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Seventh Son, Chosen of the Sun =

Seventh Son was born seventh out of fifteen children to a pair of rather unimaginative parents. They were not particularly kind either, and he spent most of his childhood hiding from them. He ran away at the age of fifteen, surviving on the streets of Deheleshan, and eventually became the master of his own criminal organization. He robbed for the first time at fifteen. He killed his first man at sixteen. With help from intimidated thaumaturges, he made his presence almost untraceable until the Deliberative finally voted to send one of the Night Caste in to determine what was behind the new criminal organization in Deheleshan. When Seventh Son was confronted by Unbroken Silence on the rainy, windswept roofs, he felt the mark of the gods burning on his brow and knew that he had found his calling.

Over the years, Seventh Son became one of the Realm's greatest assassins. Other Night Castes were spies, or courtesans, or sorcerers, or tricksters, but Seventh Son was a killer, and he was good at what he did. Within a century, he had already been given the position of training mortals in killing techniques for the armies of the Realm. Within a millennium, he was the most sought-after assassin in Creation. He refused all contracts that he considered unjust, with one exception--he undertook any task set to him by the Deliberative. His missions for the Deliberative took him from one end of Creation to another to root out Yozi cults, into the depths of the Wyld, and even--in one mission well remembered in legend--into the very heart of Malfeas to assassinate a Solar in league with the Yozis and bring back his Essence Shard.

Seventh Son never married. He took lovers from time to time, but nothing ever lasted beyond a decade. His Circlemates said of him that he was married to his work, and they were not far wrong. He seemed almost a machine--no task was too difficult, no journey too long, no enemy too powerful in the pursuit of the aims of the Deliberative and the safeguarding of Creation. He was never involved in any of the relationship drama that his Circlemates became involved in--he didn't have time for a relationship that way. There was always more to be done, and Seventh Son was the man to do it.

The Great Curse

As time passed, Seventh Son became even more fanatical, if such a thing were possible. He rarely stopped, often using Essence to survive without food or sleep in pursuit of his goals. He began to question the motives of some of the assassinations and spy missions that he was assigned, and took the unprecedented step of declining missions from the Deliberative. His Circlemate Maenin, Hierophant of the Deliberative, was not pleased with this, but Seventh Son's reputation was such that he did not have to state a reason. Eventually, he withdrew entirely from society, only using his awesome talents in the pursuit of those ends that he alone deemed just. He began to see the other Exalted as self-serving and unworthy of their power, and thought that he alone had managed to escape this fate by concentrating only on the task at hand. Eventually, he refused to listen to anyone's moral advice but his own, viewing their thought processes as corrupted by self interest.

He continued his work of assassinating Yozi cultists and Fair Folk infiltrators, but he often cast the net wider than in the past, killing those who had only a tenuous connection to the actual perpetrators of the crime. He began to see any sort of moral failing as a fatal weakness--a cancer that had to be cut out before it could spread any farther. He himself never fell to the level of indiscriminate slaughter, however. He was always careful in choosing his targets, but by the time just before the Usurpation, his mission statement had been reduced to this: "Citizens are only criminals who don't know what crimes they want to commit."


Eventually, Seventh Son decided that all the other Solars were corrupt. They didn't know it, of course--their corruption had blinded them to it. Only he, who remained pure and righteous, was able to see it. The only way that they could be cleansed was death, and he was the man to do so. On New Year's Day--the day of the Usurpation--he took it on himself to assassinate his Circlemate Shining Star. Though he was successful in his attempt, the traps that Shining Star laid in her stronghold killed him as well. Seventh Son was the only one of his Circle to escape the Sidereals' net, and his Essence shard was never placed in the Jade Prison.

Theme Song

Funker Vogt - Killing Fields

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