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Solar Presence Charms by Quendalon

Prince-of-the-Earth Radiance

 Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Presence: 5
 Minimum Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: Majestic Radiant Presence

With this Charm, the character assumes the mantle of a Prince of the Earth, before whom the gods of Creation must inevitably submit. She adds a number of dice equal to her permanent Essence to all of her Performance, Presence and Bureaucracy rolls involving gods and elementals. In addition, any god or elemental that dares to attack the Exalt suffers a die penalty equal to the Exalt’s permanent Essence score. If this reduces the attacker’s dice pool to zero, the action automatically fails. This Charm is compatible with Terrifying Apparition of Glory, but not with the Dawn Caste’s anima ability.

Blade-Repelling Attitude

 Cost: 5 motes
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Presence: 5
 Minimum Essence: 5
 Prerequisite Charms: Prince-of-the-Earth Radiance

The least gods that dwell in all small things have little sense of the world outside their own domains. With this Charm, the Solar manifests her presence to the small gods, and they have no choice but to defer to her might. While this Charm is in effect, no mundane object may harm the character. Arrows turn aside in flight, while swords and spears simply refuse to strike her. Even the falling debris from an avalanche or a collapsing building will do her no harm.

This Charm has no effect against unarmed or non-physical attacks. In addition, Blade-Repelling Attitude does not protect against attuned weapons or Charm-enhanced attacks with mundane weapons; the wielder’s Essence overrides the will of the weapon’s least god.


These are pretty cool, Quendalon, and I like the way they add to the abilities "defensive" deal. The whole 'too badass to hurt' has always been a nifty concept with me, tnough, so Blade-Repelling Attitude is naturally impressive:) I didn't initially realize what Prince of the Earth did, but it dawned pretty quickly and is a cool idea. --CrownedSun

I'm glad you like them! These were two of the first Charm ideas I came up with, but I've only finally gotten around to writing them up properly. Do you think the costs and prerequisites look right? - Quendalon
Now that I think about it, Prince of the Earth seems somewhat ridiculously overpriced:) However, I think most of the "aura" charms are so I'm probably not the best judge of that. They look in line with what's in print, in any event :D -- CrownedSun
Prince of the Earth does seem a little overpriced, but Blade-Repellng Attitude seems a trifle cheap for what you get. Making it so mortals can effectively never hurt you should be a little more pricey, I think. It's not like an Essence 5 Solar hasn't got the motes to spare. :)
I suppose I could knock down PotER a bit, though I'm not sure that it's ridiculously overpriced. The restriction to gods and elementals makes it narrow in effect, but within that boundary it's pretty strong; unlike Harmonious Presence Meditation, it affects groups as well as individuals, and both of its effects stack with all sorts of Presence Charms. As to Blade-Repelling Attitude, I don't want it to be more expensive than Mantle of (Element) Invulnerability, from AB:E. - Quendalon