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A few Solar Brawl Charms from our First Age Solar friends (or even this one, as dangerous as it is)

  • Steel Crushing Meteor Strike
  • Cost: 3 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Supplemental
  • Minimum Brawl: 4
  • Minimum Essence: 2
  • Prerequisite charm: Fist of Iron Technique

A brawler doesn't know about emulating the style of the great mantra with whatever sutra the master of martial arts masters speak off - but he does know how to hit you. Harder than you've ever been hit before. Harder than that martial artist can dream of hitting you. With enough force to shatter steel, crumple orichalcum, and liquefy bone. The master of Solar Brawl concentrates for a single instant, and then drives home a blow that can sunder armor and flesh by simple force. The Brawler makes a single unarmed attack, which inflicts leathal Peircing damage - it ignores half of all armor soak - and adds his Essence to the damage.

  • Army Slaying Devil's Hands
  • Cost 5 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: One Scene
  • Type: Simple
  • Minimum Brawl: 5
  • Minimum Essence:3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Steel Crushing Meteor Strike

Brawling isn't a science of special moves. It's a simple discipline that involves breaking your opponents - however many of them there are, however long that takes. Accordingly, masters of the Steel Crushing Meteor Strke eventually develop this charm, to bring that power to longer battles, and crush even heavily armed foes. A master brawler using this charm inflicts lethal Peircing damage with his unarmed attacks for the entire scene, and can parry lethal attacks barehanded as well.

  • Mountain Cracking Blow
  • Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 Health Level
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Supplemental
  • Minimum Brawl: 5
  • Minimum Essence: 5
  • Prerequisite charms: Steel Crushing Meteor strike, Heaven Thunder Hammer, Ox Stunning Blow

A Solar master of brawl is one of the most devastating weapons in Creation, and it is not the least because of this charm that that is so. Concentrating an entire round, the Solar builds up a flaring, searing light within his fist, equal in brightness to the 16+ level of anima display, and then strikes a single blow against any taget. The Mountain Cracking Blow lands with a sound louder than a thunderclap, and with force greater than a behemoth's kick. It cannot be parried by anything short of Heavenly Guardian Defence or some similar explicitly perfect defense, and inflicts the Exalt's Essence+Brawl+Strength in damage to the target that can be soaked only with charms - all natural and armor soak is ignored. The victim of the punch is automatically thrown 1 yard per point of the Solar's Essence+Strength+Melee+the extra successes on his attack roll, and a great rippling shockwave rolls out from the point of impact, inflicting lethal damage equal to the Exalt's permanent Essence to everything save the Exalt within 3 yards per point of the Exalts' Strength+Brawl. This shockwave will crack stone and kick up a huge cloud of dust if used in dry earth, or demolish fragile floors and entirely explode small wooden houses it is used inside. This Charm's name is not hyperbole: It can and *has* been used to crack the faces of mountains.


Is any Charm name in Exalted hyperbole? I mean, really? - DigitalSentience

laughs Well, possibly, but now that you mention it, I can't think of any off-hand... Gamlain

Re: Mountain Cracking Blow. It's explicitly not possible to parry, but can it be dodged? Rather important, cause Seven Shadow Evasion can dodge anything that can be dodged Perfectly, but can't dodge the undodgeable. DS

Exactally. It can't be parried because if you put your arm, or your sword, in the way of it, it's just going to break that arm or sword and continue on to break you - but getting out of the way is fine. Even a normal dodge can escape MCB, provided it's dodged completely. Gamlain