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Bone Powdering Fist
Cost: 3 motes
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Brawl: 4
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: Fists of Iron Technique

This attack has an automatic damage rating equal to the Exalt's Strength.\\ If the defender soaks less than the automatic damage of an attack, the remaining levels are automatically successes, and need not be rolled. Thus, if Bob the Dawn (Strength 4) pops Joe Mortal (Stamina 2) with 3 successes, Joe will take 2 automatic levels of bashing damage and then roll the the remaining 3 dice.

Boxer's Dancing Feet
Cost: 4 motes
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Brawl: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: None

Raises the difficulty to hit you by your Brawl for one attack. This is treated like a Dodge, and attacks which cannot be dodged negate the Boxer's Dancing Feet, nor can the Boxer's Dancing Feet be invoked if the character cannot move freely. However, the Boxer's Dancing Feet may be used to enhance an existing dodge attempt.

Boxer's Distant Spirit
Cost: 1 mote
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Brawl: 3
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: Boxer's Dancing Feet

Negates the Speed bonus from an opponent's weapon (reducing it to 0 or doing nothing if the Speed bonus is already 0 or less), and reduces their Rate by 1 (to a minimum of 1), for this turn.

Boxer's Lighting Strike
Cost: 1 mote / die
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Brawl: 1
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: None

Allows a character to add dice, up to their Strength + Brawl, to a single Brawl attack.

Boxer's Stomache Wrenching Blow
Cost: 3 motes
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Brawl: 3
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: Boxer's Lightning Strike

Each success on this damage roll inflicts an additional -1 wound penelty from the pain for the remainder of the scene. The essence for this Charm must be spent before the attack roll is made.

Boxer's Thousand Strikes
Cost: 2 motes
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Brawl: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Boxer's Distant Spirit, Boxer's Stomache Wrenching Blow

This attack does no damage. Instead, twice the successes rolled are added as bonus dice to the character's next Brawl attack, to a maximum of the character's Strength + Brawl.

Example: Bob the Dawn is in a fist fight with some mook in Superheavy Plate. Bob wants to be done with this, and so splits his action to make three attacks. He has a total Brawl attack of 10, and uses the Boxer's Thousand Strikes on the first two. So, he rolls 7 dice, and gets 4 successes. He then rolls 14 dice (6 + 4x2) and gets 7 successes. On his final strike, he only rolls 15 dice; although 7x2 is +14, he is capped at adding only his Strength + Brawl.

Blacksmith's Hammer Prana
Cost: 7 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: Extra Actions
Min. Brawl: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Hammer on Iron Technique

A Solar who activates the Blacksmith's Hammer Pattern walks a dangerous route- in some cases, they are capable of bringing down a powerful opponent almost instantly, hands moving with a blurring, impossible speed. But, if they fail to bring their target down, they may easily find themselves entirely exhausted of Essence.

When using the Blacksmith's Hammer Pattern, the character decides on some number of successful attacks they want, up to their Brawl. They then make a full pool Brawl attack. If this attack is a miss, they must pay a number of motes equal to the number of successful hits remaining, and make another attack immediately. The character may not stop the Blacksmith's Hammer Pattern early, unless they run out of Essence.

Example: Bob the Dawn is getting tired of his friend, Joe (who has activated Five Fold Bulwark Stance) parrying his attacks. He wants to land a few good hits on Joe, and so he uses the Blacksmith's Hammer Pattern, and decides to go for 3 successful hits. After activating the Charm, he still has 10 Personal and 25 Peripheral motes remaining. Suppose he misses three times in a row, hits, then misses two more times, hits again, misses four times, and then lands the final blow. Joe's gotten hit thrice, and Bob has paid (7 for activation, +3 x3, +2 x2, +1 x4) 24 motes.

First, just an idea for a quasi-multi action Charm, and a nifty attack Charm.

