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The Emerald Brotherhood

The Brotherhood, detailed

Peleps Maela II, the Emerald Maiden
A full year older than either Kerak and Hiddentide, Maela is the leader of the Brotherhood for more reasons than just her age. Possessed of a flexible mind that easily finds it's purchase in any problem, Maela has always been a problem-solver. She graduated from the Cloister of Wisdom nearly four years ago, when many still expected the Scarlet Empress to return any moment. She, however, was perhaps not as sure -- mayhap the Dragons had called her up to a higher duty, or maybe the Empress had simply left for her own reasons, but she knew that this was a test of the Realm's ability one way or the other. Thus, she set off -- wandering the lengths and extents of the Blessed Isle.

She sought an attunement with the people whom she was spiritually bound to guide, seeking to understand their problems and the problems of the Realm itself in her wanderings. She journeyed to the Imperial City, and saw there the barely contained chaos and posturing that gripped the city. She walked on foot to Juche, and climbed the Imperial Mountain to seek communion with Pasiap and the Island itself. On her way to Lords' Crossing, she saved a pair of pilgrims from bandits and escorted them to the shrine they sought. In Tuchara, she lived with a Blooded Craftsman for a while and recieved a gift of her fine Daiklaive before sitting off once again. She walked in the garb of a pilgrim to Eye of Creation; many deeds were hers to claim on that long journey. She saved the life of a magistrate in a small village whose name she does not remember, and battled many small gods and outlaws in the meanwhile. No few peasants still remember her name with awe.

In Eye of Creation, she came across the ruins of what had once been a Wyld Hunt -- the experience changed her, and her wanderings were carefree and innocent no longer. In a small town south of Bright Obelisk she nearly died, fighting the monster that had killed the Huntsmen...but drove the demon from the shores of her home, even if she did not claim it's life. When, finally, she reached Chanos years had passed -- and the small military city was being raided by Lanji Pirates from the North.

She fought then, and not for the first time, but when the fighting ended she decided that here she would stay -- this would be her stand.

Peleps Goran Hiddentide
The Goran family is one renowned throughout the House Peleps for their pure lineage of the element of Water and their pursuit of Sorcery. Only once had a child of Goran not gone to the Heptagram, and that child was not named Hiddentide. Thus it was that the youngest child of Goran was in the North, serving his duty with the legions of the Wind-dancer, when the Bull of the North rose his horde of barbarians and descended on the finest Legions of the Tepet. He saw his commander die, impaled on a golden arrow, and witnessed first-hand how awesome and frightning the unholy magics of the Anathema could be -- but such was not even the extent of their power.

He saw one of the greatest generals of the Realm, whom he had been proud to serve, reduced to a shadow of himself and he grew generally afraid for the safety of his homeland. Yet, for all the anger and rage that this violation had brought -- it scared young Hiddentide even further, and upon his return from the front and his graduation he very nearly fled into exile along with many others. For a year, Hiddentide lingered on the edge of numbness and shock. Cynis parties, strong V`neef wine, and the bliss of forgetfulness -- these were the only things that he cared for, and the only things that he desired. For a year, Hiddentide existed only as a shadow...

Then, after a year, he met her -- his distant cousin, Peleps Maela. She was in his household to see Peleps Goran Wavewhite -- Hiddentides uncle, and a scholar of ancient histories in addition to a sorcerer. She payed him little interest, treating him with disdain -- such a pretty face, but a little older than his own and of relation, looking at him with such a lack of respect. He grew to hate her, a little bit, then. For was he not a great sorcerer? Not as great as the Demon-Witch that had burned the Tepet Legions, perhaps, but powerful all the same. A graduate from the Heptagram, who could bring demons to his side and part the seas with the gesture of his hands! It was her distaste, her disrespect, her pity that awoke in him the thing that had been nearly snuffed out: Pride.

"If you want my respect," she finally told him, "you have to earn it."

Cynis Kerak
Dark are the moods of Cynis Kerak, and deep are the mysteries that surround him. Upon first glance, in the Imperial City or his Aunt's Estate, he would look rather forgettable. He is not one of the most attractive dynasts on the Blessed Isle, nor one of the most renowned -- either as a great warrior, or a potent lover. If you see him at one of the parties he frequents, he stands out only slighty more -- the dark clothed figure, silent and brooding in the corner. Yet, given the amount of diversions in the parties frequented by Kerak such observations are seldom made. He has never been one to have many friends; but among those friends was counted Peleps Hiddentide.

Thus it was that when his friend went off to Chanos with the intriguing and beautiful Maela, Kerak went with him. Some, familiar with his House, might imagine that he did this in pursuit of Maela's favor; this is in fact not the case. He would be far more likely to enjoy the favor of Hiddentide, though he's aware that such will never be. Others might suspect that his friends blossoming of self-loathing and desire to prove himself were recipricated by Kerak -- this, also, is false.

