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Why swords and spears? Why choose a weapon not affiliated with the Crimson Panoply constellations? I'd have gone with fighting gauntlets and spears, I think. - [[David.]]
Why swords and spears? Why choose a weapon not affiliated with the Crimson Panoply constellations? I'd have gone with fighting gauntlets and spears, I think. - [[David.]]
<nowiki>Spears were chosen for the obvious associations.  Swords were chosen largely to facilitate sidereals who specialize in multiple of the 5B styles.  In this case, VBoS and CPoV.</nowiki> - [[Scrollreader]] <i>who may yet change the weapons, once the styles are finished, or if somebody has a compelling argument against swords.</i>
<nowiki>Spears were chosen for the obvious associations.  Swords were chosen largely to facilitate sidereals who specialize in multiple of the 5B styles.  In this case, VBoS and CPoV.</nowiki> - [[Scrollreader]] <i>who may yet change the weapons, once the styles are finished, or if somebody has a compelling argument against swords.</i>  
:On the one hand, I like your reasoning for including swords, but on the other hand, I think I'd prioritize weapons more appropriate to the style, before considering cross-style compatibility. It's always nice to be able to use your weapon with all of your Charms, but I think part of the charm of multi-style martial artists is that they can't rely on a weapon, but have to go unarmed to really utilize all they have. - [[David.]]

Revision as of 22:03, 13 July 2005

Cimson Panopoly of Victory Style

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This style is incompatible with armor. It treats attacks made with swords and spears as unarmed attacks, and is explicitly compatible with shields.

Joy in Pain's Embrace
Cost: 1 mote
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Minimum MA:  1
Minimum Ess: 1
Prereqs: None

Though it seems an unlikely coupling, the maidens of Serenity and Battles are not foreign to each other. Even in the worst situation imaginable, there is joy to be had, and a true warrior embraces pain as the price of glorious battle. When the martial artist activates this charm, he rolls a number of dice equal to the raw damage of the attack. Each success (up to a maximum of his martial arts) gives him an amount of essence equal to the attackers permanant essence in motes. After all, the greater the foe, the greater the excitement of surviving battle with him.

Dictate of Mars
Cost: 2 motes +
Type: Reflexive
Duration: One Scene
Minimum MA:  3
Minimum Ess: 2
Prereqs: Joy in Pain's Embrace

Mars determines the time and place for all battles to occur. The Martial Artist speaks with her authority, as he gains a supernatural insight into the secret of the beginning of a battle. For every 2 motes he spends, raise the difficulty of rolls to spot an ambush he sets, or for others to ambush him by 1. This difficulty penalty cannot exceed his essence.

Blade of the Battle Maiden
Cost: 2 motes per die, 2 WP
Type: Reflexive
Duration: One Scene
Minimum MA:  3
Minimum Ess: 2
Prereqs: Joy in Pain's Embrace

As per Exalted: the Sidereals, pg 180

Momentum Strike
Cost: 3 motes, 1 WP
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Minimum MA:  3
Minimum Ess: 2
Prereqs: Joy in Pain's Embrace

A true warrior knows that the secret to winning is simple. "Get there the Fastest with the Mostest". With this charm, the warrior unifies this philosophy of battle, embracing it, as achieving one goal inevitably brings about the other. The martial artist adds a number of dice to a single unarmed martial arts attack equal to the number of yards he has moved since his last combat action. These dice cannot exceed his martial arts+dexterity, and count against his dice cap.

Crimson Panopoly of Victory Form
Cost: 6 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Minimum MA:  4
Minimum Ess: 2
Prereqs: Dictate of Mars, Blade of the Battle Maiden, Momentum Strike

The martial artist assumes the attitude of Mars, she makes her sign of Battle and Glory. All friends and foes within the battle with the martail artist as treated is their valor was 1 point higher, for any effects that would cause them to quit the battle before death or incapicatation. In addition, the martial artist is assured of surviving to see glory in battle. Reduce all damage against the martial artist by one half his permanant essence score(rounding up). This is a specific exception to the rule that an opponents dice pool cannot be reduced below their own permanant essence. This effect cannot reduce damage below 1 damage die per attack, though it is compatible with other effects that may.

Righteous Warrior's Pact
Cost: 2+ motes
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Minimum MA:  5
Minimum Ess: 2
Prereqs: Crimson Panopoly of Victory Form

The martial artist calls upon the ancient pact between the world, and the warriors who defend it. The earth, the air, the weapons he bears, and even his opponent aid his cause. He may reduce the difficulty of any roll to resist a combat manuever (trip, tackle, disarming, etc) by 1 for every two motes of essence he spends. If the difficulty is reduced to zero, he automatically suceeds.

Divine Battle Strategm
Cost: 2+ motes
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Minimum MA:  5
Minimum Ess: 3
Prereqs: Crimson Panopoly of Victory Form

None surpass the Red Maiden, Mars, in matters of tactics. The martial artist, however, has learned to use her insights to aid him. For every 2 motes he spends, he raises the difficulty to resist a combat manuever by 1. He may not add more than his permanant essence in difficulty to any one manuver.

Glorious Crimson Assault
Cost: 3 motes per ally
Type: Extra Action
Duration: Instant
Minimum MA:  5
Minimum Ess: 3
Prereqs: Divine Battle Strategm

The martial artist becomes, for one moment, the very batte he is fghting. His subordinates and allies immediately know his will, and his eyes spots openings that mere gods or exalts would miss. For every three motes the martial artist spends, one ally in his line of sight may make a reflexive unarmed martial arts attack against the same target, if they can reach the target with their attacks (they may move to reach the target as well). The martial artist may be one of these allies. Any charms in a combo with Glorious Crimson Assault apply to the attacks made by his allies, though they do not count as a charm use for any save the martial artist. The allies of the martial artist make their own attack rolls, with their own ability and attribute scores. and may enhance this reflexive attack with their own charms, if they so choose.

Note that the validity of the unarmed martial arts attack is judged by the ally. So an ally who was in Air Dragon form could make his attack enabled by this charm with a chakram. However, if the martial artist who initiated this charm comboed it with Spine Shattering Bite, the attack made by the ally must be unarmed, or with tiger claws, as the charm requires.

Prayer Strip Charm
Cost: 1 WP, 10 motes, 1 HL
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Minimum MA:  5
Minimum Ess: 4
Prereqs: Righteous Warrior's Pact, Glorious Crimson Assault


Why swords and spears? Why choose a weapon not affiliated with the Crimson Panoply constellations? I'd have gone with fighting gauntlets and spears, I think. - David.

Spears were chosen for the obvious associations. Swords were chosen largely to facilitate sidereals who specialize in multiple of the 5B styles. In this case, VBoS and CPoV. - Scrollreader who may yet change the weapons, once the styles are finished, or if somebody has a compelling argument against swords.

On the one hand, I like your reasoning for including swords, but on the other hand, I think I'd prioritize weapons more appropriate to the style, before considering cross-style compatibility. It's always nice to be able to use your weapon with all of your Charms, but I think part of the charm of multi-style martial artists is that they can't rely on a weapon, but have to go unarmed to really utilize all they have. - David.