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Monkey . o O ( Pass on the armor then. ) think ...and just started the log. The Storyteller . o O ( ...and just started the log. ) Monkey . o O ( I don't suppose we can borrow a warstrider? :) ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( At sea? ) think Are you going to make it back to Iridia or just meet the fleet at sea? The Storyteller . o O ( Are you going to make it back to Iridia or just meet the fleet at sea? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, one more thing, have Suda send a report about what the Mask did and request to help with the counterattack to lookshy. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Meet the fleet at sea. ) think Okay. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. ) think So.... The Storyteller . o O ( So.... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Want me to start with the prayer meeting? ) Monkey . o O ( Actually, we left pretty early. While the Sun is waiting at sea, the Sun is fast enough we could go back to Iridia if we want to. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( What's back at Iridia that could help? ) think An ambassador with the power to request warstriders. The Storyteller . o O ( An ambassador with the power to request warstriders. ) Monkey . o O ( Auspex. Dunno if she's willing and how to best use her, but a Celestial Exalt is nothing to sneeze at. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Point. The sub is even faster though. A stop to get the fleet in a holding position and then straight back there then. ) Monkey . o O ( Besides, sneezing at Abyssals is hazardous to your health. ) Monkey . o O ( Requesting warstriders is pointless. There's no time. Now if there's actually a warstrider then, that's another thing. We'll "borrow" it first and get the permission later. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Snarling Wolf may have to babysit for Auspex. ) Monkey . o O ( Anyway, prayer meeting. ) Snarling Wolf snarls, "That is not in my job description!"

checks games of divinity.

The Storyteller checks games of divinity. think We're gonna skip straight to the battle, if that's okay with you guys. The Storyteller . o O ( We're gonna skip straight to the battle, if that's okay with you guys. ) Admiral Kaizoku has assembled the crew on deck as the sun breaks over the horizion. "Unconquered Sun!" he calls out from the bow, where he stands facing the sun. "Sol Invictus! Your Children have unflinchingly battled the forces of darkness in your name! Now our greatest challenge lies ahead, with a vile creature spreading poison shadows across the land! Take this blade, which has struck down one of the evil's servants and grant us the insights for victory!" With that, he throws the blue jade Daiklave into the sea. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK, praying's done. ) think Anybody remember where the prayer rules are> The Storyteller . o O ( Anybody remember where the prayer rules are> ) Monkey . o O ( "108 Hit Super Duper Ultra Combo Finality! Winner: Serenity!" UC: Rats, I was this close to pulling that counter. Next round, anyone? How 'bout you, Venus? ) Monkey . o O ( It's a meager thing in the corebook. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yeah, p 335 ) think thanks The Storyteller . o O ( thanks ) Monkey . o O ( Check the index. There's also special prayers in Sidereals, but they are irrelevant to this situation. ) think roll Cha + performance at difficulty 1 The Storyteller . o O ( roll Cha + performance at difficulty 1 ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 8 dice on Per+Cha and got 4 successes. think Index? You just asked me to check a White Wolf index... with a straight face? The Storyteller . o O ( Index? You just asked me to check a White Wolf index... with a straight face? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( LOL. ) Monkey . o O ( Yes. Because let's be fair, out of like one thousand or so keywords, WW actually does manage to index about a dozen or so. ) Monkey . o O ( Credit when credit's due. )


The Storyteller rolleyes. think Unfortunately, "prayer" is not one of those keywords... The Storyteller . o O ( Unfortunately, "prayer" is not one of those keywords... ) think anyway. Praying's done, let's shift along. The Storyteller . o O ( anyway. Praying's done, let's shift along. ) think posing. The Storyteller . o O ( posing. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK, the Sun's no help. Maybe Santa can bring us a Five Metal Shrike. Has Monkey been good? ) Monkey . o O ( Monkey has, but I'm pretty sure "shiny rock" is what's on his letter to Santa. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It's made of FIVE metals, and they're ALL shiny ones. ) Monkey . o O ( I'm afraid Santa wouldn't stretch the definition of "shiny rock" that far. ) Monkey . o O ( But fear not. This is Exalted. In Exalted, Santa rides the Five Metal Shrike. He calls it Rudolph. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'm getting some very odd pictures of the Exalted Christmas special now... ) @emit The masts of the fleet cast long shadows in the setting sun. Wind and water and the rhythmic chants of the keleustes are the only sounds as the fleet moves into position across Thorns' harbor. Rising against the eastern darkness are the twin hulks of Juggernaut and the new fleshcrafted monstrosity that the city has birthed. The one crouches like a slave, the hard edges of fortress walls barely visible on its back. The other is like a grotesque spider, perched across the vast muddy pit. No sign of movement can be seen from the harbor. The masts of the fleet cast long shadows in the setting sun. Wind and water and the rhythmic chants of the keleustes are the only sounds as the fleet moves into position across Thorns' harbor. Rising against the eastern darkness are the twin hulks of Juggernaut and the new fleshcrafted monstrosity that the city has birthed. The one crouches like a slave, the hard edges of fortress walls barely visible on its back. The other is like a grotesque spider, perched across the vast muddy pit. No sign of movement can be seen from the harbor. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Odder than the He-Man one, where Skeletor feels the joy of the season. ) think It can't possibly be worse than the Star Wars holiday special. The Storyteller . o O ( It can't possibly be worse than the Star Wars holiday special. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Luckily, that doesn't exist. Yep, just a tale they tell to scare naughty Star Wars fans... ) think I've seen it. It was _really_, _really_ bad. The Storyteller . o O ( I've seen it. It was _really_, _really_ bad. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( So have I, which is why I deny its existance. ) Admiral Kaizoku is perched on the bow of the Sun, one foot on the gunwhale. He cups his hands to his face and calls out in a booming voice "MASK OF WINTERS! Your end is here! The light of the Sun has arrived to BURN AWAY your wretched self!" think sorry, got distracted. Posing. The Storyteller . o O ( sorry, got distracted. Posing. ) Monkey yawns from his perch on top of the implosion bow. Blue cape on his back billows in the breeze. He snorts and scratches his nose. @emit The Admiral's voice echoes across the hollow and empty city. Then a light sparks from Juggernaut, some spell being cast. The Admiral's voice echoes across the hollow and empty city. Then a light sparks from Juggernaut, some spell being cast. Monkey . o O ( Okay, wearing the cloak. Wearing bracers. Not wearing tiara. ) think roll Per + Occult The Storyteller . o O ( roll Per + Occult ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 9 dice on Per+Occ and got 3 successes. Monkey rolled 3 dice on Per + Occ and got 3 successes. think ... yup, it's a spell. Necromancy, low-powered. The Storyteller . o O ( ... yup, it's a spell. Necromancy, low-powered. ) Admiral Kaizoku orders "Increase speed! Brace for impact!" Monkey picks on his nose. Monkey picks his nose. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( He's picking on his nose to spite his face? ) @emit A great lance of bone flies out of the darkness and smashes into one of the triremes. The kubernetes is slain, but his second rallies the crew. Slowed, the trireme falls behind the other ships. A great lance of bone flies out of the darkness and smashes into one of the triremes. The kubernetes is slain, but his second rallies the crew. Slowed, the trireme falls behind the other ships. Admiral Kaizoku points at the flash on Juggernaut. "Return fire Monkey!" think regular attack The Storyteller . o O ( regular attack ) Monkey flattens himself straight on the implosion bow. His feet grabs the controls and steers it as he lines himself at the flash. Satisfied, he presses the button and a ball of crackling essence hits Juggernaut. Monkey . o O ( It's impossible to miss Juggernaut. ) Admiral Kaizoku draws his blade. think +2 stunt. Aiming at just Juggernaut, or the origin of the spell? The Storyteller . o O ( +2 stunt. Aiming at just Juggernaut, or the origin of the spell? ) Monkey . o O ( The origin of the spell. ) think Okay. That's a normal attack. If you miss, you hit the big guy... The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. That's a normal attack. If you miss, you hit the big guy... ) Monkey . o O ( Not that the big guy will notice. :) ) Monkey rolled 9 dice on Implode! and got 4 successes. Monkey rolled 3 dice on Accuracy and got 1 botch. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( He's just big, not tough. ) Monkey . o O ( I should've been rolling 12 dice. So 4 successes total. ) @emit The blast is satisfactorily large, but at this distance you don't even get to hear the boom, or see its effects. Juggernaut seems not to feel it, but hopefully his master did. The blast is satisfactorily large, but at this distance you don't even get to hear the boom, or see its effects. Juggernaut seems not to feel it, but hopefully his master did. Admiral Kaizoku says, "Meet any spells the same way!"" Monkey says, "Aye aye!" Monkey . o O ( Jesse, I assume the Blue Robe doesn't need commitment? David, what kind of hearthstone bracer? Jade? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Jade. ) @emit The fleet enters the harbor at speed. Ere they smash themselves to flinders, the galleys back oars, churning the water into a froth. The fleet enters the harbor at speed. Ere they smash themselves to flinders, the galleys back oars, churning the water into a froth. @emit Marines and sailors debark swiftly, with discipline the admiral can be proud of. Ashigaru squads take the lead under courageous mortal and DragonBlooded commanders, spreading out and seizing the docks. There is no resistance... yet. Marines and sailors debark swiftly, with discipline the admiral can be proud of. Ashigaru squads take the lead under courageous mortal and DragonBlooded commanders, spreading out and seizing the docks. There is no resistance... yet. think I forgot to mention that your subordinates were able to recruit various DB adventurers... including some that you're pretty sure are slumming Dynasts. The Storyteller . o O ( I forgot to mention that your subordinates were able to recruit various DB adventurers... including some that you're pretty sure are slumming Dynasts. ) Monkey . o O ( Lookshy's help. Cool. ) Monkey . o O ( You mean spies. :) ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Neat. We could have put on more guns! ) think Only spies if their parents put a little pressure on. And that would never happen! The Storyteller . o O ( Only spies if their parents put a little pressure on. And that would never happen! ) Admiral Kaizoku stands at the bow watching his men proudly, fixing his eyes on the distant Juggernauts. He retreates into his cabin and starts to prepare the ritual to activate the Heart, drawing a careful stream of blood from above his chest and dripping it on the orb. think Quick rule: for every HL you lose, you get an extra die on the Cha + Occult roll to activate the heart. The Storyteller . o O ( Quick rule: for every HL you lose, you get an extra die on the Cha + Occult roll to activate the heart. ) think And that's worth 2 dice just for the stunt. The Storyteller . o O ( And that's worth 2 dice just for the stunt. