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"Now ideas started spiralling off in my head for writing a complete RPG that's sort of a tongue-in-cheek Werewolf, only with catgirls. There would be some kind of breeds/castes, special powers, and a modern-day setting where they hide their identity in order to keep from being kept as pets."-neko ewen (rpg.net)

So then wikiens lets do this!

Obligatory Introductory Fiction

If she hadn't been half-mad from thirst and the heat, Mashiro would probably have wondered why her huge fat black cat, Mikoto, was ambling along beside her with little regard for the heat or lack of water. However, Mashiro was too busy having flashbacks to happier days of pigging out on ice cream and ordering her Foreign Minister to give her horse rides to notice such things.

"Strawberry, I said! This is raspberry! Heads will roll!" she shouted into the wind. Not that they ever did; Mashiro, during her long reign as child-ruler of Windbloom, had never really done anything much worse than making people give her horse-rides or wear silly outfits as punishment. That was why Mikoto still watched over her instead of leaving the deposed monarch to her doom. Mashiro was childish and immature, but not a bad person at heart. She had potential.

She stumbled and Mikoto leaped with a lightness which belied her bulk. The collision knocked Mashiro back into balance and kept her going another few minutes, until finally, she collapsed, short of Mikoto's goal.

Mikoto headbutted Mashiro a few times, but this didn't help. Finally, looking around the desert carefully, she gave up and shifted to human form, cradling Mashiro in her arms as Mashiro had so often done for her. She had long nourished Windbloom, trying to turn it into a pocket of enlightenment in the often barbaric South. And this was all she had left, this and Mashiro's missing Otome, Arika. But Magical Girls couldn't be trusted, not even the nice ones, not to be sensible or there when you need them. But so long as Mashiro survived, there was hope of turning things around.

Mikoto's human form was short and dark haired, slender and almost child-like, her appearance belying her power. With her mouth shut, you couldn't see her cute little fangs, but they were there.

Her stomach rumbled.


She sighed and moved towards the oasis she had spotted earlier, but as she reached the edge of it, she saw someone had carefully etched a spiral in a circle onto a tree's bark; some other Catgirl claimed this oasis.

It was unlikely to be a fellow member of the First Age Appreciation Society; most likely it was some independent or perhaps a member of the Moonsilver Pack. Hopefully the former and not the latter; she was in no mood for a fight right now. Since eating other Catgirls was off limits.


She shifted back to cat form and yowled a formal greeting and request to enter another's territory.

After a short wait, a tanned, red haired girl came creeping up, thinking she was being sneaky. She had cute kitty ears, and normally, Mikoto would have had to fight the urge to tickle her chin and scratch her behind the ears. Except she knew this one; it was Merle, one of the more annoying independents Mikoto had ever met; she was a long way from home.

Merle stared at Mikoto, then angrily pointed at her. "You can't have my Bishonen!" she announced.

This was going to be one of THOSE days.

Mikoto meowed, then pointed at Mashiro, then pulled a paw across her lips.

"Oh, you brought your own," Merle said. Not what Mikoto had intended AT ALL, but maybe it would do. She picked up Mashiro. "I guess you like them kinda girly. Let me take him down to the water; looks dehydrated." She seemed quite chipper now.

Mikoto followed, wondering who the Bishonen was that Merle had found, and whether her sanity would survive finding out.


When the Bishonen ruled over Creation, the Catgirls were their eyes and ears. They went where the Bishonen could not go, where the Magical Girls would not survive, and they did what had to be done. They were the last line of the Bishonen's defense. Some mistook them for cute and cuddly consorts, which they were, and forgot that Cats are pure carnivores. Pure predators who melt if they are groomed. Calm, rational, happy killers.

When the Magical Girls, guided by the Helping Goddesses, overthrew the Bishonen and seized control over Creation, the Catgirls who did not choose to die in the defense of their Bishonen did what they always did: slipped into the cracks and disappeared, went where no one else could and survived. And if you know where to look, they can be found.

The animal counselor to a Circle of Magical Girls? Catgirl.

