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Inner Soul Awakening

Cost: 50 Motes

This powerful spell transforms a mortal or god-blood into a form of minor Essence channeler called a Helite. This ritual casting is long winded and difficult even for an accomplished sorcerer, and was seldom used in the First Age, the Solar Exalted of the time having much easier ways to field armies of Essence driven servants, and access to much easier magics of the Celestial Circle (such as Imbue Amalgam) for when this type of effect was needed. On those rare occasions that a Solar Exalted chooses to use this magic to elevate one of his mortal followers to the ranks of a small deity, there was much fanfare and call for rejoicing. The ritual itself requires a lunar month to prepare and invoke. It begins with the Solar Exalted informing the subject that he is to be elevated and to put his affairs in order and prepare for their new life. Once this ritual declaration has been performed the preparation period has begun the mortal must begin cleansing himself in mind, body and essence. The subject must drink only pure water, eat no meat, and settle any affairs he has remaining with mortals (debts, rivalries, etc.) before the month is up or the ritual cannot proceed. At the end of that time the Solar Exalted and the subject enter a ritually cleansed space for the three day casting of the spell. During the casting the Solar Exalted and the subject must be in complete isolation as any disturbance in the Geomancy of the space will tear the hapless mortal asunder with the unformed magics altering his body and soul. The Solar Exalted must make a Stamina + Endurance check for every 8 hours of the casting (9 checks in all). The first one is at difficulty 1, and this raises by 1 on every second check (the last check is at difficulty 5). If the Solar fails a check then he stumbles and the mortal is slain by the uncontrolled energies. Charms that effect fatigue interact with these rolls normally. At the end of the ritual (if it is successful) the mortal is transformed into a channeler of Essence called a Helite, almost like a minor Exalt. A new Helite aquires the following characteristics:

  • The Helite may raise his Permanent Essence for (current rating x 10) experience points.
  • The Helite gains three favored abilities.
  • The Helite may buy supernatural Martial Arts Charms. The cost is 12/10 (if favored) for Terrestrial Martial Arts styles and 15/12 (if favored) for Celestial Martial Arts styles. Helite may not learn Sidereal Secret Styles even with a teacher.
  • The Helite's lifespan is extended to a period of 300-400 years (naturally).
  • The Helite gains the ability to use the Charms Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, and Celestial Circle Sorcery, and may learn spells for 12 xp / 10 if occult is favored.
  • The Helite gains a personal Essence Pool of Essence + Willpower and a Peripheral Essence Pool of Essence x 4 + Willpower + Sum of Virtues. The Helite's Anima is a uniform white.
  • The Helite gains the ability to use the Solar Charms Spirit Detecting Glance and Spirit Cutting Attack.
  • The Helite immediately gains a number of Charms equal to the Essence score of the Solar Exalted performing the ritual (These may be traded for spells as normal, and must be Charms the mortal is now capable of learning (e.g. Martial Arts) and that are known to the Exalt casting the spell).
  • God-Blooded retain any Charms they had, but loose the ability to learn new ones that are not possible for normal Helite.
  • Wyld Mutations interact with Helite just as they do with Exalts.
  • Amalgrams that are subjected to the ritual that creates a Helite consider their abilities as an amalgam (including Charms and Essence) to be part of their new state.

Once completed, the process that creates a Helite cannot be undone by any form of Sorcery, Charm or other Essence driven action short of killing the Helite in question.

Shield of the Unconquered Sun

Cost: 45 Motes

Performing this ritual requires that the sorcerer have four assistants. Each of the participants in the ritual stands at one corner of the space to be shielded by the spell. The ritual itself last for a full hour. Once completed, five great shafts of pure Solar Essence pour forth from the spots where the participants are standing and arc together momentarily outlining a dome shape that is bounded by the spell. Within this dome any act of spell casting less than Solar Circle Sorcery or Void Circle Necromancy fails unless the Solar Exalted who created the shield grants permission (granting permission is a reflexive mental action; the creator automatically becomes aware of any attempt to invoke any forbidden act of spell casting, including who is attempting it and what spell they are casting). Spells being cast outside the dome into the area of effect are treated the same way. Additionally, anyone hostile to the creator of the shield (or anyone the creator of the shield reflexively designates as hostile) must pay a surcharge in motes on the activation of any Charm equal to the creator of the shield's permanent Essence. If the creator is within the shield when this happens, he may regain a number of motes of Essence equal to the surcharge (he may not exceed his normal maximum temporary Essence in this way). The area warded by this spell may be no wider in miles than the permanent Essence score of the caster. The shield lasts until it is destroyed (by Adamant Countermagic, Spell Shattering Palm, etc). Not having any anchoring principles (such as the statues of a Solar Sanctuary), this spell is particularly vulnerable to disruption, and may be canceled by Obsidian Countermagic.

