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Calm Before the Storm


Eight years after the Empress' disappearence the contest for the Scarlet Throne has increased in intensity. Most of the major houses have recalled their legions and scions to the Blessed Isle, those that remain in the Threshold are outcaste, pawns in long term plans or else unwilling to return. Tepet Ejava and her troops are in hiding, perhaps they have been destroyed, perhaps they are biding their time, the horoscopes are inconsistant. All houses bear the wounds of assassinations and political manouvering, while the Regent has become more and more erratic in his behaviour.

Across the Blessed Isle agents of the Bronze attempt to maintain the status quo, out right civil war is still only a potential fate, but it is becoming more and more likely as time goes on. They still hold the strings of the Realm, but they are becoming frayed through over-use.

The centre of Creation has focussed inwards, but is unable to see the rot at its core.

At the edges, where the Wyld presses against the borders of that which has form ancient barriers are weakening, too late the Silver Pact move to seal the breaches. Unable to co-operate fully due to their territorial natures they lack a unity of spirit and deed that could reinforce reality.

In the vast wastelands of the Underworld the ancient souls of long betrayed Solars plan their revenge, unaware or unmindful of their master's true desires, perhaps in their arrogance they believe that they are able to defy those they once bested, despite their oaths.

Under a baleful green sun a dragon of Shadow sees an opportunity and turns to smile at his new, but heavily pregnant, bride.

Buried deep in the Loom of Fate the smallest of the Pattern Spiders, unknown even to Kejak, weaves together a number of faint golden threads, tying their destinies to each other...

Alternate Intro

It's a Kung-fu movie, if your fu is weak then don't expect to survive...

Player Characters

  • ThreeSunsRising
  • More Stuff Here

Important NPCs

  • Players stay out!
  • CBTS/CaptainSulemain
  • CBTS/LordBlack
  • CBTS/LordMartial
  • CBTS/TimmyTheNoiseMaker


I'll be using the following house rules:

  • DawnAnimaOption
  • YerMum/Artifacts
  • Custom charms, house rules, artifacts, etc

Session summaries

  • CBTSSessionOne


Welcome!! - Quendalon
Posting prototype background in 10... - slim_pick3ns

rock. - YerMum

prototype PC character sheets posted! - slim_pick3ns
take two - slim_pick3ns