The girl with the odd holes in her hat brim who chased off the slavers menacing your village? Catgirl.

The thief who always lands on her feet when she flees across the rooftops? Catgirl.

The queen whom even the Fair Folk pay tribute to, whose banners are marked by a paw print? Catgirl.

They are the ones who can charm the Magical Girls's socks off, mock the angst out of a Bishonen and drive a Alien Princess to fury with a single smug smile. The ones who know that Creation is theirs, they just let you play with it... so that they can play with you.

Numbers and Organization

Aisha Clanclan raised her sword, whiskers twitching with excitement. "For years, the loggers of Laketown have robbed the forests of our lands of their bounty! Now, they will pay for polluting the lake with a city and cutting down the forest for their own benefit! They will pay for cheating us!" And then I can use the loot to pay off my gambling debts, she thought. Damn Moonsilver Mafia. Catgirls think they're so big.

She'd show them how big a Catgirl could be. It was a pity she couldn't get more of her fellows in the Moonsilver Pact to join her, but surely this giant horde of barbarians who now viewed her as their Queen and Goddess would be enough to do the trick, right?

Even if she'd just seen some guy spring from the bridge to the top of the watchtower that guarded it. But she was sure she could take him; probably just some child of a goddess with a little bit of his mother's magic.

Unless it was a Bishonen.

But surely she'd already be dead, right? She'd heard stories from her elders about how powerful and terrible the Bishonen were, and how they had been corrupted by Civilization...

Just a god-child, surely.


Working for the Moonsilver Mafia? #$(#(#$#(!!!!

Maybe this whole Barbarian Queen thing would need some further thought...

There are roughly 100 of each of the six castes of catgirls; they outnumbered the Bishonen 2-1, which tended to get messy back in the Harem Age...

Of these six hundred, around 50 are Harem Age Catgirls, most of them getting kind of old and crabby and reclusive or else monomaniacal and world-conquering. Another hundred or so are fairly old, dating from the Iron Millenium. The rest are all born since the Contagion; many are quite young, as the Wyld Hunt picks off a lot of catgirls when they first are Exalted.

The largest group of Catgirls is known as the Moonsilver Pack. There are around 100 hardcore members, and up to 200 loosely affiliated members, who may well belong to other groups also. The Moonsilver Pack is dominated by the cranky Harem age Catgirls and is dedicated to killing the Magical Girls and taking their stuff by whatever means possible. Revenge, revenge, revenge. This often involves trying to conquer the Realm with screaming Barbarian hordes, though some of its members have some vague idea what 'subtle' is. It also focuses on keeping Moonsilver out of the hands of non-Catgirls.

The second largest group is known as the Golden Girls or alternately, the First Age Appreciation Society. What few Harem agers aren't in the Moonsilver Pack are the leaders of this group, which seeks to try to recreate the old order of things; they have long pursued alliances with what few Bishonen avoided imprisonment all these centuries; now they seek a fuller alliance. They spend a lot of time digging up old artifacts and trying to do things in the old ways. It has around 50 hardcore members and about a hundred loosely affiliated members. But it also has several Bishonen allies.

There are many small groups who work to promote various nations or pursue other common interests like looting first age tombs or growing catnip. Many live with the tribes who raised them or live as street thieves and politicians.

One prominent group is the Moonsilver Mafia, who like cities, like money, like stealing, and like playing with fools before they destroy them. This is an organized crime network of Catgirls in the cities, especially Minas LankWaterHawk. It has 20 or so known members, and has loose ties to several similar urban Catgirl gangs in other major cities.


In general, Catgirls are all female, thus the name. A few Catboys have surfaced; it is unclear whether Luna chose to exalt a handful of men or whether they all started as female and used Far Side of the Moon to take on male identities for the long term.

It is perhaps best to not inquire too closely.

Sub-Splats (Caste)

Each caste has a fetish which serves as the sign of being a Catgirl and thus is gained at Moe 2.


Luna's Hunters. Wild and untameable, the Teeth Caste are the most possessive of the Catgirls, and can be relied upon to fight over whatever or whoever they lay claim to with their impressive physical prowess.

