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Ciel's Intro

>> Chiaroscuro. Once the greatest port town in the all of the South in the First Age, the overthrown of the Anathema, the Great Contagion, and the invasion from the Wyld ruined the city once built with glass. The ruins remain, and a city as sprung up surrounding it as they try to force out all the spirits. The central sections of the city are still inhabited, though, and it is there that you were able to find somewhere to stay for a time.

>> The accomodations were decent, and allowed you to sleep well for once. Of course, all good things come to an end, as you are awakened by a knock at your door.

Ciel rolls quickly out of bed, still mostly dressed sans boots and coat. She's always been a light sleeper, for one reason or another. Taking a quick glance out the window, she frowns. Should have gotten a room on the first floor. Brushing herself off gently, she straightens out her musssed hair with her fingers while calling out, "Who's there?"

>> A pleasant female voice is heard from the other side of the door. "I have a message to deliver for you, miss!"

Ciel heaves a quiet sigh of relief and steps forward to the door, pulling it open just a crack and peering out. She plants her foot on the other side of the door so it's not so easy to shove open. "Really? From whom?"

>> On the other side of the door is a woman with long silver hair, black eyes, and somewhat pale skin from what you can see. She is clothed in a simple and modest black dress. "From a man who lives in The Lap. The name in the message says Soran."

Ciel raises an eyebrow, and extends a hand, looking over the woman casually, "I see... not a name I'm familiar with. Did he bid you bring this to me? You do not look as if you come from around here." She makes no move to open the door, actually tense a bit instead.

>> She nods, still smiling. "I just started working here the other day, miss. And yes, he did." She continues smiling for a few moments before continuing to speak. "There's something else he wanted me to say, but he requested that it be in private. It has to do with the offer he has."

Ciel nods quietly to the woman, "If you'll give me just a moment to straighten up..." Without even waiting for an answer, she shuts the door quickly and darts over to the bed, throwing over the comforter.

>> The woman nods as you shut the door.

Ciel jams her feet into her boots quickly and tosses on her coat in a flurry of motion that must sound like a whole deal of rustling to the woman outside the door. Grabbing her backpack, she tosses it up onto the bed, it being neatly packed from last night, just like a good paranoid keeps it. Sword, check. Backpack, check. Escape route... not so check. Grimacing for a moment, she stops and goes back to the door, opening it as she plasters a charming smile on her face. "Things are a bit more together now, please come in." She bows her head slightly, and steps back away.

>> The woman steps in with a smile. That is, before black flames suddenly wreath around her, obscuring her from view for only a moment. When they fade, she is quite differently attired. The dress is replaced by a black tunic and pants, with booted feet visible. Over this she wears a black breastplate, a shield hanging on her back, and the sheath on her left. In her right is the black blade, looking quite well sized and a bit curved, an ice blue hearthstone set into it. Bracers adorn her arms, with also have a hearthstone in it. She raises the blade and smiles. "Not a word, or the lives of everyone in the building are forfeit. I'm here merely to deliever a message."

Ciel jumps back, still surprised, even if she expected... something. She grabs her backpack in one hand from the bed, her smile melting away like spring snow, but makes no other moves to flee. "An important message, no doubt, for such a messenger."

>> She nods once as she shuts the door behind her, keeping the blade at the ready and looking as if ready to spring. "On the bright side, there was a message from Soran. The one delievering it met an unpleasant end before he told much more about it though. You know well enough who this message is from though." Her expresion turns just a bit sad. "He wants to know why you fled, my dear sister. You had everything before you, and you fled like a coward. When will this foolishness end?"

Ciel grits her teeth, tensing and ready to move in any direction, not that there's really anywhere to go in the small room, "You must be mistaken. I have no siblings. But you can tell your master that his hospitality is found lacking, thus I chose to move on."

>> She chuckles. "We would have been sisters, had you stayed. It is a beautiful existance, sparing the masses of Creation from the weakness that is life so they can embrace the beauty of death. Yet there you stand, now an Anathema hunted on all sides. Is it worth it?"

Ciel raises an eyebrow, starting to step back towards the window, ever so slowly, "Do you find it worth it to snuff off out life's bloom to reside in your meager half-existance, wrapped in the finery of decay? I will run, so long as I have legs to carry me, and strength to make them. There is an... exileration, even in flight."

>> She raises an eyebrow, smiling slightly again. "As you say, dear sister. Eventually all things die, however. Why make the liv-" She stops, turning as the door opens. Leaning against the doorjam is a tall man, with short blond hair, tan skin as most Southerners do, and blue eyes. He is clad in a blue tunic, black pants and boots, and has a well made blade lacking a sheath hanging at his side. She curses, beginning to raise her blade before the man glares as he speaks. "That's far enough, deathknight. You don't want a scene here anymore than I do. I'd love to avenge my man, but more important things come first. Your zombies are already gone from here. Now get out." The deathknight stands there for a few moments, eyeing the man before she curses again and disappears in a flash of black essence. The man glances at you. "Sorry I'm late, my dear. I was surprised to hear my message was intercepted. Are you alright?"

