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Sesus Kajak Arala was born to Sesus Kajak Shendy and Cathak Manad, and is their oldest child. Her parents married each other because of their respective bloodline, and Arala was the result of it. Daughter of two fire aspects, she possesed some markings since her very birth, and there was no doubt in their mind that she would Exalt.

She did not dissapoint. Arala exalted mere days after entering primary, during a scuffle with some other students, who ended up with some nasty burns for their troubles. The purity of her blood out of doubt, and an early Exaltation, made her fathers proud indeed. Young Arala, so her teachers claim, was brilliant, picking things up with surprising ease and excelling in her lessons, particularily those fighting. The discovery that she cuoldn't keep her anima in check was not a matter of alarm for anybody... such talent, after all, could barely be contained by what was once a mortal shell.

Her graduation and admitance into the House of Bells was without question. She blazed through training and lessons, and teachers in the House praised her for always demanding more of herself. There was talk of an assured officer position once she graduated. However, she did not immediately join the Legions after graduating, rather she decide dto take her tim et oknow the world outside more. Some have tried to take credit away from her for this, but others hav ereasonably pointed out that a good officer should know more about the world! And after such arduous training, doesn't she deserve it?

Once she has had her fill, she will join the Legions and make them even stronger. An elite amongst the elite.


... haha.

Ok, see, here's the thing...

When your parents are super important and you are born with purer blood than most people in your family, others will learn to look away from your mistakes. Half of what you just heard? Bullshit. That's what the common person knows, what the young dragon-blooded is taught to believe, and what those that know better show as an example.

Ok, so, yes, my parents, you heard about them. Political marriage, incredible breeding, fire aspects... first daughter, strong aspect markings, all that. That much is true, but I don't think any parent doesn't expect their children to Exalt.

Now, my Exaltation... my Exaltation is kinda fuzzy. I -was- young, and I had just entered primary, yes. Those kids in the story? They were dragon-blooded as well, all recently exalted, wanting to lord their might over the new kids, no instructor willing to tell them no... I forget if they were picking on me or some other poor sod, but I got angry, REALLY angry. I was the one that started that fight, and by all means I should have gotten my ass kicked, and... I suspect I did, all I remember is the fire and the heat, and maybe some screams... and then I woke up in a bed in a room elsewhere, where I got showered with praises at my Exaltation.

Oh, I was... ecstatic, of course. My parents were informed -- I suspect they threw a party -- and I was moved to new quarters, big, awesome quarters. I really let it get on my head for a while, and the stuff I did suffered for it... until a instructor quietly pulled me aside and told me that I might have to stay on summer to help less studious students... which is a pretty way to say 'you are failing and need tutoring.' I got my ass in gear after THAT... no way I Was going to become the subject of giggles and rumours. Barely managed to pass that first year...

I... well, once I actually focus on something, I do tend to learn pretty easily... I dunno if that's talent or not, but the next few years were a breeze. So I got lots of praise from teachers and parents, and they... sigh. Well, were so PROUD of me and my blood and my grades that they never let other parents forget it, and that got THEIR children berated, which... in turn means I didn't actually make too many friends.

Remind me to thank my parents for that.

So... yeah, I liked fighting a lot back then... still do, but then I was fairly crazy about it. I was going to be a soldier like greatfather Kajak! House of Bells was the only way to go, and I got in... I had the talent -- I think I hate that word -- and my parents had the connections to make it happen. Now, the House is a rough place... but I loved it, I think being told upfront that the best was demanded of us really made me happy... none of those wishy-washy lies told in school to keep everybody happy.

And... yeah, the legions. Here I thought that I was going to be this badass officer. I liked the camaderie and even the rivalries that formed here, as soldiers fighting with the realm, or as the commanding officers... I liked talking with the locals and the legionares that joined us in the battle excercises.

And then I... saw somebody die in front of me.

It was an accident, he was a soldier on the opposing side, I was in my third year and in command of my scale this time around. I noticed a flaw on my rival's formation, and I took it. We charged in, and Kaor -- he was this... big earth aspect -- smashed his sword into one of the mortals. It was a wooden sword, and I heard this... snapping sound. He collapsed, bent in a way a body just shouldn't be, and I... paused.

My attack was succesful, we crushed them in seconds, captured my rival even, but I just... could see the man laying at my feet.

Medics come in, see him, declare him dead... instructors berate my rival for his mistake, for losing a soldier, Kaor gets yelled at for using excesive force, and I... get praised for a good attack plan. I really didn't feel much like celebrating though... that soldier had been part of my plantoon a couple of weeks ago, a good man.