Merle laid down Mashiro by the water; a tent stood nearby, and Mikoto could hear searching noises inside it. Merle now ran over to the folding table next to the tent and got a cup, then scooped up water, then pried open Mashiro's mouth. Mikoto watched, uncertain how well this could go but wanting to preserve her cover in case Mashiro woke up.

Then Mikoto spotted the three scorpions crawling towards Mashiro, so she pounced, pinning two. She focused, letting her moe overflow its normal limits, filling her mouth with power. Then she ate the third one and popped the other two into her mouth, eating them also with swift fluid motions.

Merle, about to pour water into Mashiro's mouth, stared and said, "Those things are poisonous!"

Mikoto simply burped in reply. Poison, unfortunately, tended to make her gaseous.

Caste Attributes: Dexterity, Stamina, Strength

Caste Power: By spending 5 motes, the Catgirl becomes able to eat anything short of the Five Magical Materials and is immune to poison for one scene.

Caste Fetish: Even in human form, they have cute fangs easily spotted whenever they open their mouth.


Luna's Eyes see all, know all, and won't let you forget it. Many of her best sorcerors come from this caste.

Sees-The-Wind looked around carefully through the fields of beans, trying to find her target. She didn't like entering Mauvewall; she had no hostile intent towards the Moonsilver Triad...this time, anyway...but the Triad kept careful watch against Catgirls after some unfortunate past incidents with packs of Catgirls trying to reclaim the Triad's many moonsilver artifacts.

Sees-The-Wind wasn't out to collect those, though. She was tracking a magical girl, Terri Memnonic, who was here to spy on the city but who had previously stolen several items that Sees-The-Wind wanted back. Terri was a Holy Thief and quite good at it, but not good enough to evade the eyes of the Kooshikoo demon who Sees had summoned to give her 'Sight Beyond Sight'. Whatever exactly that meant.

It seemed to involve tracking Terri's Moe, though, from the way she appeared as a glowing congerie of motes to Sees' sight. She was just about to unleash the four Talking Hands she'd bound to her service when someone cleared her throat behind them both.

She and Terri both turned around and looked and saw Sigurd, Divine Northern Minister of Guardianship, clad in Moonsilver Plate and wielding a Moonsilver spear. "It would seem you both are somewhat lost," Sigurd said. "Perhaps I can help you find your way out."

Sees-The-Wind decided it was time to try and bluff. She assumed her goddess form, resplendent in its glory, her eyes shining with divine light, drawing attention to their catlike nature. Terri paled as she looked at her. "I am the goddess Sees-The-Wind. I am tracking this thief on behalf of her grace Luna, consort of Gaia."

Sigurd sighed. "Do you think I have never seen a catgirl use that trick before? But I sense you did come for her, so I will let you take her and go. If you ever return, you will see our prisons with your shining holy eyes. Up close and personal."

Terri yowled as Sees-The-Wind snatched her up. "Thank you, Minister," Sees said, and began heading for the exit, only to suddenly find herself outside the walls. "Now, don't struggle, girl. Unless you wish to try and evade the dead with your legs broken." That got Terri to fall silent, but now Sees had to think about how to evade the dead herself.

Caste Attributes: Perception, Intelligence, Wits

Caste Power: By spending 5 motes they can see flawlessly in even perfect darkness. This negates all environmental penalties to Perception checks.

Caste Fetish: They have cat-like eyes with cat eye colors.


Luna's lovers. The Paws like to play with things, both items and people. They can be passionate lovers, but also users of others.

o/~ It's so easy, when everyone's trying to please me, baby o/~

This was roughly the theme song of Houri Malasha's life. She'd grown up a pampered noble in the Empire, the scion of a long line of magical girls. Admittedly, when she'd exalted as a Catgirl instead of a Magical Girl, she'd had to run to the Threshold, but for one of her many talents, it had been easy to prosper. She was the mistress of King Kajar XI of the Kingdom of Borgal, one of the 101 Dalmations, and an up and coming land, under her leadership. It had been child's play to twine the man around her finger, get him to exile his wife for alleged adultery and then to slowly fill his mostly empty head with thoughts of her and her plans. They'd already overrun two kingdoms and soon enough a third, Yajasta, was on the menu.