The truth of the matter is, Kerak came simply because he thought he would enjoy the game of killing pirates for a while. Those who have seen him fight have much more reason to suspect this -- great is his skill with the blade, surprising for a graduate of the Spiral Academy, and while he does so in few other things Kerak loves to show off in swordplay. One man, two men, five men -- it makes little diffence. When outnumbered, he makes their deaths quick and clean...if frequently bloody. However, when offered the chance to truly enjoy his sport, those he faces die by nicks and cuts instead of deep bleeding gashes.

Sometimes, information is needed from a captive. On a pirate base, the name of a aid or contact, or some other bit of information. This, too, Kerak enjoys -- though the rest of his brotherhood prefers to think otherwise, for ease of mind.

Perhaps, in time, he will grow bored of this meager sport.

V'neef Seamist
The youngest member of the Brotherhood by far, only recently graduated from secondary school, V`neef Seamist (who is actually a Fire Aspect, despite her misleading name) is the only member of the group that actually formally approached Maela and asked to join (far from asking, Kerak just sort of started following the group around). There was some reluctance at first from Maela, due to the young girls age, but the men supported her and she was quite determined to join 'the Brotherhood' (the first time it was formally named such). In the end, it was that determination and her personal love of the prefecture that convinced the others to accept her.

Never did she mention her mother's name, and to this day the others still don't know that she's the daughter of the founder of House V`neef. Much of her childhood was spent in her mothers reserve, not far from Chanos itself, and her father would take her on long horseback riding trips throughout the prefecture. She knows the name of every village and town in the prefecture, and is familiar with most of the Dragon-Blooded that live in the area. The others ALMOST found out when Ragara Nova, the prefect, took the Brotherhood under his wing. However, for whatever reason, Nova didn't choose to impart that he was familiar with Seamist and was asked to 'look after' the group by her mother.

Thus, Seamist exists -- the youngest child of the brotherhood. She's doted on, and watched after to some extent -- Kerak gives her lessons at swordplay whenever she bugs him enough and lude suggestions the rest of the time, Maela takes her for granted and ignores her most of the time, and Hiddentide watches after her like a little sister -- not because she's "the daughter of a great house" but because she's the "baby" of the group. She adores in it, and works as hard as she can to postpone them learning her exact pedigree. Thankfully, most of them are not exactly the most social Dynasts on the Blessed Isle, and only Maela really has regular contact with her family -- so she doesn't have to work very hard.

the Pride of Chanos

the Brotherhood's Assets
It can be hard to fight all the raiding and piracy that goes on in the Northern expanses of the Inner Sea by yourself -- this is what brought Maela to admit other allies in her quest in the first place, but even together the Dragon-Blooded of the Emerald Brotherhood find that they need more aid than just each other.

The first of these needs was mobility; in order to fight seaborne raiders, it is necessary to have access to a sea-going vessel. Once Peleps Maela discovered this need, she set out acquiring such even before she had other Blooded to aid her in her endeavor. In this, she was lucky; a scion of the Peleps house, her house had the resources she needed and all she needed was to acquire them. It was in the course of persuading her aunts and uncles of the seriousness of her duty that she found her way into the Goran Household -- gaining her another ally (two really), and helping to cement her claim to a true brotherhood. Not long after the Brotherhood first formed (with the three initial members), one of Maela's uncles arranged for an older assault cutter to be sent to Maela. She had to pay for the repairs and refitting of the older vessel out of her old pocket, but was none the less very happy for this small victory.

Hoisting emerald-green sails and renamed the the Emerald Shield of Daana'd, the ship still needed a crew. In this, Maela was even more exacting. Only the strongest crewmen would suffice to serve on the Emerald Shield of Daana'd, and she hand picked every one. Some were former navy marines, but mostly Maela had to settle for those with bright dreams and strong hearts who she felt could stand up under the pressure she expected they would find themselves placed under. Maela was especially happy with the ships underofficer and Proreus -- a former naval officer of House Peleps, unexalted but decorated many times before he lost his left arm in an engagement. The love of the sea, and of battle, never left Peleps Senato and he approached his young 'niece' himself. She was a bit weary of the older maimed sailor, but in the end decided that she could use his experience.

Prior to the joining of the Brotherhood of V'neef Seamist, the largest problem for the Brotherhood was paying out wages to the sailors that worked on their ship. Given that they were not a member of the Merchant-Navy commanded by House V`neef, nor had any kinds of papers to the contrary, most of the riches they wrested away from the pirates were taken as taxes and tithes back to the Realm. While Maela tried to keep as much as she could, legally, with the help of the Kerak's financial magic -- it was still a hard game, and one with little rewards. Her men were loyal and dedicated, but they had families as well and worked hard. Soon after Seamists joining the Brotherhood however, the group was given auxilary looting rights by the V`neef Merchant-Navy and adopted into the reserves of such organization. This provided the brotherhood with a small stipend from the V`neef funds and also allowed them to legally keep the proceeds from more of the pirate loot they recovered.

the Brotherhood's Patron
This honorary appointment to the Merchant-Navy brought with it more than a slightly higher bottom line, however. Maela suspects that, in combination with a few daring successes, it was the recognition by the V`neef that got the attention of Chanos' prefect. She, of course, has little real understanding of the real reason Ragara Nova decided to take the small brotherhood under his wing. None the less, since then the group has grown more and more improtant and successful.

