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I was born... quite a long time ago, in a wealthy family and under a different name. I was Seventh Scarlet Sky, daughter of Midnight Guardian Star, grandaughter of Blue Steel Opal. Grandmother was quite the merchant, but she had been an adventurer once. I remember her telling me all sort of incredible stories about the things she'd seen and the people she met. She was... a great woman, and died in peace in her old age as she deserved.

Perhaps she had made a deal with them beforehand which had prevented it, or maybe they had just been waiting for the right opportunity, but the Guild descended upon her company like jackals. We saw her fortune vanish in days, and then we were on the run... sombody had posted a reward for our heads. Obviously, the best way to take the company was if we dissapeared after all.

Mother and I managed to elude them for a few years, and in that time she took to teaching me much, about combat and survival. She was a strong woman and a fierce warrior who had never had a head for business, so perhaps she never did care much about leaving it behind. As I grew up, my own experiences with the world made me considerably tougher than I would have been had I just been a rich kid... for that, perhaps, I should be thankful.

Ah, and then they found us again. They sent two young dragon-blooded mercenaries after us, and we had to flee again. We ran and ran, finally finding ourselves in the deep southeast, and yet they followed. They chased us into the forest, and from there into a cave... and finally reached us. Mother and I finally engaged them.

I think our skill surprised them at first... mother was only a mortal, perhaps, but she was experienced beyond belief, and she had taught me well. Still, two dragon-blooded against mortals, it couldn't have lasted too long. It likely wouldn't have, if the floor hadn't collapsed under us.

And then... we were in a great chaber, a tomb. At the time, this didn't quite impact us... the five spirits guarding the tomb were. Tall and powerful looking, they set upon us for trespassing. The two dragon-blooded engaged them, but were overpowered fairly quickly. It would have been their death and ours, had the Sun not intervened.


I remember the warmth enveloping me as the world slowed down to nearly a halt. I gazed upon the spirits, and realized I knew them... for they had served me once. I spoke a single word in a language as ancient as them: "Enough!"

The spirits paused, turning to me... and then obediently stepped back, transforming into spheres of light. I reached for one of them, and watched as it transformed into a cannon in my hand... and I felt so, so very mighty at that moment. I wasn't sure at the time of what had happened to me, but I knew I didn't have much time to think about it right now. I just turned to the two Dragon-blooded, pointing my cannon at them, and offered them a deal... service, or death.

They chose service, and for that I am glad to this day. I collected my five cannons from the tomb where I had once been buried, and we left. I understood then... how much power I possesed. Maybe not as well as I understand it now, but I knew I oculd use this power to get everything back.

... Sadly, mother decided to leave us and go on her way, a decition that still saddens me. Her daughter had turned into a monster of legend after all... but I couldn't hold her back. It saddens me to think that this was the last time I saw her alive... but that's another story.

To This Day

In the years I've been alive, I have done much and learned more. I have spoken with fae, spirits, Lunars, Sidereals, ghosts... many other beings. And I have fought my share of them as well. I haven't run head-on into a Wyld Hunt trap (and I'm very glad it has lowered to nothing in the past few years), and I have been all over the world except deep inside the Blessed Isle itself.

I have become richer than I could have ever imagined, and I have started my own private War with the Guild... one that they are not even aware of. I have been in the Underworld and in the Wyld and lived to tell about it. I have explored ruins and avoided traps, and I have found lost treasure caches my grandmother once left behind. I have danced with kings and peasants alike, held parties with nobility and with barbarians.

I have hunted northern beasts for survival, chatted with the fae in the Haltan woods, had a nice talk with the lords of Great Forks, turned down more than one invitation from a Deathlord, sailed the seas of sand and water alike, fought with the Lyntha, loved countless men and women, killed ten times as many for reasons as petty as revenge and anger, found lost treasures and sold most of them.

And I still live.

I am alive, and the world is in chaos.

I believe it's time I sieze it in my hand.


Sky is a deceptively clever and charismatic woman, with a good head on her shoulders. She prefers to have plans before springing into any kind of action, and it's not rare for her to have backup plans in case one of her main plan fails.

To other, people, she has many faces: A charming and sweet woman in parties, a clever and charismatic manipulator in business, a grinning shark to those that annoy her, a nightmare to her enemies. Few people know her well, including her bodyguards.

