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Revision as of 21:45, 3 September 2006

Lookshy Rapid Response Task Force

This is just some scribbles and notes for the TrialByFire/ShunVersusSilk combat wherein I control the Lookshy stunt fodder.

The Task Force will consist of a Fang of Warstriders, commanded by a Kazei. About 3 Large Essence Cannons, and 5 Large Implosion bows can be brought to bear. And fielded with a light hand due to not wishing to destroy the city. Ten Gunzosha, and 25 Ashigaru will be mobilised to attempt containment of the Anathema and to try and herd them towards the ocean, whereupon the big defense cannons can be brought to bear. Some 50 Dragonblooded soldiers will be engaged in the City's defense, with a large variance of combat experience - from newly exalted citizens jumping to action, to veteran Lookshy officers of hundreds of battles. There will be roughly equal numbers of each Aspect, and each applicable combat skill (including Sorcery).

These will be given very basic stats taken from the Storytellers Companion and tweaked where necessary.

Important organisations and characters:

Justice Directorate (Justiciars - White armour), Intelligence Directorate, Lookshy Manse Guard (Taimyo Bukane Winter Rose, Black armour with Silver Sashes), Sky Guard, Naval Force, Legion Reserve, Lookshy Home Guard (Taimyo Maheka Varil, Purple armour).

"Taimyo, Intelligence Directorate officer Supplanted Oath reports that the two Anathema are in contact atop a tower within the Port District, just north of the Lighthouse."

Taimyo Bukane Winter Rose's brow furrowed in consternation. "Do they appear to be maintaining civility? We do not want Anathema fighting within our walls!"

"Taimyo, no. The one known as Thrice-Damned Mercurial Silk has murdered a Justicar, four Grey Legion officers and five civilians that we are aware of since his arrival last night. He is powerful, Taimyo. Our reports indicate the Anathema known as Shining Shun is also a mighty opponent, and seems to have been hunting Thrice-Damned Mercurial Silk for some time."

"Hmmm. Conflict would seem unavoidable then. We must drive them from the city at all costs. The damage to the City, and our reputation, could be imme..."

Twin suns burst into existance above the Port district, illuminating Bukane's worried face through the coloured glass window.

"By the Dragons! I am assuming rightful command of this crisis. Ready the Artillery! Send in the Gunzosha! Activate the Warstriders!"

A dozen functionaries dart from the room. The Lookshy warmachine is waking...

5 Veteran Soldiers as per Storyteller's companion.

||Str||Dex||Sta||Cha||Man||App||Per||Int||Wit||Arch||Athl||Awar||Dodg||Inte||MArt||Mele||Resi||Thro||War||Breeding|| ||3 ||4 ||4 ||4 ||4 ||2 ||4 ||3 ||4 ||5 ||3 ||3 ||4 ||4 ||5 ||5 ||4 ||5 ||5 ||2(+2/+4)||

||Com||Con||Val||Tem||Willpower||Essence||Personal||Peripheral||Committed || ||2 ||4 ||5 ||3 ||9 ||4 || 15 ||42 ||12(N)15(R)||

||||||||Defense Values || ||||Physical ||||Mental || ||Dodge ||Parry ||Dodge||Parry|| ||4(N) 5(R)||4.5+weapon||7 ||4 ||

||||||||||||||||||||||||Soak|| ||||||||Natural ||||||||Armoured Noble||||||||Armoured Royal|| ||B ||L ||A ||H ||B ||L ||A ||H ||B ||L ||A ||H || ||4 ||2 ||0 ||0 ||26||24 ||22||11 ||28||26 ||24||12 ||

Valorous Heart, Cunning Insight, Righteous Resolve and Gentle Honour are Noble Warstriders.

Unwavering Guardian - Royal Warstrider

||Weapons ||Spd||Acc||Dam||Def||Rat||Com||MM Bonus|| ||Daiklave||5 ||+3 ||+12||+2 ||3 ||5 ||-1Spd ||


Who authorized the deployment of that many Nobles and a Royal for anything less than Mask of Winter's invasion force at the gates? Heads will roll when High Command hears of this. This task needs a squad of elite Dragon-Blooded Rangers with Armor of The Immaculate Dragons. I recommend at least a single Wood Dragon armor, but the more the merrier. - TonyC

Heh, Well, it was IanPrice and Ambisinister who declared Warstriders were called for. I would've gone with Dragon Armours, but it's their Trial by Fire! I thought of making them Common with a Colossus, but crunching the numbers shows that DBs would be basically immobile in those clumsier types. So here we have the Five sacred Warstriders of the Lookshy Manse Guard - only brought out in the direst of situations - and two duelling Anathema of known, and obvious, power actually within the city, equates to bring out the big "guns" so to speak. Realistically, it wouldn't happen in my personal games. But it's all in good fun. Amusingly, the veteran DB pilots will have bugger all essence left to actually do anything, and vs the 500xp Anathema will be slaughtered almost as fast as the Ashigaru Fang Cloudshield was in Tick 9... Warstriders are good, but not that good. B-) nikink Also, two 500xp Solars is a lot scarier than Mask of Winters - there's only one of him!
Mask of Winters is scarier than us. His Essence is more than 5 (7 I think), Deathlords like him have access to both Solar and Abyssal charms, and he has several Deathknights along with legions of the Dead at his command. Mask of Winters is a lot scarier than us, and could probably take both Shun and Silk on at once. On the other hand, we're not targets the warstriders would be most useful against (though I'd be glad to yoink a weapon off one to use for stabbing Silk - that might do enough damage to be considered unblockable). You're in charge of the defenses, so feel free to field any of Lookshy's toys you feel appropriate to try to herd two speed-of-sound death machines into your artillery's field of fire. - IanPrice
Yes, but Mask of Winters isn't inside the city walls!!! B-) Ok, I'm being somewhat facetious. I do have a plan for your Trial by Fire though. At first there will be Essence Cannons and hand-held essence weaponry from troops. This will start at tick 10, and will not have much impact on either Solar save as stunt fodder. From tick 20, depending how how things go, Gunzosha and Implosion Bows will make an appearance - again I foresee no real trouble for the Solars with these. From tick 30 Dragon Armours enter the area - lots of them. On tick 40 I release the Warstriders. (And if all that hasn't forced the fight out of Lookshy, and the fight is still going - which I doubt - maybe a Thousand-Forged Dragon at some point. But my goal isn't to interfere with the combat as such. It's to provide a Lookshy response to stunt and "tell a story" around. After all it would skew the results something fierce if Lookshy allied with Shun against Silk or vice versa. - nikink