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Manse:  Ahl Lee has been attuned to several Manses, but in a sign of the snub his family has for him, he has no official hearthstones.  The Stone of Healing corresponds to the one Manse that is wholly his own-- on the island where he achieved his epiphany.
Manse:  Ahl Lee has been attuned to several Manses, but in a sign of the snub his family has for him, he has no official hearthstones.  The Stone of Healing corresponds to the one Manse that is wholly his own-- on the island where he achieved his epiphany.
=== Notes ===
=== Notes ===
He's a little different from Oliver Queen.  The reason for the [[LoreIsawaBrian/MnemonAhlLee/Craft/Occult]] is so that he can make some regular artifact arrows, rather than just the Essence ones I made for him.  I boosted Occult a bit because he's made so many Charms.  Essence 4 might be somewhat high, but I think that it's justifiable because of the difference between Terrestrials and regular Exalted.  This version has not yet invented Storm of Thorns.
He's a little different from Oliver Queen.  The reason for the [[LoreIsawaBrian/Occult]] is so that he can make some regular artifact arrows, rather than just the Essence ones I made for him.  I boosted Occult a bit because he's made so many Charms.  Essence 4 might be somewhat high, but I think that it's justifiable because of the difference between Terrestrials and regular Exalted.  This version has not yet invented Storm of Thorns.
=== Comments ===
=== Comments ===

Latest revision as of 21:16, 8 June 2010

Name: Mnemon Ahl Lee, aka The Jade Arrow
Aspect: Wood
Nature: Rebel
Anima: A tree that sprouts arrows rather than leaves
Concept: Secret renegade against the Realm

Strength 4, Dexterity 6, Stamina 3
Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 5

Awareness 5 (Spot Ambush +3), Archery 5 (Longbow +3), Athletics 4, Brawl 3, Bureaucracy 3, Craft 3, Dodge 5 (Ranged +3), Endurance 2, Investigation 3, Larceny 4, Linguistics 3 (High Realm, Old Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak) Lore 3, Medicine 3, Melee 2, Occult 4, Performance 2, Presence 3, Resistance 2, Ride 2, Sail 3, Socialize 2, Stealth 5 (In Forests +3), Survival 5 (Forests +3)

Backgrounds: Artifact 5, Breeding 4, Manse 1, Reputation 2 (Ahl Lee), Reputation 4 (Jade Arrow), Resources 5

Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Virtue Flaw: Wood Compassion Flaw

Willpower: 8
Health: -0,-1,-1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2,-2,-4,Incap
Essence: 4
Personal Essence pool: 16/16
Peripheral Essence pool: 9/37
Committed Essence: 28


  • Archery

Spring Follows Winter
Dragonfly Finds Mate
Harvest of the Hunter
Swallows Defend the Nest
Seven Year Swarm Volley
Sparrow Dives at Hawk
Life-Swelling Sap Strike
Dragon Arrows
Generous Dragon Quiver
Willow-Wand Target
Firing from the Roots
Band of Brothers Technique
Hornet Swarm Discipline
Bending the Bow
Seeking the Moment
Woodshome Advantage
Unobstructed Hunter's Aim
Hunter's Necessity
Reviled Hunter's Curse
Ravenous Thorn Technique
Twisting Briar Shot
Thorn-Choked Field Shot
Swift Woodlands Defense Shot
Bursting Pinecone Shot
Forest Fist Shot
Ensnaring Vine Shot
Trailing Vine Shot
Weed-Choked Harvester Prana
Tapping the Root Shot
Flower's Choking Gift Shot
Brilliant Sight-Obscuring Blossoms Shot
Familiar Forest Advantage

  • Awareness

Precision Observation Method
All-Encompassing Earth Sense

  • Dodge

Flickering Candle Meditation
Threshold Warding Stance
Hopping Firecracker Evasion
Virtuous Negation Defense
Safety Among Enemies

  • Endurance

Ox-Body Technique x2

  • Stealth

Distracting Breeze Meditation
Trackless Passage Style

  • Survival

Wild-Wandering Forester Charm
Forgiveness-of-Nature Invoking Prana
Quarry Revelation Technique
Trail Concealing Measurement
Ration-Enhancing Method
Hostile Environment Preparation Method
Shelter Creation Technique

Long Arm of the Outlaw (Willow-Wand Target, Woodshome Advantage, Ensnaring Vine Shot, Flower's Choking Gift Shot, Brilliant Sight-Obscuring Blossoms Shot)
Ending the Unrepentant Foe (Dragon Arrow, Willow-Wand Target, Sharpened Briar Shot, Tapping the Root Shot, Strangling Vine Shot)

Merits and Flaws:
Legendary Attribute: Dexterity
Super-Prodigy: Archery
Driving Passion: End Slavery
Hidden Manse
Secrets: Leading a one Dynast rebellion against the Realm's hierarchy and slavery system 3
Wanted (as Jade Arrow) 5
Unusual Appearance: High-Breeding, High-Essence Wood-Blood with blond hair and tan skin. Only counts as 2 points because it can help him fit in in some places.

