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Medicine Buffs

This is a series of 'buffing' type Medicine Charms, all currently being developed by noted Twilight Caste physician Deos Talon. They range from middle to high Essence prerequisites.

Pain-Defying Touch
Cost: 5 motes
Type: Instant
Duration: Essence hours
Minimum Medicine: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Touch of Blissful Release

By means of this Charm, the Solar is able to soothe pains with a touch. By laying his hand on the target of this Charm, the character is able to completely negate that target's wound penalties by blocking pain impulses from the nervous system. While under the effects of this Charm, a character ignores all wound penalties to his dice pools for a number of hours equal to the Essence of the Solar using Pain-Defying Touch. While he is aware of his injuries, the target is not hampered by them. This Charm has no effect on an Incapacitated creature.
Solars may use this Charm on themselves.

Fortitude Promoting Prana
Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Instant
Duration: One scene
Minimum Medicine: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Bodily Regeneration Prana

This Charm accelerates the body's resistance to injury and sickness. It may either be used on the Solar himself or anyone he touches. While under the effects of Fortitude Promoting Prana, the target adds the character's Medicine to his bashing soak, and he gains the ability to soak lethal damage with his full Stamina. Furthermore, he adds the character's Essence as dice to any rolls made to resist wound infection or disease. After the Charm's effects end, the target will be ravenously hungry, and must eat a full meal to recover his spent strength. Every hour he goes without eating imposes a cumulative -1 penalty to all actions until he has eaten.

Vitality Encouraging Practice
Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: One hour
Minimum Medicine: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Miraculous Annointment of Health, Contagion-Curing Touch

This powerful Charm increases the body's natural healing ability to superhuman levels, allowing the Charm's target to enjoy regenerative powers on par with the Lunar Exalted. Invoking this Charm requires a full turn of concentration while the character utilizes a series of acupressure presses to expand the target's chakras and stimulate his bloodstream. This is a Medicine dice action which cannot be split in any way. Then, the character aims a blow directly to the heart of the target, causing a shower of golden Solar Essence to swirl around both characters. This shower fades after a turn has passed, and the target immediately experiences a healthy blush to the skin. For the next hour, the recipient of Vitality Encouraging Practice will heal 1B/1L per minute, and adds the user's Essence as automatic successes to resist any infection or disease.
This Charm has no effect on ghosts, spirits, demons, or elementals. If used on an Abyssal Exalt, the Abyssal immediately gains one point of Resonance from the upsurge of living Essence pouring through him.

Invigorating Surge Technique
Cost: 5, 10, or 15 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 or 2 health levels
Type: Simple
Duration: 1 day or until injured
Minimum Medicine: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Healing Trance Meditation, Vitality Encouraging Practice

This Charm quickens the vital spark of life within its target. The Exalt may use this Charm simultaneously on a number of targets equal to his Essence, but all participants must be linking hands. The Solar concentrates on the vital breath flowing through each of his targets, charging that breath with powerful Solar Essence. This surge of vitality causes each participant to gain a number of bonus health levels, just as if they had taken levels of Ox-Body Technique. The Solar using Invigorating Surge Technique may choose to apply any one of the three Solar Ox-Body options to his targets, although he may only select one option to be applied to all targets.
The cost of the Charm depends on which Ox-Body option is chosen. Adding one -0 level costs 5 motes. Adding two -1 levels costs 10 motes, 1 Willpower, and 1 health level. Adding one -1 and two -2 levels costs 15 motes, 1 Willpower, and 2 health levels. These bonus health levels last for one day, or until they are lost to injury, whichever occurs first. Once lost, they cannot be regained without further applications of Invigorating Surge Prana. A character may only benefit from one use of Invigorating Surge Prana. Multiple uses of the Charm do not stack, although a larger health level bonus will replace a smaller one.
Characters may not use Invigorating Surge Technique on themselves.

Unconquered Phoenix Style
Cost: 20 motes, 2 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: 1 hour
Minimum Medicine: 6
Minimum Essence: 6
Prerequisite Charms: Bodily Regeneration Prana

This powerful Charm invokes the blessing of the Unconquered Sun to shield its recipient from death itself. When Unconquered Phoenix Style is activated, the Exalt's anima roars into its full iconic splendor, wrapping itself around the Solar and his target. The target is saturated with Solar Essence, firmly binding his soul to his body. While under the auspices of Unconquered Phoenix Style, the character cannot be killed in any way. If reduced to Incapacitated, he remains alive and capable of acting, although all dice pools are halved. The power of this Charm burns out any illness, poison, or infection, but does nothing to heal any damage or adverse effects from these toxins. Nor are the character's wound penalties negated, although he may use Charms or effects that reduce wound penalties normally.
Solars may use this Charm on themselves. Moonshadow Caste Abyssals who learn and use this Charm gain 1 Resonance each time they activate Unconquered Phoenix Style. The Deathlords do not care for those minions who refuse to come when they are called.

Rising Sun Attitude
Cost: 25 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 health level
Type: Simple
Duration: Special
Minimum Medicine: 8
Minimum Essence: 7
Prerequisite Charms: Healing Trance Meditation, Youth-Restoring Benison

This Charm is the closest anyone in Creation has ever come to reviving the dead. It is such powerful healing magic that it can only be used once a year by any single Solar. The Charm's effect is not perfect, but it is the closest thing Creation has ever seen to true resurrection.
Rising Sun Attitude can be used to restore a character that has died, but only until a number of minutes equal to that character's Essence has passed. Once this grace period elapses, then the unfortunate's hun soul passes on to its next life, and no power in Heaven or Earth can restore him. If Rising Sun Attitude is applied during this grace period, however, the Solar may roll his Essence against a difficulty of 3 + the number of health levels below Incapacitated his target is at. Success restores the target to Incapacitated, but the target will be stabilized and is no further danger of dying (barring new injuries, of course).
This Charm exhausts the Solar using it, and he remains incapable of using Essence in any way for five days afterwards.
Moonshadow Caste Abyssals may learn this Charm normally if they meet its prerequisites. However, its use grants the Abyssal 3 Resonance every time such a character activates Rising Sun Attitude. Many Deathlords come to question those servants of theirs who would steal the dead from their rightful place in the Underworld.


I like them. Yes, they're sickeningly powerful, but high essence charms and such are supposed to be. Getting the medicine 8 without the essence of 8 to match ight prove hard, but I suppose there are a -few- artifacts and things that add dots not dice... Have you considered a hanging resurrect charm above these? (Waits a day, then activates on its own, still only once per year, but means you need to be killed twice. Should probably be effective enough to suck all the bits togeather if you get dismembered... after all, a level 5 hearthstone can.)
-- Darloth