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I'm working on translating the Manuvers over from Spycraft at /CrunchyDramaDriveSystemManuvers.
I'm working on translating the Manuvers over from Spycraft at[[ExMod/CrunchyDramaDriveSystemManuvers]].

Latest revision as of 18:33, 8 June 2010


Name        | Control | Max Speed | Acceleration | Size     | Resources
Bug         |   +1    |     9     |       3      | Small    |     2
Four Door   |   -0    |     9     |       2      | Medium   |     2
Sports Car  |   +1    |    12     |       3      | Medium   |     3
Luxury Car  |   +2    |    11     |       4      | Medium   |     4
Motorcycle  |   -1*   |    13     |       4      | V.Small+ |     2
Police Car  |   -1    |    12     |       3      | Medium   |     4
SUV         |   -2**  |    10     |       2      | Large    |     3
Speed Racer |   +2    |    18     |       5      | Medium   |     5
*Motorcycles halve any penelty to Drive checks due to traffic.
+Motorcycles halve the soak they provide for their passangers.
**SUVs halve any environmental penelty to Drive checks.

Control: Modifier to any Drive checks made with this car. Equivelent to Accuracy.\\ Max Speed: The abstracted functional maximum speed of the vehicile. Each dot of Speed is roughly ten miles per hour.\\ Acceleration: The abstracted functional maximum the car can accelerate in a turn. Each dot of Acceleration is roughly ten miles per hours it can reach in a turn.\\ Size: Size determines how much damage the vehicile can take and how much soak it has. Vehiciles also increase the difficulty of hitting any passangers by 3. Vehiciluar wound penelties decrease the Maximum speed and Acceleration (to a minimum of 1).\\ Very Small: The vehicile is tiny, less than half the size of a normal four door. Vehicile Soak: 6B/4L; -0/-1/-4/Incapacitated\\ Small: The vehicile is smaller than normal, but not excedingly so. Vehicle Soak: 8B/5L; -0/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated\\ Medium: The vehicile is well within normal size for a car. Vehicle Soak: 10B/6L; -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4/-4/Incapacitated\\ Large: The vehicile is consideribly larger than a normal car. Vehicle Soak: 12B/7L; -0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/-4/Incapacitated\\ Very Large: The vehicile is huge, such as a eighteen wheeler truck. Vehicile soak: 14B/8L;-0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/-4/-4/Incapacitated\\ Resources: The Resources cost in aquiring the vehicile.

Vehiciles normally increase the difficulty of hitting any of the passangers by 2. However, some can increase it by up to 4 (armor platting, bullet proof windows, etc) and others only by 1 (open air vehiciles like motorcycles). A vehicile that's been rendered incapacitated provides no bonus to the difficulty to hit the passanger.

Basic system: Drive is normally a Wits+Drive roll, at a difficulty of 1/3 of the speed the car is currently travelling at.

(Inelegant, but...)

Chase Rules to be hammered out, again, once I've got Spycraft in front of me. They'll involve keeping the idea of Predator and Prey and choosing manuvers blindly, the idea of car lengths (Adding or subtracting the difference in the Predator and Prey's speeds to an overall 'distance' meter), and so on. Most car manuvers are only interesting, to me, in the context of a chase, and so I'll wait to detail them til later. But I do have ideas, as can probally be gleaned from the above ;)

Chases in Exalted Modern

As stolen from Spycraft (Specific inspiration from the Spycraft CRB, pg 184 to 190)

Glossary of Concepts\\ Predator and Prey: The two sides of a chase- the Predator attempts to corner the Prey, while the Prey attempts to escape.\\ Length: A length is an abstract unit to measure the difference in distance between the Predator and Prey. In a car chase, 1 Length is about 5 yards, for purposes of shooting at one another.\\ Difficulty: Some terrain types are harder to navigate than others. The Difficulty of the terrain is a penelty to the driver's die pools.\\ Danger: One of the more distressingly common ways for high speed cinematic chases to end is in a brutal crash of some sort. These are progressively more common on more crowded race grounds- and botches become increasingly more probable. If a Drive roll has fewer success than the Danger rating of the terrain, and one or more 1s, then the Drive check has been botched. \\ Terrain: Terrain comes in three flavors- Open, Closed and Tight.

Open Terrain: Empty highways, open salt flats, etc. The easiest terrain to run in, greatly favoring the fastest vehicile. Base Difficulty: 0; Base Danger: 0
Closed Terrain: City Streets, Winding dirt roads, etc. The normal terrain to run in, with ample oppurtunity for both predator and prey to demonstrate how cool they are. Base Difficulty: -1; Base Danger: 1
Tight Terrain: Congested highwats, sharp winding cliffs. Tight terrain requires careful planning- too fast and you fall, too slow and you lose. Base Difficulty: -3; Base Danger: 2

Chase Speed: The speed at which the chase is currently proceeding at. For each point the Chase speed exceedes a car's Maximum speed, the car takes a die of unsoakable Lethal damage that turn. The Chase speed also gets important if there's an accident.\\ Manuver: A plan of action to undertake for a turn, with some sort of specific goal in mind. At the beginning of each turn, both the Predator and Prey secretly choose a Manuver- different Manuvers have strengths and weaknesses relative to one another, and different requirements for success.

Summary of a Chase Turn

Step 1: Chose Manuver

Both the Predator and Prey choose a manuver secretly, and reveal them at the same time. Both Predator and Prey also describe any stunts they are attempting to embellish the chosen Manuver at this time.

Step 2: Initative

Any passengars in the cars (including the Drivers) roll initative at this time if they intend to act. Dodging in the close confines of a car is virtually impossible, although the Driver may make a Wits+Drive roll to dodge, and may forfeit attempting their action to 'full' dodge. Actions are determined and split as per normal.

Combat actions work as normal. Multiple the Lead by 3 to determine the range in a car chase for the purpose of ranged weapons.

Step 3: Drive Checks

On the Predator or Prey's turn, they may opt to make their Drive check. If they do not do so, they are considered to have 0 successes for the purposes of their opponent's own check. The Drive check requires an action, as per normal. The base pool is Wits+Drive; typical modifiers are a car's Control rating, the Difficulty of the terrain, any wound penelty the car or driver has taken, stunt dice and the Manuver penelty or bonus. The Drive check is considered reflexive, and does not require splitting the Driver's dice pool for taking multiple actions.

A botch indincates the driver has crashed- flipped, struck a solid object, or so on. They're instantly brought to a full stop, and their opponent wins the Chase. Additionally, the vehiciles and any passangers typically suffer a number of dice in lethal damage equal to the Chase Speed, soaked by the vehicile's lethal soak. The consequences of a botch may also be more severe, depending on the terrain- it can be very bad to botch when near a sheer cliff, for example. If both drivers botch, and both cars are still running, the Chase may resume at a Chase Speed of 0.

At the end of the turn, if both drivers succede or fail at their Manuver's success requirement, then nothing happens. Although most Manuvers require beating out an opponent's Drive check, some are made against a static Difficulty- and so both drivers may 'succede' in that fashion. If one driver wins and the other looses, their Manuver takes effect- this can range from ending the chase to simply raising or narrowing the Lead.

If a Manuver changes the Chase Speed, the new Speed takes effect when the Drive check is made.

I'm working on translating the Manuvers over from Spycraft atExMod/CrunchyDramaDriveSystemManuvers.