Ciel doesn't seem to calm in the slightest, edging up to the wall until her back is to the window, her backpack with it's tied on sword still held at her side, "I have had better and worse moments. Would you, then, be Soran? And I suggest you lower your voice with such words, if any remain to hear them."

>> He nods once, moving into the room and shutting the door. "Everyone is still alive. She only had a few of her ghosts in the place. And yes, I am indeed Soran. A pleasure to meet you, Ciel." He smiles. "At least I wasn't too late. That particular one has been an annoyance, though also a distraction for what Wyld Hunts occur." He shakes his head. "Please calm down. I'm only here with an offer."

Ciel carefully sets her bag down at her feet and gestures for Soran to sit, "I have not seen her before myself, for all she professes to be my sister." She makes no move to seat herself, sticking next to the nice safe window. "I would ask how you know my name, though... it is not the one I am using here."

>> He smiles, nodding as he takes a seat. "She is one of the thralls of the fool who pursues you, from what I have figured out. That one is a most difficult one to spy on, however." He grins slightly. "I know a great many things, my dear. It keeps me one step ahead of the Realm and the deathknights. Though at times my knowledge fails me, such as with your last visitor." He sighs.

Ciel takes a seat on the edge of the bed only after Soran seats himself and smiles softly at him, "One cannot know everything, I fear. What interest have you in me, though? I'm sure I would garner unwelcome attention on your endeavors, though I am grateful for your appearance." She bows her head politely, brushing a loose lock of hair back behind one ear.

>> He nods slightly, smiling. "Think nothing of it, my dear. It is what anyone worth living in this world would have done. As for my offer, it is relatively simple. I need your help with my attempts to deal with the Realm's iron grip on The Lap at the moment. Should you help me, I'll do anything in my power to assist you. Information, protection, money, name it, and if I can, I'll do it." He smiles. "It'll also provide you with a way to hone your abilities, not to mention meet other Solars that I am requesting aid from in this venture."

Ciel murmurs to herself softly, slowly sliding up onto the bed, and folding her legs beneath her. "It would be a welcome change... company, and your offer." She blushes faintly, the color a remarkable contrast to her normal skin tone, "I admit, I am new at this."

>> He grins, nodding. "As are the others I've brought in, for the most part. As time goes on, you'll grow into what destiny has set before you. You need not walk the path alone, however. And your pursuers, while bold enough to move against only one, would have to be far more cautious in approaching a group of those chosen by the Unconquered Sun."

Ciel looks around quickly when Soran mentions the name of her patron, violet eyes sweeping around what she can see. She smiles nervously, "I do wish you would be more cautious about mentioning such things." Folding her hands in her lap, she grins disarmingly at Soran, "I can assure you that I find your offer most intriguing, though."

>> He nods slightly. "My apologies, Miss Ciel." He smiles in response, nodding. "In that case, would you accompany me back to The Lap? We should arrive a day or two before the others I have requested help from, and along the way I can teach you the native tounge of this land."

Ciel extends a hand towards Soran, as she arches an eyebrow, "An escort? How kind of you." Rising from her position on the bed, she smiles at him again, "I do not know how much I can pick up in such a short time, but we shall see. There are few here who even understand me... which is a protection of sorts." With her other hand, she lifts her backpack onto the bed. It's obviously heavy by the way she's holding it. No, really. "Have you a carriage or mounts?"

>> He stands, nodding as he takes her hand. "I've been described as a good teacher at one time or another. At the very least, you'll know enough to get by, and I'll continue to teach you." He nods again, smiling. "I do, Miss Ciel. They await outside for us." He glances at the pack. "Would you like help with that?"

Ciel bows her head politely again, gently rubbing her fingers across Soran's palm, "It would be most kind of you, but I can do so if it would trouble you..."

>> He nods, reaching out with his other hand to take the pack, still smiling at you. "Of course. Is there any other business you need concluded before we leave, Miss?"

Ciel shakes her head slowly, sliding her hand down Soran's arm to link arms with him, "None. I keep very few ties as I move, and I've been lying low for almost a year now... it will be good to be able to spend time conversing with someone."

>> He nods, smiling. "I'm happy to be of service then, my dear. In that case, let's depart before your dear 'sister' returns." He begins to move towards the door, slipping into the role of a gentleman escorting the fair lady around. Even though that is what he is actually doing anyways.

Ciel plays the part of the fair lady extremely well. Kind of like the harp, but more touchy feely. Laughing gently, like a set of soft chimes, she follows. "Indeed."

>> He grins as he leads you down to the lobby and out, your dear 'sister' no where in sight. Outside is a fine blue carriage, with two extremely well cared for horses pawing at the ground as the driver tends to them. Soran nods to the driver, who quickly scrambles on while Soran opens the door for you to enter. Once you both are in, the driver snaps the reins and your are moving, on your way towards the west and The Lap.


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