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Latest revision as of 15:27, 13 November 2007


Born to the Icewalkers, Dijo learned early in life the importance of family and sticking together. Named after the crystal blue whisps of stardust in the Northern night sky because of his eyes, Dijo occupied most of his youth helping to look after his little sister; his father was often out hunting and his mother was very busy being their tribe's healer. When it came time to learn to be a man, Dijo was reluctant to leave home. Still, he had to learn to hunt if he was going to have a family himself some day.
It was fitting, Dijo thought, that he should get separated from the group and lost his first time out. Fitting, humorous. What was not so humorous was the blizzard that crept up unexpectedly from the North. Dijo was cold, tired, hungry, but he was determined to get home. He picked a direction and started walking. After about two hours of walking blindly into the storm, Dijo saw a light up ahead. He didn't know why, but Dijo started running towards the light. He collapsed, his legs frozen with weariness and cold twenty feet from the burning white light. We was still not able to give up the hope though that it was someone that could help him, so he crawled through the snow, all but buried on his hands and knees, to the feet of a white-skinned woman in a pure white fur-lined cloak and gown. She was eery and gorgeous, with white hair and eyes the same crystal blue as his own. She gathered up Dijo in her arms, unexpectedly strong, and strode effortlessly through the ocean of white. Dijo soon fell asleep in the warm folds of her cloak.
When he awoke, Dijo was on his own bed roll in his own home with his sister sleeping noisily beside him, clutching a stuffed reindeer. He had dreamed of soft white furs and a snow-skinned mother. Later that day, Evad'rikali, a wandering spirit known to be a trickster, but friendly to Dijo's people, came for him. His parents were too awe-struck that a person such as she would want their little Dijo to say no.

Name: Frost-Eyes
Caste: Full-Moon
Nature: Caregiver
Totem: Husky
Anima: A brilliant white blizzard with the shadow of a wolf directly around him.
Concept: Caring Pack-Hunter
XP Spent: 0

Strength: 4, Dexterity: 4, Stamina: 4
Charisma: 4, Manipulation: 3, Appearance: 3
Perception: 3, Intelligence: 2, Wits: 3

Athletics 2, Awareness 1, Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Endurance 1, Investigation 1, Linguistics 1 (Icewalker, Air Tongue), Martial Arts 4, Medicine 2 (First-Aid +2), Melee 1, Resistance 3 (Weather +1), Socialize 2, Stealth 1, Survival 3 (Tundra +1)

Backgrounds: Artifact 2, Heart's Blood 3, Mentor 2
Renown: Cunning 3, Glory 4, Mettle 6, Succor 7; Total: 20
Face: Nain Ya

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 2
Virtue Flaw: "Curse of the Heartless Weasel" (Conviction)
Willpower: 6
Health: -0, -1 X2, -2 X6, -4, Incap.
Permanent Essence: 3
Essence Pool: 15/34(36)


  • Shapechanging: Finding the Spirit's Shape, Hide of the Cunning Hunter, Deadly Beastman Transformation
  • Body Enhancement: Ox-Body Technique (-2X4)
  • Unarmed Combat: Body Weapon Technique
  • Martial Arts
    • Wild-Rose on the Wind Style
      • Dandelion Meditation
      • Hummingbird's Grace Prana
      • Falling Petal Evasion
      • Wild-Rose Form

Artifacts: Moonsilver hearthstone bracers, "Koku" (Winter Coat)
Equipment: Medicine kit, two daggers etched to look like feathers, an elk-antler handle short-sword, warm fur clothing

Base initiative: 7
Soak: 4B/4L/0A (Koku)
Dodge: 7
Short-Sword: Spd 7, Acc 6, Dmg 6L, Def 6
Dagger: Spd 10, Acc 8, Dmg 5L, Def 6
Punch: Spd 7, Acc 8, Dmg 4B, Def 8

Expanded Backgrounds

Artifact: Koku is the repayment for saving the favored mate of a Changing-Moon friend of Evad'rikali, Frost-Eyes' mentor. The elbows of the bracers are sharply pointed, and the whole surface of them each is covered in patterns of snow and iconic evergreens.

Heart's Blood: While intended to be used with hplovescats's version of Heart's Blood, there's no reason the canon rules wouldn't work especially because I haven't chosen a Legendary Hunter form yet. With those rules however, Frost-Eyes has just about every animal in the North and a healthy repertoire from the North-East and North-West.

Mentor: Frost-Eyes keeps in touch with Evad'rikali. There is a rumor that they were lovers, but no crow/husky beastmen exist as evidence.


I really just made Frost-Eyes as a chance to play-test Wild-Rose on the Wind style.
I like him, though. I may actually use him some time.