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Void Shards
Ravenous Shade Technique
Cost: 10 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Independent Action
Minimum Brawl: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Blood-Drinking Palm
With a shrill whisper, the character's shadow rises, a maniac grin appearing on its face, disturbing features such as eyes and claws and worms appearing all about it! The shadow acts with the character's will, able to enact all of the character's Charms with the equivalent of all his equipment. In effect, the Abyssal may take an Independent Action in addition to his normal action, but all actions in this Independent Action must make use of the Brawl Ability. In addition to being able to use all abilities in objects and artifacts carried by the character, the Shadow may grow its own weapons out of the void that gives it substance! Those weapons are built like Resplendent Shadow Blade, having twice the character's Brawl score to distribute between its statistics(with Speed and Damage receiving +2 per point allocated to them), unlimited rate, and always count as unarmed attacks.
Racing Shadow Strike
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Brawl: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Ravenous Shade Technique
With an undifferentiated light flaring in her caste mark, the Deathknight pours the memory of her strike within her own shadow, making its mimicry of the her attack attain substance! Activated as she rolls an attack, the Deathknight receives a second attack with the same dice pool(sans bonus given by instant Charms) executed by her shadow, which has the same abilities and statistics of any weapons or other equipments used by the character herself, but can create armament as with Ravenous Shade Technique. Obviously, the Deathknight may not create second attacks out of shadow-attacks, and may not create more shadow-attacks in a turn than her Brawl score. This Charm may explicitly be comboed with Charms of other abilities.
Laughing Void Shards
Cost: 15 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Independent Action
Minimum Brawl: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Ravenous Shade Technique
Shaking with terrible laughter, the character's body fades into pure shadow or melts into gore from which terrible creatures pour. Hounds, spiders, maggots crows and all manner of beasts of ill omen pour fourth, with crooked teeth and multiple, mismatched eyes and legs, all insane and horrifying as they strike at the character's enemies, swarming them in their madness! At times, the character's face will appear grinning on the body of this mass of vermins, or even his arm will jump out of a hound's head to strike at his enemies. In the turn this Charm is activated, the Abyssal may make a total number Independent Actions equal to one-half his Brawl score, rounded up, but all actions in this Independent Action must make use of the Brawl Ability. The creatures may grow weaponry as with Ravenous Shade Technique, and may pay 2 motes to shift between different 'weapons', different creatures. Until the beggining of his next turn, the Abyssal may not be killed by a single blow – split as he is, no single strike may deal more damage than his total Health Levels, divided by the number of actions the Abyssal was able to perform, and rounded up, unless it is an area attack with a reach wider than the Abyssal's running speed, which is able to damage all of the Abyssal at once.
Writhing Shadows March
Cost: 15 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Independent Action
Minimum Brawl: 6
Minimum Essence: 6
Prerequisite Charms: Laughing Void Shards
The Abyssal’s body becomes a shadow, or melts into gore, becoming a number of smaller creatures, hounds, spiders, maggots, crows, all insane and horrifying, striking in many different ways, his jaws or his armed arm coming out of them to strike. For the remainder of the scene, the Abyssal may make a total number Independent Actions equal to one-half his Brawl score, rounded up, but all actions in this Independent Action must make use of the Brawl Ability. The creatures may grow weaponry as with Ravenous Shade Technique, and may pay 2 motes to shift between different 'weapons', different creatures. Finally, until the beggining of his next turn, the Abyssal may not be killed by a single blow – split as he is, no single strike may deal more damage than his total Health Levels, divided by the number of actions the Abyssal was able to perform. That ammount of damage kills a single Independent Action, however. An exception to this is an area attack with a reach wider than the Abyssal's running speed, which is able to damage all of the Abyssal at once, and thus annihilate all shadows in one fell swoop.
Hungry Void Blow
Cost: 1 motes per die
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Brawl: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Ravaging Strike
Hand wreathed in Essence of Void the Deathknight's strikes are heralded by entropy, an end to life, exuberance and vigor. Her victims feel exhausted and utterly impotent, their life eroded by the inevitable, unable to stop the Deathknight's fated strike. The Deathknight makes her attack normally, but her target loses one die from a single defensive dice pool for every mote spent.
Shadow-Warping Palm
Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Brawl: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Void Blow
Heralding her advance as a whisper, a wave of entropy washes of the Deathknight's victim, warping shadows and essence and drowning all sound as the blow connects! The victim of the Shadow-warping essence feels the very essence of his being disjointed, unable to react efficiently against the Deathknight's advance. Using this Charm, the Deathknight subtracts her Strength+Essence from one of her victim's dice pools.
Void Fist
Nightmare Emperor Fist
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Brawl: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Five-Knife Strike
The Nightmare Emperor Fist shifts the Abyssal's body into a shape more fitting to bring oblivion. Her proportions become subtly wrong. Her hands and feet seem to swirl with a nimbus of blasphemous delirium or cracking with sharp bone protusions. Every one of her strikes echo with the sound of Malfean bells. She may choose to deal lethal damage with her unarmed attacks, may parry lethal damage barehanded without a stunt and reduces all negative modifiers for her unarmed attacks to 0. In addition, she receives Accuracy 2 and Defense 2 on all unarmed attacks, and reduces all opponents' soak total by her Essence before calculating her damage. (But she cannot lower the enemy's soak below 0.)
Setesh's Might Attittude
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Brawl: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Nightmare Emperor Fist
The Calendar of Setesh is a terrible thing, spinning time where there is not. It is not without effort that it does its task, applying with strength the change in all the world, prowess felt by all as time changes, through Setesh's might, in a way no thing living or dead can escape. The Abyssal who learns this Charm adopts the attittude of time falling upon all, unfailingly, able to always use Strength in place of Dexterity on all Brawl attacks. This Charm does not need to be activated; it permanently enhances the Abyssal's abilities.
Obsidian Champion Meditation
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Brawl: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Nightmare Emperor Fist
The Obsidian Champion is terrible to behold, needing no tools to spread misery upon the world! His nails and teeth shine unnaturally with the obsidian radiance of soulsteel, and the touch of his hands brings the cold of the bleakest heart, the wails of a thousand nightmares. To face him is madness. To be struck by him is suffering eternal. Wether he uses weapons or not makes no difference - his every strike is always a thing of nightmares, receiving the Weapon and Hearthstone Bracer Soulsteel Magical Material bonus to all his armed and unarmed combat profiles, compatible with any and all Weapons and Bracers he uses, even those of Soulsteel - the Soulsteel Magical Material Bonus is doubled then.
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