Sky is a dreamer and has high hopes for the future. She has been patienly awaiting for a chance to take over the Guild for decades now, and in the midst of the chaos that the world is undergoing, she now sees her chance. Many would be surprised at the changes Sky has planned... she dislikes drugs, because she has seen what they can do to a person's life, but she knows that some can be useful. She dislikes slavery on principle, and has no slaves of her own.

Despite being so business-minded, however, Sky does tend to have a tendency for adventuring and a thing for excitement. She will often go into expeditions to see ruins somewhere, or maybe face down a bandit gang that has been getting in the way of her business. The only thing she enjoys more than that is seducing pretty young women and handsome young men all over the place, and has held dozens, perhaps even over a hundred lovers at some point or another. She tends to see said former lovers as nice memories, since she sees few of them ever again. Only once has she actually fallen for someone else.


Sky is a stunningly beautiful woman, of obvious southern origin. Her hair is long, smooth, and a bright red. Her eyes are a deep blue, with an almost hypnotic quality to them. Her skin is slightly dark, and her face is round and deceptively young. Sky does not appear to be over 20 years old, but the way she moves and acts certainly shows a more mature woman. Sky always seems to be smiling, and it's indeed rare to see her without a smile on her face... whether its a genuine smile or not, that's another story.

She is never dressed improperly, all of her clothes being made of fine quality. She does tend to favor suits over dresses, because they are more practical in the end, but she will wear one when it's a good idea to wear one. She is NEVER unnarmed, and will always carry at least a flamepiece hidden on her somewhere, although she often travels with all the guns under her coat.

On her clothes, Sky favors red and blue colors, and silver jewelry with rubies and sapphires in them. The only golden jewelry piece she has is her necklace. Even when casual, she appears elegant.

Character Sheet

Name: Sky and Seven Stars
Concept: Master merchant with her eye on the Guild
Player: Mazinja
Nature: Visionary
Caste: Eclipse
Anima: A great hybroc, with blazing eyes and claws of fire.

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 3

Charisma: 5
Manipulation: 5
Appearance: 5

Perception: 3
Intelligence: 4
Wits: 5

(X)Martial Arts: 5

Endurance: 1
(X)Presence: 5
Resistance: 1
Survival: 1

(X)Investigation: 5
(X)Lore: 5
Occult: 3

Athletics: 3
Awareness: 3
(X)Dodge: 5
Larceny: 2

(X)Bureaucracy: 5
(X)Linguistics: 5
(X)Ride: 3
(X)Sail: 3
(X)Socialize: 5

MA - Multiple Opponents: 2
Presence - Appear Sympathetic: 1
Bureaucracy - The Guild: 1

Allies: 3
Allies: 3
Allies: 2
Artifact: 5
Artifact: 3
Artifact: 1
Contacts: 5
Resources: 5
Influence: 5
Manse: 5
Manse: 3