Dozen Armed Strikes
Cost: 3 motes
Type: Reflexive
Duration: One Turn
Min. Brawl: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Thunderclap Rush Attack

While using the Dozen Armed Strikes, the character reduces the penelty for splitting their dicepool by their Permanent Essence. The effects last for one turn, but a Dozen Armed Strikes may be comboed as if it had a duration of Instant.

Blinding Strike
Cost: 2 motes
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Brawl: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Thunderclap Rush Attack

A momentary flash of brilliant light distracts the target of the Blinding Strike, preventing them from parrying the blow. An attack enhanced with the Blinding Strike may not be parried.

Second, a Defensive branch for a tree that badly needs it.

Blow Intercepting Blow
Cost: 1 mote / 2 dice
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Brawl: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: None

Allows the character to attempt to reflexively parry incoming attacks by punching, slapping, or kicking them away. They can add dice to parry attempt equal to their Dexterity+Brawl, gaining 2 dice to the parry for every mote spent. While using Blow Intercepting Blow, they can parry lethal attacks without need of a stunt. However, if they fail to reduce the incoming attack's successes to zero, the blow is unreduced in damage; they've sorta put themselves in harm's way.

Iron Hands of Heaven
Cost: 2 motes
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Brawl: 3
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: Blow Intercepting Blow

Allows a character to attempt to reflexive parry incoming attacks with Brawl; Iron Hands of Heaven conjures a full dicepool Brawl parry out of nothing. They can attempt to parry lethal attacks without a stunt. However, if they fail to reduce the incoming attack's successes to zero, the blow is unreduced in damage; they've sorta put themselves in harm's way.

Comment from DS: Yeah, it's weaker than Melee; Brawl isn't as strong as Melee on defense. It's harder to do straight up.

Dragon's Terrifying Scream
Cost: 2 motes
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Brawl: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Iron Hands of Heaven

Allows a character to make a counterattack with just their Brawl dice when being attacked in melee. This attack resolves before the attack which provoked it, and the attacker may resort to a parry or dodge as per normal. If it hits, the Dragon's Terrifying Scream deals damage as lethal, and successes on the attack roll count twice for purposes of determing damage. Dragon's Terrifying Scream may not be comboed with Charms that allow a character to parry or dodge, but it may be comboed with Charms that allow a character to soak or ignore damage. Dragon's Terrifying Scream may not be used in response to a counterattack.

Fury of the Dragon's Pride
Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Min. Brawl: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Dragon's Terrifying Scream

Allows a character to make a counterattack with just their Brawl dice when being attacked in melee for the remainder of the scene, as per Dragon's Terrifying Scream.

Note from DS: The 'only with Brawl' thing is, again, a homage to Melee. However, this counterattack Charm may well force someone to abort to a defense, which is something Melee's counterattack can't do. Thus, it also serves as a more dangerous defense of sorts.

Wrist Bending Blow
Cost: 4 motes
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Brawl: 4
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: Iron Hands of Heaven

Rather than a full on punch against the weapon, the Wrist Bending Blow aims lower, striking the opponent's wrist with enough force to powder stone. Mortals drop their weapons in agony; Exalts may shoulder on, but it will be with a less steady heart. Make a full dicepool Brawl parry attempt as normal. Excess successes are applied as a wound penelty to the target for a number of turns equal to the Exalt's strength.

Blade Bending Technique
Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Brawl: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Wrist Bending Blow

Much as the Wrist Bending Blow attempts to lessen an opponent, the Blade Bending Technique attempts to make the fight less dangerous for the Exalted. You use the Blade Bending Technique to parry a melee attack. This parry is Perfect if applicible, and will successfully against any attack by an armed opponent (that is, one using a hand to hand weapon of some sort to make the attack, including the Form weapons of martial artists, but not including natural weapons such as claws).
Additionally, if the Blade Bending Technique is used against a weapon not constructed of the Five Magical Materials, the weapon is shattered. If it is used against a weapon of the Five Magical Materials, make a reflexive contest of your Strength + Brawl against the opponent's Dexterity + Melee. You gain a number of automatic successes equal to your Permanent Essence. If you win the contest, the opponent is unarmed and their weapon hurled 5 yards per success you rolled away, in any direction you want.


