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The Celaeno


Str 6 Cha 1 Prc 1 Dex 2 Mnp 1 Int 1 Stm 6 App 1 Wit 1


MA 4 Endur 4 Resist 4

Athle 2 Aware 2 Dodge 2

Stuff Willpower 4 Soak B6 L3 Health -0 -0 -0 -0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -4 I

Virtues Compassion Temprance 0 0 Conviction Valor 0 5 Undead- Never fails a valor roll, never succeeds at any others

Attacks Claw Spd +8 Acc+2 Dmg+6L Def +2 Rate+1

Bite Spd+2 Acc+3 Dmg+8L Def +0 Rate+3

Celaeno Strophaad can do lethal damage in a clinch and parry lethal attacks without a stunt. They recieve only a -1 die penalty for flying in stormy weather, anyhing worse than that and hey only recieve a -2 dice penaly. Upon a sucessful attack the defender must make a stamina plus resistance roll at diffuculty 4, or become stricken with a debilataing disease, which lowers adds a -2 die penaly to all their actions. This pox will heal normally, if the stricken stays well rested.


I notice that many of the "Strophaad" can block lethal attacks without a stunt. That concerns me, as to me, it's a fairly rare thing. I can't think of a single natural (Earth) creature that can do so, truly. To block lethal attacks means that you can take a hit from a sword in a limb (intentionally) in such a fashion that the sword might as well be a stick. To me, that means some sort of super-hard hide, or an innovative way to block the motion of the sword, often by grasping at the handle or sword-arm. Non-sentient creatures are fairly unable to be intelligent enough to even have a PDV (block), much less an innovative way of blocking someone's arm, leaving that trick out. While harpies are somewhat intelligent in literature, they're also known for being unintelligent, leaving me to wonder if a harpy is any smarter than a common man. After all, a common man still can't block lethal without a stunt, unless he's got a charm to help him. In terms of physical hide, flying creatures aren't expected to have thick, cut-ignoring hides. Anyway, just wanted to throw out there that these all seem like quite formidable opponents. In fact, they're quite lethal, with attacks having +6 accuracy, and an attack pool of 8 dice to start. When they hit, they get between 14-16L per hit - on par with a grand daiklave! Honestly, I worry that you're falling into a quite-common trap in Exalted: Making things so that they can fight Solars. A few of these things are quite more than a match for some Terrestrials, who would be needing both a brotherhood and mortal assistants to clear these things out. Don't just make strong opponents so that they can fight Solars. Make opponents that fit into the scheme of the setting, and accept that Solars are, by and large, the kings of the setting. Yes, combats will generally be fairly easy if you've got 3-5 opponents. Instead, remember to put in dozens of opponents, with high-powered generals, and other such things. Behemoths, and demons! Just having a fauna of this level is really quite odd... -- GreenLantern

What GL Said -Azurelight

You make a very valid point, i mus admit my frustratiton at my players pooning everything i throw at them, or dying miserably. These were going to be the creation of The Spirit of Deicide, who lives in a floating island above the underworld, hence the un ordinary power scale. That said the only ones that could block a lethal attack with out a stunt would be the undead Celaeno. who generally dont leave the nest. Any ideas to make them more balanced? ScornMeticulous