The role that Ragara Nova plays is a subtle one, in most cases. Oh, to be sure -- when long stretches pass with little reward, Nova helps foot the wages of the sailors that work on the Emerald Shield of Daana`d. It is the least he can do to keep such a successful anti-piracy venture solvent, after all. However, the smaller ways that Nova assists the brotherhood are not to be dismissed either. Official reports from the All-Seeing Eye about where raiders are coming from and marshalling is passed along, introductions are made between the Brotherhood and other individuals in the same general line of work (and related areas), and even the loan of a few soldiers on particularly daring missions have all been put forward.

It should be noted that while Nova was initially asked to look after the group, he's since come to appreciate and respect them on his own and would very likely continue his patronage even if it was no longer supported by House V`neef (like if Seamist died or left the Brotherhood).

the Pirates
Most of the raiders and pirates that the Emerald Brotherhood deals with are simple Northeners who decide to take out the long-ship and go raiding the Northern expanses of the Realm while the Navy is too busy to do anything. Often times the Brotherhood reacts too late to stop these, but they've gotten quite good at chasing after raiders on their trips back home. A few small villages that supported frequent raiding have been 'made examples of', though the effect of this on the raiding culture throughout the North is hard to pinpoint. However, the Brotherhood is not without more personal enemies as well.

Two of these stand out more than others.
Grungir was once the captain of a Guild escort-cutter, to the best that the Brotherhood can determine. Somehow he fell from the Guilds graces and ended up slicing out at them in retaliation. While he never touches the actual settlements of the Blessed Isle directly, he's assaulted no small number of Guild fleets bound for the Blessed Isle -- stealing valuable supplies meant for the Blessed Isle. The Brotherhood has clashed with Grungir's small pirate fleet a few times, but has never been able to bring the Pirate himself to justice. Currently the Guild bounty on his head is 3 bars of jade, and the V`neef Merchant-Navy has a similar prize for the man's death. This makes him an attractive target indeed.

Bitter Frost is a particularly galling thorn in the side of the Brotherhood, as they've fought her and her crew on multiple occasions and yet have failed to bring her to justice. The chase has ceased to be entirely about profit (and the bounty on her head is quite low, due the fact that she strikes only rarely and seems more interested in slaves rather than goods) -- Maela and Hiddentide are quite devoted to her death. The fact that Maela suspects she might be allied with the Deathlords only makes her a more pressing target. Any mention of Bitter Frosts' activity is almost sure to grab the attention of the Brotherhood.

Secrets of the Emerald Brotherhood
The first secret, already mentioned, of the Brotherhood is the relationship of it's newest member to the Dynasty. V`neef Seamist is one of the younger children of V`neef herself, and while her parents had little role in her joining the brotherhood they none the less like to watch out after their young child. The House is still quite small, only 60 years old, and V`neef keeps a close eye on most of her children. Especially females, who are the key to the growth of the house. Two members of the crew are loyal members of House V`neef, with orders to keep an eye on Seamist and try to make sure that she stays safe -- even at the risk of their life. In addition to normal wages, they recieve extra funds from the House for undertaking this task. In addition, the groups Patron, Ragara Nova, was initially attracted to the group by the interest of the House -- he has an interest in making sure that the group as a whole and Seamist in particular stays safe.

If something were to happen to Seamist, it could cause a number of unfortunate sideffects -- V`neef would no doubt take out her grief and annoyance on those she thought were responcible. It is also important to note that none of the members of the brotherhood really suspect this; Seamist has been unforthcoming, and the group is rather blithely accepting of her. It doesn't really have a lot of contact with House V`neef, nor know a lot about it's "up and coming" members. None the less, the secret will eventually get out...

The second secret dates back to before the formation of the Brotherhood, when Peleps Maela was wandering the Blessed Isle. The initial impetous of this journey was not wholely her own. Maela is an advanced student of the Martial Arts, who studied the Immaculate Forms extensively during her time at the Cloister of Wisdom. While she did not become a monk, she none the less earned her way into many high-level Martial Arts classes. One of these classes was a by-invitation only, small-study group taught by a reclusive and largely unknown old monk. This man was, unknown to Maela, also one of the Anathema -- one of the shadowy Sidereals of the Bronze Faction.

In the early days of the Empresses' disappearance, the Sidereals were in no amount of shock and worry -- unsure of what had happened, in a near panic that so many destinies had gone awry. Crisis stacked atop crisis, and only slowly was order brought back together. The teacher of Maela's advanced Martial Arts class, an ancient creature of the First Age, decided that the best way to keep order in the Realm was through the Secondary Schools of the realm -- where it's future was born. A number of students, both new ones entering the Cloister and ones departing into the Dynasty and into Adventure, were subtly guided by this Sidereal and others who followed similar plans.

Maela's wanderings played some part in this goal of bringing order and minimizing chaos in the Realm. Though neither she nor any of her Brotherhood knows it, they are players in a larger game...