Why couldn't you have throught these up *last* semester? -Dim

How does Blade Bending Technique's parry work against artifact weapons? - SMK, who really likes these Charms.

Just like it says. If the weapon targeted is of Exceptional quality (or better, with the Player's Guide adding levels), or an Artifact, the Exalt intead makes a reflexive attempt at disarming the opponent, with a number of bonus success equal to their Essence. The rules for Disarming are in the CRB, pg 238-239; in brief, the guy using BBT makes a Dex + Brawl roll (difficulty 3), which the opponent dodges or parries (as per normal). If the disarming Exalt gets more successes than his opponent, then said opponent must make a Wits + (Ability of weapon in question), difficulty equal to the extra success scored, or they are disarmed. Retrieving a weapon is a dice action (technically a simple Dex + ability of choice, but that's a little silly IMO) DS

Also, thanks for the compliment :) Brawl is a way undervalued Ability in my opinion. A test run I had recently of a Brawl / Soak beast vs a Melee / Dodge beast got his ass handed to him, without Artifact Weapons or Armor entering the equation. Combos are also MUCH more important than I had previously estimated :)

Ah. I'd gotten the disarm bit. The text just seemed ambiguous, but I get it now - you only get the perfect parry against completely normal weapons. I'd essentially thought there was some implication of a nonperfect parry against exceptional or better weapons, but against those weapons, this is just a Reflexive disarm attempt? Do you have to be parrying to use it, or can you just use it repeatedly in a turn (it is reflexive) until you managed to luck out and take someone's weapon away? - SMK And yeah, Brawl is totally underrated, mostly because Martial Arts has cool tricks and basically gives everyone access to Solar-level or better combat abilities. These Charms really help bring Brawl in as a contender with Solar and Abyssal Melee and Celestial and Sidereal MA while also giving Brawl a pretty unique schtick. Kudos =)

You can use it repeatedly in one turn, but not against more than once against the same attack. Basically, yeah, against weapons it can't destroy, it functions as a Reflexive disarm attempt. DS, writing from the library without bothering to log in :)

Boxer's Thousand Strikes is awesome, and my next character *will* be a brawler because of it. But not a Zenith, damnit! --Dim

As I'm reading Blade Bending Technique, it's a perfect defense against mundane weapons? Shouldn't it be a little more expensive than just 3 motes? - DigitalSentience

Maybe it should be 4 motes- but considering that it's only useful against a mortal who even lacks exceptional equipment (meaning, usually, heroic mortals will be fine)- it seems alright. Also, note that it can only be used against a weapon- meaning you cannot use the Blade Bending Technique to parry a brawl attack. It's meant to let the Brawler bring the battle to his turf. DS

errr... Against mundane (which pretty clearly includes Exceptional, and probably Perfect,) weapons, this is a perfect, reflexive parry. If the weapon is unexceptional, it shatters. If the weapon is exceptional or and artifact, it is also probably going to be a disarm. Compare this to the weapon-breaking charm in Earth Dragon Style. In addition to raising the cost, I'd make this Supplemental, remove the automatic parry bit, and say that weapon shattering requires three successes on the parry attempt.
Hm. I'll review the Earth Dragon Style when I get home. But what you just suggested makes the Charm damn near useless- I have to have reserved an action to Parry (or been forced to parry), and gain no apprecible benefit apart from a chance of breaking the weapon and a bonus to disarming. Yay.
Maybe the pre-req should be Essence 3, as well... but it's as deep as HGD, and far more limited in the sorts of fights Exalts actually bring out the Charms for. DS
I think it is far from useless. If I'm a Solar brawler and someone comes at me with a sword, I parry in the first round and (one way or another) disarm him. That's pretty cool. -szilard