Her one concern was a wandering band of idiots in the area. The 101 Dalmations were full of heroic fools who tried to defeat conquerors and tyrants and she had heard rumors one such was coming her way. Normally, they could easily be dealt with, but this band seemed to have at least two Bishonen in it. Malasha was too civilized to join the Moonsilver Pact, and too uncaring of history to join the First Age Appreciation Society, but she knew members of both and respected the power of the Bishonen, even young ones. This would require some subtlety.

Even if one of them was named BARN. What kind of fool named their child after an outbuilding???

Caste Attributes: Appearance, Charisma, Manipulation

Caste Power: 5 motes, Others become eager to please them--They subtract their Appearance from any die pools used to resist their requests.

Caste Fetish: Cute retractable claws; these do insignificant damage in human form, unless you take the right charms.


Luna's leaders. Whiskers take point in doing Luna's will and tend to notice things ahead of everyone else. Eyes are thinkers; Whiskers are doers.

Aisha studied the man standing up on the watchtower. She could see...he had a tail! Surely he couldn't be one of Luna's chosen. But Bishonen didn't have tails and...triple dammit, she thought. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PAY MY DEBTS IF I DON'T SACK THIS CITY?"

"I know! I'm here to take the Mafia's cut of your loot!" he shouted back.

Damn parasites, she thought, whiskers twitching. But at least this way they can't claim the money got 'lost' like that time in Casper.

She raised her sword. "Forward, my hordes! BURN LAKETOWN EXCEPT FOR THE VALUABLE PARTS!"

And her horde surged forwards.

Caste Attributes: Strength, Charisma, Perception

Caste Power: 5 motes, they inspire those around them to follow them and do great deeds; anyone within 10* moe yards gains +1 Valor and Conviction while within that radius.

Caste Fetish: Kitty whiskers, of course.


Where Teeth catgirls overwhelm foes by brutal force, Tails use their cunning to outwit, outmanuever, and outrun their foes. They rely on speed and grace, not raw power.

Six Claws watched Aisha's horde sack the city from atop the watchtower, his tail twitching back and forth to the beat of shouting and burning.

She fell for it, he thought. She really is as stupid as they say. Why Luna had chosen such an airhead as Aisha ClanClan was beyond him, but it gave her easily pushed buttons and that was enough for him.

Once I make off with the loot, I can finally pay back Rocki for getting Mina turned back to flesh after that damn magical girl turned her to stone, he thought.

Yes, everything was going according to plan.

Caste Attributes: Dexterity, Manipulation, Wits

Caste Power: Spend five motes to double running and leaping distances for a scene

Caste Fetish: A tail!


Luna's cuddlebunnies. Everyone likes to hug a cute little catgirl, isn't she so sweet? And so clever too! Where the Paws are sent in to manipulate and use people, the Ears are peacemakers who bring an end to fighting.

The tent opened up and a young man came out; Mikoto wasn't sure how old he was; he was dressed as an adult, but had the height of perhaps an eleven year old. "Merle, what are you doing?"

Merle dropped the cup on Mashiro's face, which did indeed wake Mashiro up; Mashiro sat up spluttering as Merle ran over and hugged the man. "Van-sama!," she said loud enough to wake the dead. "Do you feel better?"

"I just needed some rest," he said, stroking her ears and petting her head, which made her purr happily. "Did you find someone in the desert?"

"This is Mikoto," Merle said, pointing to Mikoto. "And this is her pet Bishonen...wait, what's your name?" she asked Mashiro.

"Did you just accuse me of being a guy?" Mashiro demanded, rising to her feet. Mikoto buried her face with her paws, having a bad feeling about all this.

"You're not a guy?" Merle asked, stunned.

