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This page is dedicated to regular ol' combat maneuvers which make combat interesting.
Arrows may be parried or blocked. The DC is 3, and all of the successes from the attack roll must be removed by the parry or block for the defense to remove any of the success. It is an all-or-nothing attempt. Dodging works as normal.
-Parrying or blocking an arrow can be done, but it is very difficult, no matter the skill of the archer, and it's basically impossible to kinda parry an arrow
Aiming - I play that additional time may be spent aiming a ranged weapon to increase accuracy. Aiming is a simple action that requires the complete concentration of the character (no actions or non-reflexive charms), who must not move but slightly, and may only be performed on a target that is either still, or moving with utter predictability (ie a straight line, a slight rhythmic bob, or a constant curve, but not a falling leaf or an opponent in combat). Targets who notice the character and have any chance to act negate the aiming completely. For each round spent aiming this way, the character gains +1 accuracy on his eventual attack. Against immobilte targets less than the character's Dex + (Arc or Thr) yds away, this bonus increases to +2 per round. No more dice may be gained in this way than the character's combat ability or perception, whichever is lower. An aiming action may be disrupted in a similar fashion to sorcery.
-This makes archery even more powerful. It also makes thrown a lot more useful. But you really can aim, and I strive for realism. Plus, this encourages aspects of archery and thrown like sniping an assassinations, which, in my opinion, are the greatest strengths of ranged attacks. And it helps to facilitate assassinations without charms or poison.
Ranged Disarm - Ranged disarms are DC 3, and the attacker's extra successes are limited by his melee.
- Weapons move very fast. Hitting them may not mechanically require a great knowledge of how a weapon is wielded, knowing when and where to hit them to disarm an opponent does. Simply hitting a sword with an arrow may well not be enough. You have to know how to hit it to make your opponent drop it.
Disarm - (see Disarm in Melee)
Sweep - A sweep is an offensive action using Brawl or MA. The difficulty of the roll is 2, and the attack may be dodged or parried. If successful, the attack does base Str-1 damage, with extra success counting half for damage rounded up). The target, if struck, must also roll Dex + Ath DC number of success scored on the attack, or fall.
-A sweep is difficult to hit with. It does little damage, and even a wonderful sweep won't do that much damage. However, a good sweep is good at doing what it is meant to, knocking the target down.
Martial Arts
Disarm - (see Disarm in Melee)
Sweep - (see Sweep in Brawl)
Disarm - The difficulty on disarm rolls is now 2, and weapons which lower the difficulty of disarms by 1 now add 1 die to disarm attempts. If the initial attempt succeeds, the attacker must roll Str + successes, with a difficulty of the opponent's combat ability. Success means that the weapon is knocked away.
-Disarms should be relatively easy on targets who lack skill, and very difficult on very skilled opponents. But it should not be nearly impossible without the use of charms.
Thrown weapons can be parried or blocked. Most slow-moving and larger weapons, like javelins, knives, and hatchets are DC 2 to parry or block. Smaller things like darts and bullets are DC 3. Either way, all successes must be removed for the defense to have any effect. Dodges work normally.
-Thrown weapons move very quickly, and are so small that they are difficult to block, and it is very unlikely that anyone should kinda block a thrown weapon
Aiming - (see Aiming in Archery)
Ranged Disarm - (see Ranged Disarm in Archery)
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