Adamant Soul, Orchiculcum Body

Cost: 35 Motes

Taking a steep step upwards in power from spells like Invulnerable Body of Bronze and Incomparable body arsenal, the Solar Exalted enspells himself to prepare for battle. While under the effects of this spell the Solar Exalted’s body transforms to flexible Orchiculcum making him nearly invulnerable to harm. He may add 20L/20B to his soak. This is compatible with armor and allows him to soak aggravated damage. Any attack of any kind that does less than 20 dice of raw damage is ignored completely. The Solar Exalted is unbreakable and halves the raw damage of any attack that could not harm Orchiculcum (attacks that are reduced to below 20 raw damage in this way are totally ignored). The Solar Exalted’s fists and feet are treated as if they were weapons with the following statistics:

Fist of the Unconquered Sun Accuracy +10, Speed +6, Dmg +7L, Def +7 Flashing Kick of Light Accuracy +5, Speed +10, Dmg +15L, Def +0

In addition, the caster's very Soul and Essence are hardened and smoothed like Adamant. While under the effects of this spell the Solar Exalted's soul and Essence are inviolate: nothing effect that has a non-physical component of any sort will touch them. This includes using countermagic, Spell-Shattering Palm, Sequential Charm Redirection, etc. to remove effects on them. This also includes effects such as Maw of Dripping Venom, Water Spider Bite, Pattern Spider Touch, Soul Mastery, From Destroying Attack, etc. Charms such as Spell Shattering Palm and Charm Redirection Technique still affect Charms and Sorcery created by the caster that do not effect himself directly. The Solar Exalted cannot have his Essence stolen in any way while under the effects of this spell. Due to the transformative effect tatooed Lunar Exalted who can somehow cast Solar Circle Sorcery (such as via the Mantle of Brigid) cannot use this spell. This spell lasts until the Unconqured Sun next crosses the horizon.

Eternal Eye of the Unconquered Sun

Cost: 50 Motes

Performing this incantation the Solar Exalted calls on the power of the Unconquered Sun to see for him what cannot be seen. The spell conjures a flaming orb, like a lidless eye in the air above the caster. The Eye hovers at least a mile in the air at all times. By closing his eyes the caster can see through and direct the movement of the Eye. The Eye moves at a speed of 1000 miles per hour, and can see everything within a hundred mile radius of the point on the ground directly beneath it simultaneously. The Eye’s gaze pierces clouds, stone, flesh and Essence. No form of concealment can prevent the eye from seeing what lies beneath it, not even magic. This is a Perfect Effect. The Eye can be ordered to seek a particular target, in which case the Sorcerer rolls his Perception + Occult and adds a number of additional successes equal to his permanent Essence. This roll is treated as a tracking roll that does not need a trail to find the target (base difficulty 4). If successful the Eye moves in a straight line to the target at full speed. The Eye is treated as a supernatural tracker if the target attempts to hide his location with magic that prevents tracking (though this magic is totally useless if the Eye is actually close enough to see the target). Furthermore the sorcerer can direct spells that he casts through the Eye as though it were himself, with the additional proviso that anything within the Eye’s line of sight is treated as if it were in range of any spell. If the spell requires touch then a flaming gout of pure Solar fire flashes out to deliver the effect, using the Sorcerer’s Perception + Occult + Essence as its dice pool. Each time a spell is cast through the Eye its power is drained slightly, and the duration of the spell is reduced by an hour. The Eye can be attacked if the characters have attacks that can reach it or can fly high enough to do so. It has 20 soak against all attacks (and ignores attacks that do less than 20 raw damage) and 25 Health Levels. It reflexively dodges all attacks with a dice pool of the Sorcerer’s Essence x 2, and automatically counterattacks any successful attack against it with a flaming blast (Acc 15, Dmg 20L; deals aggravated damage against demons and the undead). This final power does not work against counterattacks. The Eye lasts for a full day and night once conjured, but the sorcerer can cast the spell again to add another day and night to the duration of an existing Eye (replenishing its health levels and repairing any other damage in the process) if he desires rather than conjuring a new one at his own location.


Edited it a bit -- change back anything you don't like (of course). -- Raindoll

Eternal Eye of the Unconquered Sun: Awesome beyond belief! -- Raindoll