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The End of the World | Introduction | Characters | House Rules | Missions | Player Notes | Disposition of the Sidereal Shards | Storyteller notes

The Blood-Choked Whisper, Norasi Naruto

Torn from the arms of his slaughtered mother as she lay dead in the smoking wreckage of her south-eastern village, his first memory is of a laughing Dynastic huntsman, Cathak Aresi. The huntsman had decided to fill that day’s entertainment collecting skins from the Serpents Who Walk As Men. But in the wreckage his anima had caused Cathak Arasi could collect no skins for his walls so instead he took the red-scaled boy as a trophy of his hunt, naming him Norasi Naruto, The Blooded Hound, for the child still suckled at his dead mother’s bloody breast.

The fire-aspected Cathak did not bore of his charge as quickly as might be expected, instead deciding it would be an entertaining experiment to attempt the education of his savage trophy. However, what began as a joke turned serious when Aresi discovered his trophy had the ability to recall things to which he had never been exposed. In his lessons Norasi Naruto spoke of ages past, lost lore, arcane tongues, these things bubbling up into consciousness from the depths of his mind. An exalted tutor was hired in the hope that Cathak Aresi could somehow turn this knowledge to profit if suitably developed. Norasi Naruto was dressed in fine clothes, ate at his master’s table, allowed the freedom of the manse and grounds but this generosity did nothing to erase that first memory. Each night the boy dreamt of his mother and planned his master’s death.

In time his master was called upon by his house to travel to the Threshold. He chose to take the snake-skinned boy along, thinking he would make for both an interesting conversation piece and example to the barbarians of the hinterlands of what the Realm could offer. It was during this journey that the boy began to dream of the Tower of the Bloodsilver Moon, a fantastic lost manse of living, sentient liquid. He filtered these memories carefully as he told his master of the manse. Twisting the facts to include nothing of its dangers, he spoke only of the treasures within, hoping to lure the Dynast to his death at the hands of the manse’s guardians and her wicked traps.

It was in the third year of travel that Cathak Aresi took the bait. The tour was diverted to the rocky desert south of Gem where the manse lay. Aresi entered with his guards. Norasi Naruto waited outside. Soon screams began to echo from within. When they died down, Norasi Naruto entered himself, hoping he would see his dreams realised. The tunnels he walked were awash with blood, the bodies of the guards unrecognisable. Eventually he reached the inner chamber.

But Cathak Aresi was not dead. He still fought, toe to toe with a creature of blood and flame within a vast library of ancient leather scrolls and books.

Norasi Naruto watched as his master was driven to his knees, his sword sent skittering across the floor. He watched as the spirit raised it’s claws, ready to turn the boy’s dreams to reality. He watched his master cower in fear and the knowledge he would soon die. And at the moment he realised he could not let this pass. The library was too valuable. And without his master would be forever beyond his reach. Giving up his dreams Norasi Naruto snatched the fallen sword and launched himself at the guardian and in that moment he exalted.

Fate was, for the first time, clear to him. In that moment his destiny became his own; his slavery evaporated; he knew power.

When Rahayana the Black came to collect her new student, she found Cathak Aresi dead. Half his face had been torn away and what remained was twisted in horror. Across the library, deep within a shadowed alcove, Norasi Naruto sat lost in a dark-jacketed book, crimson gore still slick across his jaw.

He spared his former master only a single phrase as his sifu led him out. “You named me the Blooded Hound. And so became. Now I shall take from you another name, so your dying moments may live forever. I did not care for you pitiful pleas, master, so I shall take instead the manner of their delivery: I am The Blood-Choked Whisper.”

The Blood-Choked Whisper, Norasi Naruto

Concept: Pragmatist, Dreamer of Ages Past, Gold Faction Zealot, Bloody Revolutionary, Remover of Obstacles, Yu-Shan Gang Boss
Played By: An evil Basil Rathbone
Nature: Visionary

Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1
Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4

Abilities (+9)
Athletics 2
Awareness 2
Bureaucracy 2
Craft 4 (Calligraphy, Fate, First Age Artifacts, Manses)
Endurance* 2
Investigation 1 (Research +1)
Linguistics 2 (High Realm, Firetongue, Old Realm)
Lore** 5
Medicine 1
Performance 1
Presence** 1 (Intimidate +2)
Martial Arts** 4 (Knives +3)
Occult** 2
Resistance 3 (1 free)
Ride* 0
Sail* 3
Socialize 1
Stealth 2
Survival* 2 (Tracking +2)
Thrown* 1

* = caste, ** = favoured 

Virtues (+3)
Compassion 1 (Despises Sadism +2), Conviction 4*, Temperance 2, Valour 3

* = used channel

Merits (+7)
Acute Sense (Smell) 3, Eidetic Recall (Smell) 1, Lucky 1, Virtue Specialty (Compassion: Despises Sadism) 2

Flaws (-10)
Diminished Attributes (Social) 3, Disturbing 2, Secrets 3, Unusual Appearance (Red Scales) 2, Enemy (Stone) 1*