"I am Mashiro de Blan Windbloom III, Queen of Windbloom! And I will NOT BE MOCKED!" Mashiro rushed angrily at Merle; Van and Mikoto were about to step in when Merle began to sparkle all over; the sheer potency of her cuteness stopped Mashiro in her tracks and all she could do was stare and resist the urge to cuddle her.

Merle does have her uses, Mikoto conceded.

Caste Attributes: Stamina, Appearance, Intelligence

Caste Power: By spending 5 motes, they radiate cute cuddliness. Anyone must beat them in an opposed roll of her appearance vs. their conviction to attack them unless they attack first.

Caste Fetish: They have cat-like ears all the time.

Catgirl Shapeshifting

Animal Forms

Not all catgirls learn how to turn into animals beyond cats; the Appearance charm tree contains charms which can be used to take on various animal forms, however.

Cat Form

All Catgirls can, innately, turn into a small housecat whenever they like; this form always looks the same and the player should specify the form's appearance. (This is a free reflexive action, but costs 1 mote.) When they do so, their gear vanishes into Elsewhere and returns when they shift to human or Goddess form.

Goddess Form

Calling upon the power of Luna, the Catgirl heightens the divine spark within her, taking on the form of a goddess. This is a Simple action, with a cost of 5 motes; turning back to normal is reflexive and costs 0 motes.

Assuming Goddess Form has several benefits:

  • Add your Moe to your three Favored Attributes.
  • Your caste power is always on unless you don't want it to be for some reason, at no mote cost to you.
  • You may pick a number of charms equal to twice your Moe from your Favored Attributes; these charms can be used at half their cost in motes and Willpower (minimum of 1 each) when activated in this form. Each time your Moe increases, you may take 2 more charms.
  • If you can find a gateway, you may freely enter Neo-Yu-Shan, and the bureaucracy registers your entrance as that of a goddess, not of a Catgirl; useful for evading attention.

Human Form

All Catgirls have a base human form; they can learn Appearance charms to modify it. Their caste fetish always manifests in their human form, which can complicate passing as human.

The Show

(Remember, a good storyteller should show, not tell.) The Show is the collection of signs and hints which will eventually reveal you are a catgirl when trying to pass as something else.

Firstly, you have to hide your caste fetish, which manifests in your human form and any animal forms you take on, though this can be done with mundane disguise efforts. It is easier to hide when your anima is low; you lose one success for every 3 points of anima flare when hiding your caste fetish.

Secondly, you have to hide any other fetishes you have; difficulty varies by the fetish.

Thirdly, your obsessive cute tattooing of yourself may well give you away, though if you actually wear much clothing, this will help.

Catgirl Temporary Tattoos

It was proposed by the Eyes, during the period of exile at the fringes of reality, that all Catgirls be tattooed shortly after Exaltation to protect them from the Wyld. Until the Paws pointed out that a lot of guys don't dig tattooed ladies, and what if you got a tattoo like 'I love Sergei' and then he dumped you and you had to kill him and bury him behind the forge? Now, you've got a big old lie on your arm.

The solution was the disovery of Slap-On Anti-Wyld Tattoos, soon extended to a general system of slap-on temporary tattoos. You simply tattoo yourself up when you need it, then let them wear off or wash them off once you don't. That way, if you stop loving Sergei, you can erase your profession of undying love with his own blood.

Or just use soap and water, but cats do hate baths.

There is an entire tattoo language, which can be used to code messages on your body; the Silver Pack uses temporary tattoos to denote rank, fealties, etc.


Unlike the other splats, Catgirls have an attribute-based charm tree structure. This can make it both easier and harder to build proficiency in a particular area, as each attribute is more broadly applicable than any given ability, but at the same time, charms pertaining to some particular task (say, sailing) may be divided among several attributes (Perception charms to find the best route, Intelligence to improvise a sailing vessel out of natural materials, Dexterity to make impossible turns, etc.) All nine charm trees contain four core charms which help Catgirls to solve problems via the Bucket of Dice method, if they lack a specific charm for some task.

(Substitute the appropriate Attribute for (Attribute) in each charm tree.)