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK, one to start with. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 11 dice on Occult and got 4 successes. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Must have been important. ) Monkey . o O ( Well, duh. With a roll like that, it's gotta be. ) think snrk. The Storyteller . o O ( snrk. ) think Do you have anyone with you? The Storyteller . o O ( Do you have anyone with you? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Nope, this is private. ) think So... nobody standing by with a first aid kit? Keen. The Storyteller . o O ( So... nobody standing by with a first aid kit? Keen. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The Admiral's a professional and master of the blade! ) Monkey . o O ( I'm telling you, use your own heart's blood. I'll try persuading Jesse that each Agg = 1 success. ) @emit The admiral's blood drips over the black stone, trickling through cracks in its surface and falling in red drops to the floor of the cabin. The admiral's blood drips over the black stone, trickling through cracks in its surface and falling in red drops to the floor of the cabin. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Anything? ) think Roll again if you choose. New stunt if so. Monkey, what are you doing? Under the admiral's orders, the Sun is holding steady in the harbor, within jumping distance of the shore if you need to leave. And no, nothing yet. The Storyteller . o O ( Roll again if you choose. New stunt if so. Monkey, what are you doing? Under the admiral's orders, the Sun is holding steady in the harbor, within jumping distance of the shore if you need to leave. And no, nothing yet. ) think and I'll BRB. The Storyteller . o O ( and I'll BRB. ) Admiral Kaizoku holds the thing up high, intoning "By the power of the Sun, I command you to rise!" in a deep voice, bringing the Heart against his bare chest as he again prods himself with a keen dagger. Monkey . o O ( To be frank, Monkey doesn't have much to do. He doesn't have the unlimited essence, so he can't just fire the implosion bow continuously. He also can't abandon ship, so he can't jump off and chase Mask. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Don't worry, something bad should be coming our way soon. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Given we have the Elemental with touch of grace, I should use more health levels... ) Monkey . o O ( There's Charm preps, so call it Flow Like Blood and Lost Monkey Form and Increasing Strength Exercise, but that takes 3 turns and the rest is pretty much waiting.] ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( What's the range on Poo-Flinging Strike items? ) Monkey . o O ( Whatever the GM says. ) Monkey . o O ( Poo Flinging Strike = improvised thrown. Improvised thrown range = improvised. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Not supernaturally long then. ) Monkey's caste mark glints. Perhaps a reflection of the shimmering light given by the essence blasts of the implosion bow. think Back. The Storyteller . o O ( Back. ) think +1 die. Oooh, innuendo! The Storyteller . o O ( +1 die. Oooh, innuendo! ) Monkey . o O ( It's all natural. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 10 dice on Occ and got 2 successes. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, my god... ) think How many HLs? The Storyteller . o O ( How many HLs? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( One, again. ) Monkey . o O ( Hint: This time, spend WP. ) @emit The Heart of Pontoppidan absorbs the blood as it falls. Deep inside, the admiral feels something pulsing in time to his heartbeat. The Heart of Pontoppidan absorbs the blood as it falls. Deep inside, the admiral feels something pulsing in time to his heartbeat. Admiral Kaizoku grits his teeth and slams the Heart against the deck, through the thin stream of blood he has left. "In the name and by the power of the Unconquered Sun, you WILL rise up now and you WILL tear the Juggernauts apart!" he commands, his words and power shaking the room. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( TWO HLs this time. ) think And 2 dice for the stunt. The Storyteller . o O ( And 2 dice for the stunt. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 12 dice on Occult and got 4 successes. think Hm. The Storyteller . o O ( Hm. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Good gravy, how badly can this go? ) think Ooh, don't say that. The Storyteller . o O ( Ooh, don't say that. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe Monkey should try it. ) Monkey . o O ( I'm willing to give it a go, but is it in character? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The Heart isn't shiny enough. ) @emit The Heart, now slick with blood, pulses in time with the Admiral's heartbeat. Seeping into his mind like water into a hidden cave, the Admiral can feel the presence of the Hekatonkhire, ancient hate and hunger filling him. The Heart, now slick with blood, pulses in time with the Admiral's heartbeat. Seeping into his mind like water into a hidden cave, the Admiral can feel the presence of the Hekatonkhire, ancient hate and hunger filling him. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( D'oh, forgot to channel WP that last time. ) think Roll Willpower. The Storyteller . o O ( Roll Willpower. ) Admiral Kaizoku imposes his will on that hatred, putting his own passion for destroying darkness on top of the ancient dead thing's desires. Admiral Kaizoku rolled 10 dice on something and got 4 successes. think Give yourself another die for the stunt. The Storyteller . o O ( Give yourself another die for the stunt. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1 dice on something and got 1 botch. Monkey . o O ( My suggestion: screw this one step at a time. Spend all the HL all the way to Incapacitated, channel Conviction if you still have uses left or get an autosuccess otherwise and rely on the elemental to bring you back to consciousness later. ) think... okay. I don't understand that. If you are trying to speak, prefix your words with a double quote (") or the word SAY, i.e. SAY Fnord. For more help on communicating, type HELP COMMUNICATION. @emit Outside, the twilight is fading fast to a starless night. There has been no spell from Juggernaut since the first bone spear. The troops have secured the docks, and under Leden's command are sweeping the nearby buildings. Monkey is getting a little bored. Outside, the twilight is fading fast to a starless night. There has been no spell from Juggernaut since the first bone spear. The troops have secured the docks, and under Leden's command are sweeping the nearby buildings. Monkey is getting a little bored. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Any more progress with it? ) People around the implosion bow later will swear they heard a soft snore although Monkey denies ever falling asleep. "I was just resting my eyes!" @emit A swelling in the sea changes everything. It is first a gentle rocking, but the sailors feel it as an aberration immediately. Then a topsman points east and shouts, "'Ware the sea!" Monkey turns and sees... A swelling in the sea changes everything. It is first a gentle rocking, but the sailors feel it as an aberration immediately. Then a topsman points east and shouts, "'Ware the sea!" Monkey turns and sees... Monkey . o O ( Dancing Robots! ) @emit A bow wave from something moving fast under the water. Before anyone can react, a monster rears itself from the deeps. A bow wave from something moving fast under the water. Before anyone can react, a monster rears itself from the deeps. Monkey . o O ( Yay! Godzilla! ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( He must have had to stop and eat a fishing boat. ) Monkey . o O ( Sorry, Godzilla doesn't eat fishing boats. He eats nuclear subs. ) Monkey . o O ( Fishing boats just get accidentally capsized. ) @emit In the darkness it is impossible to make out its shape clearly, but it is vast, larger than any ship Monkey has ever seen. There is an impression of leathery hide, but what really catches the eye are the tentacles, as long as a trireme and longer, reaching out and taking hold of the land, pulling the creature forward into the harbor. In the darkness it is impossible to make out its shape clearly, but it is vast, larger than any ship Monkey has ever seen. There is an impression of leathery hide, but what really catches the eye are the tentacles, as long as a trireme and longer, reaching out and taking hold of the land, pulling the creature forward into the harbor. think Remember, Hekatonkhire: couldn't appear until sunset. The Storyteller . o O ( Remember, Hekatonkhire: couldn't appear until sunset. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Well, the Admiral only took the heart, not the owner's manual. ) Monkey . o O ( Did you remember to send the warranty registration card? ) @emit And then the monster seizes one of the scout boats and crushes it to flinders. A survivor falls twenty feet into the water. And then the monster seizes one of the scout boats and crushes it to flinders. A survivor falls twenty feet into the water. think Admiral, make another Will roll. The Storyteller . o O ( Admiral, make another Will roll. ) Admiral Kaizoku has strapped his breastplate back on and walks out of his cabin, taking in the sight of the massive creature. He points is Daiklave at the newborn Juggernaut and commands "Destroy it! Fight and die again and again, until oblivion takes you!" Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I don't want spam from Sidereals. Stunt bonus? ) think Spam? Buh? Yes, +2. The Storyteller . o O ( Spam? Buh? Yes, +2. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Sidereal junk mail from sending in the card too. ) Admiral Kaizoku rolled 12 dice on something and got 5 successes. Monkey . o O ( And what do you mean newborn juggernaut. ) Monkey . o O ( Juggernaut or the giant spider? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( the one that around there last week. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( That wasn't around... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Is it really spider-like, or was that metaphorical Jesse? ) Monkey . o O ( It's the giant spider. To avoid confusion, I shall dub it...Ungoliant. ) think It looks like the bottom half of an HIV virus, if you know what I mean. The Storyteller . o O ( It looks like the bottom half of an HIV virus, if you know what I mean. ) think cylinder, legs, etc. The Storyteller . o O ( cylinder, legs, etc. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Hmm... call the Tank Police. ) Monkey . o O ( Bonaparte! ) @emit It is at this point that the Admiral realizes two crucial facts. First, Pontoppidan is as large as the harbor. Second, it's still pulling itself forward. Which means it'll swamp the entire fleet. It is at this point that the Admiral realizes two crucial facts. First, Pontoppidan is as large as the harbor. Second, it's still pulling itself forward. Which means it'll swamp the entire fleet. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Swamp, or smash? ) Monkey . o O ( Swamp. ) Admiral Kaizoku calls out "Action stations! Prepare the pumps and to bail! Weigh anchors!" Monkey . o O ( Picture yourself lying in a bathtub in a rubber ducky floating above your tummy. Now rise up slowly. ) think And then smash, but first things first. The Storyteller . o O ( And then smash, but first things first. ) Monkey . o O ( with a rubber ducky. ) think About 120 pounds, sir! The Storyteller . o O ( About 120 pounds, sir! ) think Okay... The Storyteller . o O ( Okay... ) Admiral Kaizoku waits until the creature gets closer and then puts his blade skyward. "Up! Up on your tentacles and go carefully to the land!" he commands. Monkey tries to estimate the relative sizes of the three hekatonkhire. think Okay, look. It's a city sized sperm whale tacked onto an octopus. It is not going to walk on its tentacles, it's going to drag itself across the city like some deranged lungfish and then try to eat either juggernaut or the newbie in an orgy of mad, terrifying destruction. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, look. It's a city sized sperm whale tacked onto an octopus. It is not going to walk on its tentacles, it's going to drag itself across the city like some deranged lungfish and then try to eat either juggernaut or the newbie in an orgy of mad, terrifying destruction. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( If one hekatonkhire leaves Iridia at 12:15 going at 50 MPH... ) Monkey . o O ( I like your description. 2 stunt dice. ) Admiral Kaizoku calls out to the marines in the rear to move in order outside of its path, double time. think Anyway. Pontoppidan and Juggernaut are about the same size, the new thing is about the same in area but half in mass. The Storyteller . o O ( Anyway. Pontoppidan and Juggernaut are about the same size, the new thing is about the same in area but half in mass. ) Monkey . o O ( Thanks. ) Admiral Kaizoku looks to the Mask's fortress on Juggernaut for some reaction, idly wishing he could see the Deathlord's face right n ow. think you can't, he's wearing a mask. The Storyteller . o O ( you can't, he's wearing a mask. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Granted, there are a few "givens" with that wish. ) Monkey . o O ( Darth Mask: <wheeze> The impudent Solars hold an artifact that lets them control this weapon. Find it and bring it to me. ) Monkey . o O ( Perfect Rose: <rises from her kneeling position> As you wish, my master. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I've got a bad feeling about this... ) Monkey . o O ( Darth Mask: <after Rose left> If she fails, bring her head to me. <wheeze> ) Monkey . o O ( Voice from darkness: As you wish, my master. ) @emit The hekatonkhire pulls itself fully into the harbor, pushing the fleet ahead of it. Most of the galleys smash apart on the docks and seawall. With a heroic effort, the helmsman of the Unconquered Sun guides her between buildings, on a sudden river. The hekatonkhire pulls itself fully into the harbor, pushing the fleet ahead of it. Most of the galleys smash apart on the docks and seawall. With a heroic effort, the helmsman of the Unconquered Sun guides her between buildings, on a sudden river. Admiral Kaizoku has his arm wrapped around the mast, not taking his eyes off where he anticipates the counterattack to come from. "Hold fast!" he calls to the crew. "This is our finest hour!" @emit Around you, the marines and sailors find refuge in buildings or clinging to handholds. The wave subsides... and then the darkness grows a little darker as Pontoppidan reaches a tentacle over the Unconquered Sun and jams it deep into the earth yards ahead. Around you, the marines and sailors find refuge in buildings or clinging to handholds. The wave subsides... and then the darkness grows a little darker as Pontoppidan reaches a tentacle over the Unconquered Sun and jams it deep into the earth yards ahead. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Does it let go after? ) Monkey . o O ( It didn't grab the ship. ) think No, it's pulling itself forward. The Storyteller . o O ( No, it's pulling itself forward. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, I thought it meant "over on top of" ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The bulk of it is still behind? ) think Yes. The Storyteller . o O ( Yes. ) think Your pose, before I describe it pulling forward, which will put it within an ace of the ship. The Storyteller . o O ( Your pose, before I describe it pulling forward, which will put it within an ace of the ship. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Trying to think of a good fix for this jam.... ) Monkey . o O ( I think a more immediate concern is whether Poppi will flatten the ship and if there's anything we can do to get out of its way. ) Admiral Kaizoku orders "All hands below deck! The Sun can withstand even this!" He waves the crew below, and any troops nearby as well. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'm fully confident that it can, though it might get buried in the mud. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( They fought things like this in the First Age all the time. ) Monkey . o O ( Yes, but will we survive being smothered with Poppi's stench? ) think A. You're not on mud, you're on rock, in a street. B. First Age tech vs. undead Behemoth is a bit of a toss-up. C. Yes, but with heavy warships and Ess 6+ Exalts. The Storyteller . o O ( A. You're not on mud, you're on rock, in a street. B. First Age tech vs. undead Behemoth is a bit of a toss-up. C. Yes, but with heavy warships and Ess 6+ Exalts. ) Monkey . o O ( Rock is comparatively soft compared to FA hull. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It'll be mud afterwards... ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The ground is the weakest thing in play here, so no problem. ) think Okay. Posing. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. Posing. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( What would be cool is firing the grappel cannon at him after he passes, to pull the ship free and into battle. We have no such cannon though. ) think Have Monkey throw a line. The Storyteller . o O ( Have Monkey throw a line. ) Monkey . o O ( Yes, he's versatile like that. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Or throw Monkey at it with a line! ) Monkey . o O ( That too. ) @emit The last crewman barely makes it below deck before Pontoppidan's bulk covers the ship. The noise of its passage is tremendous, a shuddering grinding racket that reverberates through your bones. Above you can hear the snap and crack of deck fittings breaking. Below, the hull scrapes against the cobbles of the streets. A stench threatens to overwhelm you, and the weaker sailors pass out from the horror of it. And it does not end for what seems like hours. The last crewman barely makes it below deck before Pontoppidan's bulk covers the ship. The noise of its passage is tremendous, a shuddering grinding racket that reverberates through your bones. Above you can hear the snap and crack of deck fittings breaking. Below, the hull scrapes against the cobbles of the streets. A stench threatens to overwhelm you, and the weaker sailors pass out from the horror of it. And it does not end for what seems like hours. Monkey . o O ( But joking aside, that won't work. On water, no problem. On land, if we're embedded, cable will snap. ) @emit Finally, the hekatonkhire is past. A sailor frantically tries to open the hatch, to no avail. "We're trapped!" he shouts. Finally, the hekatonkhire is past. A sailor frantically tries to open the hatch, to no avail. "We're trapped!" he shouts. Monkey . o O ( I suggest that "Make ship fly" spell and direct the battle from air. ) Monkey says, "Let me try." Admiral Kaizoku lights up his caste mark to banish the terrors of the darkness. "You are the bravest crew in all creation, and this battle will become legend, sung of for ages. The Sun wil never forget it!" he says confidently, putting a hand on the sailor's shoulder to steady him. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It only works during daylight hours, else I'd have done it. ) Monkey gives the hatch a great shove with both palms of his hands. think what's your total right now? The Storyteller . o O ( what's your total right now? ) Monkey . o O ( oh, just 7. ) think Str + ath etc. The Storyteller . o O ( Str + ath etc. ) think Good enough. The Storyteller . o O ( Good enough. ) Monkey rolled 12 dice on Whooacha! and got 4 successes. Monkey . o O ( Oh, wait, you mean with Ath? 12. ) @emit It's a struggle even for Monkey, but with a heave he gets the hatch open. Mud and shattered stone falls down around him. The ship has been pulled into the ruin of a building, bow buried in the earth and stern raised above the street. The mast is snapped off a few feet above the deck, and the mounted guns are nowhere to be seen. Ahead, you can see the bulk of Pontoppidan dragging itself forward, filling the sky and leaving a trail of destruction from the harbor. It's a struggle even for Monkey, but with a heave he gets the hatch open. Mud and shattered stone falls down around him. The ship has been pulled into the ruin of a building, bow buried in the earth and stern raised above the street. The mast is snapped off a few feet above the deck, and the mounted guns are nowhere to be seen. Ahead, you can see the bulk of Pontoppidan dragging itself forward, filling the sky and leaving a trail of destruction from the harbor. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Any movement on the Mask's side? ) think Well, you can't tell _now_, there's Pontoppidan in the way. The Storyteller . o O ( Well, you can't tell _now_, there's Pontoppidan in the way. ) Monkey scans the area, "Looks like we're beached," he quips. Monkey . o O ( How far away is the sea? ) think Half mile, maybe a bit less. The Storyteller . o O ( Half mile, maybe a bit less. ) Admiral Kaizoku calls out "Secure the ship, send parties to find the mast and guns, but don't go out of sight of the Sun. Monkey, with me!" Monkey says, "Aye Cap, I mean Admiral. Just like the old days, eh? What do you have in mind?" think Keep posing... The Storyteller . o O ( Keep posing... ) Admiral Kaizoku says, "And bring rope! We will climb the beast and gain a better vantage point!" Monkey says, "Bosun, give me your best rope! Several fathoms of it!" @emit It takes a minute of scrounging, but a coil of good strong line is soon in Monkey's hands. It takes a minute of scrounging, but a coil of good strong line is soon in Monkey's hands. Monkey wraps the rope around his waist and shoulders. Admiral Kaizoku takes in the crew. "You are the true Princes of the Earth, and there is no crew I would rather have at my side, but we go to confront the forces of death itself, and I will not risk your lives in such a battle. Be strong until we return!" With that, he takes off after Pontoppidan's bulk. @emit Pontoppidan is a moving city dragging itself across the ruins of Thorns slightly faster than a running man. A sprint catches its trailing edge easily enough, though you have to watch out for the rubble in its wake. Now it looms over you like a cliff. Pontoppidan is a moving city dragging itself across the ruins of Thorns slightly faster than a running man. A sprint catches its trailing edge easily enough, though you have to watch out for the rubble in its wake. Now it looms over you like a cliff. Monkey says, "Might want to tie the rope around your waist before we climb. Looks like a slimy climb. Smelly too." Admiral Kaizoku shakes his head. "No, you're going to jump up its back, and carry me along... the rope is for holding on after!" he explains. Monkey says, "Hold on then, it's going to be bumpy for a bit." think Dex + Ath, 5 successes to get to the top. The Storyteller . o O ( Dex + Ath, 5 successes to get to the top. ) Admiral Kaizoku secures his blade in its belt clip and holds onto Monkey's back