... I thought I would get over it, as time passed. I never did, and it happened other times... and it never stopped shaking me. I spent a good deal of my last couple of months having nightmares.

You wanna know why I didn't join the legions after graduating...? Because I didn't think I could handle it. That's why I went with the 'want to see the world first' excuse. I'm still hoping I can get over it, and maybe it was just because I actually knew whose those that died were, and knew that they weren't actually my enemies. Maybe I would be able to actually kill a person trying to kill me, and not feel bad about it. I don't know yet...haven't tried.

After school

Well, I have been around the treshhold for a bit. I DID want to see the world... that much wasn't an excuse. And I pretty much went there looking for trouble... not with people, but with things, with monsters that could threaten them! I enjoy fighting for fightings sake, my blood rushes and the fire in my burns fiercely when I fight. Killing is where issues begin... so I've stuck to killing monsters. I don't feel quite as bad killing a thing that terrorizes local river.

And I went there to learn more things... I have found exotic foods and drinks that simply cannot reach the shores of the Blessed Isle, and cooks so skilled that it would give shame to some serving the great houses! ... most of that trip revolved around tasting new food, actually... aheh. I found this recipe that involves Hybroc meat! Hybroc! Somebody actually made a recipe based on a nearly unkillable beast! I almost wanna hunt one down so I can try it out, and... ah... who would make it? I... I guess I could...

...You know, I've actually found myself... happy, doing simple things. Don't tell this to anybody, but I... I feel so -calm- when I'm doing tasks that a servant usually does. I feel good moving around my house and keeping everything tidy myself! I find it relaxing... I know that Immaculate monks usually do menial tasks to keep themselves humble, maybe that's why they seem to be in control of themselves! I wonder if Hesiesh did things like that to keep himself from using his Essence until it was finally needed...

... but... ah, don't tell anybody, ok?


Arala is a fire aspect through and through, impulsive, with a hair trigger, and getting angry at the smallest things. Her lack of control over her anima makes her even more intimidating than she already is. This is what most people know of her, a fierce woman with the skills to match. Somebody you clearly don't want to mess with. Her reputation precedes her, and most people are wary. When she's angry, Arala is literally like a raging fire, burning tall and fierce. Its very hard for her to calm down once angered, and things can get very dangeroues for the source of her anger indeed.

... the problem is that in reality Arala is like a teddy bear. She's surpridingly sweet and friendly for somebody with her reputation, she likes striking up conversations and making people feel confortable. She DOES have a hair trigger, which she tries (with limited success) to keep under check. Arala is warm, caring, and for all her love of fighting she is happiest when relaxing with friends. And speaking of friends, she's fiercely loyal to those she has, and will likely do anything for them.

She loves children and looks forward to marrying and having her own, and doesn't really understand why most dragon-blooded see that as a weakness. Marriage, however, is an issue because Arala is a sucker for romance. She understand that most marriages are for political reasons... but she really wants to actually fall in love with whomever she will marry. One problem there is that Arala likes women better than she likes men, which makes things... problematic.

Arala enjoys parties a great deal, mingling with people and the sort. She is, however, one of those rare dragon-blooded that gets drunk rather easily... very easily, in fact. Arala will get smashed after a few cups of alcohol of almost any sort. While she's a happy drunk, it has gotten her into embarrasing situations, and so Arala keeps away from drinking when she can. However, once she starts...

Most than anything, Arala -loves- food. She will eat everything and anything, and is a fairly solid critic about the quality of food in some places. Chef's everywhere in the Isle know her name and both fear and deligt in her coming... she has guaranteed a few chefs a job within the great houses, but has also caused a few others to find themselves out of a job. She's less critical when it comes to the food not meant for nobles, and sometimes roams through cities looking for any kind of restaurant and trying new things.

Despite everything, Arala still has some insecurity problems, especially when it comes about her future. She always thought about the legion, but an incredible dislike of killing sprung up and she has not been able to get over it. She has dedicated herself to other activities, some that would surely get her mocked by 'polite' dragon-blooded society. To be blunt, Arala enjoys doing simple tasks, like cleaning (and is something of a neat freak), and cooking... and she is a surprisingly skilled cook at that. She is fully aware that dragon-blooded should not do these things, but she cannot help herself... it relaxes her and she finds it enjoyable, especially cooking. her reasoning for it is that if she enjoys food so much, she might as well learn how to make it! ... However, it's still a secret from most people, and only a couple know about it at all.

Finally, Arala is a terrible liar. If she doesn't want to speak about something, she will either keep quiet about the topic or bluntly say that she doesn't wish to discuss it. When the situation forces her to lie, she's clearly uneasy and will stutter. As a result, she tends to be painfully honest.


