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Tsuraji Evad'kali was born to a barbarian tribe on one of the many rivers in the South-East. As she grew up, it was obvious she had a playful, sneaky side and a wit sharp enough to keep her from getting caught (most of the time). None of it was ever malicious though, and when she developed a bit of a wanderlust, she was a shoo-in for the Scavenger ranks. As she grew up, it also became obvious she liked girls a lot more than boys. Luckily homosexuality wasn't a taboo for her people, but it wasn't taken seriously either and Eva was still forced to marry at the age of 19. She didn't want to disappoint her family so she tried to be a good wife, but she knew that she could never really love her husband the way a wife was supposed to.
Thankfully women aren't relegated to house-work after marriage, and she could still escape to the wilds. One day, out scavenging, a storm serpent formed in the field Eva was searching. Eva ran into the woods, She knew she couldn't out-run it, but she knew she was frelled if she stayed in the open. The serpent gave chase and quickly over-took her. It thought she'd make a better play-thing than meal, so it battered her around for a bit. Then a bit longer. And a bit longer still. Eva used every skill at her disposal, and every ounce of her will to survive the six hour assault. When the storm serpent dissipated, Eva was bruised and broken. Through her blood-bleared eyes though, she saw a woman walking towards her. She was beautiful, draped in strings of silver light and wearing a coronet of stars. When she reached her, the woman lifted the awe-struck Eva to her feet, wiped the blood and tears from Eva's eyes, then kissed her once on the forhead. Thus the Wild Rose was given her wings. After Eva's rite of passage, she decided that she wanted to see one of these "cities" people were always mentioning. So off she went into the wild blue yonder.

Eva stands a little over five feet tall. She has a lithe, athletic figure, and looks the perpetual teenager because of it. She has darkly tanned skin and jet black hair cut just below her shoulders, which makes her blue eyes quite startling. If one looks extra carefully, one can see downy black feathers interspersed with her hair, which sometimes come loose and drift slowly to the ground. She wears a dingy-white linen shirt that over-laps in the front with the sleeves rolled to her elbows, brown leather pants with the cuffs rolled up over her calves, and usually goes barefoot. A rabbit-skin purse/satchel rests on her right hip, the strap slung over her left shoulder. She wears her two larger blades crossed at the small of her back.
Even though she's a long way from home, she keeps to the customs of her people. Her Riverspeak is heavily accented, and she will sometimes use synonyms incorrectly (she calls "Great Forks" "Large Forks," for example). She's a free spirit, and finds people interesting and civilization fascinating. Eva's always on the look-out for the next big adventure or the next fat-head's purse to cut. She can't stand stupid people, especially not stupid thieves.

Name: Tsuanraji Evad'rikali, "Eva"
Caste: Changing Moon
Nature: Explorer
Totem: Crow
Anima: A feathered woman with sharp features in tattered clothing
Concept: Country crow in the big city
XP Spent: 5

Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4

Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 2, Craft (Delicates) 3, Dodge 2, Endurance 1, Investigation 1 (Scavenge +2), Larceny 2 (Pick-pocket +1), Linguistics 1 (SE barbarian, Riverspeak), Melee 1, Occult 2, Resistance 2, Socialize 1, Stealth 3 (Move Silently +2, Hide +1), Survival 2, Thrown 3

Backgrounds: Artifact 3, Contacts 1, Heart's Blood 2, Resources 1
Renown: Cunning 7, Glory 3, Mettle 6, Succor 4; Total: 20
Face: Nain-Ya

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3
Virtue Flaw: Whipped Dog (Compassion)

Willpower: 6
Health: -0, -1 X2, -2 X10, -4, Incap.
Permanent Essence: 2
Essence Pool: 14/29 (32)


  • Shape Changing
Finding the Spirit's Shape
Humble Mouse Form
Hide of the Cunning Hunter
Shaping the Ideal Form
Tool-Hand Technique
  • Body Enhancement
Ox-Body Technique X2 (-2X8)
  • Ranged Combat
Eagle Eye Advantage
  • Defensive
Bowing Reed Technique
  • Stealth
Stealthy Fox Method

Artifacts: Moonsilver maine gauche, "Istan-Akuri (Spirit's Guardian)"; Boomerang knife, "Evumosyn (Sticky Bloom)"; Talisman: Air Elementals (-1)
Equipment: rabbit-skin purse/pouch, bowie knife (short sword), a throwing knife, various pieces of old jewelry she's scavenged up (pawnables)

Base initiative: 9
Soak: 3B/1L/0A (unarmored)
Dodge: 7
Evumosyn/Throwing Knife: Spd 9(+0), Acc 8(+0), Dmg 4L(+2L), Rate 3, Range 15; Evumosyn teleports to her hand at the beginning of the turn after she threw it.
Istan-Akuri: Spd 12(+3), Acc 11(+5), Dmg 3L(+1L), Def 9(+3); Disarm +1
Bowie Knife: Spd 9(+0), Acc 7(+1), Dmg 4L(+2L), Def 7(+1)

Expanded Backgrounds

Artifact: Having been a scavenger for her tribe in the South-East, Eva has come across a few things of interest, namely Evumosyn. Her talisman was a personal gift from her mentor because of her totem and how she Exalted, and she earned Istan-Akuri during her rite of passage.

Contacts: Eva has made friends with the pack outside of the farming/trade hub she now calls home. She respects their right to the territory, and they leave her to her own devices. They're her main source of information from the Silver Pact.

Heart's Blood: Eva was made with the house-rules for Heart's Blood written up by hplovescats, found here. She doesn't have anything overtly impressive in her repetoire, but certainly enough to get by.

Resources: Eva has managed to collect a few pieces of worth in her time on the streets and in the Scavenger Lands. Nothing to kill over, but probably enough to book passage on a cargo freight or something. All her assets are liquid.


Eva's full name is given surname first. Thus her family name is Tsuraji, meaning "Royalty of the Brave Waters." Her given name, Evad'kali, means "Wild Rose." When Eva Exalted, she changed her name to Tsuanraji Evad'rikali. The infixes change her name to "Royalty of the Brave Waters Under Moonlight, Wild Rose in the Wind."

Eva was my character for a really pathetically short-lived IRC game. *sigh*
This Lunar is the 4th incarnation of the Eva character. Eva is the one character I recreate from system to system, with modifications to make her system/setting appropriate. I worry that I tried to stick to closely to the Form of Eva with this one.