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Revision as of 18:05, 8 July 2004

Cast Members

Smoldering Embers, Zenith caste lead singer. One of three members of the group who received his musical training as a member of "the Songbirds", a group of Cynis pleasure-slaves who were put through a grueling training in song and dance as little kids. His solo career is in a bit of a slump, and as the game begins he's drinking away his blues in a dive in Lookshy. At least he still has his cool Artifact, "The Boomstick" - a Serpent-Sting Staff with the ability to lock into position as a staff with a voice-amplifying module at one end (yes, it's a mike stand he can whack people with). Played by VoiceOfIsaac.

Asaimizu ("Shallow Waters"), Twilight caste dancer and costume/prop designer. Trained from childhood in Sijan as a professional mourner, Asaimizu is an expert in the funeral customs of lots of cultures, including all the best mourning dances and dirges. He's good at making deathmasks too. Other than these skills, he's as dumb as a sack of hammers. Very pretty hammers. Played as a cross between Haku (from Naruto) and Derek Zoolander, by JasonHinds.

Joshi, Night caste guitarist, a hard-drinking axe-playing escaped slave (another former member of the Songbirds). Armed with a magical guitar that can whip its strings out and entangle people, as well as an Infinite Jade Pick to use with his Thrown skill. Joshi is turning out to be the prerequisite "bad boy" for the group, and is played by Torawashi, who couldn't come up with an idea for an anima, and asked me to surprise her, since I'm also surprising her with Joshi's past life (he has the Throwback flaw). This was responsible for some hilarity in the first session. ^_^

Windsong, Eclipse caste raver boy from Great Forks. Has a much longer real name, but goes by Wind Song because it stays on your mind. Groan. Another former Songbird, and a rival to Asaimizu for the "dullest knife in the drawer" prize. He's a talented flautist, though, with a magical flute that can grow into a staff and the ability to provide special effects with Phantom-Conjuring Performance. Played with bouncy (oh gods the bouncy) enthusiasm by Alexandria2000.

So that's our cast of intrep...well, okay, advent...no, not really, um, heroi...hmmm. Well, they're really really pretty.
