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This is a short synopsis of the events of The Princess Bride. When there are two versions of events, I have used the movie version, primarily because the movie has less detail than the book. This synopsis lacks all depth and emotion. For that stuff go to the source material.


by BrilliantRain

/Buttercup is a beautiful farmer's daughter. /Westley is the hired hand. They fall madly in love. /Westley goes off to seek his fortune. He gets killed by the Dread Pirate Roberts. /Buttercup is heartbroken. 4 years pass. Prince /Humperdink tells her to marry him. /Buttercup consents. /Buttercup is kidnapped by three men, /Vizzini, /Inigo, and /Fezzik. They travel to the neighboring country of /Gilder, over waters full of /ShriekingEels and up the /CliffsOfInsanity, all the while pursued by a fishing boat being operated by the /ManInBlack. The /ManInBlack defeats /Inigo in a duel, discovering that /Inigo is hunting the six fingered man who killed /Inigo's father. The /ManInBlack then defeats /Fezzik in a wrestling contest. After defeating and killing /Vizzini in a contest of wits, the /ManInBlack takes /Buttercup. There is conversation and it is revealed that the /ManInBlack is /Westley. They run away from Prince /Humperdink into the /FireSwamp. After almost getting killed several times in the /FireSwamp, Prince /Humperdink captures /Buttercup and /Westley. /Westley is taken to the /PitOfDispair where he realizes that Count /Rugen is the six fingered man. /Buttercup is going to marry Prince /Humperdink. /Westley is almost killed by Prince /Humperdink. /Inigo and /Fezzik save /Westley, via Miracle /Max's MiraclePill, so that he can help them get into the castle so that /Inigo can get revenge. The party gets into the castle, stops the wedding, saves /Buttercup, kills Count /Rugen, and rides off into the sunset. /Westley and /Buttercup kiss.

If you haven't ever seen the movie or read the book and the above made sense to you, thou art a better person than I. Seriously though, the book and movie are amazing.