  • (Attribute) of the Moon 1/1
    • Excellent Catgirl (Attribute) 2/2
      • Puissant Catgirl (Attribute) 3/3
        • Unfailing Catgirl (Attribute) 4/4

(Charm Types as per charm guide on main Kawaii Edition Page)

(Attribute) of the Moon

  • Cost: 1 mote / die
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Subtle/Mental
  • Minimum Attribute: 1
  • Minimum Moe: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: None

Add one die for every mote spent to any pool of this Attribute, to a maximum of the Catigirl's Attribute.

Excellent Catgirl (Attribute)

  • Cost: 2 motes / die
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Subtle/Mental
  • Minimum Attribute: 2
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: (Attribute) of the Moon

The Catgirl can convert up to her Attribute in dice to automatic successes in a pool of that attribute.

Puissant Catgirl (Attribute)

  • Cost: 4 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Subtle/Mental
  • Minimum Attribute: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Excellent Catgirl (Attribute)

The Catgirl now adds her entire Attribute to a die pool involving that attribute for a single action.

Unfailing Catgirl (Attribute)

  • Cost: 8 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Subtle/Mental
  • Minimum Attribute: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 4
  • Prerequisite Charms: Puissant Catgirl (Attribute)

The Catgirl converts her full Attribute worth of dice in a pool of this Attribute into automatic successes. If the pool is smaller than the Attribute for whatever reason, the whole pool is converted and anything else is wasted.

Suggested categories for various attribute charm trees:

Catgirl charms tend to solve things in one of the following manners:

  1. Give you a bucket of dice to roll.
  2. Shapeshift your way to a solution. Higher Moe charms move from physical into mental and spiritual shifts of form, to, say, impersonate another person's mind.
  3. Commune with Animals or Nature to solve the problem
  4. Use your cuteness to bend others to your will
  5. Higher Moe Catgirl Charms increasingly let you 'shapeshift' reality into more useful forms.

Character Creation

  1. Pick your Caste, as this determines your Favored Attributes.
  2. Pick your favored Attributes, according to your caste guidelines. Your caste determines 3 Favored, while you select three as Average, and three as Inferior. You begin with one free pip in each Attribute, then divide nine among your three Favored, 7 among your three Average, and 5 among your three Inferior.
  3. Pick your favored Abilities. You get Survival automatically and seven more. You get one free dot in all 8.
  4. Spend your Ability Points. Moonsilver Pack and Golden Girls get 27 more points to spend; they must spend at least 14 on their favored Abilities. Other Catgirls get only 17 points, but may spend it however they wish. Proper training, what's that? No ability may rise above 3 without spending Bonus points on it.
  5. Moonsilver Pack and Golden Girls Catgirls receive 5 points of Backgrounds plus 2 points of Wyld Tattoos automatically. Most have a Mentor. Other Catgirls get 9 points of Backgrounds. No Background may rise above 3 without spending Bonus points on it.
  6. Catgirls begin with 2 pips in their Favored Virtue and one in the other three. They may distribute 5 points among their Virtues. Their favored Virtue can go up to 4; others can go up to 3. Bonus points can raise them above this maximum.
  7. Willpower is the sum of the Catgirls's two highest virtues.
  8. Any Catgirls initiated by the Golden Girls or the Moonsilver Pack begin with 8 charms + Form of Nature's Children. Casteless Catgirls begin with 7 charms. In either case, at least half must come from Favored Attributes.
  9. Catgirls may spend up to 15 Bonus Points to raise anything.
    1. Attribute: 4 (3 if Favored)
    2. Ability: 2 (1 if Favored)
    3. Background: 1 (2 if being raised over 3)
    4. Specialty: 1 (2 dice of specialty for 1 if connected to a Favored Ability)
    5. Virtue: 3 (2 if Favored)
    6. Willpower: 2
    7. Essence: 10
    8. Charms: 7 (5 if in Favored Attribute)
  10. Compute Essence:
    1. Peripheral: (Essence * 4) + (WP * 2) + (Highest Virtue * 4)
    2. Personal: Essence + (WP * 2)

Catgirl Example Characters



You get by with a little help from your friends. Allies are people who will help you steal a Lord of Cute Angst's underwear or invade the Realm to rescue your girlfriend from slavery. But they expect the same of you.

