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I like the WoD division of abilities somwhat bether than the Exalted one. Mostly because the Exalted division gives no added information after the character creation process. And the checkboxes can be used to check both favored and cast abilities.

My main motivation for the creation of the new abilities is to make the character sheet a little less combat oriented. The whole reason why I myself did not like Exalted in the start was because it was so combat oriented. More recent releases like the Dragon-Blooded and Halta spat has made me change my mind about the game. But I still think we need a bether character sheet. Actually there are more combat stats on the originale Exalted sheet than on the D&D3e sheet. This is not a good thing.

Character sheet with these abilities are temporary unavailable.

My division is as follows:

Talents - Abilities that can be learned with experience
Awareness - as in the corebook
Athletics - all agility based actions including dodge
Endurance - as in the corebook
Might - all strenght based actions like open doors and carry big load
Presence - as in the corebook
Resistanse - as in the corebook
Socialize - as in the corebook
Stealth - as in the corebook
Style - Knowledge on how to look great and cool

Skills - Abilities that can be learned with a teacher or intese practice
Animal Ken - Training animals
Archery & Thrown -Simply these two abilities as one. Else as in the corebook
Bureaucracy - as in the corebook
Investigation - as in the corebook
Larceny - as in the corebook
Martial Arts & Brawl - Brawl is a Martial arts form that uses strenght instead of dex on all rolls.
Melee - as in the corebook
Performance - as in the corebook
Ride - as in the corebook
Sail - as in the corebook
Survival - as in the corebook

Knowledges - Abilities that can be learned with books and studies or research
Craft War as in the WarCraft page.
Craft ... - as in the corebook, monks has immaculate order as a craft
Linguistics - as in the corebook
Lore History - knowledge of the history of the realm, the world or areas of the world
Lore Spirit - spirit names, behaviour and courts
Lore Law - knowledge on the law i theory and practical use
Lore Wyld - knowledge on the Wyld transmutations, fey and related topics
Lore Nature - elemental knowledge, growing trees and herbs
Medicine - as in the corebook
Ritual - Doing magical rituals, recognizing magic

The Caste abilities for Dragonblooded are then divided like this:

Air - Linguistics, Lore Spirit, Lore History, Ritual, Stealth, Archery&Thrown
Earth - Awarness, Crafts, Endurance, MA/Brawl, Resistance, Might
Fire - Athletics, Melee, Presence, Style, Socialize, Craft War
Water - Bureaucracy, Investigation, Larceny, Sail, Lore Law
Wood - Medicine, Performance, Ride, Survival, Animal Ken, Lore Nature

Changed or new Charms tree for Dragonblooded.


The following abilities have been removed:

Occult - This have been replaced by ritual and the Lore abilities. No more "I know everything mystic" run of a mill-characters
Lore - No more general lore. Lore is now like craft with the most common already stated

Since I also use my own Trueform/ForcedTrainingtime system there are som additional rules regarding abillity type:

Talents can be learned by normal training rules.
Skills assumes a skilled teacher and good training conditioning. If these conditions are not met multiply the training time by (1.5 to 4)
Knowledges assumes a great deal of books and a skilled teacher. If these conditions are not met multiply the training time by (2 to 20) at worst case the topic has to be researched.

This new division affects charms somewhat. This seems to be minor for Solars charms as relevant charm trees already exists. New Lore charm trees have to be developed.

Note: The new number of abilites (31 vs original 25) is also more in line with the other WW games.

Vampire 3ed has 30
Mummy has 36
Trinity has 33
Aberrant has 35
Mage SC has 33
Vampire DA has 30


The reasont here were so few Abilities is to make things simple. It is this nifty rule of five thing going about that this system changes up a bit. Exalted isn't trying to be like the WoD. And if you look at AeonVerse, the place where Exalted's iteration of the ST system orignated, you'll note that they don't do the Talent / Skill / Knowledge thing either. I sorta see this as a bit of over complicating things more then needed.

I don't see any reason to why changing from 20 to 32 abillities makes the game more complex. I does make it less cartoonish. But I consider this a good thing. Anyway the rules part of Talent / skill / knowledge division is optional and is a much better way than a seemingly random divition that there is today. With skills moving around all the time depending on what exalted sheet you are looking at and not even beeing alphabeticly. Trueform