Equipment: Stylish clothing, various luxuries, personal estates, Jade Long Power Bow (Hunter's Bite), Enhanced Jade Breastplate (artifact 2, "Heartwood"), the Identity Cap

Base initiative: 11
Base Soak: 3B/1L/0A
Base Dodge: 15/18
Hunter's Bite: Acc +1(16), Dmg +3L (6L+arrow type), Rate 3, Range 400
Clinch: Spd. -6 (5), Acc +0 (9), Dmg +0B (3B), Def +0 (9), Rate 1, Piercing
Fist: Spd +0 (11), Acc +1 (10), Dmg +0B (3B), Def +2 (11), Rate 5
Kick: Spd -3 (8), Acc +1 (10), Dmg +3B (6B), Def -3 (6), Rate 3
Heartwood (7L/7B/7A (8L/10B/7A), -0 Mob. Penalty, 0 Fatigue Value, 3 commitment)
Stone of Healing (+3 to all Medicine rolls, +2e/hour)

Character Description

Mnemon Ahl Lee, to all public appearances, is one of the rare wastrels of House Mnemon. Content to spend his "sabbatical" in nothing more than enjoyment of his wealth and adventuring in the Threshold, it surprises many onlookers that he has survived this long. Two major contributions to House Mnemon have given him some license for his undisciplined behavior; first, the creation of a number of significant and well-made Archery Charms that brought honor to the House, and second, his management of the allowances he was given actually ended up with more money than when he started, thus allowing him to become independent of House funds and contribute back to House projects. Nevertheless, it is expected by many that Ahl Lee will be taken to task in a decade or two.

For now, though, he is the life of many a party, his unusual (for a wood blood) blond-and-tan look (as well as a beard voted "most sexy" at four out of five Cynis parties) giving him quite the advantage in cutting a swath amongst the fun-loving ladies at such parties. Most consider him a talented, if foolish youth who will eventually be called to service once his grandmother Mnemon decides it is worth her time. They are, of course, wrong.

It is true that Ahl Lee was once merely a spoiled playboy, contented to surf on his talent with Archery Essence and wealth. But as he traveled the Threshold, he began to notice inconsistencies in the Immaculate Philosophy-- and in his life-- which he might have simply drowned in debauchery, had not his ship been swarmed by, of all things, mortal pirates. Somehow, in their desperation and fury, they managed to overwhelm the few dragon-bloods aboard-- slaughtering them all (Ahl Lee survived because he was too drunk to fight and did not look like an Exalt), with admittedly horrendous losses.

Ahl Lee and the "other" mortals were brought back to the pirates' island as slaves. None of the mortals actually knew him, and Ahl Lee was drawn into the community of the slaves like everyone else. The sheer shock of the mortals' brutality left Ahl Lee flailing for something to do, and he did not raise up is power to lead a "slave rebellion" until late in their captivity.

When he did, however, something changed in him. He relied, not just on his Essence, but on the companionship of the mortals around him; on their experience and their lives. Ahl Lee not only lead the rebellion to success, he kept the pirate island's location safe after he left it to return to the Realm. By the time he left, Ahl Lee had come to a single conclusion-- the mastery and control of others is abhorrent. Deep in his heart, he despised the organization of the Realm, slavery as an institution, and the Immaculate Philosophy for supporting it all.

Ahl Lee took only two things with him from the island- one was an ancient artifact that had gathered dust in the pirate king's lair known as the Identity Cap. Ahl Lee knew it from his studies; it had been worn by an ancestor slightly prior to the Usurpation in one of the "pre-rebellion rebellions", according to his father's family's legend, and thus he had been forced to recite it. The Cap granted utter separation between a "concealed" persona and a real one-- precisely what Ahl Lee needed. The other was a simple single Wood Hearthstone of Healing; a reminder of the island and the lessons he learned there.

Ahl Lee began a one man crusade against slavery in the realm, embarrassing and injuring prominent slave-owners, and even (once in a while) killing the truly heinous. He carefully set up routes to get slaves out of the Realm and quietly gave advice and aid where he could. Ahl Lee's alternate persona has been nicknamed "The Jade Arrow" because the first guard to survive an encounter with him was shot accidentally by a powerful jade rod artifact Ahl Lee had come to collect; it was the closest arrowlike object to hand.

Although Ahl Lee is unhappy with the Realm as a whole, he is not potential bait for conversion to the Solars. He believes that, like the Realm now, the Solars of the past had grown mad with power, and while he is unlikely to kill or betray a Solar out of hand, he similarly has no interest in seeing them-- or anyone else-- in power. He would equally distrust the Cult of the Illuminated as he would the Immaculate Philosophy.

Similarly, there are few other organizations he actually respects, seeing such places as Lookshy as merely different expression of thuggish tyranny, and knowing the Guild for the corporate Realm that it seeks to be. Ahl Lee despises them all. It would take someone with deep conviction and dedication to freedom to earn his trust; else, he fights his crusade alone.

Expanded Backgrounds

Artifacts: Aside from Hunter's Bite and Heartwood, Ollie's most precious possession is the Identity Cap. Although quite expensive with a commitment cost of 20 motes, the Cap allows a complete and total separation between his identity when wearing the Cap and when not. The Cap retains attunement unless actively broken, and its effect remains. This acts as a perfect defense against detection, unless the character doffs the cap in front of someone, or the character truly and deeply loves an individual. No other power in all of Creation can tell the difference, no matter how similar they may appear.

Reputation (Ahl Lee): Although Ahl Lee is primarily famous for being one of the few surviving wastrels in House Mnemon, he is also well known for the Archery Charms that he developed.

Reputation (Jade Arrow): The Jade Arrow, on the other hand is a relatively infamous rebel and freer of slaves in both the Realm proper and the Threshold. He is also well-known for his inventive and masterful use of Archery Essence; many Houses would like to imprison him for their own use.

Manse: Ahl Lee has been attuned to several Manses, but in a sign of the snub his family has for him, he has no official hearthstones. The Stone of Healing corresponds to the one Manse that is wholly his own-- on the island where he achieved his epiphany.


He's a little different from Oliver Queen. The reason for the LoreIsawaBrian/Occult is so that he can make some regular artifact arrows, rather than just the Essence ones I made for him. I boosted Occult a bit because he's made so many Charms. Essence 4 might be somewhat high, but I think that it's justifiable because of the difference between Terrestrials and regular Exalted. This version has not yet invented Storm of Thorns.