Name | Cost (Ability) 1. Kiss of the Sun Concentration | 1 mote/die (MA, Righterous Devil Style)
2. Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique | 3 motes (MA)
3. Lightning Draw Stance | 2 motes (MA)
4. Blessing of Righteous Solar Spark Meditation | 2 motes (MA)
5. Cloud of Ebon Devils | 1 mote (MA)
6. Righteous Devil Form | 5 motes (MA)
7. Phoenix Flies on Golden Wings Attack | 1 mote (MA)
8. Azure Abacus Meditation | 4 motes, 1 WP (MA)
9. Twin Salamander Fist | 3 motes (MA)
10. Dance of the Howling Magma Sprites | 4 motes, 1 WP (MA)
11. Phantom Flamebolt Prana | 2 motes (MA)
12. Caress of 1000 Hells | 7 motes, 1 WP (MA)
13. Ox-Body Technique (-1, -2x2) | - (Endurance)
14. Harmonious Presence Meditation | 6 motes (Presence)
15. Listener-Swaying Argument | 1 motes/die, 1 WP (Presence)
16. Majestic-Radiant Presence | 8 motes (Presence)
17. Terrifying Apparition of Glory | 10 motes, 1 WP (Presence)
18. Ten Magistrate Eyes | 5 motes (Investigation)
19. Judge's Ear Technique | 6 motes (Investigation)
20. Irresistible Questioning Technique | 5 motes (Investigation)
21. Integrity-Protecting Prana | 5 motes, 1 WP (Lore)
22. Chaos-Repelling Pattern | 10 motes, 1 WP (Lore)
23. Spirit Detecting Glance | 3 motes (Occult)
24. Graceful Crane Stance | 3 motes (Athletics)
25. Sensory Acuity Prana | 5 motes (Awareness)
26. Surprise Anticipation Method | 1 mote (Awareness)
27. Reed in the Wind | 1 mote/2 die (Dodge)
28. Shadow Over Water | 2 motes (Dodge)
29. Seven Shadow Evasion | 6 motes (Dodge)
30. Reflex Sidestep Technique | 2 motes (Dodge)
31. Seven Shadow Evasion | 3 motes, 1 WP (Dodge)
32. Flow Like Blood | 5 motes, 1 WP (Dodge)
33. Deft's Official's Way | 6 motes (Bureaucracy)
34. Indolent Official Charm | 4 motes (Bureaucracy)
35. Foul Air of Argument Technique | 12 motes, 1 WP (Bureaucracy)
36. Speed the Wheels | 8 Motes (Bureaucracy)
37. Bureau-Rectifying Method | 8 motes, 1 WP (Bureaucracy)
38. Frugal Merchant Method | 1 motes (Bureaucracy)
39. Whirling Brush Method | 4 motes (Linguistics)
40. Flawless Brush Discipline | 6 motes (Linguistics)
41. Letter-Within-A-Letter Technique | 6 motes (Linguistics)
42. Sagacious Reading of Intent | 6 motes (Linguistics)
43. Motive Discerning Technique | 6 motes (Socialize)
44. Wise-eyed Courtier method | 3 motes (Socialize)
45. Mastery of Small Manners | 3 motes (Socialize)
46. Knowing the Soul's Price | 10 motes, 1 WP (Socialize)
47. Understanding the Court | 20 motes, 1 WP (Socialize)
48. Venomous Rumors Technique | 10 motes, 1 WP (Socialize)
49. Principle of Motion | 10 motes, 2 WP (Spirit Valor Charm, pg 292)
50. Uncanny Prowess | 4 motes (Spirit Valor Charm, GoD pg 126-127)
51. Absence | 2 motes/TN reduction (Sidereal Dodge)
52. Stern Essence Replenishment | - (Sidereal Socialize)
53. Heroic Essence Replenishment | - (Sidereal Presence)


Compassion: 3
Temperance: 3
Conviction: 5
Valor: 5

VIRTUE FLAW: Heart of Flint

Personal: 25
Peripheral: 61

-0x1, -1x3, -2x4, -4x1, I

Soak (B/L/A): 10/6/6

Riverspeak, Old Realm, High Realm, Flametongue, Low Realm, Tribal Tongues (4)


Ambidextrous (1)


XP: 1014
SPENT: 991
HAVE: 23



The End of Time
Azure Abacus Meditation + Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique + Shadow Over Water + Absence

The Azure Abacus comes to life around Sky and her target. The chords of her abacus let Sky dodge almost any attack with unrivalred ease, twising her ways through the spectral gears. Meanwhile, she opens fire, and the shot blazes forward, faster than it should, ricocheting unnerengly towards her opponent... usually, the one foolish enough to attack her and seal his destiny.

The Golden Warrior is Always Ready
Surprise Anticipation Method + Shadow Over Water + Absence + Lightning Draw Stance

Something screams in the back of Sky's mind, and she knows what will happen should she take the following wrong action... and thus, she avoids taking it, becoming little more than a shadow. Her weapon of choice springs into her hand in a blaZe of golden light, and she is thus ready to face danger.

Expanded Backgrounds

Allies: 3
Emerald Wind of Steel


Allies: 3
Golden Dagger

Emerald Wind of Steel (Wind, for short), and Golden Dagger are two dragon-blooded, air and fire aspects. A long time ago, they were simply outcastes, lost eggs born in the threshold. They met shortly after they Exalted, and the two have been in a fairly complicated rivals/friends/lovers relationship ever since. They served as mercenaries, working for whomever payed the most, and they were payed fairly well, as Exalts usually are. Then, a Guild merchant contacted them... he wanted two women dead.

It wasn't really their preferred job, but the pay was too good and the possible contacts to be made in the Guild was too much to pass up, so they took it. They chased the two women far into the southeast, into a cave. They were fairly surprised at the skill of the older woman, but she wouldn't be a match for them... and then the cave collapsed under them.

