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(multi-winged speedy language monsters, level 3 Familiar)
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Latest revision as of 04:03, 25 August 2006

Bhella (level 3 Familiar)

Found herding together in vast schools that drift over the endless, windy expanses of the Farthest North, Bhella are creatures of Air Essence that take the form of mist and wings. A Bhella appears as little more then a vaguely rounded collection of flapping wings shrouded in frigid mists. Despite their exotic appearance, Bhellas are not gods nor elementals, they are in fact a naturalized species of Wyld Mutants that have by some chance or ancient magic become able to survive in Creation and even breed.
While a Bhella is physically weak and vulnerable they are possessed of great speed and have a talent for languages and mental puzzles. As intelligent and articulate as any human and moreso then many, Bhella are valued as companions by Sidereals and Air-Aspected Terrestrials.

Attributes: Str 1 Dex 5, Sta 1, Cha 1, Man 3, App 0, Per 4, Int 4, Wits 2
Abilities: Endurance 1, Resistance 2, Survival 3 (The Far North), Lore 4 (Puzzles x2, Codes x1), Occult 1, Linguistics 5 (Translation x3), Athletics 4, Awareness 2, Dodge 4
Dodge & Soak: 9 | 1B/1L
Essence: 1
Willpower: 7
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Virtues: Compassion 2, Temperence 5, Conviction 3, Valor 2

  • Bhella are so physically weak that their physical attacks are not worth statting. At all.

Special Notes:

  • Flight - Bhella can fly at 150 miles per hour, hover and otherwise move with total freedom in the air. The swirling mists that surround the body of a Bhella can envelop other creatures or items up to 500 pounds and carry them with the Bhella in flight. By means of their hundreds of wings and their Air-based nature, a Bhella can move at speeds approaching 300 miles per hour for long distances and can move at speeds of 500 miles per hour for a solid day before they must rest for at least two days before resuming their flight.
  • Translation - Bhella are able to speak any language after hearing it for only a few sentences. They can also read any langauge they can speak. By means of their mental link with an Exalted master, Bhella can act as instantaneous translators.
  • Linguistic Mastery - Despite having only Linguistics 5, Bhella are assumed to speak every language in Creation except secret or constructed languages, which they make learn with an Intelligence + Linguistics roll with a difficulty based on how complex or well-coded the language is.
  • Cryptology - Bhella are masters of codes and encryption, they reduce the difficulty of all rolls related to linguistic or other codes and similar puzzles by 3, to a minimum of 1.