  1. A PC-Equivalent character
  2. 2 PC equivalents, or one who is PC + 100 XP
  3. 3 PC equivalents, or one who is PC + 200 XP
  4. 4 PC equivalents, 2 who are PC + 100 XP, or one who is PC + 300 XP
  5. 5 PC equivalents or one who is PC + 400 XP


Catgirls are a little better equipped than Bishonen but not so well as Magical Girls.

  1. You have a single level 1 artifact.
  2. You have 3 pips of artifacts, one of which may be level 2.
  3. You have 5 pips of artifacts, one of which may be level 3
  1. You have 6 pips of artifacts, one of which may be level 4
  2. You have 8 pips of artifacts, one of which may be level 5


You may take this multiple times, once for every organization which backs you. You may roll dice equal to Charisma + Backing to draw help from this organization in a pinch. If you do this frequently, they are likely to ask for help in return.

You may buy up to 5 levels of Backing.


You know people who can provide you information and favors in return for payment and mutual favors. Allies will go into danger with you; contacts will forge you papers or maybe even smuggle you out of Gem before it explodes, but won't go Ralph'Malfeas-diving with you. You must define your contact network in some manner--smugglers, the Guild, the MoonSilver Pack, whatever. You can buy multiple networks. Roll your Charisma + Contacts to find a useful contact from the organization when you need one.

You can buy up to five levels per organization.


Some group actually worships you.

  1. A tiny local cult worships you. You gain 1 WP every morning.
  2. A fair-sized town worships you. You gain 1 WP every morning and 2 motes of Essence/hour
  3. A region reveres you. You gain 1 WP every morning and 3 motes of Essence/hour.
  4. A nation reveres you. You gain 1 WP every 12 hours and 4 motes/hour
  5. You are worshipped across multiple nations. You gain 1 WP/6 hours and 6 motes/hour.


As per standard or you can use-- JohnBiles' Familiar Revision


  1. 2 Heroic Mortals
  2. 5 Heroic Mortals
  3. 10 Heroic Mortals
  4. 50 Heroic Mortals
  5. 100 Heroic Mortals


As per standard.


Moonsilver Pack and Golden Girl Catgirls have a mentor; other Catgirls can have one too. He can train you in Charms, Attributes, and Abilities. You may buy anything he trains as if it was favored. If you already favor it, reduce the XP cost by 1 for Abilities, 2 for Attributes and Charms. He trains any charms connected to the Attribute(s) he trains. However, you can only do this if you go to where he is and spend time training with him.

  1. Mentor trains 1 Attribute and 3 Abilities
  2. Mentor trains 2 Attributes and 6 Abilities
  3. Mentor trains 3 Attributes and 9 Abilities
  4. Mentor trains 4 Attributes and 12 Abilities
  5. Mentor trains 5 Attributes and 15 Abilities


As Standard, but not something common among Moonsilver Pack members. Fairly common with everyone else.


You command part or all of a tribe. All listed below are extras unless otherwise noted.

  1. 5 people follow you
  2. 25 people follow you
  3. 125 people follow you
  4. 1000 people follow you
  5. 5000 people follow you

Slap-On Anti-Wyld Tattoos

The Moonsilver Pack trains all its members in the creation of Slap-On Anti-Wyld Tattoos, giving them all 2 free pips. Everyone else pays normally.

  1. Add your Essence as bonus dice to resist any mutational Wyld effect
  2. You never suffer Poxes, Mutations, or other Wyld taints
  3. You become resist to the tricks of the Alien Princes and Princesses, adding your Essence to resist any of their Shaping powers.
  4. You impose your own reality on the Wyld, creating a stable zone equal to 3* Essence feet around you.
  5. You impose your own reality on the Wyld, creating a stable zone equal to 10* Essence feet around you.


Old Comments Here

Well, I hereby declare the Catgirls to be playable, unless someone else wants to change things or point out stuff I am too stupid to notice! -- JohnBiles

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