Here, they were beset by five powerful spirits, and would have surely perished, had they not seen Sky's exaltation take place... an event that would save their lives. She then turned to them, and offered them a deal: service or death. No fools, they wisely chose service.

Both of them have seen Sky grow in power, and while they once were coerced into the deal, the strangest thing happened... they began to enjoy it. Following Sky was almost natural for them, and she is a good leader. The two dragon-blooded are now undoubtely loyal, and serve as Sky's bodyguards. She is mightier than them for certain, but the two are more than enough to dispose of the trash that gets in their way.


Wind is a tall and robust air-aspect, with light blue hair and dark green eyes. She specializes in fighting at a range, usually with throwing weapons. She has developed a taste for firewands as of late as well. Somewhat ill-tempered and grouchy, Wind is brave and loyal notheless. She is often the one that bears the brunt of the teasing from Sky (and Dagger often joins in too). She also REALLY doesn't like Sky's guns.

Golden Dagger is a short and slim fire-aspect, with dark-blond hair and orange-red eyes. She doesn't talk too much when around other people unless she HAS to, and works pretty well to counter Wind's rash temper. Unlike her partner, Dagger prefers to get matters close and personal, especially with her twin weapons of choice. Also, unlike Wind, she does seem to have a sense of humor.


Allies: 2
Loving Blessed Lotus

Lotus is a young Sidereal, a Chosen of Serenity. She had always chosen to stay out of the Gold Faction/Bronze faction conflict, until her sifu ordered to investigate something suspicious in a small village in the Hundred Kingdoms. Here, she saw first hand the radiance of a Solar, Sky and Severn Stars herself... and fell in love with her. Perhaps somewhat foolishly, she approached Sky... and the Solar promptly seduced her.

Everytime they have met, Sky has been able to recognize her SOMEHOW... perhaps she drops a Destiny too soon in front of her, or maybe she's just not able to keep up facades around her, or maybe its just that Sky is that much more powerful than her, Lotus doesn't know, but she has long stopped caring or trying to hide herself.

Lotus is not that foolish though, and has kept several secrets of both Sky and other Sidereals, but has perhaps said too many things to the Solar. Sky has certainly learned a bit about Sidereal charms from her, and has some information in how heaven works.

For her part, Sky finds that she DOES care for the Sidereal, and has protected her more than once, whereas she expected to feel about her as a useful tool in the beggining. These feelings surprise her (and have long since stopped annoying her). This doesn't stop her from seducing every other person, but time with Lotus is always personal.

Sky and Lotus certainly knew each other in a past life, and were perhaps lovers... although neither remembers that much.


Artifact: 5

The Five Bound Thunders

Long ago, back in the first age, 5 elementals in particular seemed to enjoy moving around Creation and causing some trouble. They weren't malicious, but their pranks on humans tended to get out of hand from time to time. To make matters worse, they were all fairly powerful, and the five of them toguether were usually a match for even a Celestial of moderate experience.

However, this couldn't last long. Finally, a full circle of Solars was dispatched, and the 5 elementals were captured and brought to Yu-shan to see justice. It was clear that their punishment was going to be Death. And then... The Lady of the God-Flame Forge, Eclipse caste, approached them with a deal. They were powerful, and their loss would be a waste of power. But they were too wild to be left to their own devices.

Their essence and their consciousness could be integrated into five weapons, to be put under her control. They would keep their minds, and their ability to interact with the world in a minor manner... but not anywhere near the same degree as before. Basically, their power would be locked down.

faced between that choice or death, the five accepted, on the condition that after a certain condition had been fulfilled, they could be free again. The condition imposed was... serving a Solar for the entirety of her natural lifespan. This means no having the Solar die on them, so they'd have to work as much as possible to protect her.

Thus, the Five Bound Thunders were born. Sadly, the Lady fell in the party when the Usurpation began, far away from the guns she deemed unnecesary for the ocasion. The 5 were buried with here, far in the southeast. And they were VERY bored indeed... until their roof collapsed and some unexpeted visitors dropped in. In the scuffle that followed (for the five were cranky), they witnessed something they hadn't expected to see again... a new Solar being born. The oath in their spirit made it clear that this was no other than the Lady itself, come back to life. And this time, they'd have a chance to make it right... and have the stupid girl not die on them AGAIN.