Arala is a pretty, young woman whose heritage is undeniable. Her skin is dark, with a reddish tone, and from afar is almost seems like she has scales (she does not). Her hair, once a dark brown, is usually kept short and wild and now is a vibrant red. Her eyes are narrow, and when she's calm they are a fiery red-orange, and when she's angry they are like two fiery pits.

Despite her fairly healthy apetite, Arala keeps herself fit and strong. She's not very tall but she's rather well built. She dislikes silks and elegant dresses, wearing them only when she must, and so her wardrobe consists on looser clothes, always kept impecable.

Character Sheet

Name: Sesus Kajak Arala
Nature: Caregiver
Aspect: Fire
House: Sesus


Strength: 3
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 4

Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 1
Appearance: 3

Perception: 3
Intelligence: 3
Wits 3


Linguistics: 3
(x)Lore: 3
Occult 2

Awareness: 2
(x)Craft: 4
(x)Endurance: 3
Martial Arts: 2
Resistance: 2

(x)Athletics: 3
(x)Dodge: 4
(x)Melee: 4
(x)Presence: 3
(x)Socialize: 3

Bureaucracy: 1
Investigation: 2

Archery: 2
Performance: 3
Ride: 1
Survival: 1


Allies: 1
Artifact: 3
Breeding: 5
Connections: 3
Henchmen; 1
Manse; 2
Reputation: 3
Resources: 3

1. Element Bolt Attack (Lore)
2. Precision Observation Method (Awareness)
3. Shaping Hand Style (Craft)
4. Ox Body Technique (Endurance)
5. Efortlessly Rising Flame (Athletics)
6. Flickering Candle Meditation (Dodge)
7. Safety Among Enemies (Dodge)
8. Stoking Bonfire Style (Melee)
9. Glowing Coal Radiance (Presence)
10. Loquacious Courtier Technique (Socialize)
11. Warm-Faced Seduction Style (Socialize)

Willpower: 7
Compassion: 3
Temperance: 1
Conviction: 2
Valor: 3

Health: -0x1, -1x3, -2x3, -4, I

Essence 2
Personal + Peropheral: 45

Linguistics: High realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak, Old Realm
Craft: Cooking


Beacon of Power (4)

Arala has never been able to prevent her anima from exploding when she uses essence. This is, of course, very problematic... stealth issues aside, Arala simply ends up causing more harm that she intends to whenever she uses a charm, which is why she tries to hold back if at all possible.

Rival (2)

Arala has plenty of people that dislike her, but only one that hates her. Mnemon Arted is a young man, recently graduated from the Spiral Academy. Son of two patricians, Arted went to the same school Arala did. Arala being the youngest dragon-blooded in the school she found herself praised nearly all the time, leaving the unexalted children filled with jealously and desire to exalt. Arted never expected to actually exalt, but he wished it fervently, praying and studying hard to show that he was deserving. He hated how the Blooded girl apparently managed to do things efortlessly, and even if she did badly she never got called on it. Soon, he began to hate her personally, especially when what she did surprassed his own work. It was in a fit of rage that Arted Exalted, bashing his fists against a wall, nearly breaking them before the his fire broke through the wall. He exalted in his late childhood. Wanting to prove that he was deserving of his exaltation, Arted worked even harder and harder... and still he felt it was the prodigy that got all praise.

He managed to get into the Spiral Academy through sweat and tears more than connections, proving that he was a brilliant young man, and while there he set his hatred aside. He graduated the academy and immediately set to work. It was in a party one night that he found Arala again... and in his eyes, the woman was as insolent as when she was young. Imagine, doing nothing but... 'seeing the world' after graduating! WIth that attitude, how did she even manage it?!

Arted is not a bad man. He cares for the realm and strives to do the best. However, due to his background and his own blood, which is fairly weak, he feels greatly inferior to other dragon blooded... and his focus is on the first dragon-blooded he actuelly ever knew, this being Arala, and is set in humilliating her and bringing her down. Not killing her, as that would be a waste, but bringing her down a notch, or two, or TEN.

He avoids direct contact with her, and she doesn't even know he exists, which is fine by him. He's also quite aware that, in a straight fight, Arala would paint the ground with his insides, so he will work within the system to strike at her indirectly. He cannot devote his life to bringing her down, of course, but he inconveniences her at every oportunity he has, and will do something more drastic once he has what he needs.

For her part... Arala just wonders if bureaucracy hates her. How long can some of the stupid requests she makes take?!

