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(Illuminated suggestion.)
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===== Comments =====
===== Comments =====
I'll totally make these look nicer in the morning. Late-night posts for the lose. - [[Trithne]]
I'll totally make these look nicer in the morning. Late-night posts for the lose. - [[Trithne]]
For a nice 2e social-fu thing, perhaps the Illuminated Solar loses his Illuminated background from his mental DV against the social attacks of Gold-Faction siddies. For extra oomph, maybe at 4 or 5 dots they have to spend an extra willpower each time they want to resist an order, which doesn't count against any maximum per scene. - IanPrice

Revision as of 17:11, 23 March 2007

New Backgrounds for Exalted 2e. The Illuminated background is, I feel, a much better way to handle the Cult's training than the horribly game-breaking superrules that CotI implemented in first edition. Sorcery is included here for completion, simply because it's not in the corebook, but illuminated references it, and also because a newly created solar exalt may have had access to tomes or spirit teachers.


The Gold Faction's Cult of the Illuminated recruits Solar Exalted to their cause, training them and teaching them they are destined to rule the world. In the end, they are truly little more than the Sidereals' pawns, but the training they receive is no less effective. This Background gives bonus points that can be spent in the following areas: Artifact, Cult, Contacts, Followers, Manse, Resources, Sorcery, Tutelage, as well as on any of the character's Favoured or Caste abilities, and Charms.

This training comes at a price, however. The Sidereals not only expect results, they ensure them. For each dot your character possesses in Illuminated, to resist an order given by Gold faction sidereal they must pass a (this rule to be determined based upon a decent analysis of 2e social-fu.)

x: You are not an Illuminated Solar, either because you have not been found, or rejected their advances.
•: The Sidereals have given you only the bare minimum of training, and taught you very little about the truth of Creation. You get 2 extra bonus points to be spent in the listed above areas.
••: You have been a member of the Cult's training regimen for some time, and picked up many useful skills and learnt many secrets. You receive 4 additional bonus points.
•••: 6 additional BP
••••: 9 additional BP
•••••: 12 additional BP


x: No spells known
•: 1 terrestrial spell
••: 2 terrestrial spells
•••: 3 terrestrial spells
••••: 5 terrestrial or celestial spells
•••••: 7 terrestrial or celestial spells


This is a background that lets you take more charms. Current working values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7. Should be availible to Solars and Abyssals, at the very least. Probably not DBs, Lunars unsure, Sids can stick with Sifu.


I'll totally make these look nicer in the morning. Late-night posts for the lose. - Trithne

For a nice 2e social-fu thing, perhaps the Illuminated Solar loses his Illuminated background from his mental DV against the social attacks of Gold-Faction siddies. For extra oomph, maybe at 4 or 5 dots they have to spend an extra willpower each time they want to resist an order, which doesn't count against any maximum per scene. - IanPrice