Each of the five cannons, by themselves, are not TERRIBLY remarkable. Sure, they are artifacts and as such, are better than common firewands. Each of them is made out of orihalcum and one kind of jade, one representing each element. All five of them have an elemental bound inside, and they all have their own personality. Much to Sky's chagrin, they can speak, cannot be made to shut up unless they want to, and a few of them are stubborn to death. They cannot really percieve the world, but they can see through their wielder's eyes and listen to what she hears, nothing more, although one of them does have an extrasensorial ability.

The cannons need no ammo, they work with Essence alone. They can be used with Archery or with Righteous Devil Style, even if they aren't true firewands. Each of them has a setting for a Hearthstone. Finally, each of the guns let Sky use a single Spirit charm that the Spirit posseses at the normal cost, as if it was her own, without meeting the requirements, but she must be holding the gun for it to work.

Charred Kiss</b>
Red Jade and Orihalcum. This cannon has a sleek design, appearing to be the closest to a firedust canon. The spirit within, who once went by another name but is now known as Charred Kiss, appears when manifested as a gigantic, blazing being, somewhere between a mantis and a human. Charred Kiss is the most loudmouthed and most temperamental of the 5 canons, and he and Sky get into plenty of arguments. This is not without reason: he -is- probably the most useful of the 5 cannons.

His ability is simple: each shot it fires is like burning lava. In addition to dealing more damage than the other cannons, Charred Kiss can also set things on fire rather easily.

Charred Kiss's voice is surprisingly clear, sounding like that a young man.

Charred Kiss let's Sky use Words of Power (3 motes)

<b>Drowning Embrace</b>
Black Jade and Orihalcum. If there is one that can compete with Charred Kiss in how much it talks, it would be Drowning Embrace... mostly because the two fight a lot. Drawning Embrace, when manifested, has the appearance of a naga. While she tends to err towards caution, her discussions with Charred Kiss get rather heated, and usually only end when Sky locks them both in a box until they shut up.

Drawning Embrace doesn't make as much damage as Charred Kiss, but it's ability is just as useful. Although the shots coming from the cannon appear to be fire, they are freezing and rather sticky. For a number of turns equal to Sky's Permanent Essence, a target's Dexterity is reduced by one for every shot inflicted. Thankfully, each succesful shot doesn't reset the count. The target may scrape off the gunk using a dice-action, which restores his Deterity to normal. Sadly, this attack doesn't really work on Automata or the undead, although the shot still deals damage.

Drowning Embrace's voice is soft and female, although it has a certain hiss to it.

Drowning Embrace allows Sky to use Paralyze (6 motes)

<b>Howling Caress </b>
Blue Jade and Orihalcum. For all she fights with Charred Kiss and Drowning Embrace, Sky would usually rather deal with them than with Howling Caress. This cannon actually has a very handy propiery... it can detect nearby unmanifested spirits and ghosts. It can CHOOSE to not reveal this information, but rarely does so, and it does so speaking in the spookiest voice it can manage. The kind that sends shivers along a man's (or, in this case, Sky's) spine. When manifested, Howling Caress seems like a ghost more than a spirit, floating in mid air and with tattered clothes.

Howling Caress' OTHER ability is the power to strike at said unmanifested spirits and ghosts. It cannot aim itself though, and it can only guess where they are, so the wielder better have a way to tell who or what is around.

Howling Caress' voice is female, ghostly, and although she CAN speak normally she often chooses to not do so. That's no fun. The others mostly leave her alone.

The charm Howling Caress gives is Stoke the Flame (1 mote/die)

<b>Ravine's Touch </b>
White Jade and Orihalcum. Compared to the three others, Ravine's Touch is downright stoic. Appearing as a towering and musuclar (and surprisingly handsome) man made out of rock, Ravine's Touch rarely chooses to speak. That is, unless the fae are around. THEN it gets really loud. Thankfully (for Sky's sanity) it cannot detect fae like Howling Caress can detect spirits and ghosts, and won't start loud-mouthing them unless he's drawn in the presence of one.

Why Ravine's Touch hates the Fair Folk so much, it doesn't really remember, but it doesn't really matter. His shots deal aggravated damage to these beings, as if they were being shot with Cold Iron.

When not loudmouthing off, Ravine's Touch's voice is male, quiet, and rumbly. When it runs into a fae, his voice is like an earthquake, but it is sadly very bad at insults. However, this often gets Charred Kiss started, and he has a lot more experience in that.

