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  Daiklaive Parry Pool: 13
  Daiklaive Parry Pool: 13
  Dodge Pool: 10
  Dodge Pool: 10
  Soak: 12/17 [[LCitiesOfTheSun/CrimsonTiger/B]]  
  Soak: 12/17 [[LCitiesOfTheSun/B]]  

Latest revision as of 16:30, 8 June 2010

Name: Crimson Tiger
Age: 29
Caste: Dawn
Nature: Bravo
Anima: Roaring Tiger
Concept: Mercenary commander
Virtue Flaw: Foolhardy Contempt
XP Left/Total: 2/29
BP: 0
 Strength     [XXXX.]     Charisma     [XXXXX]     Perception     [XX...]
 Dexterity    [XXXX.]     Manipulation [XX...]     Intelligence   [XX...]
 Stamina      [XXX..]     Appearance   [XX...]     Wits           [XXX..]
Abilities: X denote ability, x denote BP 
    Dawn                 Zenith               Twilight
Archery    [.....]   -Endurance  [XXX..]    Craft          [.....]
Brawl      [XX...]   -Perform    [XXxxx]    Investigation  [.....]
M.Arts     [.....]   -Presence   [XXxx.]    Lore           [X....]
Melee      [XXXxx]   Resistance  [XX...]    Medicine       [.....]
Thrown     [.....]   Survival    [.....]    Occult         [.....]
    Night                Eclipse
-Athletics [XXXx.]   Bureaucracy [.....]
Awareness  [XX...]   Linguistics [.....] 
-Dodge     [XXXx.]   Ride        [XX...]
Larceny    [.....]   Sail        [.....]
Stealth    [.....]   Socialize   [.....]
Virtues and Essence :
 Compassion    [XX...](2)  Temperance   [X....] (1)
 Valor         [XXXX.](3)  Conviction   [XXX..] (3)
 Willpower     [XXXXXxx...]
 Limit         [..........]
 Essence       [XXX..]    Personal: 16/16     Peripheral: 20/39 
                            (15 commited between daiklaive/front line stamina)
Resources [XXxx.] His troop's resources
Followers [xxxx.] 25 men
Artifact  [XXXxx] Daiklaive of Conquest "Bloody Dawn"
Allies    [x....] Second in Command- Burning Willow
Tactical Insticts 2 pt.
Known Anathema 1 pt.
Virtue Speciality: Compassion (His men)
Charms: x'ed ones are bought with BP
 Armored Scout's Invigoration                    Simple/Day/3 motes per fat/mob point
   Front-Line Warrior's Stamina                  Simple/Untilremoved/5 motes 1 WP for no fat/mob
 Ox-Body Technique                               Permanent -1,-2,-2
 Harmonious Presence Meditation                  Simple/Hour/6 motes for ess to pres/bur/soci 1on1
 Respect Commanding Attitude                     Simple/Scene/5 motes to get attention
 Retrieve The Fallen Weapon                      Simple/Inst/1 mote to cause blade to fly to hand
   Call The Blade                                Simple/Inst/3 motes for blade to poof in hand
   Iron Raptor Technique                         Simple/Inst 2 motes to make thrown attack with melee
 Golden Essence Block                            Refl/Inst/1 mote per 2 dice to parry. cannot+double
   Dipping Swallow Defense                       Refl/Inst/2 motes to parry aware attack with full
 Excellent Strike                                Refl/Inst/1 mote per die in attack.Cannot+double

Weapon: "Bloody Dawn" - Daiklave of Conquest- Speed +8 Accuracy +5 Damage +8L Defense +4 Rate 6 
Requires: Strength 3; Commitment: 10 
-When unsheathed, hostiles  within ten meters make valor at +1 diff or flee. Those 
who hold ground get penalty of bearer's valor score to attacks.
-Friendlies get +1 die to all combat related pools when used in fighting, and 
don't have to make valor rolls within mile
-All opponents get -1 die to combat related pools and +1 diff to valor rolls 
within mile
-Three Hearthstone settings
Armor: Chain Swathing- Soak 11/14 Mobility 6 Fatigue 5 (5 motes 1 WP commited to 
make light as feather~)
Health Levels
(\= Bashing X= Lethal *=Agg)
-0 [X]
-1 [XXX]
-2 [\\..]
-4 [.]
Quick and dirty:
Init: 15
Daiklaive Attack Pool: 14 +12L
Daiklaive Parry Pool: 13
Dodge Pool: 10
Soak: 12/17 LCitiesOfTheSun/B 
Crimson Tiger is a tall imposing man appearing to be in his late twenties, 
probably nearing his thirties. He has straight brown hair that is usually cut 
short so it doesn't get in the way during a fight, and dark brown, almost black 
eyes. The tan skin of his face has a pair of blood red stripes on it, starting 
from below his eyes and running back along his face under and past his ears and 
into his hair. When he isn't suited up for combat, which is a rare occasion, he 
wears a dark green tunic, black pants, brown boots, and a leather belt which 
circles around his waist. Hanging from a strap that goes form his right shoulder 
to the opposite hip is a larger than average blade, wrapped in cloth. When he is 
decked out for combat, he dons his layers of chain, and wears it until the chance 
of combat is once again nil.

XP Log

Compassion raised to 2 - 3
Iron Raptor Technique - 8
Essence raised to 3 - 16