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Hybrid Elementals

It is said that, once upon a time, the Five Elements were pure in every way. As each Elemental Pole radiated its Essence into Creation, all things within were given form and function. However, as time wore on and various types of Essence blended and merged, the elemental spirits of the poles were influenced. Some were altered more than others. While the Essence of more powerful elementals remained inviolate, weaker elemental beings found themselves becoming something... else.

In the First Age, these hybridized elementals were mere curiosities, studied by Dragon-Blooded savants as a point of interest. It was theorized that the Terrestrials, being Exalted and Chosen of the Five Elemental Dragons, immune to this odd process that hybridized some elements while leaving others unchanged. Thus, the evidence seemed to suggest that hybrid elementals were intentional on the part of the Five Elemental Dragons, and the Dragon-Blooded were not to share in this part of their makers' design.

Even more curious than mere hybrids are those elementals influenced by Celestial types of Essence. There are reports of some elementals that are made up partly of Solar, Lunar, or Sidereal Essence. More ghastly elementals have even shown evidence of being tained by Abyssal Essence, and some are permenantly maddened by the Wyld. Since such elemental curiosities were never greatly catalogged, little is known about these strange creatures. However, with the ascendance of the Dragon-Blooded, the power of the elementals has grown, and the hybrid elementals become more common throughout the Creation.

Fog Banks

When Water and Air Essence gathers at once, the result is a fog bank, or mist elemental. These whimsical creatures also inhabit clouds and mist. When Fire Essence is added, they become geysers, or steam elementals. More malevolent fog banks, tained by Abyssal Essence, form the deadly white fog of the North. Fog banks tend to be mercurial creatures, owing to their Air Essence, but have a fondness for hiding things as a result of their Water nature. When offered a bit of pure water or a chunk ice from the Utter North, a fog bank will gleefully obscure a postulant in a roiling fog bank. It is also known that sacrificing a bit of blue jade to them will allow one to hide a small trinket no larger than a large ring in the fog, which the fog bank will place Elsewhere until it is called for.


Cinderfolk (or smoke elementals) result from the mixture of Fire and Air Essence. It is said that they are looked kindly upon by Saturn, who named one of her Colleges in their honor for the service they provide Creation. While they are morose in nature, smoke elementals love company, even though their touch is harmful to mortals. Some cinderfolk tainted by Abyssal Essence go from morose to malevolent, gleefully choking the life out of all they encounter. Others have a touch of the Wyld, and are usually the kind released by the burning and inhalation of intoxicating herbs. Many Southern tribes craft ornate pipes and hookahs for these cinderfolk to inhabit. In return, the grateful smoke elementals increase the potency of the tobacco or marijuana smoked in these articles. It goes without saying that cinderfolk are not popular among wood-type creatures of any sort.

Spore Clouds

These horrifying phantasms are the result of Air and Wood Essence that has been charged by the Wyld. They are common in the Northeast, drifting on the shifting air currents. They are nearly invisible, but glow with unearthly phosphoresence in the light of the full moon. Shamans will spend many days seeking out a spore cloud, for the powerful hallucinations they induce are said to be prophetic in nature. This is, in fact, somewhat accurate, as spore clouds retain traces of Sidereal Essence that created them in ages past. However, exposure to the Wyld has made them fickle and precocious. Indeed, repeated exposure to a spore cloud brings on raving dementia and an unravelling of one's physical being. The spore clouds themselves, however, are not quite sentient and barely aware of their surroundings. They drift on the air currents as they always have done, implacable as a still pond and as deadly as a spitting cobra. Those who die under the influence of a spore cloud will slowly be covered by pink fungus over time, which are then borne away on the air, creating a new spore cloud.

Petrified Trees

Petrified trees are Wood elementals that have slowly undergone a metamorphosis into an Earth aspect. Though technically stone themselves, they retain enough Wood Essence to continue growing. In places where Earth Essence has become dominant, there are some petrified trees thousands of years old that resemble stately palaces. Indeed, it is said that some of these petrified trees mark ancient Demesnes, and their massive size attest to that fact. Some petrified trees bear jewels instead of fruit. Others can be stripped of their bark, which can then be fashioned into metal plates. The Mountain Folk of the Realm often send out expeditions to seek out these petrified trees, even going so far as to establish outposts by carving into the larger specimens with their glamours. Whether or not the trees themselves protest this sort of treatment is not known. They have never been known to communicate with anyone, not even Aspects of Earth or the Solar Exalted. If they could be made to talk, however, it is certain they could tell tales that predate even the hoary legends of the Dragon Kings.

Magma Children

Magma children, or lava elementals, are the result of Earth and Fire Essence mingling. They are most common in the hearts of volcanoes, where the blood of the earth is heated to its molten state by Elemental Fire itself. Though normally quiescent due to their Earth aspects, their tempers can be terrifying. This is particularly true in the West, where many magma children are worshipped as gods by the dwellers on volcanic islands. Whenever an offering is not sufficient to appease their anger, or something else happens to rile their temper, magma children explode into fury and vengeance. Mortals are helpless before the advancing march of these elementals when enraged. Fortunately, magma children cannot survive away from their source of Elemental Fire. Once they stray from their volcano, the Fire Essence in them dies away, leaving ordinary Earth elementals. Obsidian, which is volcanic glass, is made in this manner, and many magma children relish large offerings of obsidian. Anyone who sacrifices a quantity of obsidian to a magma child may receive immunity from fire damage for a time. They also enjoy sacrifices of fresh fruits, scented woods, and beautiful flowers. Anyone who makes such a sacrifice may ask a single service of the magma child, which it will perform, so long as it does not have to leave its volcano.

Bog Lords

Bog lords, also known as quicksand elementals, are malevolent creatures are formed by the blending of Earth and Water Essence. More than that, they are tainted by Abyssal Essence, which fills them with a hatred of all living things and a hunger to devour the vital Essence of the living. It is said that beneath the deceptively solid surface of bogs and within the bottomless depths of quicksand there are Nihils to the Underworld. Yet, while these awful creatures are malevolence incarnate, they are also picky eaters. Whenever an unfortunate blunders their way into a bog lord's lair, they prefer to savor their victim's panicked struggles slowly rather than gulp them down in one bite. Those who are devoured by these hateful beings tend to become hungry ghosts themselves, wandering the edge of the bog wherein they died. Bog lords do not like to be cheated of their prey, and will fight hard to hang onto a meal that has fallen into their clutches. However, they can be placated, to a degree. Sacrificing a precious stone or ingot of Magical Material will permit the supplicant to walk on liquids as thin as water as though it were solid for a fortnight. Many tribes of the Southwest also offer sacrifices of living lambs to forestall the wrath of the quicksand elementals, buying protection for their swamp-dwelling folk.


Ooh...nifty. I like. - Caelene