Ravine's Touch gives the charm Donning the Spiritual Armor (5 motes)

<b>Merciful Rose </b>
Green Jade and Orihalcum. Of all the five guns, Merciful Rose is the one that Sky likes the most. It very very rarely chooses to speak at all, which could be the reason. When manifested, Merciful Rose appears like a beautiful woman made out of flowers. Of the five elemental troublemakers, she was the one that often made sure the jokes didn't get TOO out of hand... although not being human, she often couldn't understand what was out of hand and what wasn't. Merciful Rose is not a very good cannon. It's damage is pathetic, and it's simply not compatible with some of the Righteous Devil Style charms, like Caress of 1000 Hells. While this may deem it useless, the wielder can choose to use it for its REAL purpose: to take down somebody without hurting them much.

Merciful Rose can be made to fire Bashing damage instead of Lethal. In this matter, it actually deals more damage than the other guns! Whenever a character is reduced to Incapacitated by virtue of this ability, they are rendered unconscious... and all the damage caused by this cannon is reduced to a single level of bashing damage, although the target remains unconscious for a while. If the user chooses to deal Lethal, the weapon does not add extra successes to the damage.

When it does speak, Merciful Rose has a clear, cheerful, female voice. None of the other cannons argue with her (although Charred Kiss sometimes grumbles).

The charm Merciful Rose provides is Touch of Grace (3 motes)


Each cannon costs 3 motes to attune. However, as not all cannons will be drawn, and thus commiting all essence would be a waste, they've been made so that a commitment can be transfered between guns flawlessly. So, if Sky has Charred Kiss drawn, and wants to pull it away and pull Howling Caress out, she only needs to commit 3 motes. If she wants to pull out two guns, she must have 6 motes commited, but commiting the 3 extra motes is a free action.

Finally, to unleash the final power of the guns, she may commit them all for 15 motes, and then pay 10 extra motes. At this point, she draws only one of the guns, but the other four fly out of their holsters as spheres of light, rushing towards a target. This is the Five Unleashed Thunders attack. Each of them proceeds to open fire on said target, their confusing pattern and positioning making sure that the target is confused and ill prepared. Each gun fires only once, using the damage and whatever special ability the gun Sky is holding has, before returning to their holsters. While each attack must be rolled separately, the damage is rolled as one. This attack cannot be dodged. Frighteningly enough, charms TO work with this attack, and combos can be rather sick.

There is another way to free the spirits in the guns, which they don't know: the true name of each of them must be spoken by the wielder, with the intention of releasing them. Sadly, their true names has been lost for ages...


Charred Kiss: Acc +2, Dam +12L, Rate 3, Range 20
Drowning Embrace: Acc +2, Dam +10L, Rate 3, Range 20
Howling Caress: Acc +2, Dam +10L, Rate 3, Range 20
Ravine's Touch: Acc +2, Dam +10L(+10A vs Raksha), Rate 3, Range 20
Merciful Rose: Acc +2, Dam +1L/+14B, Rate 3, Range 20

Five Unleashed Thunders Attack: This attack uses the stats of the gun Sky holds in her hand, but each attack is rolled separately. The damage is added toguether in the end.


<b>Artifact: 3

Implacable Law Duster </b>

Somwhere between a buff jacket and a silken armor, the Duster allows for the user to wear armor underneath it but is simply not as deceptively delicate as the silken armor. The Duster is dignified but not elegant. It is not the wear of a smooth talker but that of a no non-sense diplomat. Made of leather and sewn with threads of the magical materials, the Duster is nontheless a fairly effective armor.

And its great for hiding Sky's guns too.

Soak (L/B): 5/3. 6 motes to attune.


<b>Artifact: 1

Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light</b>

Sky found this collar in one of her many expeditions, and decided to keep it... after all, appearance is VERY important when holding court. The added benefits don't hurt either.

+2 to Resistance rolls against disease of poison, +2 to resist the adverse effects of cold. 3 motes to attune.


<b>Contacts: 5

Perhaps not surprisingly, Sky has a network of contacts that spreads throughout most of creation. What few she had in the isle haven't been able to contact her as much since the war begun, and this annoys her. Many of her contacts aren't aware they are working for a Solar (only the most trusted ones do know), but they DO know she's filthy rich and rewards good information well.

