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Artifact 4 --By BrilliantRain

  • The fourth path of Victory (the Path of the Stars): The clever warrior controls his enemy, but does not allow his enemy to control him.
  • The fifth path of Victory (the Path of the Moon): The wise warrior knows that all warfare is based on deception.
  • The sixth path of Victory (the Path of the Sun): The skillful warrior puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible, and does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy.

Appearance: This sword has a similiar design to the reaper dakilave. It has several key differences, however. The most obvious is that it has several lines of old realm script engraved into the blade. These spell out the 3 paths to victory. The next major difference is the air of quality surounding the blade. Any sword smith can tell that a true craftsman made this blade. Smiths who study it might be able to tell that the craftsman was holding back. The last, and strangest, difference is that, while the blade is sharp enough to cut steel, it will still fail to draw blood.

Spd: +9 Acc: +6, Dmg: special, Def: +6, Attunement: 15m (orichalcum)

  • Edge of Victory: The edge of this sword is sharp enough to cut steel. (The sword's damage stat is 12L* against objects. If parried, roll a second reflexive attack against the parrying object. If the damage excedes 8, the parrying object is cut in half. Artifacts and other imparishable items are unaffected by this power.)
  • Edge of Mercy: Although the edge of this sword is supernatually sharp, it remains merciful and will not draw blood (The sword's damage stat is 6B* against living things. Apply the armor's lethal soak to these attacks instead of bashing though)
  • Speed of Light: This ability allows the user to draw the sword and attack with it faster than the eye can see (if the sword is sheathed the user may spend 4m to draw and attack with the sword at any time before or during his normal initive. If the user take multiple actions during the round, this draw and attack counts as one action and must be the first action taken. Multiple action penalties still apply. Sheathing your sword takes a dice action. Speed of Light can only be used once per round. Offer void in The District of Columbia.)



This was inspired by a bunch of anime blades, including Kenshin's.

The paths to victory are modifyed quotes from The Art of War by Sun Tzu. The text can be found at http://classics.mit.edu/Tzu/artwar.html
-- BrilliantRain