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Glorious Moonsilver Warriors

Glorious Moonsilver warriors.

In their quest to defeat the Wyld, or at least hold it back, the Lunars had long done everything they could to maximize the potential of their servants. From the hordes of beastmen, to programs to awaken the essence of mortals, they, perhaps alone of the Exalted, saw enhanced beings not as threats, but as allies. But the lunars had a problem and one that was annoying. By the time a warrior was skilled, had awakened his essence, perhaps had learned a terrestrial martial art or two…. He was just about to die of old age. For the lunars, even methods to keep him alive for as long as 200 years were… insufficient. It was worse given the power of the Fae and the unshaped. The Swords had long realized that younger and unblooded warriors died in far higher numbers then others, especially if they couldn’t be trained by older warriors, yet again the whole “dying of old age” problem came up again and again. The Swords of Luna were especially annoyed by this, and also spent much time and effort devising ways to increase the power of their followers. Whether it was forging gods, or creating biological war machines, the Lunars did their best to maximize the power they could wield against the endless legions of madness. Some Lunars considered attempting to create new forms of terrestrial exalted, mortals who carried greatness within in, or merging mortals with gods. Had they not changed the very nature of their exaltations, the only Exalts to do so? Others, had more… direct solutions.

Samman had been a powerful Lunar No-Moon member of the Swords since before the contagion, but he was also a member of the Winding Path sorcerers and had worked for centuries with Solar Twilights. He had on several occasions assisted (the Solar term) or collaborated (his term) with projects that involved the installation of an artifact intelligence. He’d also studied the process of soul prisons that some of the more secure manses used as a security measure. It wasn’t until after the Great Contagion that Samman had cause to revisit his old notes, and decided that he could combine the two, permitting the transfer of a mortal soul into an artifact. Not only would it enhance the power fo the mortal, it would render them immune to the deadly contagion should it ever return. Unfortunately, deciding to do something and doing it were two different things. Samman was a genius, it was true, but he also no longer had the infrastructure of the first age to draw on, and as a Sword of Luna, he had other duties, mainly focusing on the fact that the fae hadn’t stopped making problems because he had a science project!

It took nearly four hundred years, during which he and other lunars restored some of the old Manses now isolated in the Wyld and continued their work of defending creation. The God Forge project turned out very effective and some Lunars suggested that Samman throw his efforts behind that. The Elder frowned at them and pointed out that if Heaven ever violently took exception to God Forging, they might regret relying over much on it. However, after dozens of volunteers over the years died, the Lunar was beginning to suffer from a bit of discouragement, until he finally, using new celestial level spells, succeeded in removing a mortal soul and emplacing it into a new vessel. A Glorious Moonsilver body. Since then, some of the greatest mortal servants and allies have been granted this mighty boon, extended life and power and the ability to serve Creation by defending it from the fae. Others have used it for other purposes, as Samman granted the other sorcerers of the Silver Pact his knowledge, and some, such as Silver Python have convinced allies to provide this boon to some of valued allies. But in the time of tumult, old alliances and friendships may not hold and the oldest of the Glorious Moonsilver warriors are now mighty enough to see that the lunars are not gods, but simply mighty exalts. Most serve them out of loyalty, some serve them out of fear, and others have begun to make their own way in the world…and there are rumors that other beings like them, but different have appeared…




 There will be more, with most of the fluff in this section and the rules in the other sections. -CharlesGray