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Silent Hunter Eyes of Silver
Concept: The Brains of the Operation (“Collector of Obscure Information”)
Game: Kaleidoscope of Fate, GMed by Pseudoephedrine
Caste: Changing Moon
Totem: Serval Cat
Nature: Savant (Occasionally played as Conniver)
Tell: Silver Cat-Eyes
Pictures: [[1]] [[2]] [[3]]

Str 2
Dex 5
Stm 2

Chr 4
Man 4
App 4

Per 4
Int 5
Wts 3

Awareness 4
Stealth 4
Investigation 4
Lore 4
Survival 2
Brawl 2
Presence 3
Dodge 3
Athletics 1
Socialize 4
Occult 3 (Raksha +2)
Performance 2
Ride 1
Linguistics 2 (Native: Flametongue, Riverspeak, High Realm)

Resources 2  
Contacts 2 (The Sultana- A noble sorcerer, Flowing Sands-a desert god of secrets, and The Twins- a pair of zephirs)
Heart's Blood 3 (12 Animals: Lion, Antelope, Cayman, Green Tree-snake, Small Monkey, Horse, Falcon, Lap Dog, Songbird, House Cat, Field Mouse, Owl)

Compassion 2
Temperance 3
Conviction 2
Valor 2

Willpower 6
Essence 2 (Personal 14, Peripheral 32)

Flaw: Temperance
Curse: Drunken Monkey
Renown: 20

Finding the Spirit's Shape
Hide of the Cunning Hunter
Deadly Beastman Transformation (+3 Stm, +2 Str. Lightning Speed, Terrible Beast Claws)
Shaping the Ideal Form
Many-Faced Moon Transformation
Humble Mouse Shape
Sense-Shaping Change
Stealthy Fox Method
Spirit-Scenting Technique

Her Background:
Silver was born in the South, the child of a Delzahn merchant. She wasn't the most obvious choice for a Lunar Exaltation, having an admitted fondness for visiting cities... but maybe the Changing Lady was impressed by the way she snuck out of her family's encampment at night to find out the other merchant families' plans, or the way she talked her way out of trouble when she got caught, or the way she could remember and recite every single one of the legends of her tribe... as well as those of their neighbors, and a good bit of other obscure information.

No matter what the reasoning behind Luna's choice... when given a mare and sent into the desert to mark her passage into adulthood, Silver came back with more than just the heads of the dhole beastmen that had killed her horse.

Having not returned with the traditional poem expected of a young woman, and not having any intention of staying home to mind the tents after receiving the blessing of Luna anyway, she took up the gray sash of the dereth instead... the mark of a woman who chose to live as a man. Life as neither one thing nor another suited her new-found abilities exceptionally well, and in time not even her friends could remember how she had started. She was eventually found by the No Moon mongoose Three Serpent Dancer and was given her Changing Moon caste and an introduction to the Silver Pact by the short-tempered rodent.

She still didn't stop visiting cities.

Silver first encountered the raksha Noble named Reflection of the Twice-Born Stars on one of those visits, at a gathering hosted by her friend the Sulatana, a sorcerer-noble. She knew enough not to trust a word that a fae said or a thing that it did, of course, despite its friendship with her ally... but she'd never met a creature quite like the icy raksha, and she found herself fascinated. He turned out to be surprisingly good company. He knew an astounding amount of gossip, he collected obscure bits of lore as if they were shells on a beach, and, she discovered somewhat later, he was as fluid with his form as any Lunar. Rare qualities, she had found, and traits that she valued... Even in a soul-destroying minion of chaos. She didn't care that the Elders of the Silver Pact wouldn't approve of her affection for him any more than they approved of her affection for cities.

She was less than pleased when she was told that Stars had apparently been destroyed by some creature from the underworld... Over a book, of all things.

Her Description:
Highly variable. She doesn't remember herself what she originally looked like. She switches gender and form at whim, but retains the silver, feline eyes of her Tell in all forms. She tends to be formal and very alert among strangers, and displays absolutely no sense of humor when other members of the party elaborate on what they would like to do to her missing raksha consort.

So... What's the Deal With Stars?
Silver isn't exactly your "typical" Lunar. She loves cities and civilization, she thinks barbarians are under-educated rednecks, and she thinks that the Silver Pact are a bunch of misguided nut-cases more interested in pretending to be animals than doing their duty to Luna, Humanity, or Creation. Needless to say, she doesn't get along very well with her own kind.

Unfortunately, she doesn't think a lot of the returning Solars either...

She has very strong memories of her First Age Night caste spouse, an assassin and spy-master named Halahn, who suffered a delussional break-down and, in a fit of over-blown paranoia (Brought on and fueled by careful prodding from a Chosen of Endings-), poisoned his entire Cicle, all of his servants and allies... and his Lunar wife and their children. Everytime she starts to trust another Solar, Silver remembers and reconsiders. If she ever finds Halahn again, she's going to rip his heart out and eat it.

... All of which leads, a little indirectly, to why she chose a raksha for a mate. The raksha is neither as untrustwothy as a Solar, nor as barbaric as a Lunar in Silver's estimation. He doen't have the First Age baggage associated with another Exalt, yet he's still capable of surviving the dangers of Creation much more readily than a mortal companion.

When Silver first met Stars, she had no real bias against him personally; just a general wariness of his species. Unlike a Solar, she was willing to give the raksha the benefit of a doubt. Once she got to know him as an individual, the proclivities of his kin became immaterial... and their feeding practices, seen first hand, turned out not to be so different from her own hunting habits. Cats, too, tend to play with their prey in ways that others might find inhumane... and a predator is a predator no matter which part of the creature they devour to sustain themselves. She didn't trust Stars quickly, and she certainly never intended to fall so completely in love with one of the children of the Wyld... but considering it now, she has no regrets. And no illusions. She knows exactly what Stars is... and what he isn't... and she accepts him on those terms.

That said, she knows what the majority of other Exalts (and mortals, for that matter-) think about the raksha and those that make allies of them... She knows that most will assume that she's either Wyld-eaten or beguiled by raksha magic, but doesn't really care. (Neither of which is the case. Stars has never agressively fed from Silver nor has he ever used his charms against her. In fact, he considers the implication that he would need to do so in order to keep his consort highly insulting. It's a point of pride for the Noble that Silver loves him freely-) Neither high-handed warnings from the Pact nor the disapproval of the Solars will ever sway Silver's opinion of her mate. She and Stars may be doomed, and the whole affair may someday end badly for them both, but their story is their own to build, and their lives are their own to live.