

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Presence: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq Charms: Innermost Doubts Approach

With this Charm, the Infernal devises an insidious contradiction that prompts a group to pass a judgement that he chooses. He only needs to interact with a few of them to accomplish this; they will persuade their fellows.


"Alternatively, he may invoke this Charm to add his Dexterity + Presence to an Archery roll. This Charm may explicitly be put in a Combo with Charms of other Abilities." - Wha? :) DS

Basically, every Caste has one Charm that can add to a combat Ability's actions. Once there are a few more of these, I expect that it will noticeably bias weapons specialists toward certain Castes. - w