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Athletic Tricks

Dance of Flickering Flames
Cost: 2 motes per reroll
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Athletics: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Fiery Prowess.
The character's movements are graceful like the flowing fire... which comes and goes in an eternal dance, and rethinks its movements to flow differently on the last moment! Similarly, the Fire Aspect changes his steps and takes an unexpected, surer route! Using this Charm, the player may reroll the character's Athletics pool completely. He can reroll a number of times equal to his Essence, but must take the last result. If this Charm is used in a combo, the Essence cost of all incorporated Charms must be paid again for each subsequent rerolls, but only one(hopefully accurate) action is completed.

Burn the World
Cost: 1 mote per 2 dice
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Athletics: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Phoenix Mate's Lament.
The world cannot countain the character's fiery prowess! The destiny of whatever hinders the character is nothing more than smoke and ashes, as her fiery nature casts the world's chains aside! For every mote spent, the character can ignore 2 dice or 1 difficulty level of enviromental penalties foisted upon him. Those bypass even the defense of her foes! The character may not spend more motes than his Athletics score powering this Charm.

Burning Ember Blossom
Cost: 1 mote per attack, 1 health level
Duration: Instant
Type: Extra Action
Minimum Athletics: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Bellows-Pumping Stride
Just as the burning wood sometimes cracks and explodes outward in a blossom of embers, the Dragon-Blooded burns her body to explode outward in a blossom of motion! The Dragon-Blooded suffers 1 lethal Health Level when this Charm is used, and purchases one Extra Action for 1 mote, up to half her Dexterity(rounded down). Those actions may be used in any physical action, including athletics actions, movement, defensive actions, and actions of any ability. Burning Ember Blossom is explicitly allowed to be part of a Combo with Charms of other abilities.

Cracking Sparks Whirlwind
Cost: 1 mote per attack, 1 health level, +1 per ally enhanced
Duration: Instant
Type: Extra Action
Minimum Athletics: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Burning Ember Blossom, Swift Legion Technique
In a campfire, all the wood may crack and break apart in flames at once, a display of roaring flame and dancing embers and sparks that is nothing short of majestic. The Dragon-Blooded who learns Cracking Sparks Whirlwind is the first wood in the campfire, burning out in a blossom of burning embers and bringing that to his comrades. The Dragon-Blooded suffers 1 Lethal Health Level when this Charm is used, and purchases one Extra Action for 1 mote, up to half her Dexterity(rounded down). She may pay 1 mote to give those same Extra Actions to any ally up to (her Permanent Essence x5) yards away, but may not boost more than her Essence in allies.

Those allies suffer 1 lethal Health Level, but do not need to pay any motes to benefit from the Extra Actions. Those actions may be used in any physical action, including athletics actions, movement, defensive actions, and actions of any ability. This Charm is explicitly allowed to be part of a Combo with Charms of other abilities, but the allies only benefit from the Extra Actions, not any other charms in a combo.

Breath of Flying Sparks
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Athletics: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Fiery Prowess, Falling Star Maneuver
The Dragon-Blooded learns the lesson of the spark that breaks from the fire to burn those nearby, and learns how to be like the fire that expels the burning sparks! The Dragon-Blooded augments a single ranged attack with an attack bonus equal to her Essence+1, and a damage bonus of +2L. If this Charm is used in wooden projectiles such as arrows or javelins, they are burnt and gone after landing, and any poison within them burns away and does not damage its target. If this Charm is used with blasts of pure Essence, such as Elemental Bolt Attacks, Firewands or the Melee Passion-Inflaming Wave, the damage bonus is increased to the Dragon-Blood's Essence+1, same as its attack bonus. Breath of Flying Sparks is explicitly allowed to be part of a Combo with Charms of other abilities.