* I haven't taken a BP for this as it pushes me over 10 flaw points 

Backgrounds (+1)
Allies (The Eyes In Darkness, a gang of gods who lost power after the first age) 1 (free)
Artifact 2 (Lethe’s Beckoner: knife-sized daiklave)
Backing (Bureau of Destiny) 1 (free)
Backing (Golden Barque of the Heavens) 1 (free)
Backing (Gold Faction) 1 (free)
Connections (Southern Shipping) 1
Connections (Cult of the Illuminated) 1
Library 3
Manse 3
Salary 2 (free)
Savant 2
Sifu 2 (1 free) - Rahayana the Black, master of Crimson Temple, Spider and Charcoal March of Spiders styles and uber-bitch.
Sorcery 3

Auspicious Prospects For Journeys (free) (1m, Inst, Sim)
Hot Eyed Snake Whispering (1m per TN, Inst, Supp)
Mirror-Shattering Method (5m, 5 days, Sim)
Of Horrors Best Unknown (10m, Inst, Sim)
Of The Shape Of The World (3m per TN and 1w, Inst, Supp)
Shield Of Mars (5m1w, Inst, Ref)
Stone-Skipping Spirit (5m, Scene, Sim)
Systematic Understanding Of Everything (1m, Until Sleeps, Ref)
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (5m1w, Inst, Ref)
World-Shaping Artistic Vision (Bloody) (1w, Inst, Sim)
Crimson Temple Style ( Modifications)
Pulsing Heart Observation
Disciple’s Sanguine Sigil
Blood-Fountain Crush

Combos (+3)
Fate’s Crimson Flow: Disciple’s Sanguine Sigil, Blood-Fountain Crush & Shield Of Mars

Demon Of The First Circle
Emerald Circle Banishment
Emerald Circle Countermagic

Captain 1, Key 1, Ship’s Wheel 3, Sorcerer 1, Treasure Trove 1


Resplendent Destinies

  • The Grey Capricorn, Ship's Wheel, Duration 100 years, 1 Effect Point. DISCARDED

Navigator and bosun of a hundred merchant ships whose true name was said to have been lost to a selkie in exchange for the life of his crew. Some called The Grey Capricorn a blessing, for any ship he sailed upon always sighted home, though he was not called such by those who suffered under his scourge until their backs ran red for the slightest insubordination.

  • Jade Blossom Albatross, Ship's Wheel, Duration 1 year, 17 Effect Points. DISCARDED.

An earth-aspected outcaste terrestrial scavenger lord and adventurer. Known as a tough, disciplinarian leader and ferocious and unforgiving enemy, Albatross is respected but not loved by others in the hard world of scavenging.

  • Cynis Synoril, Sorcerer, Duration 1 year, 20 Effect Points.

To most, Cynis Synoril is a trader in slaves for the reknowned parties of his house. To those with certain ‘needs’ however he is much more: supplier, master of ceremionies, slaver, sorcerer, blackmailer. Everyone knows that some Cynis parties have a dark center from which their wild abandon flows, a dark abyss where most fear to tread but who’s proximity, even untasted, adds an edge to the revel. Cynis Synoril hosts and supplies this secret heart of darkness throughout the Realm. Even the whisper of his name brings ecstacy, meaning he is often reported to be at many parties at once.

  • Paradise Viper, Rising Smoke, 1 Season, 8 Effect Points.

Wandering monk from An Teng. Prophet of doom. Anathema hunter.

Essence & Willpower (+10)
Permanent: 3
Personal: 13
Peripheral: 35
Willpower: 7

Initiative: 8
Lethe’s Beckoner: Spd 15, Acc 13, Dmg 11L, Def 12, Rate 5
Fist: Spd 8, Acc 8, Dmg 3, Def 10, Rate 5
Dodge Pool: 7
Soak: 8B/5L (Buff Jacket 4B/3L) - What is the effect of superior armour?

Bonus Points
Picture: 1
Shared Backgrounds: 4

Individual Rewards: 1xp (#1013/unspent), 1xp for lore/occult/investigation (#1049/unspent), 1xp (#1082/unspent), 1xp for lore-related stuff (#1232/unspent)
General Rewards: 0xp as of OOC post #0
Spent: nada

Wish List
Methodology Of Secrets, Blinding The Boar, Raise Presence

Lethe's Beckoner, knife-sized daiklave
Gem from May Blossom (research before swallowing)
Small pearl (for contacting Acacia in the West)

Rising Smoke
- Record Obtaining Enquiry, 1ep, add essence to Cha roll when dealing with a god
- Superior Entreating Memorial Style, 1ep, send letter to another Sidereal, appears next to skin, can reply
- Chains of Adorjan, 3ep & 1-3 paradox, lasts 13 turns and costs 1 paradox vs demons, 3 turns & 3 paradox vs others, target makes Sta + Resistance dif. 4 and suffers 1A or 4A, in Creation damage is rolled.
Ship's Wheel
- Stronger Than His Job, 1ep, treat fatigue penalty as bonus dice until task complete, then takes B damage equal to penalty.
- Marshaling Infinite Stength, 1ep, can finish any task could do when started
- Poetic Sacrifice Insurance, 2ep & 1 paradox, Roll any Survival or Sail attempth again and total successes, extra successes must be used for travelling further and can allow impossible distances to be covered.
- Invincible Essence Core, 1ep, block any loss of essence, memory, charms, etc.
- Prince Of The Earth, 1ep, +3 to social roll with unexalted
- Seer, 1ep per dice, add to Astrology

Wish List - Increase Performance for Astrology - Increase Presence - Prayer Specialty for Performance
