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Character Description

Seaside was born of a nobleman and merchant lord of the name Seafront and a Solar woman whom he has neither met nor been told much about. His birth and the majority of his life occurred in the Coral Archipelago, where his fantastic bartering skills helped his father build a merchant empire from little more than two trade ships and a single warehouse. At the age of nine, his father started to listen to his advice when Seaside showed him notes that he had been taking in secret of his father's business affairs. At the age of fourteen, his father left all primary deligations to him, and at sixteen his father left Seaside the run of the family business, retiring himself with a heathly pension to keep him entertained.

When Seaside reached the age of twenty, he left home, forcing his father from retirement to retake control of his old merchant activity, to travel the world and find a place of his own. Because of his skills, the Guild hired him as a consultant at a considerable pay, though he left once the moral ramifacations of his advice had begun to haunt him. One day he was asked to negotiate a deal with traders out of Chiaroscuro, harshly negotiating the price and quantity for a high number of 'units'. He later found that he had negotiated successfully for the lives of several thousand slaves that were to be forced into mines near Gem to harvest the prescious jewels that were so abundant in the area. Learning of what he had done, he, at the protest of many guild members, took an indefinite leave of absence, and traveled north east.

Lately he has been helping a small village of Haltans in their trade exploits for no more comission than a dry place to sleep and enough food to keep him from going hungry. Though he had spent several years within homes that essentially palaces, the relitive simplicity and humility of the Haltan people's way of life appeal to him, and he often considers accepting such a simple life as a permanent repreive from the lifestyle he had ben used to.

Seaside has long, flowing, blonde hair that he generally lets hang free. Where his hair is vivid and lustrous, his eyes and skin are just the opposite, though not in an unatractive way. His skin is incredibly pale, and no amount of sun seems to make him any darker, though he still burns if exposed for too long. His eyes are easily as startling as the rest of his features. They are a bright grey, almost silver in color, and many a young lady has commented on how they seemed to look right into their minds. According to his father, one of his ancestors coupled with a spirit of the air, and the slight color to his skin is the last remaining trait to that pairing. He doubts his father's claims, and even doubts that they man is actually his real father, thogh he hardly holds the deception against him. Seafront is a good man that had selflessly taken care of him for years.

Seaside is an essence channeler, and uses solar charms on occasion to enhance his bargaining skills. As a result of his odd skin, eye, and hair colors, and his uncanny ability at the bartering table, he has been mistaken as a Dragon-blood on more than one occasion. Generally he tries to dissuade people of this assessment, though on occasion he has used it to his advantage.

Character Sheet

NAME                                                            HOMELAND
Seaside	                                                        The Coral Archipelago
NATURE                                                          EXPERIANCE
Hedonist                                                        4  -  2   
PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength        **              Charisma        ***             Perception      **
Dexterity       **              Manipulation    ***             Intelligence    ***
Stamina         **              Appearance      ****            Wits            ***

--WAR--                         --LIFE--                        --WISDOM--
□Archery                        □Crafts                        ■Bureaucracy   *****         
□Athletics     **               □Larceny                       □Investigation          
□Awareness     *                □Linguistics   **              □Lore          **              
□Brawl         **               □Performance   **              □Medicine      *         
□Dodge         **               ■Presence      *****           □Occult       
□Endurance     *                □Ride                  
□Martial Arts                   □Sail          **        
□Melee                          □Socialize     ***             --SPECIALTIES--
□Resistance    *                □Stealth                       Winning Smile **     
□Thrown                         □Survival      *               (Presence)
TEMPERS                         ESSENCE         **              VIRTUES
Willpower: 6                    Personal:       20              Compassion         ***
O O O O O O                                                     Conviction         **
                                                                Temperance         ***
                                                                Valor              **
Resources            ***        Money available
Reputation           *          Many merchants and the Guild know of him
Backing              *          Currently on leave from the Guild
Contacts             *          Connection to markets through the Guild
NAME                  COST      DESCRIPTION
Unusual Appearance    +1        Seaside's unusual skin and hair color
Superstition          +1        Anytime Seaside returns to land, he must kiss the ground
                                and thank the land for welcoming him back
Awakened Essence      -5        Essence Pool (Essence*5 + Sum of Virtues)
Chillkin Companion    -3        Friendly Chillkin toy/pet that loves him, though a bit
Prodigy               -2        Presence

HUMAN:      Initiative:	5       Soak (L/B):     (0/2)                 Mobility:       -1
 ARMOR: Breastplate             w/Armor:        (4/4)                 Fatigue:         1

   -0   -1      -2        -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    O    O O     O O       O    O                O O

WEAPON                  SPEED      ACCURACY       DAMAGE        DEFENSE

DODGE: 5 (6-1 Mobility)
CHARM                   COST     DURRATION  TYPE           EFFECT
Harmonious Presence     6 Motes  1 Hour     Simple         Add permanent essence to any
Meditation                                                 Socialize, Presesnce, or
                                                           Bureaucracy rolls

Listener-Swaying        2 Motes  Instant    Supplemental   Add dice to any Socialize,
Argument               [[EndlessChase/Seaside/Die]]                               Presesnce, or Bureaucracy
                        1 Will                             roll

Graceful Crane Stance   3 Motes  Scene      Reflexive      No need to roll for balance
                                                           checks.  Auto Sux.