Secrets (1)

Arala enjoys cooking almost a bit too much... only a couple of people know about it, and are not likely to tell anybody. It's nothing drastic, but Arala would likely be very embarrased by public knowledge of this.

Expanded Backgrounds

Allies 1 </b>

Tepet Mallo is a young sorceress, wood aspect, a few years younger than Arala, in fact. They met in a party, where a partly drunk Arala proceeded to hit on her, and the amused sorcerer played along. While nothing resulted from Arala's flirtation (... she THINKS, she got even more drunk), the two have remained in contact and in fact have become good friends.

Arala happens to have a huge crush on Mallo, but won't admit it even to herself. She will, however, do almost anything that Mallo asks her to do.

<b> Artifact 3 </b>

(undecided. most likely, one level 3 weapon, a level 2 armor, and a Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light)

<b>Breeding 5</b>

Arala's blood is as strong as it gets without resorting to very specific breeding, and it shows. It's impossible to mistake her for a normal human, and her fire burns brighter and easier than most.

+5 Personal pool, +9 Periferal pool, -2 motes to activate anima banner, +2 to rolls to see if her children will exalt.

<b>Connections 3</b>

(High Society)

At first being dragged around by her parents to show her off, Arala has become quite skilled in making connections in the high society. She knows people that know people that know where the party is, and has found herself getting invited to parties more since she's the one striking up conversations. This is very convenient, of course, although Arala has found herself getting fairly tired of fake smiles and empy compliments.

<b>Henchmen 1</b>

Crimson Orchid has served Arala's family since before the young Dynast was born. A skilled servant, she was given the duty to look after the infant, as her parents were much too busy for that. Once Arala returned from her education, she invited Orchid to join her in her new home. Orchid is in her late 30s now, and still retains plenty of her beauty, one of the main reasons she was hired in the first place.

Orchid is also known as Iselsi Alisa, a non-exalted member of the family, and a spy from a very young age. She was simply there to keep track of what Arala's family did and report back, but has since grown very fond of her 'young mistress'. She still reports back to her family, but keeps Arala's secrets to herself... her loyalty to her exceeds that of her duty.

As far as Arala knows, Orchid is a skilled servant, general housekeeper, and cook, and was primarily responsible for teaching Arala to eat and enjoy everything. Orchid is also a skilled investigator, with keen senses and great manipulative skills. She quietly keeps track of things going around Arala and attempts to protect her from the things her mistress cannot see.

Arala herself is very fond of Orchid, treats her well, and has her as her primary confidant. It might not be right to attach oneself to a mortal in such a fashion, but Arala simply couldn't care less.

<b> Manse 2</b>

<b>Stone of Earth's Blood (Earth 1)

This stone can negate the effects of poison or intoxicants on the user's blood, at the cost of 1 mote per minute.

Arala got this stone to help her get sober in those cases where she slips and gets to drinking when she needs to be sober NOW. It's saved her from a couple of embarrasing moments.

Unflaggable Courage Heart (Fire 2) (by Telgar)

When Arala is wounded in battle the stone glows ruby red as it allows her to ignore the pain and hinderance of her wounds. The Heart removes as many Health Levels of wound penalties as she has dots of Valor. The Unflaggable Courage Heart is a small ruddy oblong of opaque stone.

Reputation 3</b>

When your blood is as pure as Arala's, and when your parents make sure that every one KNOWS this, people tend to notice. Arala is more famous that she deserves and the fact embarrases terribly, and its the reason why she does her best to behave in an appropiate manner in public. Her reputation is not entirely positive... most people consider her to be a fairly dangerous hothead. Useful when wanting to intimidate somebody or simply making somebody else back down, not very useful when trying to woo somebody else.

It also means people tend to be surprised and/or dissapointed when they learn of her true nature, which really doesn't help. Arala would quite franckly be happier if she didn't have the reputation she has somebody built up without knowing.

The one reputation she HAS deserved is the one she has among chefs and restaurants. While not exactly demanding on the quality of food, Arala will get very angry indeed when presented with bad food, especially if made by a supposedly good chef. Then she will begin ranting, and the chef will likely find himself out of a job. Good chefs get plenty of praises, and Arala really likes knowing how food was made. She has been invited by Dynasts to taste the cousine of a particularily bad chef to to get her ranting, which is apparently quite the show.

<b>Resources 3</b>

The only reason Arala doesn't live more confortably is because she refuses to take more of what her parents offer. She owns her own home, used to own a horse once upon a time (... and killed it by accident), and she eats pretty much what she pleases without going into excesses. She COULD live more confortably, but then she'd begin to feel guilty about not doing much of anything.

== Comments ==