Her five major contacts are:

Ikata Icura (West):</b> Located in Wavecrest, Ikata has many reasons to like working with Sky... she has made him rich beyond his wildest dreams, and has saved his life at least once directly, and he suspects many other times indirectly. He is an intelligent man, and runs a front for Sky's operations in the West as a small shipping company. He knows she's a Solar, and he knows that the last person that betrayed her vanished, leaving a fortune behind. He has no intention of repeating his mistake, and fully intends to die from old age.

<b>Rali (South):</b> Rali is a well-known caravan master, and has dealt with Sky extensively in the past. He is a simple, honest man who loves to travel, but his headquarters are in Chiaroscuro, and if he cannot be reached directly, there surely is a way to do so from there. Rali is aware that Sky is a Solar as well.

<b>Yeasta Eolsa (North): </b>Eolsa is a gigantic bear of a woman who looks like she might belong with the icewalkers. Despite her size and strength, she's actually a brilliant merchant and, in fact, tends to deal between towns and icewalkers. Icewalkers sometimes respect merchants that can break their bones when they get uppity, and so does Sky, for that matter. Eolsa is aware of what Sky is, but doesn't really care. She pays well, and is fun to have around, and that's what really matters.

<b>Five Rivers (East): </b>Five Rivers is not a merchant prince... rather, he is a criminal overlord. He and Sky have a deal... he makes himself a pest to the Guild, helps her with her wares, and she gives him a lot of money. He doesn't know that Sky is a Solar, but it doesn't really matter. He's well connected and useful, and he could say the same thing about Sky... even if he's unaware how large her reach is.

<b>Kika (Isle): </b>Kika is a young Night Caste who has managed to keep herself out of sight in the Isle for a few years now, making herself useful to Sky however she could. She has been out of touch since a couple of years since the Civil War begun, but she's likely still alive and trying to get out of the Isle. Sky and Kika are both aware of what each other is, but Kika is much younger than Sky and tends to look up to her.


<b>Resources: 5

Sky is wealthy beyond the dreams of most mortal men. While her grandmother's lost fortune certainly helped, she has had to build it up from the ground herself. Sky owns houses in several cities, has dozens of servants, horses, and ships, and few of them can be linked to the same person, in order to not attract the attention of the Guild to her multiple "small businesses"... at least not until she's ready to takeover.

Among her more immediate possesions, Sky owns an exceptional breastplate made out of chiaroscuro glass and two flame pieces, because sometimes it's just not a good idea to point at someone with a golden gun and scream EXALT.

Exceptional Glass Breastplate: Soak (L/B): 5/3, Mobility Penalty 0, Fatigue 1.
Flame Piece: Acc: +0, Dam +8L, Rate 1/2, Range: 8


Influence: 5

Sky has her thumb into just about everywhere she can manage. Keen insight of politics and how people work are good, but HUGE AMMOUNTS OF MONEY certainly help smooth things out. However, few people know that this pull comes from only one person, as she has managed to keep up appearances of just being several different people working in independent areas, at least in the eyes of the big players.


Manse: 5

Gem of Sapphire and Emerald (5) - Air - The Hidden House of Sorcery's End (core book: 229)</b> Sky found this Manse deep within the northern plains, literally in the middle of nowhere, forgotten by time. She had been lost for days now, and was beggining to get desperate and angry, when she stepped into what she believed was a cave and slipped, falling a long way into the long hidden building. She was fairly surprised at finding spirit servants still working in it... servants that helped her and brought her food, recognizing a long dead master. Sky stayed there for a few weeks, learning everything she needed to know about the Manse and reclaiming the Hearthstone. She goes back there from time to time, and has even secured a Haslanti air-ship to make the travel through the north easier.

This stone renders Sky inmune to Terrestrial Circle Sorcery and renders Celestial Circle spells appart. She is treated as if having Sapphire Countermagic as a constant effect.

<b>Manse: 3

Gem of Grace (3) - Solar - The Golden Leader's Throne (Bo3C: 116)</b> The Solar manse was near where Sky exalted, in the form of a Demesne. Once she had the resources, she hired the best architects and geomancers she could to build a Manse in the spot. She mascaraded the operation as one made by an excentric noble to gather a specific kind of wood from the forests in the area, and in fact most workers believe they went there for that reason... with the real workers hidden amongst them.

This stone gives Sky 3 die to Charisma and Manipulation rolls involving invoking feelings of awe and respect in others.


I, for the record, am a crappy numbercruncher :p - Tiffa