tightly. Monkey starts climbing, or more properly leaping, up Pontoppidan, first picking a way up a tentacle, and from there to his back, and then racing up to the head. Monkey rolled 10 dice on Dex + Ath and got 5 successes. think Also worth 1 stunt die for Essence. The Storyteller . o O ( Also worth 1 stunt die for Essence. ) Admiral Kaizoku is stoic and quiet for that trip up, taking note of what is occuring behind him in the harbor and ahead in the pit when they come into view. @emit From the rotting mountain, you can see that battle is about to begin. The spider-thing has moved, and now sits back on four legs while the other two are poised to strike at Pontoppidan. Though Juggernaut has not moved, from here you can see activity on its head, figures moving about. Likewise, there is someone moving about atop the spider-thing. From the rotting mountain, you can see that battle is about to begin. The spider-thing has moved, and now sits back on four legs while the other two are poised to strike at Pontoppidan. Though Juggernaut has not moved, from here you can see activity on its head, figures moving about. Likewise, there is someone moving about atop the spider-thing. Admiral Kaizoku says "Monkey, have you divined the weakness of the Perfect Rose yet? I suspect she is on the closer creature, and will attack soon." think Waiting for a pose... but prompt me if you're done. The Storyteller . o O ( Waiting for a pose... but prompt me if you're done. ) Monkey looks up and scrunches his face in deep thought, "I dunno. In all respect I think she's inferior to me. She just have a neat sword, 'sall." Admiral Kaizoku says "Take it away from her then, or battle outside that range." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Are we on the head yet, or is that the next pose? ) Monkey . o O ( Pontoppidan has a head? ) think It hasn't got a head per se, but it does have a bit where the trunk gives way to tentacles. The Storyteller . o O ( It hasn't got a head per se, but it does have a bit where the trunk gives way to tentacles. ) think right now, you're about midway along the torso. The Storyteller . o O ( right now, you're about midway along the torso. ) Monkey . o O ( Posing. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( He's got a point on his body that will be designated as his head, in the spirit of anthropmorphization. ) Monkey says, "Might be tricky, taking it away. She's fond of it." Admiral Kaizoku hmmms thoughtfully. "I'm sure the greatest warrior in Creation could do it, were he here..." he muses aloud. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Did I say I had the elemental heal up all the sacrifice damage? I think I forogt... ) Monkey continues to climb up, leap after leap. After a minute, he stops and asks, "I think this is the highest point. But I could go on to the forward tentacles. We'll be right at the front there. Might be a little shaky with them swaying fro and to." think Yes, you did. But we'll gloss over it. The Storyteller . o O ( Yes, you did. But we'll gloss over it. ) Monkey says, "Here or there?" Admiral Kaizoku says, "Here... watch the tentacles closely and we will move the fight up to there if a surprise is needed!" Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I wasn't sure it would work either. ) Monkey . o O ( Actually given the impending kaiju battle, probably a good idea to get Graceful Crane Stance up. ) Monkey says, "Aye aye." Monkey . o O ( Done posing. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Or Sail for knot-tying. ) think posing. The Storyteller . o O ( posing. ) @emit The spider-thing steps forward, surprisingly quickly for a huge creature, and strikes at Pontoppidan. The hekatonkhire wraps a tentacle around the left leg, but the right one strikes true, leaving a slash in Pontoppidan's side a yard wide. And then the battle is joined. The spider-thing steps forward, surprisingly quickly for a huge creature, and strikes at Pontoppidan. The hekatonkhire wraps a tentacle around the left leg, but the right one strikes true, leaving a slash in Pontoppidan's side a yard wide. And then the battle is joined. Admiral Kaizoku knots a length of rope some 20 feet long around a dagger and secures it around his waist, putting the dagger in the flesh of Pontoppidan and driving it deep inside with his booted foot. think Monkey's pose? The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey's pose? ) Monkey's caste mark glows brighter as Pontoppidan battles the unnamed hekatonkhire. Monkey . o O ( None. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Time to activate Fivefold Bulwark Stance! ) @emit The fight makes for an unstable surface, but you're able to hold your balance well enough. It's perhaps a quarter mile from where you stand to the spider-thing's body, but you can make out a pair of figures standing there. One seems to be controlling the monster, for his body moves in time to it, but the other is clearly the Perfect Rose of Thorns, her blade sheathed at her back. The fight makes for an unstable surface, but you're able to hold your balance well enough. It's perhaps a quarter mile from where you stand to the spider-thing's body, but you can make out a pair of figures standing there. One seems to be controlling the monster, for his body moves in time to it, but the other is clearly the Perfect Rose of Thorns, her blade sheathed at her back. Admiral Kaizoku cups his hands to his mouth and calls out to the Rose "Here is the end to your greatest pain! The force that will end your life and fill the void of fear that torments your entire existance!" think Man, the Admiral is a pretty annoying street preacher when you get right down to it. Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We IDed Rose from her sword, I presume? No noteworthy features on the other guy at this range? ) The Storyteller . o O ( Man, the Admiral is a pretty annoying street preacher when you get right down to it. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( If they'd just all repent, he'd stop talking about it all the time! ) think It's his only conversational tactic! It gets tiresome. The Storyteller . o O ( It's his only conversational tactic! It gets tiresome. ) Monkey puts his hand over his eyes to get a better look at the two. The gesture itself is meaningless, but the flow of essence behind it gave Monkey supernatural awareness. Monkey . o O ( Sensory Acuity Prana. ) think Got it. The Storyteller . o O ( Got it. ) Monkey . o O ( Other guy is new guy? Or is it Archer X? ) think Archer X The Storyteller . o O ( Archer X ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( He just doesn't meet that many people who are up for a thoughtful discussion... ) Monkey . o O ( I think it's Jesse's pose. ) @emit Out of the darkness next to Monkey, Still Moon appears. "You don't do things small, do you?" she says. "I'm impressed." Out of the darkness next to Monkey, Still Moon appears. "You don't do things small, do you?" she says. "I'm impressed." Monkey . o O ( There's too many esses in Jesse's. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'd nearly forgotten about her promise. Nice entrance! ) Monkey says, "Oh hey, didn't notice you there. Sorry. How have you been? Seen anything interesting lately? Oh, here's your tiara, by the way. Forgot to return it. Oh, it's okay, this is nothing, really. You should've seen me when we raided the Empress's Palace." @emit Still Moon holds up her hand in refusal. "Keep it. I can't really use it." She looks critically at Monkey. "Have you figured out who I am yet?" Still Moon holds up her hand in refusal. "Keep it. I can't really use it." She looks critically at Monkey. "Have you figured out who I am yet?" Admiral Kaizoku keeps quiet as he listens in on this exchange, keeping an eye out for the next move of the Deathknights, wondering how well she knows Monkey to ask such a question. Monkey shrugs, "Still Moon is Still Moon. The other stuffs, is that really important?" Admiral Kaizoku asks "Which Deathlord do YOU serve?" Monkey . o O ( OOC I'm betting on Luna. ) Admiral Kaizoku says "Think Monkey. Male, female, light, darkness... you're the opposing sides of a coin." @emit She grimaces. "Gods, has the Unconquered Sun fallen to this? I was never so dense when I bore your Exaltation." She grimaces. "Gods, has the Unconquered Sun fallen to this? I was never so dense when I bore your Exaltation." TonyC thwacks his forehead. @emit She continues, "I haven't endured a thousand years and more in the Underworld to teach a fool. Here's your first lesson: never trust the Maidens." She continues, "I haven't endured a thousand years and more in the Underworld to teach a fool. Here's your first lesson: never trust the Maidens." Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'm trying to work out how that is possible... ) think Short form: she's the ghost of the First Age Dawn Caste that had Monkey's spark back in the day. The Storyteller . o O ( Short form: she's the ghost of the First Age Dawn Caste that had Monkey's spark back in the day. ) Monkey . o O ( I unthwack myself. ) think Why, what'd you think she was? The Green Lady? The Storyteller . o O ( Why, what'd you think she was? The Green Lady? ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( No WONDER she turned over in her grave! ) Monkey . o O ( That she is the Raiton Queen. ) think Heh, that would have been good. The Storyteller . o O ( Heh, that would have been good. ) think And who's to say she isn't? But enough of that. The Storyteller . o O ( And who's to say she isn't? But enough of that. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And in line with my theory! :) ) Monkey says, "Hey now." Admiral Kaizoku says, "I trust you came here to do more than chastise Monkey about his inattention to detail..." @emit Still Moon points over Monkey's shoulder. "Your second lesson is, always have somebody watching your back." Still Moon points over Monkey's shoulder. "Your second lesson is, always have somebody watching your back." think Any reaction, or can I pose the cliffhanger? The Storyteller . o O ( Any reaction, or can I pose the cliffhanger? ) Monkey says, "Who are you calling a fool? Firstly, I'd like to think that I never trusted the Maidens. Not too much anyway. And secondly, I do have somebody watching my back." Monkey waves vaguely at Kaizoku. Admiral Kaizoku grips the Heart tighter in his left hand, taking that as a warning and tensing for the inevitable surprise attack... the only way a Deathknight has ever hurt him. @emit Looking across the behemoths, you see the Perfect Rose draw her sword and leap into the air toward you, a graceful arc with deceptive slowness. At the height of her leap, she raises her sword to strike one of you down. Looking across the behemoths, you see the Perfect Rose draw her sword and leap into the air toward you, a graceful arc with deceptive slowness. At the height of her leap, she raises her sword to strike one of you down. think Which is, of course, where we'll leave off for the night. The Storyteller . o O ( Which is, of course, where we'll leave off for the night. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Then the screen gets kind of blurry with motion effects. ) Monkey . o O ( Wheee. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Well, I didn't expect a heroic ghost! ) Monkey . o O ( By the way, David, I do believe Monkey could drag the ship back to sea. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Hope Leden lead his teams under the sewers too. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( By hand? ) think Okay, I'll see you guys next week. The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, I'll see you guys next week. ) Monkey . o O ( Or feet. ) Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Great session! See you! ) Monkey . o O ( See you. )