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Candle In The Dark</i>\\ Terrestrial Circle\\ 20 motes

Description: As long as there has been night, man has used flame to drive back the darkness and create a space of safety for himself. With fire, civilization spreads, with fire, man conquers a world so often hostile to him.

Yet the fire is a poor substitute for the sun, and there are threats in the night that even fire cannot protect against. With sorcery, a member of the Exalted can bring the power of the sun into the dark places, however.

System:\\ This spell is meant for use at night and in the shadowlands. It is useless in the sunlight of Creation, and functions not at all in the Underworld at any time of day or night.

To use this spell, the sorceror must have a flame no larger than a large man at hand to enchant -- campfires and lanterns are OK, bonfires are not. He must have a feather of a bird that hunts during the day on hand, and immediately before the spell drops it into the flame.

On completion of the spell, the flame begins to burn a bright white. The area lit by its flame is treated as In Creation, During the Day for the purposes of corpeality and essence recovery (see the chart from Exalted: The Abyssals, Chapter 1) -- hungry ghosts burn away, higher ghosts will fade away, non-Abyssal Exalted regain essence as normal while Abyssals do not regain essence by respiration and are made uncomfortable if not wearing the trappings of the dead.

A fire so enchanted will burn for exactly one hour, then putter out. It will not spread during this duration by any means. Denizens of the Underworld can instinctively tell what the spell will accomplish as soon as casting begins, and will most likely either attempt to stop the spell or flee. Abyssals may learn this spell, but take 2 points of Resonance for casting it.


<i>Shroud of Limbo</i>\\ Labyrinth Circle\\ 25 motes

Description: A truly experienced necromancer can conjure vastly powerful shadows. Through this spell, the necromancer creates a shadow creature that is a realm in and of itself, to capture his opponents and hold them in nothingness until Creation demands back what the necromancer has stolen. The necromancer is immobile while the shadow hunts, and so this spell usually sees use in traps or as a non-lethal sort of assassin.

To create the shadow, the necromancer enchants a sheet of black silk, which takes on form and moves as the necromancer's mind wills.

System:\\ Upon completion of the spell, the necromancer falls into a trance-- he is distantly aware of his bodies' surroundings (+2 diff. to all Perception rolls) but does not move or speak. He remains this way as long as the shadow remains an animate being. He senses the shadows surroundings as if he himself were there, though he cannot channel Awareness Charms through the shadow's senses. If he is successfully attacked in any way, he snaps out of the trance and the shadow disappears.

The sheet of silk instead becomes a shadow creature. Spotting it in other shadows (including anytime at night outside of a well-lit area) is a +3 diff. task. It moves the necromancer's Essence in yards per turn. It is immune to all physical damage, but a successful attack by fire, Solar Charms, or exposure to sunlight instantly destroys it.

At night, the shadow can take the shape of anything smaller than a single-story house, and spotting it as not being authentic requires a reflexive diff. 4 Perception+Awareness roll.

The shadow has stealth and dodge pools equal to the necromancer's Essence+Occult. On its action, or as an immediate counterattack to any hand-to-hand attack that does not destroy it, the shadow makes a hold attempt with a Brawl pool equal to the necromancer's Willpower.

If the hold succeeds, the necromancer wakes from his trace. The necromancer rolls Willpower+Essence with a number of automatic successes equal to his Essence. The captive is trapped in a limbo-like shadow realm, surrounded by nothing but black, unable to take any actions except daily escape rolls. If captured in Creation or a shadowland, every sunrise, the captive rolls an extended Willpower+Essence check (successes accumulate from roll to roll) against the necromancer's successes on the same roll. If captured in the Underworld, the captive rolls only his Essence. When the captive accumulates more successes than the necromancer got on his original roll, he snaps back into reality at his original point of capture.

The essence for this spell remains committed so long as the necromancer remains in his trance. It costs a number of motes equal to the captive's Essence to imprison a victim-- this essence remains committed until the victim escapes.


<i>Questions? Comments? Sacrifices of small animals?

A short time later, a small animal is found tied to the door, though not painfully so; a note says "Good Job Boss", and is signed SteelAngel. You have to sacrifice it yourself, though. I'm afraid of blood. :P

Hmm. Candle in the Dark is a cool idea, but why shouldn't the spell work in sunlight? Clearly its effects on normal ghosts exceed those of sunlight; ghosts can materialize during the day as long as they have the proper Arcanoi. - Quendalon